Release Notes

Release notes can be accessed from the table below. The first row in the current calendar year is the most recent release.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. eSignature was updated within the Help Site.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. Policy Holders no longer need to access eHarvest, and do not need a login button.


This ticket implemented the updated 2025 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Policy Endorsements for Feeder Cattle and Swine also updated for 2025 Policy Provisions for LRP. RMA released updated provisions for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle, Dairy Cattle and Swine, the changes were applicable for the 2025 crop year and forward. LGM Calculation/Rating Updates for 2025+ RYs. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. eSign: Decommission Hudson DocuSign Electronic Signature Consent Form.


MFA: The column “MFA Type” was added to the View System Users screen, to allow system administrators to easily identify the MFA type set to a user’s account. The most recent provisions from RMA were implemented for Hybrid Vegetable Seed Crop for the 2025+ crop years. LGM: Additions and changes were made to the detail lines of the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) and Specific Coverage Endorsements (SCE) for LGM Cattle (0803) to reflect the 2025 RMA regulatory changes. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


The 3 Year Zero Acres Report was updated to not include quotes or canceled coverages, and correctly display results for multiple coverages that are applied to the same crop. The LGM 2025 policy provisions and Commodity Exchange Endorsement were implemented for Cattle, Dairy Cattle, and Swine. The LRP 2025 provisions and policy endorsements were implemented for Feeder Cattle and Swine. The DRP 2025 policy provisions and Commodity Exchange Endorsement were implemented. Annual Forage: The Add a New Quote for an Annual Forage Policy contains 12 growing seasons and the ability to insure less than 100% of insurable acres for the reinsurance years 2025 and beyond. Annual Forage: The Detail Lines Grid was updated to support 12 growing seasons. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. The AgWorks software was updated from .Net 6 to .Net 8 to improve the performance and security of the system.


On the policy's attachment screen, the 'attached by' for all downloaded DocuSign documents was updated to display the designated service bus User Account (such as Admin) that is set for the environment. RMA released a new CLU Layer for April 2024. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. A new Agent Notification was added to alert Private Product agents when an official Schedule of Insurance (SOI) or Confirmation of Coverage (COC) is printed for their policy.


Quick PRF: Annual Forage was added to the Quick PRF Estimate with all 12 growing seasons. All column filters for the Livestock Notifications Management grid were fixed to accurately filter the grid records. Data Warehouse Report added a report for MPCI policies with 3 reinsurance years of zero premiums, named "3 Years Zero AR Report". User Report updated to allow opt in for each type of lockout flags separately, and the final report lists each type separately. The Production Report was updated to print the Area Classification data, when applicable, for all years. The policy number hyperlink on SYRP Report was fixed and linked to the policy. A "Please Wait" message was added to the eSign Dashboard, and will display after the 'Refresh Status' is selected for an ePacket record. The Manual Master Yield process was updated to not recalculate Non Summary Units during the Mark Complete process, so the detail lines maintained the 'Complete' status. The Fast Edit PR detail lines tab was updated to display the revised sign date. The Fast Edit PR maintain signatures page was updated to display the revised date. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


2025 RY: Phase 2-5: The 2025 RY was deployed to AIP Production Environments (AIP UAT Testing Ticket). The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. A new validation was performed on files uploaded and attached to MPCI, Livestock, and Private Product policies within the system to ensure that the file type and file extension are the same. The eSign DocuSign applications now pre-print for next year for DocuSign.


MCT noticed a sentence in the verbiage under the title of the Master Yield (MY) Comparison Worksheet that was removed due to the 2022 enhancement that was done to allow quoting with and without Master Yield for new or transferred policies. 2024 RY SPOIs released on Jan 9, 2024 Pecan Trees 1/31 CCD 5/15 SCD. MCT noticed that in the #9 in the "Also, I understand..." section was missing on the Nursery Value Report (NVR). RMA released a technically corrected 2022 Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement (DBRE) on March 11, 2024. The DBRE printed with YP (01), RP, (02) and RP-HPE (03) plans. This ticket was to print the "Grantee" in the Grantee Statement on the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) form. February 2024 CLU Layer. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. While testing 16.065 ticket 157281, MCT found that Claim Records were not loading into SYPR Mode of Fast Edit PR if Policy Production Records existed before the Claim was Paid. Instead, the policy production records were loading. If claim production records exist, they should always take precedence over policy production records. A new security validation was added to the MPCI, Livestock, and Private Product policies within the system that looks for invalid characters ($ : <> and !) within the filename of the files being uploaded and attached to the policies. If the filename contained invalid characters a popup message appeared and an Elmah error was created.


1/31 CCD 2024 RY SPOIs were released on Dec 20, 2023. The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) released updated Nursery Value Select Pilot Crop Provisions. The changes were applicable for the 2024 reinsurance year/2025 crop year. A new updated 2024 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping system. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


RMA updated the Basic Crop Provisions for 2024 and succeeding years for crops with CCD on or after 11/30/23 and 2025+ and succeeding years for crops with CCD prior to 11/30/23. RMA released another updated ARPI Provisions for the 2024 and succeeding crop years (CY). The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


2024 RY SPOIs were released on Feb 1, 2024 (11/30 CCD). The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Hemp Crop Provisions were released by RMA for 2024 and succeeding years. RMA released an updated Sugar Beets provisions for the 2024 and succeeding crop years (CY). This ticket fixed the Production Reporting Worksheet fail issues when the form was printed in Batch Print. The PAW formats were updated to be in sync with handbooks and some items found were cleaned up. RMA introduced a new shellfish pilot program for the 2024 RY. SYPR: "Correct Original Sign Date" Checkbox & Logic was added to Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance for SYPR Mode. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. An additional optional filter was added to Policy Register Policy Form. Policy Register - Policy form code long name was added in the Policy Forms multi-select drop down and other updates were made. Policy Register: Enhancement Excluded Cancelled Crop Lines.


2024 RY SPOIs were released on November 16, 2023 (8/31, 11/30 & 12/31 CCD). RMA released a new CLU Layer - December 2023; this has been implemented in the System and is visible when the CLU Layer is turned on in Mapping. A new updated 2024 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping system. RMA introduced a new shellfish pilot program for the 2024 RY. The pilot program included select counties in AL, CA, FL, ME, MD, MA, MS, NY, NC, RI, SC, and VA. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


This ticket is a compilation of AIP requests and items found by MCT for the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) form. FCIC released the 2024 Shellfish Crop Provisions, and they have been implemented in the System. The Olive Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2024 CY have been implemented in the System. Special Provisions of Insurance (SPOIs) for 2024 have been implemented in the System for Olives (0501) in CA (06). The RMA released 2024 Special Provisions for the 11/30 CCD on 11/17/2023. They have been downloaded and implemented in the System. The 2024 Sweet Potato Fruit Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. A bug was fixed surrounding the New Crop/P/T SA Calculations in the 2021 and 2022 RYs. The QR code was updated on Production Reporting Worksheet. The QR code was upgraded on the New Producer Certification Statement. The QR code found on the Production Report form was upgraded.



Endorsement numbering for DRP has been updated. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. The system calculation for the Added Land SA was corrected to exclude HIP detail line approved yield.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. The "Our Financial Strength" statement was updated on the eHarvest Home Page. Logic was added to the SCE row on the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line pages for LRP. RMA released the 2024 Shellfish Crop Provisions, and they have been implemented in the System. The annually required form that was once "Marketing Certification," was changed to "Direct Marketing Certification." The WFRP Combo Form was updated to prepare for the next year. The UI on the Coverage was updated to default the PHTS request = M for new coverage and policies as well as allow selection of a PHTS request flag for carryover policies, as desired. A new CLU Layer has been implemented in the System. A new updated 2023 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module. Items that were found testing the Production Worksheet Ticket #152111 in the 16.025.0 Release were finished. Items that were found testing the Production Report Ticket #152110 in the 16.025.0 Release were finished. The User Profile Screen and User Category Value were updated.

16.025.0   Items that were found testing the Production Report Ticket #151544 in the 16.005 Release were finished up. Production Reporting Worksheet Ticket #151543 items were found while testing in the 16.005 SYPR Release and were finished. Finished up items that were found testing the Schedule of Insurance (SOI)/Production Report Tickets #142729 and #151190 in the 16.005 Release. 2024 DSSH Agreement to Combine Optional Units updates. Updated the WFRP Combo Form to prepare for the next year. SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Oct 5. Special Provisions for 2024 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for Controlled Environment. WFRP: Even though the 2023 WFRP Handbook only requires the Applicant / Insured's Name to be in the header of the WFRP Yield and Revenue Report , it was requested that the form contain Applicant / Insured information in the page 1 header to be consistent with other forms. MUVP has been updated. SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Sept 29. The 2024 Controlled Environment Crop Provisions were implemented. UI display of PHTS details on the View/Maintain Coverage was updated for 2024+ RY. Beginning in the 2024 Crop Year, a new pilot program for Controlled Environment (CE) (Commodity Code = 1020) has been made available to Nursery producers. The functionality to include the Transmission records for Controlled Environment (CE) was added. The GetCashLeaseQuote API was created and used to create a quote in the eHarvest application. The RMA released a new CLU Layer - August 2023.
16.020.0   SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Aug 24. Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for API and PRF. The 2024 Florida (FL) Citrus Fruit with APH (90) Plan Crop Provisions was implemented. Grove Identification Map and the Continuation Page were updated to support Vineyards for Grapevine. FCIC released the 2024 Micro Farm Pilot Crop Provisions, and they have been implemented in the System. 2024 WFRP Policy Provisions have been implemented in the System. FCIC released the 2024 Pomegranate Crop Provisions, and they have been implemented in the System. The 2025 Macadamia Nuts Crop Provisions was implemented. 2025 TX Citrus Fruit Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. 2025 AZ and CA Citrus Crop Provisions was implemented in the System. SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Aug 15. The Actuarial Change Form was updated as requested for all years. RMA released updated provisions for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Commodity Exchange Endorsement (CEE) for the 2024 crop year and forward. The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. A new pilot program for Controlled Environment (CE) is available to Nursery producers for the 2024 RY. RMA expanded the Quality Loss Exclusion Option (QL) to select perennial crops for the 2024 RY: CA avocados, blueberries, cranberries, grapes, table grapes, peaches, walnuts, plums, fresh apricots, processing apricots, fresh nectarines, processing cling peaches, processing freestone peaches, and fresh freestone peaches. The System was updated to support Grapvine (0270) under Tree Based Dollar Amount for Insurance Plan (Plan 40). Perennials: 2024 RY Davis RO - Update the Higher Yield calculation for almonds in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th leaf year. Perennials: 2024 RY Davis RO - Update Downward Trends Test calculations for Almonds and Walnuts. Valdosta RO Exceptions for APH Citrus in FL 2024 RY (2025 CY). A UI indicator was added to the View High Variability modal to provide clarity when CIH Alternate Bearing Testing is waived. Perennials: The High Variability logic was updated to test for Yield Variance if yields are YE-eligible within the most recent 3 years in the base period - 2024 RY+. The filtering column in Private Product policy register caused an error. SOI update for Cash Lease private product policies in Michigan.

16.015.0   The 2024 Grapevine Crop Provisions were implemented. SPOIs were updated and made available on Aug 25. 2024 Kiwifruit Crop Provisions were implemented. 2024 Rainfall (RI) Common Policy for PRF (008), API (1191), and Annual Forage (0332) has been implemented in the System. The Actual Revenue History (ARH) was updated to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR). Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsements (SCEs) has been updated. Adjustment to High Variability Logic for Michigan Varietal Group A (Fresh) Apples and all Grapes. Updates have been made to the 2024 RY High Risk Land combining HR-ACB (HB) and HR Options. WFRP was included in PHTS Transmission/Import Processing (0076). Producer visibility has been provided for those who RMA requires specific underwriting and pre-harvest inspections.  Updated ARD Lockout Logic to correctly include an AIP preference for processing and trigger lockout based on the Growing Season for 2024 RY+. A new modal window was implemented in TFS 115289. Fast Edit PAW was updated for the 2024+RY. SYPR Uninsured Perennial Crop Production has been updated.


16.010.0   The API and PRF Combo Form has been updated to improve usability. 2024 SPOIs were implemented in the system. Support for the Category C Crop Underwriting Guideline (UG) for the 2024 RY (for Apples (GA and SC), Blueberries (GA), and Peaches (AL, GA and SC)) was implemented. The CLU Layer - August 2023 was implemented for Mapping. For 2024+, a new flag for Direct Marketing/Non Disinterested 3rd Party was added for MPCI and WFRP coverages. Coverage support for the Kiwifruit and Grapevine Pilot Programs for 2024+ was implemented. We updated the default MPCI year from 2023 to 2024. Fast Edit PAW functionality was implemented.
16.005.0   Several forms were updated for the new SYPR functionality. The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI/ Production Report for the 2024 DSSH updates. Fast Edit PR has been turned back on for 2024 with several updates added. PAW questions were revised.
16.000.0   Updates were made to the following Livestock forms: Livestock AOI, LRP App, DRP App, and LGM SOI. SPOIs were implemented for 2024 for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat. Updates were made to the following forms: HIP-WI App, FUR, BFR App, VFR App, PR, PRW, and Direct Marketing Certification.
15.080.0   The Production Report, Production Reporting Worksheet, and Actual Revenue History (ARH) form were updated to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR). Multiple SPOIs, Crop Provisions, and Basic Provisions as well as the 2024 Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Wind Index Endorsement have been implemented in the System. Lockout logic has been put in place for Annual Forage for the 2024+ RYs. For 2024+, the Livestock Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR) form was added to the Print tab for Livestock policies; this one form replaces the separate TOR forms that were used for the different Livestock plans in previous years. The UIs for LGM SCEs have been re-designed with this release to allow multiple detail lines to be created for a commodity at one time for an effective date.
15.075.0 The 2024 Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Dairy Cattle Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) was updated. A new webservice tool was added to Tools > Conservation Compliance Look-Up for users with permissions to access Conservation Compliance data. June 14th SPOIs were implemented. Some formatting changes were made to the 2024 RY Annual Forage Acreage Report. Also on Annual Forage, the Percent of Value is now resetting to 0% when a detail line is set to a canceled status.
15.070.0   2024 DRP, LRP, and LGM SPOIs were implemented in the System. Endorsement #s were added to DRP in several places in the UI. For LGM, signatures dates can now be obtained up to 14 calendar days prior to the end of a sales period for an effective date. Support for the updated Annual Forage functionality for detail lines has been added to the System. The AF format of the SOI has been updated to support the 2024 Handbook. SPOIs for multiple states/commodities were implemented in the System.
15.065.0   The Livestock Assignment of Indemnity (AOI) Confirmation form has been updated. The sales period for LRP (Feeder Cattle, Fed Cattle, and Swine), LGM Cattle, and LGM Swine now ends for agents at 8:25AM Central Time instead of 9:00AM Central Time. The SE Cottonseed premium calculation for SCO, ECO, and HIP "parent" lines will reflect the price election percent of the respective SCO, ECO, or HIP coverage. The Annual Forage Acreage Report was updated.
15.060.0   2024 Fresh Market Peppers and 2024 Fresh Market Tomato Dollar Plan Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. Clean up tickets were implemented for the updated 2024 Annual Forage functionality. New validations were added to the Add New/Maintain Coverages pages for Annual Forage. A duplicate SCE warning was added for LRP detail line pages.
15.055.0 The 2024 RI Common Policy for PRF, API, and Annual Forage was implemented. The 2024 Provisions for Annual Forage were implemented. The Annual Forage Application was updated. Annual Forage coverage functionality for the 2024+ RYs has been updated to support the change from 4 to 12 growing seasons. The updated 2024 LGM Provisions and 2024 LRP Policy Provisions have been implemented. The updated 2024 LGM Policy and Commodity Exchange Endorsements were implemented. The updated 2024 LRP Policy Endorsements for Fed Cattle were implemented. The View Detail Line and Add Detail Line pages for LRP have been re-designed to provide an easier, faster workflow for adding/editing LRP detail lines by Effective Date.
15.050.0   The BFR and VFR Apps have been updated for the pre-headed report style. Several bug fixes were implemented.
15.045.0   The 2024 RY environments were deployed with this release. A new FSA Recon Report was added to Mapping. Land ID updates were continued.
15.040.0   Support for the TS option was added to the Schedule of Insurance and Policy Declaration Page forms. The pre-print for next year print option was disabled on the AF App due to RMA's regulatory changes for AF. A new updated 2023 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module. A new CLU Layer - March 2023 has been implemented in the System. Users can now directly access the Attachments tab of the applicable policy from the Fast Edit Coverage page using the Attachment icon. Several bug fixes and enhancements were completed on the Land ID popup. An "Add Grower" button was added to the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard.
15.035.0   The System now supports the Tropical Storm option. In Mapping, users can filter for policies/crops/season when rolling maps in a batch roll.
15.030.0   The Organic Producer Certification Statement was added to the main Acreage Report as well as the Raisin Tonnage and Acreage Report. For 2023+ CYs, a coverage option for tropical storm weather events was added to the HIP-WI Endorsement, which can be printed with the MPCI App, DO / TDO Combo, and Perennial Combo forms. 1/31, 4/30, 6/30 and 8/31 CCD SPOIs from RMA on Feb 14 were implemented in the System. Users can now filter Land IDs by the "Validate" status on the Land ID popup. Pre print for next year and Duplex Print options were added to the LGM and LRP Apps. The Print tabs for LRP and LGM policies were updated to only show forms applicable to LRP and LGM, respectively.
15.025.0 The Manage Land ID popup has been updated to improve user workflow. The Private Products Outstanding Balance Report now allows users to filter by Agent. A CIMS Reconciliation Report was added. The System now supports "BL - Blanket Offer" Written Agreements to insure the FAC practice. In Mapping, a new FSA Recon Option has been added to the Field Listing Report.
15.020.0   The PAW form was updated. An updated 2023 HR Map Layer (1.25.23) was implemented in the Mapping module. In the Mapping module, a new CLU Layer was implemented. Updates were made to the DRP and LRP Applications. The ability to set a Transfer Company when a Livestock coverage's status has been set to "Canceled-Transferred" has been implemented.
15.015.0   The System supports HR-ACE for Cotton (0021) and contract pricing for other Tobacco Types: Burley (0231), Dark Air (0233), and Fire Cured (0230). The LGM Cattle Target Marketing form has been updated.
15.010.0   2023 Crop Provisions for multiple crops have been implemented in the System. In the Mapping module, the updating of planting records when assigning fields for existing unit groups has been optimized in the PRF Wizard. Grade fields were added to the Fast Edit PR grid for Northern Potatoes. Multiple bug fixes were implemented across the System.
15.005.0   The FEC was enhanced to allow users to add a new coverage within the page. The Companion Policy performance in Fast Edit AR was improved. BFR/VFR and Conservation Compliance forms have been added to the Livestock module. LRP and DRP lockout procedures were updated.
15.001.0   The .NET 6 Framework has been implemented in the backend of the System. Updates were made to the Mapping module. A bug was fixed in the Livestock module.


12.045.0   Special Provisions have been implemented in the System for some crops/plans. Mapping updates have been made. The System has been updated to support Pomegranates. The Pistachio Leaf Year calculation has been updated.
12.040.0   Provisions, Crop Provisions, and SPOIs have been implemented in the System for several crops/plans. A new report, Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Yield and Revenue Report, has been added to the System for 2023+ per the 2023 WFRP Handbook. Support for coverages for the new pilot program for Pomegranates has been implemented. The Grid ID link on the Maintain Detail Line page for PRF has been updated. Updates were made to the WFRP policy for WFRP (0076) for the 2023+ RYs per RMA's changes.
12.035.0   An Automate Report button was added for several reports, allowing users to schedule reports to run with selected criteria. Provisions for multiple crops were implemented. Multiple bug fixes were made throughout the System. Users can now add legal descriptions and zip codes to detail lines in the new Remarks field for LRP detail lines.
12.030.0   Attachment functionality was updated for Livestock. An "Agent of Record" field has been added to LRP and LGM premium lines. The Fast Edit Coverage page was updated to allow for quick duplication of established coverages. Perennial updates have been made. Updated crop provisions have been implemented for several crops. Several Mapping updates were made.
12.025.0   2023 Crop Provisions were implemented for multiple crops. 2024 Crop Provisions were implemented for multiple crops. Updates were made to the Mapping module. Further support for TOGA and UDGO has been added to the System. Regulatory changes for WFRP have been implemented in the System. Livestock Applications are now available to print from the Batch Printing tool. A new form, "Unit Division by Grid Option (UDGO)", was added to the System.
12.020.0   Several mapping updates have been made. The System now supports Marketing Certification for Direct Marketing .
12.015.0   Quick PRF Estimates were updated with a new look and framework. ARPI and Basic Crop Provisions for the 2023+ CYs were implemented in the System. Updated SPOIs released by RMA on Aug 9th and 15th were implemented in the System. The System's default year was updated to 2023. A new CLU Layer, August 2022, was implemented in the Mapping module.
12.010.0   In Estimator, users can quote Companion MP/MP-HPO in the Fall. Core functionality for UDGO has been implemented. In Mapping, PRF Wizard updates have been made. Fast Edit AR & PR workflow improvements have been made. Several Livestock form updates have been made.
12.005.0   Updates were made to the new "UG" Crop Option functionality in the System. Precision Ag indicators for the Land ID (server side) and Fast Edit Planting panels have been added in Mapping. Several Livestock updates have been made.
11.105.0   A new "UG" Crop Option was added and is available for selecting as a unit structure. In Mapping, users can now select which layer to export shapefiles from. Several Livestock updates have been made.
11.100.0   Plan 41 Pecans detail lines and child lines now open in a Detail Line modal to optimize System performance. A new CLU Layer-April 2022 has been implemented in the Mapping module. In Mapping, information from the FCIXREF table was added to the Field Listing reports, which provides potential HR map areas based on a CLU ID. Precision Ag indicators for the Land ID (server side) and Fast Edit Planting panels have been added in Mapping. In Mapping, users can now print a wall map with HEX imagery if it's in use when generating the wall map. For LGM / LRP forms where a user can select which Detail Lines or Endorsements to print on the forms, how the data is displayed and sorted in the Detail Lines and Endorsements boxes was updated.
11.095.0   A new suspension was added for 2023+ Forage Production. Multiple updates have been made to forms and System functionality to support 2023+ Livestock.
11.090.0   Hybrid Vegetable Seed Crop Provisions for the 2023+ CYs were implemented. 2023 Production Revenue History (PRH) General Provisions were implemented. An indicator was added in Mapping and the Land ID windows to alert users that planting records were created from Precision Ag data. In Mapping, users can now generate a Field Listing report for non-PRF crops based on server-side data. An indicator was added in Mapping to alert users if a CLU ID is invalid. In Mapping, users can now generate a PRF Field Listing based on AR server data. A new format for the LRP SOI was implemented for the 2023+ RYs. Several updates were made for supporting the LGM and LRP change to using the PASS system.
11.085.0   Added Land can now be tracked when planting acreage in Mapping. ACRSI records can now be imported from within Fast Edit CLU. Two new fields—Prior Year Premium and Estimated Current Year Premium—have been added on the Coverage pages. The WAP for Flue-Cured Tobacco was updated. Regulatory changes for LRP have been made.
11.080.0   For the 2022 RY, for the Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP), the PCCP State Matching Amount was implemented. The 2023 RY has been activated for Livestock. LRP and LGM Policy and Coverage UIs have been updated to support the change from eDAS to PASS and now match the UI that DRP currently uses. SBI Share fields have been removed from applicable pages/tabs for LGM. Standalone Dairy Cattle and Swine Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Target Marketing Forms have been added to Print tab of Livestock LGM policies. LGM Detail Line pages have been updated to remove eDas-specific fields, update Processing Status logic, and update "Save" functionality.
11.073.0   The new Weighted Average Price (WAP) calculation for Flue-Cured Tobacco (0229) has been implemented. Fields that are only applicable to the eDas system were removed from the pages to prepare for its decommissioning. A separate LGM Dairy Cattle Target Marketing Form was added. The LGM Application was updated to make it similar to the LRP Application.
11.070.0   The 2023 RY is now available in the System. Fast Edit AR functionality now supports Plan 55 crops. The SOI / PR and SOI were updated to support PACE. Support for and expansion of PCCP has been implemented in the System for the 2022 RY. The Detail Line modal has been enabled for Nursery (NVS) and Nursery (FG&C).
11.063.0   In Private Products, the Loss Payback Analysis was updated. Also in Private Products, an update was made to the Ins/Acre field to show two decimal places.
11.060.0   PACE detail line support was added. Northern Potatoes functionality was updated. For Micro Farm, a FINAL FOR button was added. In Mapping, the Field Info popup and Grower Information was updated to include past CLU data.
11.055.0   For PACE, detail line functionality as well as admin fees and rating have been implemented in the System. Livestock claims and policies were added to the Recent History display of the System header. Pecan Tree Crop Provisions for the 2023 CY have been implemented in the System. The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) that prints for the WFRP format has been updated to include printing Micro Farms.
11.050.0   PACE Provisions for the 2022+ CYs have been implemented in the System. The Policy Dec Page was updated for PACE. An updated 2020 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module. The stand-alone Detail Line modal has been implemented for Plans 16 & 17 (MP) as well as 35 & 36 (STAX) for stand-alone and related coverages. Suspension logic for WFRP (76) - Micro Farm (9110) has been implemented in the System. Rating logic for WFRP (76) - Micro Farm (9110) has been implemented in the System.
11.045.0   Additional updates were made to support WFRP - Micro Farm as well as Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE). Updated 2022 SPOIs and Crop Provisions were implemented in the System. A new layer, Hexagon World, was added to the Mapping Module. The Unit Structure Transaction Code was added to Fast Edit Coverage. Perennials updates were made.
11.040.0   Updated 2022 SPOIs and Crop Provisions were implemented in the System. The Recent History Display (click the clock icon in the System header) has been updated to add the grower's name next to the RY/Policy Number. The Unit Structure Transaction Code was added to the View Coverage page for Margin Protection coverages for the 2022+ RYs. Coverage functionality for Micro Farm (9110) is now supported in the System.
11.035.0   A new combo form was added for Perennial Crops Fruit with the DO (50) Plan and Trees with the TDO (40) Plan. Rating logic was added to support WFRP Micro Farm. Issues were fixed with Perennials, EU, and QLO.


11.030.0   Crop Provisions have been implemented for Dry Beans and Hybrid Specialty (Sweet Corn) Seed. SPOIs (made available by RMA on November 22) for 11/30 and 12/31 CCDs have been implemented in the System. The Policy Estimator now has the ability to quote with and without PTY applied to a coverage. The stand-alone Detail Line (premium line) modal has been enabled for Plan 90 crops. The APH Analysis Worksheet was redesigned. The November 2021 CLU Layer was implemented in the Mapping Module.
11.025.0   WFRP Attachment Types were added for batched scanned forms. Master Yield issues were found and resolved.
11.020.0   A bug was fixed in the LGM calculation logic. The Policy Estimator now allows users to select the CR option on the Detail Line UI. Updates were made to the SOI and SOI / Production Report. A bug regarding a specific validation was resolved on the Legacy Coverage and Fast Edit Coverage pages. The new CLU Layer-September 2021 from RMA has been implemented in the System.
11.015.0 Quick Estimates now support ECO. RLU functionality was enhanced in Mapping. 2022+ Pistachios (0470) updates have been implemented. The MPCI Claim Status Marker icon was changed. Multiple SPOIs were downloaded from RMA and implemented in the System.
11.010.0   The Livestock AOI is now available in the System. Several updates were made to DPEC functionality. Multiple SPOIs were downloaded from RMA and implemented in the System. The Mapping Modules was updated with the RMA's 2022 HR Land Layer. HIP signature dates and applicable validations were added to the Fast Edit Coverage grid. The Signature Maintenance/Maintain Signatures popup has been enabled for the Fast Edit Coverage page.
11.005.0   The Manage Unit Structure popup was updated to support new Enterprise Unit changes. The PR and VF yield types are now considered actual yield types. In Mapping, updates have been made to the PRF Wizard.
10.038.0   Quick Estimates have been updated to support changes to Enterprise Units made by RMA; EI, EC, and ET are all now Options. The pre-filled report style was added to the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for California (CA) Citrus Trees.
10.035.0 A new Fast Edit Coverage page was added to help facilitate fast policy entry and updating. Enterprise Unit suspensions were updated. The Policy Print tab was updated to allow users to filter forms by Processing Season. Policy Estimates support 2022 EU updates.
10.030.0   2022 Provisions were implemented. 2022 Wheat AYP SPOIs were implemented. A new mapping layer for August 2021 was implemented. A PAW line selector was added to the Planting Panel in Mapping to pull in PAW information already keyed on the server side. The ability to click on a specific field in the PRF Wizard of Mapping and highlight that field on the map was implemented. The PRF Field Listing export was added to the Mapping print menu. The ability to maintain RLUs separate from the Grower Fields layers was implemented in Mapping. Further work was done to support Enterprise Units by Type (ET) in the System. Bug fixes related to Livestock policies were implemented.
10.025.0   The exported version of the MPCI Commission Batch Statement was updated. Additional support for the 2022 Enterprise Units has been implemented in the System and will continue over the next releases. 2022 SPOIs have been implemented. Select All capability was added to Mapping for PRF Units in the PRF Wizard. An Info icon was added to the Mapping toolbar so users can view additional information about a selected field.
10.020.0   The Policy Estimator's premium calculations have been updated. The Potential Loss Estimator form now prints with a QR code that is for the next year. Crop Provisions for Dry Peas and Hybrid Vegetable Seed for the 2022+ CYs have been implemented in the System. Enhancements were made to the PRF Wizard in the Mapping Module. Enterprise Unit changes for the 2022+ RYs are now being implemented in the System. In this release, the Manage Unit Structure popup was updated, coverage changes needed for Enterprise Units by Type were implemented, and detail lines changes needed for the change in unit structures/option codes were implemented.
10.015.0   Functionality to accommodate the new EU regulatory changes has started—changes will be rolled out over the next several releases. The Private Product SOI is now attached to the Policy Audit process.
10.010.0   LGM lockout logic has been updated based on RMA's changes. A new mapping layer for June 2021 was released by RMA and implemented in the System. Initial support for the Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) has been added to the System. The Online Help Site was updated.
10.005.0   Forms and System functionality was updated for Livestock.Batch Printing jobs can now be canceled. The System was updated to support Indiana's ISDA MOU. Clarifications from the RMA required some Margin Protection changes. Master Yield Functionality was updated.
9.114.0   Performance optimization and refactoring was done to the CLU Acreage Report when it is batch printed to significantly reduce print times. A top level indicator has been added to Page 1 of PDF forms to allow users to split each form inside a batch print job by Policy # and Form Name so they can be stored or attached individually. The Fast Edit Planting panel in the Mapping Module was updated in several ways. Detail Line status functionality for PRH plans has been implemented. The LRP and LGM Add Coverage page has been updated to reduce the amount of clicks users need to make when creating coverages. The 2022 RY was added to the picklist on the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.110.0   The 2022 Reinsurance Year was added to the RY options. The System now supports HIP Acre Limitation changes. The first of several updates were made to the System to support 2022+ Production Revenue History (Strawberries) coverages. Flue Cured Tobacco functionality has been updated to allow the entry of contract and non-contract acres and well as the manual entry of the WAP price. Livestock enhancements were made. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.105.0   ITS indicators have been added in multiple places throughout the System to increase visibility for the user. The Annual Forage Application and the Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR) forms have been updated. For the 2021+ Crop Years, the Flue Cured Tobacco (0229) insurance program has been updated for RMA updates. Several bug fixes were implemented. A new Save & Print button was added to the View Detail Line and Add New Detail Line pages for DRP to save the user time. LRP Lockout Logic has been updated according to RMA updates. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.100.0   Master Yield functionality was updated. Master Yields and PTY recalculation processes were updated for clarity. Fast Edit Companion was updated so that unit's already selected on a companion policy are shown as unavailable in the Unit Selection dropdown and users can no longer save a companion link without including the Share percent. An issue with the Add Attachment functionality on the Signature Maintenance page was fixed. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.095.0 Phase 2 of Companion Policy Functionality has been implemented. Several updates were made to Mapping. Updates were made to Contracts and Written Agreement functionality to support the Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Program. Bug fixes were made to Estimator Quick LRP and Quick DRP estimates. A Master Yield (MY) Comparison Worksheet was implemented. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.090.0   Notifications for Dairy Revenue Protection have been implemented. The Livestock Policy Management Dashboard was updated. The attachment popup was redesigned for Livestock policies. The State dropdown on the Create Quick LRP Estimate page was updated. A new hard stop validation was added to the Add New Livestock Policy page for all three Livestock plans (LRP-81, LGM-82, and DRP-83) to prevent users from establishing a new Livestock policy for a Grower if a policy for that Grower already exists for that State and Plan combination. A couple of new search options were added to the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard. The WFRP base period grid within the Income/Expenses tab was updated to be editable but only when the Override Entire Income/Expense Record checkbox, available to AIP users, is selected. The unit structure and rating changes needed for the new Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Crop for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334) were implemented for the 2021+ RY. The placement of Fast Edit buttons was updated—an ellipsis button now displays a dropdown with additional Fast Edit buttons when clicked.
9.085.0   A Mapping Disclaimer was added to the Mapping module. The updated 2021 LRP Policy Provisions and 2021 LRP SCE Provisions for Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, and Swine have been implemented in the System. The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) was updated to improve the visibility of Nursery PEAK lines and to create a PEAK line in the Premium Summary section. A new mapping layer for September 2020 was implemented in the System. Several bug updates were also implemented. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.080.0   Master Yield functionality has been refactored and enhanced. The Quick LRP Estimate Tool and the Add New Policy and Add New Coverage pages have been updated to account for the new Feeder Cattle Types and Swine Type as well as the updated endorsement length for Swine. A "Revised Liability" column has been added to the interval grid for PRF and Apiculture. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.075.0   Updates have been made to APH and Detail Line logic to support the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO). SPOIs were updated and implemented in the System for 2021. Several form updates were made. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.070.0   The Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) is now supported in the System. 2021 provisions have been released and implemented for many crops. Livestock updates have been made. The Online Help Site was updated.


9.065.0   Updates were made to the base Livestock Policy Declaration Page for LGM and LRP, the Potential Loss Estimator, Production Report, Production Reporting Worksheet, and SOI/PR forms. New guidelines on DRP processing were implemented per the RMA (MGR-20-017, "Dairy Revenue Protection Sales Period Modification"). The Online Help Site was updated.
9.060.0   Pecan form updates have been made.Users can now email quotes generated from the Create Quick LRP Estimate tool. Livestock forms were also updated. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.055.0   The WFRP Combo form and Perennial Combo form have been updated. In the Mapping module, a Delete (trash can) icon was added to the buttons below the unit group grid. For Forage Seeding, updates were made to the System to support a change made for the 2021+ RYs where Forage Seeding now has a Fall and Spring SCD. Support for the new Commodity Code, "0606" for WFRP has been added to the System. The LGM Plan was added to the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard (Livestock > Policy Management Dashboard), and several updates were made to the dashboard.The Online Help Site was updated.
9.050.0 The WFRP Commodities tab was updated to allow for easier data entry (See "Add a Commodity to a Whole Farm Policy"). For Perennials, the Yield Variability link and also the Weighted Average T-yield link now open in their own popups. The System has been updated to no longer create HIP child lines for any Nursery detail line designated with the PEAK endorsement. The Coverage changes needed for the new Florida Citrus Actual Production History (APH) policy have been implemented in the System. In Mapping, on the MBAR, custom labels are no longer printed. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.045.0   Detail line, PAW, rating logic, APH, and coverage support has been added to the System for the FL Citrus APH Pilot Program. Coverage changes, detail line changes, and PAW updates have been made to support the 2021 CA Citrus Tree Pilot Program. The 2021 RY APH Database Form has been updated with Quality Loss Option (QL) updates. 2021 Special Provisions for multiple crops have been implemented in the System. A new Policy Management Dashboard was added for Livestock policies. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.040.0   The SOI has been updated. SPOI and Provisions have been updated. PRD lockout functionality has been updated as it pertains to Added Land/New Crop P/T. Rating logic for MCEU has been updated. Quality Loss functionality has been updated in accordance with the RMA's updates. The rating logic for HIP has been implemented. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.035.0   The FUR / AR, PAW, and Perennial Combo Form were updated with base form standards. The Perennial Combo Form was also updated to give users the ability to include the Hurricane Insurance Protection Application Supplement to capture the data. The default Reinsurance Year in the System was updated to 2021. The Livestock menu in the primary navigation bar of the System was updated to include a new "Reports" option where users can select to view/run Livestock reports. On Detail Lines and Coverage pages in the System, the Crop Options field has been replaced with a dropdown to allow users to select all options or pick and choose the applicable options. Enterprise unit procedures were updated. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.030.0   A Grass Seed Underwriting Report has been added. The System now supports the HIP HIP EOI Extension Option. In Mapping, a field listing can now be exported from the PRF/Apiculture Wizard. A Save & Edit/Add Land ID(s) button and a read-only POR section was added to PRF and Apiculture detail line popups. The new GAP option for HIP is now supported in the System. For Sugarcane, an additional Crop Replacement Endorsement Option B (RD). Detail line and APH functionality for Production Revenue History for Strawberries in Florida has been added. A "VF" Yield Type was added to the System to support recent Quality Loss Option changes made by the RMA. Forage Seeding was updated to allow "New App After 1st SCD" and spring coverage functionality. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.025.0   Support for HIP has been added to Estimator Template functionality. Updates were made to several forms. Support for the new PRH Pilot program was added to Coverage pages (Add New Policy, Add New Coverage, Maintain Coverage, and View Coverage). Updates were made to PRF/Apiculture saves in the System to optimize System processing times. 2021 LGM Policy Provisions were implemented for 2021. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.020.0   Multiple provisions (Crop Provisions, Endorsements, Policy Provisions, SPOIs) were implemented in the System. Several forms were updated. The flowcharts from Exhibit 9 (Multi-CountyEnterprise Unit Flowchart) of the 2021 CIH were added to the Online Help Site (accessible here). System updates were made to support the new Quality Loss option. Several updates were made to the Insurable Colonies by Grid ID for Apiculture and the Insurable Acres by Grid ID for PRF functionality. For the 2021 Crop Year, Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle and Swine policies were updated. The Online Help Site was updated.
9.015.0   LRP & DRP Special Provisions were updated. Quarantine Endorsement, Canola, and Rapeseed Crop Provision were added. LGM Cattle and Swine updates were made for the 2021+ RYs. The display issue around Texas Land Survey layers has been corrected. Multiple agency logos can be added for printing on Maps in Mapping. The Final Tonnage Report for Raisins has been updated to help distinguish incomplete coverages from insured who've "gone green". Margin Protection has been updated to avoid issues with Related Coverage selections. HIP was updated for recent Nursery and NVS changes. PRF & Apiculture Sign Date functionality was updated. Quality Loss functionality was further implemented.
9.010.0   Update provisions were implemented for DRP. Several updates were made to eSign functionality. LRP commodities (except for Lamb) for the 2021+ RYs, the Billing Date for premium has been updated to the first day of the month following the End Date. 2021 Special Provisions were implemented for NVS (9/1/2020 SCD). A new FSA Planted AR reported has been added to the Print menu in the Mapping module. Regulatory changes were made for NVS/Nursery FG&C policies. A System fix was implemented for Batch Scanning to help support the batch scanning of PDFs with embedded files (e.g., PDFs that have embedded electronic signature images).
9.005.0   The DRP Lockout logic has been updated per the recent RMA sales period updates. In Mapping, users can now draw a polygonal map region. The ability to search for only a Tract or a Tract /Field was added. HIP functionality was updated in the System for Nursery (FG & C) and Nursery Value Select (NVS). For Apiculture and PRF coverages, the System will now automatically update the unit numbers when intervals are added/removed. Now, when a coverage has the HIP option elected, an Intended Acres field displays so users can key the intended acres on the Add New MPCI Policy, Add New MPCI Coverage, Edit MPCI Coverage, and View MPCI Coverage pages for the current year at the HIP SCD if the underlying coverage's Acreage Reporting Date has already passed.
9.000.0   The Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement has been implemented on the Quick Nursery Estimate. The Quick Nursery Estimate's Premium & Loss Information section has been updated for scenarios with the PEAK (PE) endorsement. The pre-filled report style has been added to the Nursery Value Report (NVR). Updates were made to the fields on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for Hurricane Insurance Protection. An issue was resolved where applications were being scanned in through the Attachments tab within a policy but the CIS/Underwriter was not receiving notifications for all applicable attachments within the New Notification tab of the MPCI Dashboard. In the Mapping Module, users can now search using additional options and search for Grid IDs; additionally, a filter option was added to allow users to suppress fields that don't meet the filter criteria from view. In the Mapping Module, users can now create a secondary custom label for fields. In the Mapping Module, different map areas are now shaded or hatched in different angles/colors to more easily identify the map area that applies to a given location when the high risk layer is turned on. The ability to edit a shareholder name has been added to the Maintain Detail Line and Maintain APHs pages. Labels within the PRF/Apiculture/Annual Forage View and Maintain Detail Line pages have been updated. Nursery location functionality has been added to the Utilities tab for NVS.
8.115.0   Duplex Printing is now available when printing specific acreage and production reports. Additional support was added for HIP coverage. The System now displays the number of "Incomplete" detail lines that exist on each coverage. The PRF/Apiculture detail line page was redesigned to improve user experience. Users can now change the stacking orientation (horizontal or vertical) of custom labels within the Mapping module. The legend for Map Books was updated for different Crop/Type/Practice.
8.110.0   The Schedule of Insurance (SOI), SOI / Production Report, and CLU Acreage Report have been updated. The Annual Forage Application has been updated. The ability to auto-map all fields for a given land ID, instead of just planted CLUs, has been added to the Mapping module. Several additional updates were made to the Mapping module to resolve issues. Rating on HIP premium lines has been implemented in the System. The 2021 DRP Policy Insurance Provision and DRP Commodity Exchange Endorsement have been implemented in the System. The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and LRP Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) forms have been updated.
8.105.0   Due to social distancing, RMA has extended Production Reporting Dates (PRDs) for 2020 crops with a PRD of 03-15 or later. The System now supports detail line creation for the Hurricane Insurance, Protection - Wind Index endorsement. A "Partial Prefill – All Potential Crops" was added to the MBAR. Nursery Value Select is now supported in the System.
8.100.0   Multiple detail lines updates were made for Apple Trees (0184). The Add New Quote page was updated to restrict access to the detail line entry section based on what crop/plan is selected. Users can now select the HIP-WI endorsement as a coverage option on the MPCI coverage pages and MPCI quote pages. Detail line functionality has been implemented for Nursery Value Select. The ability to move and modify label lines on the custom label layer has been added. The Acreage Report was updated for Pecan Trees. The Pecan Tree Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) has been implemented in the System. Plan Code 13 (Apiculture and PRF) was recently refactored at save of a detail line grouping, removing redundant calls to the database and duplicate steps to improve the overall performance. Provisions were implemented for HIP and coarse grains.
8.095.0   The Parcel Layer was added to the Mapping Module. Hemp functionality was updated to no longer require one year of history in the APH. The TA calculation was updated. Coverage functionality for Nursery Value Select (NVS) has been implemented. For the Apple Tree pilot program, users can now elect the Fire Blight crop option and complete the PAW.
8.090.0   A new form, Monthly Unit Value Plan (MUVP), was added to the System for Nursery Value Select. The Nursery Value Report (NVR) form for Nursery Value Select was updated. Crop Provisions were implemented for the Nursery Value Select pilot crop. System support for the new unit structure, Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice, was implemented. Detail line and rating updates were made to the System to support the Apple Trees pilot program. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.085.0   New pilot programs are being implemented in the System over the new few releases. This release includes initial updates for Hemp coverage, the Enterprise Unit by Cropping Practice unit structure, and Pecan and Apple Tree Coverages. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.080.0   Crop Provisions were updated for Peanuts, Hybrid Sweet Corn, STAX, Sweet Potatoes, Rice, and Sugar Beets. 2020 Special Provisions were updated for multiple crops and states/counties. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.075.0   Users can now navigate between companion policies using the Companion Policy popup. The System was updated to support the revised SA T-Yield procedures. The System now supports Fresh Market Beans (0105) with different coverage levels on different planting periods (Fall and Spring). The System was updated to support new assigned yield procedures. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.070.0   The SOI was updated to make it more user-friendly. The WFRP Schedule of Insurance (SOI) was revised for 2020 WFRP Handbook changes. The Fast Edit AR page was updated to include an access point for the Manage Unit Structure popup. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.060.0 2020+ RY updates were made to WFRP. Native Sod updates were also made. The System was updated to not allow certain crops and plans for Written Agreements.
8.055.0   The ePacketDashboard was updated for the eSignature module. Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) Crop Provisions updates were made for the 2020 Crop Year. RMA provided updated regulatory changes for the 2020 RY Master Yields for additional states and crops that will be insurable for Master Yield; these have been implemented in the System. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.050.0   The Online Help Site was updated.
8.045.0   Olives Special Provisions were downloaded from RMA and implemented in the System. RMA released ARH Cherry Sweet and Tart Provisions that are effective for the 2020 and succeeding Crop Years; these provisions have been implemented in the System. As part of System performance enhancements, detail line pages for Plan 13 policies (Apiculture and PRF) will now open as popups. These popups contain all of the detail line fields, business logic, validations and functionality of the Add/Maintain Detail line pages that have been in place since the inception of the System. The Request for Actuarial Change Form has been updated for all years to base form standards as well as to bring it in sync with the 2020 Written Agreement Handbook (WAH). Several regulatory changes were implemented in the System for WFRP policies. A new column, "Expected Rev. Guarantee / CWT", was added to the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) to display Expected Revenue Guarantee / CWT data. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.040.0   Downward Trending Test is now applicable if one of the actual yields in the most recent three Crop Years is eligible for exclusion. The System was updated to collapse the Shareholder, Land ID, and Planted Field banner bars at the initial load of the Maintain APH page. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.035.0   The API / PRF Combo Form was updated for Point of Reference. Revised TX Citrus Trees Crop Provisions were released and implemented in the System for the 2020 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). The Online Help Site was updated.
8.030.0   Batch Printing functionality was updated. The System now supports the CAT Endorsement for the 2020+ CYs. The System was updated with new SCO and ARPI provisions for the 2020+ CYs. The WFRP Combo Form Farm Op Report was updated. The Hail Data layer was updated in Mapping. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.025.0   On the attachment popup, used when scanning and attaching paperwork, a smart search feature was added to the Attachment Type dropdown to allow users to filter the list for the attachment type needed. The Precision Farming Technology Systems (PFTS) form was updated based on changes found in the 2019 Loss Adjustment Manual (LAM). Updates were made to resolve bugs found with Companion Policy functionality. Feeder Cattle Types have been added to the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Application to help with adding coverages for any types the grower may want early in the RY. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.020.0   Users can now add revised sign dates for the Revised Farm Operation Report on WFRP policies. Navigation when accessing and closing out of the Manage Land ID popup has been updated. Mark Complete process was updated to only set the status at the end of the Mark Complete after all suspensions have been checked. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.015.0   Functionality was added to Batch Printing to allow users to only print the corresponding Growing Season lines for a selected Acreage Reporting Date(s) for the Annual Forage Acreage Report. Users can now attach policy documents to policies from within the Signature Maintenance popup of the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR grids using the new paperclip icon on the popup. The MPCI Application was updated to print for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policies. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.010.0   Dual Use (DU) option has been added to Growing Season 1 for Annual Forage. DRP was updated for regulatory changes. Users can now key only the year and no month for Set Out and Grafted dates in the Plant panel. High Risk designation in the Plant panel in Mapping now syncs to the detail line. Additional Veteran Farmer/Rancher updates were made to the System. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.005.0   Veteran Farmer Rancher (VFR) functionality has been implemented in the System (this includes changes to the BFR/VFR Application page and the Grower for Policy page as well as rating and transmissions). Administrative fees for the CAT coverage were increased and implemented. The Hybrid Vegetable Seed Insurance Program (0066) pilot program has been implemented in the System. The Online Help Site was updated.
8.000.0   LRP, DRP, and LGP were updated with recent regulatory changes. Annual Forage updates were made for the 2020 RY. Enterprise Unit validation logic was updated to include both planted and prevented planting acres when determining total acres for the coverage for the purposes of the 20/20% rule. Companion Policy was updated to support claims processing. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.115.0 Billing Notification functionality was added for Revised Combo and Grower batches. System navigation improvements were made for accessing the Fast Edit pages (video available in release notes). 2019 Special Provisions were updated for several crops. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.110.0 Policy Estimates now support quoting for Margin Protection. Billing notification functionality for MPCI, Private Products, Livestock, and Agency Bill has been implemented. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.105.0 A Companion Policy functionality video was added to the help site to highlight the new functionality in the System. The 2020 RY is now available for selection in the Reinsurance Year dropdown. A print option was added to the SOI / PR to allow users to print a QR Code on the form to use in Batch Scanning. Several regulatory changes were implemented in MPCI. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.100.0   Two new additional record keeping sheet options have been added for Map Book printing. Users can now print Map Books from the Batch Printing tool. Beginning with 2019, can create MP Plus linked Private Product quotes to convert to policies for applicable states/crops. For Private Products, users can now choose to attach a document to other policies with the same grower OID/RY when attaching documents to a policy via Attachments tab. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.095.0   MCEU was implemented on the following forms: AR, CLU AR, SOI, SOI / PR. A base Livestock Policy Declaration Page was added for LGM and LRP policies. In the Mapping module, users can now refresh FSA CLU data for a grower on a single field or all fields. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.090.0   The System was updated with new special provisions for several crops. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.085.0   A new Reinsurance Year filter has been added to the myHudson Agent Portal Dashboard. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.080.0   The Policy Estimate was updated with new fields. Several form updates were made. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.075.0   Users can now specify the order in which map regions in the Mapping Module. A Transaction Log is now available in mapping with the proper permissions. Several form updates were made. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.070.0   2019 MP Rice and STAX Cotton policy provisions were added to the System and are printing on forms. The WFRP Add New and Maintain Commodity pages have been updated with two new fields named "Percent Produced to Sell" and "Revised Percent Produced to Sell". The System now supports Multi-County Enterprise Unit Endorsement (MCEU). The System was updated to allow a Primary County designation to be applied to more than one coverage for the crop or state/crop per recent RMA changes.Policies and coverages for the Private Product, VIP, can now be created in the System. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.060.0   Updates were made for WFRP functionality. The Online Help Site was updated. eSignature help was added to the help site. AOI was updated to account for Dairy Revenue Protection. Sugar Beet functionality was updated in the System. High Risk was updated to allow Enterprise Units.
7.055.0   An enhancement has been made to allow users to create and save Map Templates. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.050.0   The System was updated to support changes to Macadamia Trees. For Perennials, a fix was implemented where the System will no longer apply YA and YC option codes to the APH when the APH Override equals High Variability. Some PRF suspension logic bugs were fixed. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.045.0   Mapping now allows users to enter or create a map for a grower without requiring a policy or a quote to be set up first. Perennial functionality was updated for RMA changes. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.040.0   LGM & DRP updates were made. Zoom functionality was updated in Mapping. Margin Protection and PRF updates were made per RMA requirements. VIP is now supported as a Private Product in the System. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.035.0   Mapping updates were made. Several new and updated crop policies and provisions were added to the System. The hover functionality in the policy header was updated. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.031.0   The Online Help Site was updated with DRP functionality documentation and videos; additional topics, including release notes, were updated.
7.030.0   PTY functionality was updated. Margin Protection was updated to not allow SCO on the base coverage. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.025.0   The Online Help Site was updated.
7.020.0   The System now updates the APH-like record for STAX, MP, and ARPI production in the next RY immediately after a user keys it in Fast Edit PR through current year reporting. The System was updated to account for the creation of zero acres/non-premium AR code Margin Protection detail lines. The Online Help Site was updated.
7.010.0   The Online Help Site was updated.
7.005.0   The "Servicing Agent" labels were updated to "Agent" throughout the System. A Select All checkbox was added to the Coverage tab for selecting all coverages.
7.000.0   The System has been updated for 2018 Peanut changes. The Fast Edit AR now supports Peanut acreage reporting.
6.115.0   The System has been updated for 2018 Peanut changes. The Fast Edit AR now supports Peanut acreage reporting.
6.110.0 Fast Edit CLU functionality was added. Margin Protection was updated to automatically create child lines when relevant.
6.105.0   Nursery was updated. The Pre-Acceptance Inspection Report (PAIR) for Florida (FL) Citrus was updated.
6.100.0   The MBAR was updated. Validations were added to the Add New APH drawer.
6.095.0   Special Provisions updates were made.
6.090.0   Ability to add APH within Fast Edit AR.
6.085.0   A new eSign Dashboard was released. EP was updated per recent RMA changes. MP APH functionality was updated according to RMA changes.
6.080.0   MY and PTY functionality was updated to account for Yield Cup changes. For Peanuts, the CP option and Weighted Average Price now also apply to Plans 02 and 03. Malt Barley calculations were updated per RMA changes.
6.075.0   Several reports and the APH logic were updated to account for Yield Cup changes.
6.070.0   WFRP updates were made in the System.
6.060.0   User interface changes were made in the System. The System was updated to support to the YC option (Yield Cup) and also the RP option (Crop Replacement Endorsement) for Sugarcane.
6.055.0   Perennials were updated. The eSign wizard was enabled for the APH/AR APH Database and Acreage Report.
6.050.0   System logic was updated for YE & Perennials. Fast Edit PR was updated to support stand-alone Margin Protection (allowing for current year production reporting). Cherries now allow for a temporary yield descriptor.
6.045.0   WFRP definitions for Late/Early Fiscal filer were updated, and the Vertically Integrated Producer checkbox was added to the WFRP coverage page. UUF/3rd Party was added as an Acreage Type in the Legacy APH/APH Drawer. Fast Edit AR/PR page sign dates will only apply to lines marked as modified and zero acre lines (if process zero AR is selected).
6.040.0   Improved System performance when loading policies. Updated WFRP functionality. Implemented new Online Help Site.
6.035.0   Support for Margin Protection-Harvest Price Exclusion coverage. Copy Detail Lines, Copy APH, and Copy PAW updates. WFRP updates. Support for Crop Replacement endorsement for Sugarcane.
6.030.0   Fast Edit PR/AR signature updates. Perennials updates for the PAW and coverage.
6.025.0   PRF updates to support intervals by percent and not acres. Ability to select prior year spring policy that has not rolled when creating a new fall coverage. Perennials updates for the PAW and coverage.
6.020.0   System support for Triticale coverage.
6.015.0   Ability to print the Irrigated Practice Guidelines with Production Reporting type of forms.
6.010.0   Updated High Risk and Land ID functionality. Ability to print provisions from Private Product Batch Reporting Tool.
6.005.0   System updated with 2018 Provisions.
6.000.0   System updates for 2018 Annual Forage changes. Added Short Rate Collapsible banner to APH Drawer. Updated roll logic for dual ARD areas.
5.125.0   Ability to add a new detail line from within Fast Edit AR and access to both APH Drawer and Detail Line Drawer in Fast Edit AR/PR. Added TA/YE Comparison link/page to APH drawer.
5.120.0   Roll logic updates for Annual Forage.
5.115.0   Native Sod updates.
5.110.0 Fast Edit functionality in Crop Hail. System support for Plan 40 Pecan Trees.
5.105.0   Written Agreement updates.