Release Notes 8.075.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.075.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previously, on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for Nursery, in the Premium Summary section, the Reported Inventory Value for coverages was not printing. The code was updated for the SOI to print the Reported Inventory Values for Nursery coverages in the Premium Summary. This update applies to all years. |
112693 |
An issue was found where, when only HI and TX Trees were on the policy and the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) was printed, "0.00 / " was printing in the Premium Summary for the Total Acres / Tree Count field. If the only coverage on the policy is Trees, then only the Tree Count should be printed, not "0.00 / " for the Total Acres. FL Trees were printing correctly. For all years, the code for the SOI has been updated to only print the Tree Count in the Premium Summary's Total Acres / Tree Count field if Trees are the only coverage on the policy. |
112378 |
It was found that the Agency Phone Number was incorrectly printing for the Agent's Phone Number on a few forms. This was researched and it was determined that the forms that print on the MPCI Print tab and Batching Printing as well as a few additional forms needed updates for the Agency Phone Number issue. Here is a list of MPCI Processing forms that were updated to have the Agent's Phone Number print instead of the Agency's Phone Number for the Agent's Phone Number field.
112321 |
It was identified that the Other Land was not printing unless a Section / Township / Range had been entered. An update was made to printing functionality to print Other Land data even if a Section / Township / Range has not been entered. These changes will impact any form that prints Land on the form, such as the following forms:
This update was made for all years, but no changes were made to the forms themselves. |
104904 |
The Acreage Report for HI and TX Trees has been updated in the following ways for all years:
112379 |
These changes are to update the WFRP Schedule of Insurance (SOI) with the 2020 WFRP Handbook changes. The following updates were made for all years:
NOTE: Some of the commodities do not have a WFRP Commodity Code, so they will print like this: ( ). |
112550 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
111918 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A bug was identified that resulted in PHTS data not importing correctly when there were multiple counties for the policy. Instead of importing detail lines and APHs to each county correctly, all detail lines for both counties were being imported to each county on the policy. This ticket corrected the issue, which will allow the county to be considered during the import. |
112718 |
Companion Policies: An enhancement request was submitted for users to be able to navigate to a related policy via the companion link popup. Previously, the related companion policy numbers were displayed as read only. The user could access the popup from the companion link icon to obtain the related policy number, but then had to manually search for that policy and open it if they wished to view it. With this ticket, the companion link icon’s popup functionality was updated so that the previously read-only related policy numbers are now hyperlinks. If clicked, the hyperlink takes the user to the applicable companion policy. |
104921 |
Perennials: An AIP reported an incorrect number of reference years was being calculated for a Perennial crop coverage, resulting in an overstated tyield. It was found that the reference year calculation was incorrectly being pulled from a canceled coverage APH. The scope of this change was to look at active coverages only when calculating the Perennial crop APH reference years and t-yield percentage. |
112857 |
Added Land: Per the Spring Train the Trainer Slides, RMA is updating the SA T-Yield procedures to allow use of an SA T-Yield so long as a Master Yield is not elected and approved. Previously, SA T-Yields were not available for crops/counties where Master Yields were available, regardless of if a Master Yield was elected/approved. For the 2020+ RYs, if the commodity and state allow Master Yield procedures, the Added Land logic has been updated to now allow Simple Averages so long as no Master Yield Summary Unit exists for the coverage. This change in logic has been updated on all pages where Added Land-Simple Averages can be established: Legacy APH, Fast Edit PR (via the APH Drawer), and the Additional Functions dropdown (via the "Apply Current Year SA T-Yields" option). |
112671 |
Fresh Market Beans: Beginning in the 2020 RY, the Fresh Market Beans (0105) Crop Provisions have been revised to allow the insured to elect different coverage levels on different planting periods (Fall and Spring) where allowed in the actuarial documents. If the insured elects separate coverage levels, then two P14 records (one for Fall and one for Spring) must be submitted. Although the insured must report all types planted, they do not have to elect separate coverage levels. Also, when the coverage type code equals CAT, then all acreage planted in the county must have the same coverage level. Regarding CAT coverage, if the Coverage Type Code equals "C" on the P14, there can only be one P14 with the Type Code equal to NULL. However, at acreage reporting, all applicable Type Codes (086, 012) planted can be submitted on the P11 records. With this ticket, the ability was added for users to create separate coverages for Fall and Spring, if applicable in the actuarial documents, allowing users to insure each planting season with a different coverage level as long as buy-up coverage exists. This new change is not applicable for CAT coverages. If a CAT coverage exists, all acres must have the same coverage level. |
105086 |
Hybrid Vegetable Seed: Hybrid Vegetable Seed was a new pilot program that was implemented in TFS #103193 with the 8.005 Release for the 2020+ RYs. At that time, the new pilot program was to mirror Plan 55 validations. One of the validations mirrored from Plan 55 , "Seed Company is required for Plan 55", was originally implemented to be received upon save of the detail line if acres were greater than ZERO and acres were not Uninsurable acres (requirements from TFS #18223) . At the time the new pilot program was implemented, a change on the M13 for the P11 Record was missed for the P11 Field Number 61 where the Seed Company Code must be empty when the Commodity Code equals Hybrid Vegetable Seed, "0066". A change was made to update the System to no longer require the election of the Seed Company Code for Plan 55 for Hybrid Vegetable Seed. System logic was updated upon save of the detail line so that when acres are greater than zero and the acres are not uninsurable, the System validation that requires the election of the Seed Company Code for Plan 55 when the Commodity is Hybrid Vegetable Seed (0066) is no longer triggered. |
112814 |
Assigned Yields: Beginning in the 2020 RY, RMA updated assigned yield procedures so that assigned yields apply on a unit-by-unit basis rather than to the entire crop/county—but only when assigned yields are applied following an APH Review. When an APH Review determines the insured’s production records do not match what they certified on their production report, assigned yields will apply on a unit-by-unit basis, either at an EU or BU level based on the chart in the CIH. In all other scenarios, assigned yields will continue to apply on a crop/county basis. See the CIH procedures for more information. Since assigned yields can apply at either an EU or BU level in this scenario, the AIP will be responsible for determining the level to which assigned yields apply. If the AIP determines assigned yields apply at an EU level, existing System functionality that applies assigned yields on a crop/county basis can be utilized in this scenario. However, the System did not previously have a way to apply assigned yields at the BU level, so with this ticket, that functionality will be provided. The following changes have been implemented:
NOTE: This message will only display when the checkbox/flag to assign yields at the BU Level has been selected.
NOTE: BU unit structure for assigned yields will only override existing OU unit structure. If EU/EP/MC exist, they will not be overridden. |
106704 |