Child Line Cheat Sheet

Reference Page

Child Line Scenarios

Certified Seed (CH & CL) Options

Applies to Potatoes (0084)

System will automatically create a child detail line when the CH or CL option is manually applied to a line
The line the option is applied to becomes the parent line and does NOT contain the option code
The child line that is created contains the option code
APH, Land ID, and Shareholder Information will be tied to the parent line and will not be editable on the child line

Comprehensive Tree Value (CV) Option

Applies to the following Plan 40 Crops:
Florida Fruit Trees (Orange Trees (0207), Grapefruit Trees (0208), All Other Citrus Trees (0211), and Avocado Trees (0212)) - Stages II (D02) and III (D03) Only
Hawaiian Tropical Trees (Coffee Trees (0266) and Papaya Trees (0267)) - Any Stage Growth for Coffee Trees - Stages II (D02) Only for Papaya Trees
Texas Citrus Trees (All Types) - Stages II (D02) and III (D03) Only
Does not apply to Uninsurable, Late, or Prevented Plant acreage
If the CV option is applied to the coverage, the System will automatically create a child detail line identical to the original/base/parent detail line with the following exceptions:
The child line will be read only and will include the CV option code and
Liability/premium calcs will be based on the CV Price and CV base rate

Occurrence Loss (OW/OX) Option

This option code is used when the insured elects a combination of the CV and the OW option
Applies to the following Plan 40 Crops:
Florida Fruit Trees (Orange Trees (0207), Grapefruit Trees (0208), All Other Citrus Trees (0211), and Avocado Trees (0212))
Stages II (D02) and III (D03) Only
HI Coffee Trees (0266)
Stages I (D01), II (D02), III (D03), and IV (D04)
Texas Citrus Trees (Tangerine Trees (0193), Orange Trees (0207), and Grapefruit Trees (0208))

Stages II (D02) and III (D03) Only

Does not apply to Uninsurable, Late, or Prevented Plant acreage
If the OX option is applied to the coverage, the System will automatically create a child detail line identical to the original/base/parent detail line with the following exceptions:
The child line will be read only and will include the OX option code and
Liability/premium calcs will be based on the OX premium rates

Malt Barley (MB) Option

Applies to Barley (0091)
System will automatically create a child detail line when the MB option is manually applied to a line
The line the option is applied to becomes the parent line and does NOT contain the option code
The Child Line that is created contains the option code
APH, Land ID, and Shareholder Information will be tied to the parent line and will not be editable on the child line

Cottonseed (SE) Option

Applies to Cotton (0021)
If the SE option is applied to the coverage, the System will automatically create a child detail line identical to the original/base/parent detail line with the following exceptions:
The child line will be read only and will include the SE option code and
Liability/premium calcs will be based on the SE premium rates
APH, Land ID, and Shareholder Information will be tied to the parent line and will not be editable on the child line
If SCO is elected on a coverage that also has the SE option, a child of child scenario will be created as appropriate – Example:
Original/base/parent detail line
SCO child line (Tied to parent line)
SE child line (Tied to parent line) 
SCO child line (Tied to SE child line)
User will be able to exclude SE from SCO

Supplemental Coverage Endorsement (SCO) Option

Applies to various crops for 2015+ RYs (likely to be expanded to more crops in 2016+ RYs)
The SCO option code is internal to our System. It is not provided by the RMA
Does not apply to Uninsurable or Prevented Plant acreage
If the SCO Option is applied to the coverage, the System will automatically create a child detail line identical to the original/base/parent detail line with the following exceptions:
The child line will be read only and will include the SCO option code and
Liability/premium calcs will be based on the SCO premium rates
APH, Land ID, and Shareholder Information will be tied to the parent line and will not be editable on the child line
If SE is elected on a coverage that also has the SCO option, a child of child scenario will be created as appropriate – Example:
Original/base/parent detail line
SCO child line (Tied to parent line)
SE child line (Tied to parent line)
SCO child line (Tied to SE child line)
User will be able to exclude SE from SCO

Duplicating lines via Fast Edit AR

Applies to all crops supported by Fast Edit AR (see Fast Edit AR section below for listing of supported crops)
Functionality is used to insert another line that is related to the base or “parent” line in some way and prevents the user from having to re-key the same line, APH, and Land IDs from scratch. Examples include:
Timely and Late Plant and/or Prevented Plant Acreage is reported for the same unit
Land included in unit is located in 2+ Map Areas (i.e., 001 & 002, AAA & BBB – or no Map Area & 001 or AAA, etc.)
Short Rated and Non-Short Rated Acreage is reported for the same unit
Insurable and Uninsurable acreage is reported for the same unit
User will select an existing line from the Fast Edit AR grid and then click the Duplicate button at the top right of the grid. A child line is created using duplicated information from the selected (i.e., parent) line
Reported Acre and Plant Date values from the parent line are not duplicated to the child line as they will have unique values of their own
APH Information will be tied to the parent line and will not be editable on the child line
Land ID and Shareholder Information will be copied from the parent line to the child line

Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP)

1. If just a Base Coverage with HIP applied, there needs to be:
A parent line for the base and
A child line for the HIP

NOTE: This is similar to a base coverage with SCO applied.

2. If LP and HIP, there needs to be:
A parent line for the base IRR Practice,
A child line for the HIP IRR Practice
A parent line for the base NI Practice, and
A child line for the HIP NI Practice
3. If STAX or SCO with HIP, there needs to be:
A parent line for the base,
A child line for the STAX or SCO
A child line for the HIP

NOTE: If LP is also elected, the same scenario would apply for the IRR and NI practices as depicted in #2.

4. If SE with HIP, there needs to be:
A parent line for the base,
A child line for the SE
A child line for the HIP
A child of child line for the HIP SE

NOTE: If LP is also elected, the same scenario would apply for the IRR and NI practices as depicted in #2.

5. If SE with HIP and STAX or SCO, there needs to be:
A parent line for the base,
A child line for the SE,
A child line for the HIP
A child of child line for the HIP SE
A child line for the STAX or SCO
A child of child line for the STAX or SCO SE

NOTE: If LP is also elected, the same scenario would apply for the IRR and NI practices as depicted in #2.

6. If Nursery and HIP, there needs to be:
A parent line for the base and
A child line for the HIP
Child of Child Scenarios

Multiple Base Lines and SCO

If a detail line is duplicated due to acreage planted in multiple Map Areas, Users will more than likely duplicate the Unit in Fast Edit AR which causes a Parent/Child Relationship:
Unit 0001-0000 – 100.0 Acres – Map Area 001 (PARENT)
Unit 0001-0000 – 50.0 Acres – Map Area 002 (CHILD)
If SCO is applied, the same scenario is handled as follows:
Unit 0001-0000 – 100.0 Acres – Map Area 001 (PARENT)
Unit 0001-0000 – 100.0 Acres – Map Area 001 – SCO Option (CHILD tied to Parent Line)
Unit 0001-0000 – 50.0 Acres – Map Area 002 (CHILD tied to Parent Line)
Unit 0001-0000 – 50.0 Acres – Map Area 002 – SCO Option (CHILD tied to Child Line)

Cottonseed and SCO

When the Cottonseed and the SCO Options are applied to the same Coverage, the System will create an SCO Child Line and attach it to the SE Child Line – Example:
Parent Line

SCO Child Line (tied to Parent Line)

SE Child Line (tied to Parent Line)

SCO Child Line (tied to SE Child Line)

Malt Barley and SCO

When the Malt Barley (Option B) and the SCO Options are applied to the same Coverage, the System will create an SCO Child Line and attach it to the MB Child Line – Example:
Parent Line
SCO Child Line (tied to Parent Line)
MB Child Line (tied to Parent Line)
SCO Child Line (tied to MB Child Line)

HIP & SE with STAX (Related Coverage)

A parent line for the base
A child line for the SE
A line for the STAX
A child line for the SE
A child line for the HIP
A child line for the HIP-SE

STAX Functionality

New for 2015 – Cotton Only

STAX – Standalone Coverage

User will manually create detail lines

STAX – With Related MPCI (Plan 01, 02, 03) or ARPI (Plan 04, 05, 06) Coverage

STAX acreage will be the same as the underlying coverage
To avoid forcing the user to key the same AR twice, the System will use the detail lines from the underlying coverage to create the detail lines for the STAX coverage
This is similar to how lines are created for SCO – the difference is that the lines are being created across coverages
Child Line APH Functionality

If an APH crop, the child line will point to the same APHs that is attached to the parent line.

It can only be edited from the parent line
Applicable to all child line scenarios
Child Line Land ID Functionality

Land IDs from the parent line will be copied to the child line:

Users will NOT be able to edit the Land IDs on System generated child lines
Users will be able to edit the Land IDs on manually created child lines (created using the “Duplicate” functionality via Fast Edit AR), so it’s possible the Land IDs won’t match between the two lines
Child Line Shareholder Functionality

Shareholders from the Parent Line will be copied to the Child Line

Users will NOT be able to edit shareholders on System generated child lines
Users will be able to edit shareholders on manually created child lines (created using the “Duplicate” functionality via Fast Edit AR); however, shareholders added to a child line display on the parent line only
Child Line PAW Functionality

If a perennial crop, the child line will point to the same PAW that is attached to the parent line.

It can only be edited from the parent line
Applicable to all child line scenarios
Child Line Underwriting Report Functionality

If a crop that allows an Underwriting Report to be keyed, the child line will point to the same Underwriting Report that is attached to the parent line.

It can only be edited from the parent line
Applicable to all child line scenarios
Detail Line Groupings (MpciPremiumLine Group ID)


The System groups intervals by Grid ID, Type, and Share arrangement

Peanuts (2014 & Prior RYs)

The System groups detail lines when:
Multiple contracts have been applied to a line – or
When one or more contract prices along with an ADM price is applied and used in premium calculation This changed for 2015+ RYs. Contract records are still attached to a detail line (when applicable), but these records do not create new detail lines like they did in prior RYs

Mac Trees

When multiple Stages exist for the unit

Plan 40 Crops

When multiple Stages exist for the unit

Clams (2014 and prior RYs)

When multiple Seeding Lines exist
Detail Line Copy Functionality

Users have the ability to select a detail line from the Detail Lines grid of the Detail Lines tab and copy it in order to create another detail line for the same Unit. Once the new line has been copied/created, it is not linked to the line from which it was copied from and must be maintained separately.

The ability to include the APH in the copy is also available but, again, once created, the new records are not linked to anything.

APH Copy Functionality Users have the ability to select a detail line from the Detail Lines grid of the Detail Lines tab and copy it and/or its APH in order to create another detail line/APH for the same unit. Once the new line and/or APH has been copied/created, it is not linked to the line from which it was copied from and must be maintained separately.
Land ID Functionality when Detail Line Groupings exist

When detail lines are grouped or linked together in the database, Land ID records must be “synced" accordingly to make sure all lines within grouping point to the same list of Land ID records.

For instance, for PRF, a “grouping” consists of all detail lines containing the same Type, Grid ID, and Share. So, you could have up to 6 detail lines containing this same information (the Intervals for each would be different). When this happens, the same Land IDs are applied to all 6 of the lines. (The Transmission only sends P27s from one of the lines within the same grouping.)

Child line scenarios create a linkage, when the child line is created, the Land IDs from the parent line are copied to the child line, but the user is allowed to modify the Land IDs attached to both lines so they won’t always match.

Child Line Roll Logic
  1. Auto-created child lines (i.e. system-generated lines)
    Child lines containing the following options are NOT rolled to the new RY

    CH, CL, CV, MB, OX, SCO, SE

    The parent line is rolled

    If an APH crop: child line acres are the same as the parent, so APH updates from the child line are not necessary

  2. Manually-created child lines (functionality currently only available in Fast Edit AR via the “Duplicate” button)
    Allows user to duplicate an existing (parent) detail line in order to apply the following:
    Uninsurable Acres (Uninsurable Reason Codes = B, D, H, J, N, O, P, R, S, T, U & W):
    The parent and the child line are rolled
    The parent/child link is broken in the new RY
    When updating the APHs for the new RY,
    The parent line APH is duplicated and attached as a new APH to what was the child line
    The acres from the parent detail line are rolled into Year 10 of what was the parent APH
    The acres from the child detail line are rolled into Year 10 of the duplicated APH attached to what was the child line
    Map Areas (i.e., Sub County Codes 001, 002, AAA, BBB, etc.):

    The child line is NOT rolled

    The parent line is rolled

    When updating the APH on the parent line that is rolled to the new RY,
    Sum Reported Acre values from the prior year Parent and Child Lines and apply result to Year 10 of the APH
    All other scenarios (including Prevented and Late Planted Acres, Short Rate, Split lines for Forage, etc.):

    The child line is NOT rolled

    The parent line is rolled

    When updating the APH on the parent line that is rolled to the new RY,

    If not PP or Short Rate, sum Reported Acre values from the prior year parent and child lines and apply result to year 10 of the APH

    If PP and the Multi Cropping Code = PR, sum Reported Acre values from the parent and child lines and apply result to year 10 of the APH

    If PP and the Multi Cropping Code does NOT = PR, only apply Reported Acre value from the parent line to year 10 of the APH (do not include Reported Acres from prior year child line)

    If Short Rate and the entire unit has Short Rate applied, sum Reported Acre values from the parent and child lines and apply result to year 10 of the APH on the Short Rate grid/APH (Yield Type = “Q”)

    If Short Rate and only a portion of the unit has Short Rate applied, only apply Reported Acre value from the parent line to year 10 of the APH (do not include Reported Acres from prior year child line)

Fast Edit AR

Fast Edit AR does not support:

Plan 13 & 14 Crops (PRF (0088), Apiculture (1191), and Annual Forage (0332))
Plan 40 Crops (FL Cit Trees (0207, 0208, 0209, 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213 & 0214), TX Cit Trees (0193, 0207, 0208, 0224, 0225, 0226, 0228), and HI Tropical Trees (0265, 0266 & 0267))
Plan 41 (Pecans - 0020)
Plan 43 (Clams - 0116)
Plan 47 (Cherries (0057), Strawberries (0154), and Navel Oranges (0215))
Plan 50 Crops (Nursery (0073), Raisins (0037), FL Citrus Fruit (0201, 0202, 0203, 0227, 0309, 1302 & 9936), and Mac Trees (0024)
Plan 55 Crops (Hybrid Sorghum Seed (0050), Hybrid Corn Seed (0062))
Plan 61 (AGR-L)
Plan 63 (AGR)
Plan 76
Plan 90 Category C Crops (including Pilots)
Peanuts (0075) that require a contract to be applied or already have a contract attached to the line.
Plans 35 & 36 (STAX) – Pending functionality
Fast Edit PR

Fast Edit PR does not support:

Plan 13 & 14 Crops (PRF (0088), Apiculture (1191), and Annual Forage (0332))
Plan 40 Crops (FL Cit Trees (0207, 0208, 0209, 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213 & 0214), TX Cit Trees (0193, 0207, 0208, 0224, 0225, 0226, 0228), and HI Tropical Trees (0265, 0266 & 0267))
Plan 41 (Pecans - 0020)
Plan 43 (Clams - 0116)
Plan 47 (Cherries (0057), Strawberries (0154), and Navel Oranges (0215))
Plan 50 Crops (Nursery (0073), Raisins (0037), FL Citrus Fruit (0201, 0202, 0203, 0227, 0309, 1302 & 9936), and Mac Trees (0024)
Plan 51 (Chili Peppers - 0045)
Plan 55 Crops (Hybrid Sorghum Seed (0050), Hybrid Corn Seed (0062))
Plan 61 (AGR-L)
Plan 63 (AGR)
Plan 76