Release Notes 9.080.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.080.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


PAW: The following updates have been made to the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for Apple Trees for all years (the System will determine when an Apple Tree policy can be created):

The "Print Apple Tree PAW" print option will not display when the blank and pre-head report styles are selected for the PAW form.
Apple Tree PAW data will print on the Apple Tree PAW format.
A "PAIR Date:" label was added above the Remarks field using the same line as the Totals line. A PAIR Date will print if one has been entered on the policy when the form is printed pre-filled. This was also done on the FL Fruit Tree PAW and the PAW format that prints when FL Fruit and Tree are on the same policy.
PAW Question #2 - "cultural" was added before "practices" to the Apple Tree and FL Fruit Tree PAWs.

NOTE: This will be added to the other PAW formats as they are updated for 2022.

FL Tree PAW - In the Block # - Stage field, the Block # will now print instead of the Block Name.


TOR/TOC: A request was received to print the linked Transferee and detail line information on the Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR) form. Now, when a TOR / TOC has been linked to and the unit and transfer info has been keyed, when the form is printing pre-filled, the following data prints if it has been entered: Transferee's Name, Address, Phone, TIN, and Person Type.

NOTE: Child lines will not currently print on this form. This is being addressed in a spin-off ticket.


Master Yields: In 2016, a utility was implemented that would calculate an "Estimated" Master Unit (MY) Summary Yield by P/T/TMA after the roll of policies from one RY into the next. The MY utility is run after the policies are rolled to the new RY and calculates an Estimated MY Yield based on the prior year's MY Summary information. The utility was designed to calculate the estimated Master Yield values based on a maximum 9-year APH (assuming at time of roll, that year 10 had not been reported yet). Values calculated by the utility are stored in DB fields for use by a quoting system and/or forms.

This ticket implemented an indicator, "MASTER UNIT ESTIMATED", on the Production Report form.


LRP App: The following updates have been made to the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Application (App) for all years:

The State label and field was split into two fields: the left field is Policy State and the right field is Entity State. Policy State data will continue to print when the LRP App is printed pre-headed. The Entity State field is user filled and will always be blank.
The County label and field was split into two fields: the left field is Policy County and the right field is Entity County. The Policy and Entity State fields are user filled and will always be blank.
For the Pre-Headed with Applicant/Insured & Agency info report style, if provided, the spouse's name including a suffix (if one is included) will print. If there is not a Spouse, "NONE" will print.


SPOIs were updated and made available from the RMA on Jan 19 and Dec 22. The Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System.

124239, 123595



The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: RMA announced regulatory changes for the 2021 RY under PM-20-064 which will be effective mid-Reinsurance Year. Among the changes were increased head limits for Feeder Cattle, Fed Cattle, and Swine, the addition of endorsement lengths up to 52 weeks for Swine, and modification of the policy to create new Feeder Cattle and Swine types to allow for Livestock to be insured before birth.

TFS #120333 and #123405 handled the updated per head endorsement and annual limit increases; however, at the time those tickets were released (9.065 and 9.070, respectively), the ADMs for the new LRP Types had not yet been released so specific functionality could not yet be implemented. With this ticket, the Quick LRP Estimate Tool and the Add New Policy and Add New Coverage pages have been updated to account for the new Feeder Cattle Types (0817—Unborn Steers & Heifers, 0818—Unborn Brahman, and 0819—Unborn Dairy) and Swine Type (821—Unborn Swine) as well as the updated endorsements length for Swine.




PRF/Apiculture: For PRF and Apiculture, revised acres and revised acre effective dates are available to users with the "Revised Colonies/Acres" System Function attached to a role associated with their profile. The purpose of these fields is to capture the reduced acres and the date that reduction applies to for claims purposes when land is sold or acres are otherwise reduced during the Crop Year. These revisions do not affect premium or liability on the policy.

A request was received to display a "Revised Liability" column on the interval grid so the user can see the revised liability applicable to the claim when revised acres/effective dates exist on the detail line. With this ticket, a "Revised Liability" column has been added to the interval grid for PRF and Apiculture with the following logic:

The "Revised Liability" column will only display if:
At least one Revised Acres/Colony value and effective date exists for the detail line, and
A revised liability amount has been calculated and saved to the database.
Revised Liability will be calculated as Round(Dollar Amount of Insurance*Acres/Colonies (revised if applicable)*Percent of Values,0)*Insured Share Percent.
The System will determine which intervals the revised acres/colonies apply to by comparing the interval start date to the revised effective date.
If the interval start date is less than or equal to the revised effective date, then those revised acres/colonies do not apply. Revised Liability will be calculated using total acres.
If the interval start date is greater than the revised effective date, then those revised acres apply and Revised Liability will be calculated using the revised acres/colonies.
If multiple revisions exist, the System will determine which revised acre/colonies amount applies using the same logic that compares the interval start date to the revised acre effective dates. For revisions to apply to a given interval, the effective date must be before the interval start date.
All changes were implemented for 2020 RYs to allow testing. The revised effective date field includes a validation that does not allow a future date. In order to test this functionality, the user must be able to enter revised effective dates after the current date for 2021 policies. Therefore, to allow testing of this functionality, it was implemented for the 2020+ RYs. The existence of this functionality in 2020 is exclusively for testing purposes, and the intention is for AIPs to use this functionality for the 2021+ RYs only in production.


ECO: This ticket added the Premium Line P11 Record Transmission functionality for the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) Pilot Program Plans 87, 88, and 89.


Master Yields: System logic around PTY summary units includes logic that pushes the calculations of the PTY and underlying units to the service bus if more than 30 detail lines exist on the coverage. A request was received to implement this same functionality for Master Yields. In addition to this change, a number of other refactoring changes and enhancements for Master Yields were also implemented with this ticket. These changes ensure consistency between PTY and MY functionality.

With this ticket, Master Yield functionality has been refactored and enhanced as follows:

On the save of a non-summary unit, the logic that recalculated the MY summary unit and all underlying APHs has been removed. This logic was causing performance issues, so the System will now recalculate the current APH only using standard APH calculation logic.
A new option for "Recalc Master Yield" has been added to the Additional Functions dropdown to allow users to recalculate the MY following changes to an underlying non-summary unit.
A message in red text has been added next to the save buttons on non-summary units to notify the user that if changes are made to the non-summary unit, the MY must be recalculated.
If the user updates and saves a non-summary unit the "MY: Auto" text that displays below the unit number will be updated to "MY: Auto Needs Recalc" and it will display in red text.
The "MY: Auto" text on the Summary Unit will also update to "MY: Auto Needs Recalc" and display in red text if changes are made to a non-summary unit.
A "Recalc Master Yield" option has been added to the Signature Maintenance grid on the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR to allow users to select to recalculate as leaving these pages. The checkbox will default to selected, but allow the user to uncheck as needed.
If there are more than 30 detail lines on the coverage, creation of or recalculation of a Master Yield and its non-summary units will be pushed to the service bus.


Perennials: The Davis RO Underwriting Guidelines implemented a change for Prunes with the 2021 RY. For High Variability - Downward Trending Tests, the most recent Crop Year in the APH Database is to be excluded from the Downward Trending calculations.

From the Davis RO Underwriting Guidelines:

1. If the APH Database meets the downward trending test in the 2021 CIH, Para. 1862, E (2), then these additional tests are required:
a. The two most recent crop years actual yields in the APH database are less than 75% of the Average APH Yield;
b. Three or more crop years' actual yields in the APH database are less than 75% of the Average APH Yield in the last four or five years; or
c. One or more crop years in the most recent five crop years contains an Assigned Yield (P Yield Type).

EXCEPTION: The most recent crop year in the APH Database will be excluded from the downward trending calculation for prunes only.

With this ticket, a fix has been implemented for the Downward Trend logic to exclude the most recent year in the APH Database for trigger calculations.


ECO: Internal testing confirmed a missed premium calculation bug for Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) child lines. When a grower is Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) or Veteran Farmer Rancher (VFR), the ECO child lines were not being rated and users received a "Sorry..." error. A fix has been implemented so that now ECO child lines will rate properly when the grower is BFR/VFR.


Coverage: An issue was found where the Type dropdown was displaying on the Maintain Detail Coverage page for Forage Seeding. In TFS #118790 and TFS #120664, code changes were implemented for the Change Coverage for Spring and New App After 1st Sales Closing Date (SCD) functionality for Forage Seeding. The Type dropdown should not have displayed on Forage Seeding coverages on either the Maintain Coverage, Add Coverage, or Add Policy pages. During research, it was discovered that this issue was found to be affecting all crops for the Type dropdown and not just forage seeding. This does not apply to Type Mandatory Crops where the "Type" is required. The System logic was updated for all applicable crops so that the Type field is no longer displaying on the Maintain Coverage, Add Coverage, and Add MPCI Policy pages if it was not a Type Mandatory crop.


WFRP: RMA added two new fields to the P19 (WFRP Farm Reports) Record for 2020+ Reinsurance Years (RY). These fields are "Prior Year Tax ID Type" and "Prior Year Tax ID Number" and will be required when the Revenue Cup (RC Option) applies. When RC applies, PASS looks to the prior year policy to determine the prior year approved revenue and calculate the revenue cup for the current year. However, RMA found an issue with this process as the grower tax ID number/type changes from one year to the next. So, to resolve this issue, the prior year tax ID fields were added to the P19 record to help PASS in determining the prior year approved revenue when RC applies and the tax ID changes from the prior year. This ticket implemented the necessary user interface and database functionality to support these changes. In addition, a script was run with this ticket to populate the Prior Year Tax ID Number/Type on existing 2020 and 2021 policies with the values from the current grower record. Transmission functionality for these changes will be implemented with TFS #123906.