Release Notes 7.005.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.005.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


A request was received to print the Margin Protection (MP) Premium Reduction on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI). TFS #88387 added the MPCI Premium Reduction value for Margin Protection detail lines to be stored in the database. This new field was not visible on any of the System pages previously, so the only way to see the value was to check the database.

1. The revision date was updated to "07-2018".
2. The Detail Line section was updated. It now prints the plan behind the crop for all crops on the main SOI; previously, plan only printed for STAX-RP Premium Lines. Also, the title was updated to include plan.
3. The Premium Summary section was updated. It now prints the plan behind the crop for all crops on the main SOI; previously, plan only printed for STAX-RP Premium Lines. Also, the title was updated to include plan.
4. An MP Premium Reduction section was added under the A&O Note and SCO verbiage and before the SBI Section when the policy has MP coverages. The MP Premium Reduction section will include County, Crop, and MP Premium Reduction amount for the County / Crop.




A request was received to update the "Servicing Agent" labels and references throughout the System to "Agent". All references to "Servicing Agent" have been updated to "Agent"; this includes labels throughout the System and all suspension messages.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Coverages: A Select All checkbox was added to the View Coverage page to allow the selection of multiple coverages with a single click. The Select All checkbox on the farthest left column corresponds to the selection of multiple coverages for cancellation while the Select All checkbox on the farthest right column corresponds to the selection of multiple coverages for mark complete. These checkboxes work as other Select All checkboxes on other pages. They can be toggled on/off with the selection and all coverages are selected or de-selected.


APH: A bug was reported with the SA T-Yield functionality when New Producer is applicable. If the user attempted to apply an override of New Crop P/T and New Producer applied, the System was not applying the higher SA T-Yield. The New Crop P/T override functionality has been updated to apply the higher of the Variable T-yield or the SA T-Yield regardless of whether New Producer applies.


Margin Protection: By design, when AR sign dates are applied to the base coverage through the Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance popup, the System should also apply the dates to the related Margin Protection coverage. A bug was reported where the System was not correctly applying the sign dates to the Margin Protection detail lines. The issue occurred in the following scenarios:

1. The base coverage and MP coverage are on different policies.
2. The coverages are on the same policy and the user processes acres but did not apply sign dates. Then, the user goes back into the Fast Edit AR without making any changes and applies AR sign dates.

In both of these scenarios, the System was not correctly applying the AR sign dates to the MP coverage. The Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance logic was updated to apply AR sign dates to the MP coverage when they are applied to the base coverage, even if the coverages are on separate policies.

In addition to these two issues, there was another Margin Protection issue identified during testing of this ticket where a warning and suspension message that required different coverage levels for each practice under the LP option were triggering for Margin Protection. Per the MP White Paper, an MP coverage can have the same coverage level applied to both practices with the LP option. This issue was corrected with this ticket.


Enterprise Units: For the 11/30 CCD, RMA introduced the ability for growers to select enterprise units by practice—and BU/OU for another practice. All of the EU/EP logic and validations/suspensions were updated in prior releases. After the first acres began to be placed on spring crops, premium errors (P11-7187) were received. Research confirmed the unit discount factor differed between our System calculation and RMA's cost estimator, which matched expected values for total premium. Review of the code revealed an adjustment needed for the plan 01, 02, 03, and 90 crop rate calculators. The total acres for determining the unit discount factor for BU will look at only the premium lines that reflect the BU unit structure option code and will no longer include acres from detail lines that reflect the EP unit structure option code.


Master Yield: Per the CIH, Simple Average T-Yields are not allowed for County/Crops where Master Yields are available. Current System logic to account for this includes a validation on save of the APH that displays when an override of "Added Land – Simple Average" or "New Crop P/T" is applied to an APH for a County/Crop in which Master Yields are available. During some internal testing, a couple of issues were identified with this validation:

1. The validation error was not triggering in the APH Drawer.
2. The validation error was not triggering when there were no other units for the Practice/Type/T-Yield Map Area.

With this ticket, a validation error was added stating SA T-Yields are not allowed when Master Yields are available to the APH Drawer. In addition, the validation error was updated so that it triggers regardless of whether units exist for the Practice/Type/T-Yield Map Area.

NOTE: Due to the order in which the validations must occur, prior to receiving the error, the System will display a series of pop-up messages regarding use of SA T-Yields. Once the user has answered these questions, if an override of "Added Land - Simple Average" or "New Crop P/T" still exists, the error will display.


Mark Complete: During internal testing, a bug was found with the mark complete process. In certain scenarios, the System was acting as if it was marking a coverage complete, but then it would set the coverage to "Incomplete" rather than approved/pending.

Further research found that this issue was related to the phantom line functionality put in place with TFS #88070 in the 6.105 release. This functionality will create a phantom line for transmission purposes when "EP" or "LP" is elected on the coverage a detail line does not exist for both irrigated and non-irrigated practices. The process of creating this detail line was interfering with the mark complete process and causing the coverage to remain at "Incomplete". The logic that creates these phantom lines has been updated so the mark complete process will finish and update the coverage to the appropriate approved/pending status.

NOTE: There is a known bug with the phantom line functionality where the System is creating duplicate phantom lines in certain scenarios. TFS #90112 has been set up in the 7.010 release to address this issue


Yield Cup: The "YC" option was implemented mid-year for the 2018 RY. As the first Cotton acres began to be reported, a premium difference between the RMA and the System was identified. The RMA clarified, through one of our AIPs, that although the "YC" option is not to be transmitted on the SE child line, it still needs to use the "YC" in the premium calculations since the "YC" is applied to the parent lint line.