Release Notes 9.070.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.070.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
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A request was received for an enhancement to print mailing slip sheets so forms could be mailed in standard window envelopes (Business #10). With this ticket, for all Crop Years, a new print option, "Print Mailing Slip Sheet for Grower", has been added within the Batch Printing menu and within the Print tab of MPCI policies. The slip sheet is formatted for a standard window envelope (Business #10). By default, this print option is unselected. The new print option is located under the Additional Printing Features section on the Batch Printing menu and to the right of the Crop Select section on the MPCI policy Print tab. When this print option is selected, the mailing slip sheet will print once for the policy regardless of how many forms are printing for the policy. |
41247 |
WFRP: These changes cleaned up the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) that prints for WFRP for all crop years.
NOTE: Some of the commodities do not have a WFRP Commodity Code those will print like this: ( ). |
112991 |
Perennial Combo Form: An issue was reported where the Record Type for the most recent year was not printing on the Perennial Combo Form's Production / Acreage Reporting page. The Record Type field on the Perennial Combo Form's Production / Acreage Reporting page was updated to print the Record Type for the most recent year, if present, in the APH database. This change was made for all years. |
122671 |
ECO: ECO provides area-based coverage for a portion of the policyholder’s underlying policy deductible like the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO). The underlying policy must be under the Basic Provisions of the Common Crop Insurance Policy–Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, or Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion. It uses the same expected and final area yields, projected and harvest prices, and payment factors as SCO. ECO covers a band from 86 percent (where SCO coverage ends) up to 90 or 95 percent of expected crop value. This ticket implemented the ECO Endorsement Provision that will be effective for the 2021 crop year for select crops with a contract change date of November 30, 2020 or later. |
122797 |
Provisions: RMA released the Sesame APH Provisions for the 2021 and succeeding years. These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122869 |
Provisions: RMA released the 2021 Silage Sorghum Pilot Endorsement. This has been implemented in the System and is effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122874 |
Provisions: RMA released the Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Crop Provisions (formerly called Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed Crop Provisions) which will be effective for the 2021 and succeeding Crop Years. Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and new Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334) coverages will be offered under the Hybrid Specialty Seed Crop Provisions. With this ticket, the Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Crop Provision, effective for the 2021 Crop Year, was implemented in the System. The technical corrected version that was released by RMA on Dec 17 is the version that has been implemented. |
122875 |
Provisions: RMA released Hemp Crop Provisions for the 2021 and succeeding years. These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122920 |
Provisions: RMA released Sunflower Crop Provisions for the 2021 and succeeding years. These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122921 |
Provisions: RMA updated the Dry Peas Crop Provisions for the 2021 and succeeding years; per RMA, the changes are non-substantive editorial revisions. These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122922 |
Basic Provisions: RMA updated the Common Crop Insurance Provisions - Basic Provisions for the 2021+ years for crops with a CCD on or after 11/30/20 and 2022+ years for crops with a CCD prior to 11/30/20. With this ticket, these have been implemented in the System. Per RMA, the changes made to the CCIP Basic Provisions:
122924 |
Provisions: RMA updated the ARPI Crop Provisions for the 2021 and succeeding years; per RMA, the changes made are to clarify it is the policyholder's sole responsibility to initiate arbitration in a dispute. These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122925 |
Provisions: RMA released the Sweet Potato Crop Provisions and Storage Coverage Endorsement for the 2021 and succeeding years. These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2021 Crop Year. |
122926 |
Provisions: The RMA updated the Section II: Peanuts CEPP document for the 2021 and succeeding Crop Years. With this ticket, the revised CEPP Peanuts Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2021 Crop Year have been implemented in the System. |
121648, 122552 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
123022 |
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LRP: This is a spin-off ticket created to address an issue found during UAT of TFS #122033, which increased the per head and per year limits for LRP Commodities. The first issue fixed with this ticket was found by the AIP. The per annual head limitation logic was looking at the total number of head by coverage. However, this logic needed to be updated to look at the total number of head by commodity going forward to be in line with the SCE language. The second issue fixed with this ticket was found internally. Previously, the logic looked at the SBI's share of the annual limits based on the "IneligibleSBIShare" field, which was incorrect. The System was updated and now looks at the value in the "LivestockSBIShare" field. As a reminder, RMA increased the per head limits for the 2021+ RYs as follows:
123405 |
DRP: RMA announced changes to DRP in regards to Assignment of Indemnity in the 2021 Fall Train the Trainer meeting. The GSH Paragraph 852 Assignment of Indemnity was amended in the following way: the second sentence in the opening paragraph, "The assignment(s) applies for all acreage of the crop covered by the policy" was replaced with "The assignment(s) applies for all liability remaining on the crop covered by the policy at the time the assignment is accepted by the AIP." With this ticket, the Add, View, and Maintain Assignment of Indemnity pages for DRP have been updated for the 2021+ RYs to remove the selection boxes for the individual DRP premium lines and move the Approved by Company and Released Date fields from the premium line grid up to the top portion of the page to indicate that the AOI will apply to all premium lines for that coverage. Going forward, DRP AOIs will be applied at the coverage level versus the individual premium line level. Additional work was needed to account for policies where the AOI was already in place and had an Approved by Company Date and new DRP premium lines were added. Since the AOI is in force for the coverage, a new way to get the AOI record built for the new DRP premium line(s) once it has been approved by RMA was needed. The PASS transmission logic is set to kick off a Mark Complete once the return files are imported. With this ticket, logic was added to the DRP Mark Complete process that will automatically create a new AOI record for the new RMA accepted DRP premium line(s) if an AOI already exists for the coverage with an Approved by Company date. |
119079 |
LRP: During internal research of the Livestock AOI form, MCT identified an issue where the Practice field was not displaying the same format when multiple RMA approved premium lines were displayed. This issue only affected Plan 81 - LRP. The first endorsement only had the Practice Number listed. The second endorsement only had the Practice Name listed. This issue was traced back to the UI of the Add and View AOI pages. This issue has been resolved with this ticket. Since the display issue for the Practice column needed to be fixed, the following additional changes have been implemented to enhance the Livestock Assignment of Indemnity pages for Plan 81 - LRP:
NOTE: A small issue was found with the column header row in the selection grid where the column names on the row disappear if the cursor is anywhere on the row. This is happening for all Livestock plans and MPCI, so spin-off ticket, TFS #123125, has been set up to fix this issue in a future release. |
122180 |
Previously, the high risk layer limited the map view to ONLY maps that were associated with crops currently on a grower's policies. This created an issue when trying to view the high risk layer for crops that have not yet been added to the grower's policy. This functionality has been updated to show the map areas not associated with the grower's fields. |
115038 |
The System was updated so users can key Perennial PAW fields and answer PAW questions for multiple fields at once. |
122170 |
Users reported that when multiple maps exist for a county, and the grower only has crops for one of the maps; the 2nd map was still showing in the high risk layer. This has been corrected. |
121136 |
The county data has been added on the Parcel Layer for TX. |
121905 |
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Beginning in the 2021 RY, for crops with an 11/30 or later Contract Change Date, the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) will be available for certain state/county/crops. From a System perspective, ECO will work similarly to SCO. With this ticket, the coverage changes in order to support election of ECO have been implemented. This includes the following:
NOTE: This ticket implements the UI functionality for Fund Designation Only. The database triggers necessary to set certain fund designation values for the transmission will be implemented in the 9.075 release with TFS #122231.
120332 |
PHTS: The scope of the changes in this ticket are to address a gap in the PHTS import process when PHTS data is received for multiple coverage (coverage by type or mandatory type coverages). The PHTS import process wasn't creating the detail lines during import, by type, as it should have been. Rather, all detail lines received in the PHTS were imported to the first coverage record found by the System. When coverages by type are established for the crop (e.g., dry beans, dry peas, apples, etc.), the manner in which PHTS information was imported was not correct nor efficient for the agency or AIP. The scope of this change will now sync up detail line and APH records and create them on import base on the coverage type code and PHTS coverage type code. |
122724 |