9.000 Release Notes

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.000.0.

System Updates



Quick Nursery Estimate: This ticket implemented the new Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement on the Quick Nursery Estimate. It is formatted after SCO on the Quick Estimate so users will feel familiar with how HIP displays. The following updates were made:

HIP will now display as an Option when available for the state/county/coverage selected.
The HIP Coverage Percentage field will appear once HIP is selected.
The Premium & Loss Information section was updated with applicable calculations for MPCI, HIP, and MPCI + HIP. This will be formatted using a new header row and info icon popups.
The Quick Nursery Estimate Printout was modified to match the user interface.


Quick Nursery Estimate: The Quick Nursery Estimate's Premium & Loss Information section has been updated for scenarios with the PEAK (PE) endorsement. Existing PEAK fields have been replaced with a scenario popup that displays both MPCI and PE calculations.


Forms & Reports


NVR: With this ticket, the pre-filled report style has been added to the Nursery Value Report (NVR), the pre-filled format will print detail line data if applicable. Additionally, a new print option, Nursery Location Page, was added for the blank and pre-headed report styles (default is unselected), the revision date was updated to "06-2020" and the legend was updated to: "Legend: * Revised ^ Additional Level of Coverage 100%, CAT 55%. BFR = Beginning Farmer / Rancher VFR = Veteran Farmer / Rancher".


SOI: The following updates have been made to the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for all years:

Crop and Premium Summary Section

If uninsured acres exist, "INS = " will print followed by the insurable acres; below this, "UI =" will print followed by the total uninsured acres. These will both print below the Total Acres Planted. For example:


INS = 275.0

UI = 10.3

Premium Summary Section

For Nursery Value Select policies only, a "$" now prints with the coverage's Selected Value. It was previously only printing with the Selected Value Total.


Apple Trees: The System has been updated for Apple Trees. The Stage Validations within the PAW page have been removed for Apple Trees (0184) only. The Age Calculation has also been updated for Apple Trees within the PAW page. The System will now be using the formula from Exhibit 7 of the Apple Tree Crop Insurance Standards Handbook, which is (Policy Crop Year - Set Out/Graft year) - 1, to determine the Age/Leaf Year. Additionally, the Apply Insurable/Uninsurable Tree Count popup that displayed upon Save/Save and Exit from the PAW page has been removed.


DRP: A request was received to display the Insurance Period on DRP pages and forms in the same format as the DRP Estimate Tool.

The DRP Insurance Period has been updated on the following forms for all years for DRP (2019+ RYs):
DRP Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE)
DRP Schedule of Insurance (SOI)
DRP Loss Statement
DRP Notice of Probable Loss and Milk Production Worksheet
DRP Loss / No Loss Letters
The Insurance Period data in the Insurance Period field on the above forms was updated to print in the new format to be in sync with the DRP Quick Estimate.
Previous Insurance Period Format: "MMMM - MMMM/YrX - QtrX (Insurance Period Code #)" (e.g., Apr - Jun/Yr2 - Qtr2 (803)).
New Insurance Period Format: "YYYY QX: MMM-MMM YYYY" (e.g., 2020 Q3: JUL-SEP 2020 (808)).


Nursery PIVR: The following updates have been made to the Nursery Plant Inventory Value Report (PIVR) for all Crop Years:

HIP child lines will no longer print on the form.
The page numbers were updated so they are right justified on all pages but the last page. Previously, they were indented to the right on those pages and did not match the last page.


HIP: This ticket made additional updates to the fields on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for Hurricane Insurance Protection. HIP Liability (HPA) is now printing in the Premium Summary section. When the coverage has HIP child line(s), the HIP child line(s) Liability / HPA amount in the coverage line for the parent lines is included.

NOTE: TFS #112708 has additional changes to the Crop and Premium Summary section unrelated to HIP. TFS #117453 was set up to update the SOI's unit number to display the full unit number on one line, including the unit structure when applicable; this is currently scheduled in the 9.005 Release.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Dashboard: An issue was reported where applications were being scanned in through the Attachments tab within a policy but the CIS/Underwriter was not receiving notifications for all applicable attachments within the New Notification tab of the MPCI Dashboard (Tools > Dashboard > MPCI Dashboard Tab > New Notifications tab). When adding an attachment to a policy from the Attachments tab of the policy, the Select file(s) to attach popup has an Add Attachment(s) to Additional Policies for Grower checkbox. When this checkbox is selected, all crops/policies for that grower display in a grid below the checkbox. The user is then able to select which additional policies they would like the attached information to be added to. It was found that when attachments were being added in this way, the System was only triggering one notification for one county instead of both counties within the All Notifications tab within the Dashboard (Tools > Dashboard > All Notifications tab) and the New Notifications tab within the MPCI Dashboard. A System change was made that will now create a notification on BOTH policies on the Dashboard for the All Notifications and New Notifications tabs instead of just the policy that the user is attaching attachments through.




DRP: RMA announced some regulatory changes for the 2021 RY for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP). This ticket handled the user interface and DB changes needed to account for the 2021 RY updates. With this ticket, a new database field, Declared Component Price Weighting Factor, was added, and an update was made to the Add/Maintain Detail Line pages to accommodate the new Declared Component Price Weighting Factor field. This field will only display once the user selects "Component" from the Pricing Option dropdown on the Detail Lines pages. Additionally, the values in the Declared Butterfat Test and Declared Protein Test fields were updated to accommodate the new values for the 2021+ RYs. The new values in the Declared Butterfat Test dropdown will range from "3.25" to "5.50". The new values in the Declared Protein Test dropdown will range from "2.75" to "4.50".


DRP: An enhancement request was received asking to change the Quarterly Insurance Period display to read how it is within the Quick DRP Estimate page in the Estimator menu. The display within the Estimator pages has the actual year value rather than the Yr1, Yr2, Yr3 wording. With this ticket, the Quarterly Insurance Period displayed within the Detail Line tab's grid, the Add New Detail Line page, and the Maintain Detail Line page for all RYs has been updated:

Old Display: Apr - Jun/Yr2 - Qtr2 (830)
New Display: 2021 Q2: Apr-Jun 2021 (830)




Users requested additional search options (e.g., the ability to search for a tract without a field, to search for field number (with tract), and to search for Grid IDs. In addition, a filter option was added that allows users to suppress from view fields that do not meet filter criteria (i.e., Policy, Crop, State).


Labels: Users requested the ability to create a secondary custom label for fields. With this ticket, a new Add Additional Label button was added below Label Line Styles section of the custom label editor. When selected, a text box is displayed for creating an additional custom label. This label will inherit the label styles of the primary label but will not have a label line despite being capable of being moved. This second label will not have any default information—when a user selects to apply a template to all fields, the 2nd label will not get updated content but will inherit any updated label styles applied to the primary label for the field.


High Risk: Users requested that different map areas be shaded or hatched in different angles/colors to more easily identify the map area that applies to a given location. When the high risk layer is turned on, the following map areas are distinguished when present (shown as "rating, angle degree, color"):

URA 0* (Vertical) Black
AAA 12* Red
BBB 24* Orange
CCC 36* Cerulean
DDD 48* Blue
EEE 60* Purple
FFF 72* Red
GGG 84* Orange
HHH 96* Cerulean
III 108* Blue
JJJ 120* Purple
LLL 132* Red
MMM 144* Orange
NNN 156* Cerulean
PPP 168* Blue

NOTE: T-Yield Map Areas (001 – 010) display with 90* angle (horizontal) in green.




Shareholders: Previously, there was no way to edit a shareholder name if a correction was needed (e.g., spelling of name) from within a detail line. By request, the System was updated to allow users to update shareholder names from within the Maintain Detail Line and Maintain APH pages and no longer need to go to the Utilities tab to delete and then add a corrected record.

The System was updated to now display the shareholder's names as a hyperlink within the Maintain Detail Line page and Maintain APH Shareholder information grid and also the View Detail Line Shareholder Details page. Once the Hyperlink is selected, a popup displays to allow users to edit shareholder name information.

NOTE: The Manage Policy Shareholders link found in the Utilities tab allows users to add/edit all shareholders that apply to the policy (e.g., all shareholders for all units and crops on the policy) from a single entry page. This structure was initially designed to have all Policy Level Shareholder records entered and maintained in a single location in the system so that when a change was needed, it could be made in one place and then the change would be applied to all detail lines for all coverages on the policy. Users can still use this tab for this purpose, but some edits are now possible from the detail lines tab.


Plan 13: For Plan 13 crops (PRF/Apiculture/Annual Forage), the labels within the PRF/Apiculture/Annual Forage View and Maintain Detail Line pages have been updated. These pages will now display "Revised Colonies" and "Revised Colonies Effective Date" OR "Revised Acres" and "Revised Acres Effective Date".

For this functionality, a new System Function, "Revised Colonies/Acres", was added, and when it is attached to a user role, the user can update the revised acre/colony fields. Without the permission, the revised acre/colony fields will not be visible on the user interface unless a revision has been processed by the AIP. Once revised acres and an effective date have been applied, the revisions will be visible to an agency user as a read-only value. If a user has the permission, on save, if Revised Colonies/Acres are greater than 0 and if the insured colonies/acres are not equal to the Revised Colonies/Acres and NO Revised Effective Dates exist, the System will trigger a hard edit error message of "Revised Acres have been applied. Contact your underwriter for final processing and entry of a required Revised Effective Date" (This message will say "Revised Colonies..." for Apiculture).


HIP: Per the HIP White Paper, the HIP-WI Endorsement is allowed with Plan Code "40" (Tree Based Dollar Amount); however, it is not allowed in conjunction with Plan Code 40 when these crop options are elected: "CV", "OW", or "OX". This ticket updated the HIP child line functionality to not allow HIP child lines to be created for any Plan 40 detail lines that have the "CV", "OW", or "OX" crop options.


HIP & Plan 55: An issue was found internally during testing of TFS #115358 (Detail Line user interface and Child Line Creation Logic) where the HIP child lines for Plan 55 commodities were not going to a "Complete" Processing Status due to a "Seed Company is required." validation. The detail line's Processing Status logic was updated so the HIP child lines exclude the portion of the code requiring the Seed Company as it is not applicable on child lines.


NVS: Similar to the Nursery FG&C policy, the new Nursery Value Select (NVS) policy also utilizes Nursery location functionality. System functionality for Nursery locations includes the ability to add locations via a link on the detail line as well as a link on the Utilities tab. A few releases back, the ability to add Nursery locations via the detail line was added as part of the detail line functionality for NVS. With this ticket, Nursery location functionality has been added to the Utilities tab for NVS. Users can access this functionality on the Utilities tab of an NVS policy in the Nursery Location section by clicking the "View Nursery Locations" link (to view Nursery locations on the policy) or the "Add Nursery Location" link (to add Nursery locations to the policy).


HIP & SE: An issue was found internally where the System was not calculating premium on the HIP + SE child line when the HIP option and the SE option have been applied to the "Related STAX Coverage". The rating issue was fixed for STAX HIP + SE premium lines.