Release Notes 8.100.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.100.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Plan 13: Apiculture and PRF code was recently refactored at save of a detail line grouping. Redundant calls to the database and duplicate steps were removed to improve the overall performance.


PAW: With this ticket, the main Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) and the Pecan PAW have been updated in the following ways, as indicated, for all years:

Main PAW Format Changes:

The version date was update to "04-2020", and the "Mo - Year Planted or Set" column was updated to "Mo - Year Planted or Set Out".

Pecan PAW Format Changes:

NOTE: The Pecan PAW questions will function just like the PAW questions do for the main PAW format, where the questions only print once for each State / Crop (Coverage) and each unit's answers entered in the System are captured in the State / Crop (Coverage) PAW Questions.

The main PAW format is used with the exception of the UW Questions.
Question #1 - includes Yes and No checkboxes; checkboxes will be selected based on the answers entered in the System for the State / Crop (Coverage).
"Has damage (e.g., disease, hail, freeze) occurred to Trees / Vines / Bushes / Bog that will reduce the insured crop’s production from previous crop years? If yes to disease, list type."
"Units with a YES answer:" Creates listing of all of the units for the Pecans coverage that answer the "Yes" to the question in the System.
Question #2 - includes Yes and No checkboxes; checkboxes will be selected based on the answers entered in the System for the State / Crop (Coverage).
"Have practices or production methods (e.g., removal, dehorning, grafting, transitioning to organic) been performed that will reduce the insured crop‘s production from previous crop years?"
"Units with a YES answer:" Creates listing of all of the units for the Pecans coverage that answer the "Yes" to the question in the System.
Question #3 - includes Yes and No checkboxes; checkboxes will be selected based on the answers entered in the System for the State / Crop (Coverage).
"Is the current water supply (surface allotment / well) adequate to produce a normal crop for the crop year being certified above?"
"Units with a NO answer:" Creates a listing of all of the units for the Pecans coverage that answer the "Yes" to the question in the System.
The form number and version date for the Pecan PAW were updated to "870P (Rev. 04-2020)" since there are different PAW Questions for Pecans; the "P" was added to the form number to distinguish the Pecans PAW format.

NOTE: To be able to print a Pecan PAW, there must be a Pecan coverage on the policy.


PAW: The Pecan Tree Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) has been implemented in the System. The following updates have been made for all years (the System will determine when a Pecan Tree policy can be created):

The Pecan Tree PAW format will only print if the coverage selected to print is a Pecan Tree coverage; this pertains to all report styles.
If a Pecan Tree policy has several Pecan Tree coverages, a Pecan Tree PAW will print for each Pecan Tree coverage selected to print with only one statement / signature page. For example, if 3 Pecan Tree coverages were selected to print, then the 3 Pecan Tree PAW forms will print with only one statement / signature page.
Only one statement / signature page will print for the PAW form regardless of how many PAW formats are printing. For example, if Pecan Trees and Pecan coverages are on the same policy and both have been selected to print, then the Pecan PAW format and Pecan Tree PAW format will print with one statement / signature page.
The HI and TX Fruit and Tree PAW formats were updated so that the main PAW format will not print in addition to the HI and TX Fruit and Tree PAW format.


Acreage Report: With this ticket, the following updates have been made to the Acreage Report for Pecan Trees for all years:

When printing the Acreage Report for a policy with Pecan Trees and other non-tree crops, the "Acres" column label will be "Tree Count / Reported Acres". If the policy only has Pecan Trees (or only other trees), then the column label will be "Tree Count". The Tree Count data for Pecan Trees has also been mapped to print in this field.
When printing the Acreage Report for a policy with Pecan Trees, the "Date Planting Completed" column label will be "Date Set Out Completed". The Set Out Date data for Pecan Trees has also been mapped to print in this field. If there are multiple Set Out dates for the detail line, the oldest Set Out Date will print with an asterisk (*) after it to indicate more Set Out dates exist; this update was made for all Fruit and Trees coverages.
The Farm Name code functionality was updated to print the Farm Name from the Unit Level information instead of from the PAW. The Acreage Report uses a shared code for printing the Farm Name, and multiple forms use this Farm Name shared code. These forms were also updated to print the Farm Name from the Unit Level information instead of from the PAW:
Acreage Report
Annual Forage Acreage Report
Acreage and Tonnage Report - Raisins
Adjuster's Summary of Coverage (this form is located on the Claims Print menu)
Alfalfa Seed Underwriting
APH Database / Acreage Reporting Form
APH Database
Actual Revenue History Form
Pecan Revenue Report / Summary of Revenue History forms
Production Report
Production Report / Acreage Report (not all AIPs have this form turned on)
Schedule of Insurance (SOI) including the Annual Forage SOI format that has separate code from the main SOI
SOI / Production Report


Pecan Trees: For all years, the MPCI Declaration Page (MPCI Dec Page) and the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report (PR) for Pecan Trees have been updated. Now, when the coverage is Pecan Trees, the full name of the Restoration Method that was entered on the Coverage page in the System will print in the coverage's (for the MPCI Dec Page) or Crop Summary's (for the SOI and SOI / PR) Option field.


HIP: This ticket implemented Hurricane data provisions and Hurricane Insurance Protection Wind - Index Endorsements. The changes are applicable for the 2020 Crop Year and forward.

Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.


Coarse Grains: 2020 Coarse Grains Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. This change is applicable for the 2020+ CYs. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Labels: The ability to move and modify label lines on the custom label layer has been added. In the Custom Label layer, a new line button displays. To move a label line, click the Move Label Line button and then click on the line and drag the point to move the end point or to create a new middle point (to allow for an angled line). You can multiple add/move points until the desired shape is attained. Click Update to save the modified label line.




Nursery: To account for the new Nursery Value Select pilot program, detail line functionality updates were required. Coverage functionality for Nursery Value Select was implemented in the 8.095 release with TFS #102362. Nursery Value Select detail lines will use the majority of the existing Nursery detail line functionality unless otherwise noted below.

With this ticket, existing Nursery detail line functionality has been implemented for Nursery Value Select with the following exceptions:

The Detail Line and Signature Maintenance pages have been updated to reference the "Nursery Value Report" rather than the "Inventory Report (PIVR)".
The View Detail Line tab has been updated to include "Selected Value" in place of "Inventory Value".
The Add New and Maintain Detail Line pages have been updated to reference NVR Signature Dates rather than PIVR Signature Dates.
Fields for Survival Percent and Previous Years Sales will not display for Nursery Value Select.
The Add New and Maintain Detail Line pages for Nursery Value Select will include the following new fields:
Selected Value
This field is required.
The Selected Value cannot exceed the Maximum Monthly Value if buy-up coverage is elected.
The Selected Value cannot exceed the lesser of the Maximum Monthly Value or 110% of the Previous Year Inventory if CAT coverage is elected.
On save, if the maximum Selected Value is exceeded, the System will display a warning message. (A suspension will also be implemented to catch this scenario in a future release.)
Maximum Monthly Value
This field is required.
Previous Year Inventory
This field is required when the coverage level is CAT; otherwise, it is optional.

All other Nursery detail line functionality will apply to Nursery Value Select. Finally, the rating logic for Nursery Value Select was implemented as part of this ticket.


BFR/VFR: With this ticket, the Approved by AIP field on the Coverages tab of a policy has been updated to display as blank for Agency users if a date does not exist. If a date exists, the date entered by the AIP will display in this field. The Approved by AIP label will still display regardless.


HIP: To support the implementation of Hurricane Insurance Protection, the MPCI coverage pages (Add New Policy, Add/Maintain/View Coverage) and MPCI Quote pages (Add/Maintain/View MPCI Quotes) now allow the selection of the HIP-WI endorsement as a coverage option. Learn more about "Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index (HIP-WI)" functionality.


Perennials: Logic was added for the System to correctly apply Fire Blight options, when appropriate, on Apple Tree premium lines. A Remove Fire Blight checkbox was added on the Add New and Maintain Detail Lines pages which will be used for removing Fire Blight from the premium lines when needed. Learn more about "Apple Trees (0184)".


Perennials: TFS #111027 attempted to correct the calculation of age for HI Tropical Trees. Per the AIP and RMA confirmation received, the System calculation of this still wasn't correct. With this ticket, this issue has been resolved and age will be calculated as the RY-1 (to determine the age of trees as of December 31st, which is also the SCD for the current RY) for HI Tropical Trees. The age of trees at the time of the SCD for the new RY is what's used for the tree age.


Nursery: Nursery Value Select procedures state that the BL option (basic units by non-contiguous land) is only available for Field Grown Practices and a Unit Division Code of Units by Share. During internal testing, it was found that the BL option was displaying for selection when a Unit Division Code of Units by Type was selected. With this ticket, the Nursery Value Select Coverage UI has been updated to only display the BL option for selection if the Practice is a Field Grown Practice and the Unit Division Code is Units by Share.


Quotes: As part of the Add New Quote page, the System displays a section to enter detail line information and, on save, the System will create a detail line if information is entered in this section. Since standard detail line functionality does not apply to some crops, the System should not be allowing users to create a detail line via the Add New Quote Screen for certain crops/plans. With this ticket, the System will no longer display the Detail Line section of the Add New MPCI Quote page when the crop/plan is one of the following:

Plan 40 (TDO)
Plan 13 (RI)
Plan 43 (Aquaculture)
Plan 41 (Pecan Revenue)
Plan 76 (WFRP)

NOTE: TFS #113172 removed this section for WFRP

Nursery (0073) Nursery Value Select (1010)

The System will continue to display the Detail Line section but not the fields for Estimated Yield or Estimated Rate Yield when the crop/plan is one of the following: Plan 35 or 36 (STAX) Plan 16 or 17 (Margin Protection) Plan 55 (Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance)


Perennials: During testing of TFS #112899 for PAW and Validation changes for Apple Trees, a display issue was found on the View and Maintain Detail Line pages when the CTV Price Determined from Grower Records checkbox was selected. The System was displaying the CTV Amount of Protection and CTV Liability at $0 on the Maintain Detail Line page, which caused the System to not display the correct calculations on the View Detail Line page. It was found that the logic that is used for setting the CTV fields on the parent line was missing for Apple Trees. The logic that was missing has now been added and the System now displays the correct values for CTV Amount of Protection and CTV Liability and no longer displays a $0 value.


Perennials: During testing of TFS #112899, an issue was found where, when a user changed the density on the practice on the detail line for Apple Trees, the System was removing information from within the PAW grid. A System change has been implemented so that when the practice (density type) is changed but the stage code remains the same, the system will no longer remove data within the PAW.


Perennials: While testing was being conducted for Apple Trees, it was found that the ability to designate trees as "Uninsurable" on a detail line was not available. With this ticket, an Uninsurable checkbox was added to the Add New and Maintain Detail Line pages. Once this checkbox is selected, the Uninsurable tree grid will display and the user will be able to designate the trees as Uninsurable. Learn more about "Apple Trees (0184)".