Release Notes 15.075.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.075.0.


System Updates

Entity Management


Conservation Compliance: TFS #119473 recently implemented a new webservice tool located in the Tools menu allowing users with the System Function: Policy > Conservation Compliance Look-Up > "Access" the ability to do a simple search to identify growers who may be considered out of compliance prior to waiting for transmission logic to go through. This is a real-time lookup that is hooked up to RMA to perform this search.

When the page was first implemented, the Refresh button was not included in functionality, so if users wanted to do multiple searches, they had to clear fields and/or type over previous entries. With this ticket we have added a Refresh button that will clear out all of the previous entries and change the fields back to the default values.


Forms & Reports


Livestock: The FCIC Board of Directors approved revisions to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) plan of insurance under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act on May 19, 2022 and April 19, 2023. LGM changes include clarified policy terms (i.e., removed obsolete terms, added a definition for “declared share” to clarify insurable interest, converted the “approved target marketings” and “target marketings report” to “cumulative target marketings” and “specific coverage endorsement”, respectively). With this ticket, the LGM Dairy Cattle Target Marketing form has been updated in the following ways for 2024+:

In the form title, “Target Marketings” was updated to “Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE)”.
In the page 1 header, "Reinsurance Year" was updated to "Crop Year" for all years.
Approved Marketings was removed.
For the Expected Gross Margin Per Month & Total, the format of the value has been changed to a dollar value with no decimals (e.g., $9,999,999).
Certification questions were removed.
The USDA Multiple Benefit Statement was added to the 2024+ version of the form.
The Form # was changed to "LGM SCE-DC" for the Dairy Cattle SCE unless NCIS has a #.
The title of the form in the Livestock policy Print tab was updated to "Livestock Gross (LGM) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) - Dairy Cattle".

NOTE: This form is not available in Batch Printing.


Livestock: The FCIC Board of Directors approved revisions to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) plan of insurance under section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act on May 19, 2022 and April 19, 2023. LGM changes include clarified policy terms (i.e., removed obsolete terms, added a definition for “declared share” to clarify insurable interest, converted the “approved target marketings” and “target marketings report” to “cumulative target marketings” and “specific coverage endorsement”, respectively). With this ticket, the LGM Swine Target Marketing form has been updated in the following ways for 2024+:

In the page 1 header, "Reinsurance Year" was updated to "Crop Year" for all 2024+.
The page 2+ header was updated to only display the page 1 header on page 1; previously, when a policy had multiple Crop Types (Ex. Farrow to Finish), the page 1 header and the page 2+ header were both printing.
In the form title, “Target Marketings” was updated to “Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE)”.
“SEW = Segregated Early Wean” was added to the legend.
For Swine Target Marketings Month, “(Enter Month)” was added to the label to be consistent with Dairy Cattle.
Approved Marketings was removed.
Certification questions were removed.
The USDA Multiple Benefit Statement was added to the 2024+ version of the form.
The Form # was changed to “LGM SCE-SW” for the Swine SCE unless NCIS has a #.
LGM SCE was added to the Attachment Types list.
The title of the form in the Livestock policy Print tab was updated to "Livestock Gross (LGM) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) - Swine".

NOTE: This form is not available in Batch Printing.


Livestock: This ticket implemented the updated 2024 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Policy Provisions published on May 30, 2023.


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 14. The following Special Provisions for the 2024 Reinsurance Year have been implemented in the System:

2024 Wheat (0011) - YP (01), AYP (04), MP(16) plans
2024 Canola (0015) - YP (01) plan
2024 Oats (0016) - YP (01) plan
2024 Dry Peas (0067) - YP (01) & APH (90) plans
2024 Barley (0091) - YP (01) plan
2024 Rye (0094) - YP (01) plan
2024 Forage Production (0033) - AYP (04) plan
2024 Corn (0041) - MP (16) plan
2024 Soybeans (0081) - MP (16) plan
2024 TX Tangerine Trees (0196) - TDO (40) plan
2024 TX Orange Trees (0207) - TDO (40) plan
2024 TX Grapefruit Trees (0208) - TDO (40) plan
2024 TX Lemon Trees (0209) - TDO (40) plan
2024 TX Lime Trees (0210) - TDO (40) plan
2024 TX Sugar Cane (0038) - APH (90) plan
2024 TX Triticale (0158) - APH (90) plan


Annual Forage: This ticket cleaned up some items related to the #131866 in the 15.065 Release and #149653 in the 15.070 Release surrounding the recent changes made to accommodate Annual Forage updates made for the 2024+ RYs. Make sure to use the Crops dropdown on the Print menus to select the right Growing Season(s) that are reporting acres; this will help reduce the number of unnecessary pages printing since the default on the Print menu is to print all coverages.

Removed some lines from the Commodity Detail section when the form is printing with lines and added more space under the land section to give more handwriting space.
Only prints acres if there is an AR Sign Date exists.
Prints more Commodity Lines if there is not Commodity Line data entered into the System, so that users can fill out by hand.
Coverage are not doubled in the Acreage Detail Line Section when there are no Detail Lines set up yet.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Annual Forage: Previously, when a user selected one of the canceled Coverage Statuses, the Percent of Value was not zeroed out, which was confusing to users who are trying to visually sum the Percents of Value on active coverages. With this ticket, the Percent of Value is now resetting to 0% when a detail line is set to a canceled status (prior to save of the coverage).