Release Notes 8.015.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.015.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


An enhancement request was received to add functionality to Batch Printing that gives a user the ability to only print the corresponding Growing Season lines for a selected Acreage Reporting Date(s) for the Annual Forage Acreage Report. The following updates have been made for the Acreage Report - Annual Forage form on the Batch Printing menu only (these changes will not display for this form when on the MPCI policy Print tab) for all Crop Years:

A new print option, "Print detail lines for selected Acreage Reporting date(s)", was added for the form.
This new print option will display for selection when the crop selected to print is Annual Forage, an Acreage Reporting Date(s) has been selected from the dropdown, and the pre-filled report style has been selected.
When this new print option is selected, only the Growing Season(s) tied to the ARD will print on the form. Additionally, only the coverages/premium lines tied to the selected Acreage Reporting Date(s) will print on the form; the System will reference the AcreageReportingDate on the MpciPremiumLine table. If a coverage does not have any premium lines entered, a detail line will only print for the coverage if the "Include a detail line for coverages with no detail lines" print option has also been selected.
This new print option defaults as unselected.
A disclaimer was added to the Batch Printing menu that reads: "WARNING: If you have not selected any Acreage Reporting dates then all detail lines will print." This disclaimer will show below the new print option when the pre-filled report style is selected. The disclaimer displays in red in italics.


The System has been updated to support printing the MPCI Application for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policies. The following updates were made for all Crop Years:

The Application / Change / Transfer / Cancel Form was added to the DRP Print menu in alpha order.
The following report styles will be available to select from for the application:
Blank Form
Pre-Headed Form – with Agency info only
Pre-Headed Form – with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only
Pre-Filled Form (default report style)
The following print options will be available for the application:
"Include Extra SSN and EIN Reporting Page" – available for all report styles. This print option defaults as unselected.
"Display Unmasked Tax IDs" – available for the "Pre-Headed with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only" and "Pre-Filled" report styles. This print option defaults as unselected.
When this form is selected on the DRP Print menu, Grower, Agency, Agent, and DRP data will print.
When this form is selected on the MPCI Print menu, Grower, Agency, Agent, and MPCI data will continue to print as it does today.
When this form is scanned in via Batch Scanning and the MPCI Application was printed from the DRP Print menu, the form will have the Attachment Type of "DRP Application".
When this form is scanned in via Batch Scanning and the MPCI Application was printed from the MPCI Print menu, the form will have the Attachment type of "MPCI Application/Cancel/Transfer/Change"—just like it does today.


It was found that, when a STAX coverage was linked to another coverage on the policy, the STAX coverage would not print in the Crop Summary on the CLU based Acreage Report. If the STAX coverage was not linked properly to the related coverage, then the STAX coverage would print in the CLU based Acreage Report's Crop Summary. The CLU based Acreage Report was updated to print the related STAX coverage in the Crop Summary correctly.

NOTE: The non-CLU based Acreage Report is printing correctly.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Companion Policy: On a policy where Companion links existed, when a user edited the grower's address and phone and then selected Save & Exit, the System was incorrectly warning the user that "Changing the agency will result all associated companion links to be removed". However, no agency changes were made, so the warning should not have been triggered. With this ticket, the logic throwing the invalid warning message has been corrected. The warning message has also been updated so that if it's utilized elsewhere it correctly reads: "Changing the agency will result in all associated companion links to be removed". Previously, the word "in" was missing in the message.


For the 2020+ RYs, in an effort to continue to streamline processing workflows for agency users, a paperclip icon was added to the Signature Maintenance popup of the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR grids to enable quicker attachment of policy documents. When clicked, the System will open the Attachments popup so users can attach grower-signed documents to the policy file. There were no changes to Attachment functionality; this is merely a new access point within the processing workflow to attach a document should the user wish to while processing a policy. This eliminates the need for a user to go back into the policy at a later time to add attachments.


APH: An issue was reported where the New Crop P/T APH Override was not applying correctly for Cotton. It was found that the System was not applying the T-Yield, which was higher than the Simple Average after saving the APH. The New Crop P/T calculator was updated for Skip Row Cotton.