Release Notes 12.010.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 12.010.0.

System Updates



With this ticket, users now have the ability to quote Companion MP/MP-HPO in the Fall (which has a 9/30 SCD) before the base MPCI coverage is available (which are spring SCDs). Please note, calculations for the MPCI coverage and the MP Premium Reduction will not be available until the MPCI coverage is rolled (typically in December/January). To accommodate this, a new menu option, "Companion MP Policy Estimator" is available from Estimator > Policy Estimator.


Forms & Reports


PRH: With this ticket, the Production Revenue History (PRH) form has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The "Production Revenue History (PRH)" form on the MPCI policy Print tab has been updated with the following:
The "Pre-Filled Form" and "Pre-Filled Form - With All Land IDs Displayed" report styles were added to the Level of detail dropdown.
The "Duplex Print" print option was added.
When a pre-filled report style is selected and printed for the form, the PRH form will pre-fill with data from the Database and Revenue History menus.
When a pre-filled or pre-headed report style is selected and printed for the form, the PRH form will print a QR Code with Insured and Agency info. When the form is batch scanned, it will attach to the applicable policy with an Attachment Type of "PRH Report".
An "Elected % of Sales" field was added to the Revenue History section of the form.


Enterprise Units: This ticket updated the Policy Change Form to display what was selected for Enterprise Units - Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice (EC) and Enterprise Unit Separated by Type (ET). The Option field was updated for the Coverage Line so it displays the correct information when EC has been selected for Enterprise Units and ECO has been selected as an option.


MPCI Application: This ticket updated the MPCI Application to provide more information on what was selected for Enterprise Units - Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice (EC) and Enterprise Unit Separated by Type (ET). Also, other labeling and verbiage change requests were made since this form was already being updated.


Livestock: With this ticket, the MPCI Application that prints from the DRP Livestock policy Print tab has been updated in the following ways for all years:

In the Conditions of Acceptance statement the text, "This" is no longer covered by an en dash (–).
In the Policy Cancellation Information statement, the hyphen was updated to no longer overlap with the en dash.


Livestock: The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE) has been updated to add Subsidy and Cost per CWT fields to the form for all years.

NOTE: Cost per CWT will be blank until the System has implemented calculations with TFS #139878 in a future release.


Special Provisions: SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 27. The following Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded from and implemented in the System: Grass Seed (0102) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD, 6/30 CCD – MN, ND.


HIP: The 2023 Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Data Provisions and Wind Index Endorsement has been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab in individual MPCI policies and from the Batch Printing menu.


CEPP: The RMA updated the following sections of the Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) document for the 2023+ CYs:

Section I: General Information
Section II: Grain Sorghum
Section II: Sunflowers
Section II: Barley
Section II: Corn
Section II: Cotton
Section II: Rice
Section II: Soybeans
Section II: Wheat

The revised CEPP Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2023+ CYs have been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab in individual MPCI policies and from the Batch Printing menu.


Livestock: The LRP Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:

State of Incorporation will now print when the form is printed with the Pre-headed Applicant / Insured report style, when applicable. Otherwise, the field will be blank.
All instances of the word "cancelled" and "cancelling" have been updated to "canceled" and "canceling" on the form.

Livestock: The Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedules of Insurance (SOIs) have been updated in the following ways:

The following message, similar to what is on the DRP SOI, was added: "Only RMA accepted Detail Lines are available to be printed on the Schedule of Insurance, at least one needs to be selected for the form to print."
Only RMA approved Detail Lines now display on the Livestock policy Print Tab in the Detail Line fields of the LGM SOIs.
The correct Detail Line #s now print in the header.
Prices now print on the 2023 LGM SOIs.


Nursery: The Nursery (FG&C & NVS) format of the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) was updated to print revised inventory in the premium summary in the scenario where original inventory is $0 and revised inventory is greater than $0.

NOTE: The original issue report also stated that the HIP Option should not print in the premium summary since HIP does not apply to revised lines. It was confirmed that HIP is not printing on the actual revised detail line; however, it does print in the Options Applied to Coverage section of the premium summary because HIP is elected on the coverage. This is by design.


Livestock: The Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Transfer of Rights to an Indemnity (TOR) form has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The Transferor's label was added in the page 2+ headers; it was previously missing on the blank report style.
The Effective Date of Transfer field was added. This is a user-filled field.
The State Code will now be pulled from the Location / Policy State instead of the Entity State, as Entity State is no longer applicable for 2023+.


Special Provisions: SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 24. The following Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded from and implemented in the System:

Tangerine Trees (0193) – TDO (40) – Texas (48) – 11/1 SCD
Orange Trees (0207) – TDO (40) – Texas (48) – 11/1 SCD
Grapefruit Trees (0208) – TDO (40) – Texas (48) – 11/1 SCD
Lemon Trees (0209) – TDO (40) – Texas (48) – 11/1 SCD
Lime Trees (0210) – TDO (40) – Texas (48) – 11/1 SCD
Triticale (0158) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD


UDGO: Beginning 2023+ RYs, each OU established under UDGO will be comprised of the insurable cropland under the same BU with a Section Equivalent ID. Each field, which is defined by the CCIP-BP as all acreage of tillable land within a natural or artificial boundary (roadway, waterway, fences, etc,) will be assigned to a single Section Equivalent ID. Different planting patterns or planting different crops do not create separate fields. For fields that cross grid boundaries, the field will be assigned to the Section Equivalent IDs in which the centroid of that field lies. All fields under the same BU having a centroid with the Section Equivalent ID will comprise the OU.

Insureds must report the RMA grid associated with the field location identification for each field. Section Equivalent IDs will be listed in "Section Equivalent ID" ICE Table D00187 and display in format of XX-XXXXXXX-XX (ex. TX-13RFQ38-31). A new "Section Equivalent ID" will be added to the P27 record for this value. The Section Equivalent ID will be required whenever the UG option is applied to the detail line and will be keyed manually in the Land ID modal.

Core functionality for UDGO has been implemented with TFS #121586 for RY 2023+ for Category B crops in Georgia, Maine, and Texas. This ticket adds functionality supporting the new Section Equivalent ID.

NOTE: TFS #139982 has been created to address removing Section Equivalent IDs when a UG written agreement has been deleted.



During testing for the Telerik upgrade, an issue was found where the verbiage, "All applicable information below must be completed, along with attaching any required documentation, before submitting to RMA / RO.", that prints under the "Request for Actuarial Change Form" title was missing on the Request for Actuarial Change Form. This issue has been resolved for all years.


Premium Line: During internal review of existing code, a developer found some inefficient code that determined when to display Revised Signature Dates on the Maintain Detail Line page. The code in question triggered each time acres were changed on a premium line, even if changing from 0 to a value greater than zero. Once acres were changed, there was a series of look ups to see if the Revised Signature Dates should display or not. With this ticket, this logic was updated to enhance system performance when loading the Maintain Detail Line page. The Revised Signature Date logic on the Maintain Detail Line page was updated to remove the check called out above and always display the Revised AR Sign Date fields on the Maintain Detail Line page if:

Original Signature Dates exists for the Planting Season that applies to the Premium Line (i.e. Fall or Spring) and,
The current date is after the Acreage Reporting Date (ARD) for the Detail Line/Planting Season.



Small Grains: RMA released a Small Grains Crop Provisions - Malt Barley Endorsement for the 2023 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs), and it has been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab in individual MPCI policies and from the Batch Printing menu.


Forage Production: The updated Forage Production APH Crop Provisions for the 2023+ CYs have been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab in individual MPCI policies and from the Batch Printing menu.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




During internal testing, an issue was found where, when creating a new Livestock Policy from an existing Livestock Policy, all LRP and LGM SBIs were being copied to the new policy, even if the SBIs were deselected on the user interface when creating the new Livestock Policy. This issue has been resolved for the 2023+ RYs so that only the selected SBIs will roll to the new Livestock Policy.


During internal testing an issue was found where, if a user tried to key a future date on the Add New and Maintain Detail Line pages, an Elmah error was triggered. In this instance, the System should have returned a red hard stop with the message that future dates are now allowed. A fix has been implemented to trigger a red hard stop error when attempting to key future dates on Add New/Maintain Detail Line pages for all Livestock plans.


LRP: RMA requires that a share be entered for SBIs on Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) policies. However, they do not want the share to be entered when the SBI Share is less than 10%. When LRP policies are transmitted with SBI shares under 10%, they are returned in error. In an effort to try to avoid these errors an enhancement request was submitted asking for a hard stop error message when the SBI Share entered is less than 10%. It was decided that rather than locking the page down completely with a hard stop, in this scenario, a warning message will now be triggered, allowing the user to continue if they wish. This will also help avoid issues in the future if RMA changes the rules on SBI submissions for LRP.


TFS #137755 recently added logic to add a new permission to allow AIP users with that permission to delete premium lines that had already been approved by RMA. During internal QA of this ticket, it was found that if a user tried to delete a detail line that had an AOI attached, the System acted like it was going to delete the line but it did not. A "Sorry..." error wasn't thrown on the page, but an Elmah Log was created.

With this ticket, logic was added to look for AOIs attached to the detail lines selected for deletion. If an AOI exists, a hard stop error will now be thrown for each applicable detail line. The error message will read: "Line X: An Assignment of Indemnity exists for the selected detail line and must be removed before the line can be deleted." Users will need to remove the AOI prior to deleting the premium line.




Users requested the ability to add fields to PRF Wizard from existing map regions. A new button exists (+) in the PRF Wizard to allow a user to fields add from map region. Select the button to add fields from a Map Region.


Users requested relabeling of the Reload buttons in the PRF Wizard. The reload button allows the following options:

Reload Unit Group Only (reloads unit groups from the policy)
Reload and Sync AR (reloads unit groups AND syncs the fields from the AR)


A new updated 2020 HR Map Layer is loaded into the Mapping module.




WFRP/Micro Farm: Internal testing discovered an issue with how the "Revert Changes" functionality was working on the WFRP Final FOR page. A red screen and subsequent Elmah error was thrown when the "Revert Changes" functionality was invoked on the Final FOR page for WFRP (0076) and Micro Farm (9110) policies. A fix has been implemented so that utilizing the "Revert Changes" functionality on the WFRP Final FOR will not trigger a red screen and Elmah error.


UDGO: After adding the new Section Equivalent ID for Unit Division by Grid Option (UDGO) in TFS #138375, it was found that a generic error message needed to be updated to identify what Land ID was not in the valid format. When Sec/Twp/Rng or Section Equivalent ID are not in the correct format, there will be a popup message for each. The old message "One or more Land ID could not be updated" was replaced with:

Sec/Twp/Rng: "Section Township Range XXXXXXX is not a valid ID"
Section Equivalent ID: "Section Equivalent ID XXXXXXXX is not a valid ID"


Fast Edit AR: A request was received from an AIP for Fast Edit AR workflow improvements. The recommendations were for adding the respective signature dates to the display within the Fast Edit Acreage Reporting page. In addition to the signature dates, the attachments icon was also suggested to be implemented so the users are able to open the Attachments tab from within the Fast Edit pages.

The System has been updated to add the respective signature dates to the display within the Fast Edit Acreage Reporting page. The Fast Edit Acreage Reporting Dates and label will only display if sign dates exists. Additionally, the attachments icon has been added to the Fast Edit Acreage Reporting page so a user will have the ability to open the Attachments tab from within the Fast Edit pages. Once the attachment icon has been selected, the System will open the policy’s Attachment tab in its present state as a new browser tab.

In addition to these changes requested, the attachments icon was also updated within the Signature Maintenance of the Fast Edit Acreage Reporting page to display the Attachments tab in the same manner as it will display with the changes noted above. For consistency purposes, the attachments icon, when selected, will launch within a new browser tab.


Fast Edit PR: A request was received from an AIP for Fast Edit workflow improvements. The recommendations were for adding the respective signature dates to the display within the Fast Edit Production Reporting page. In addition to the signature dates, the attachments icon was also suggested to be implemented so the users are able to open the Attachments tab from within the Fast Edit pages.

The System has been updated to add the respective signature date to the display within the Fast Edit Production Reporting page. Additionally, the attachments icon has been added to the Fast Edit Production Reporting page so a user will have the ability to open the Attachments tab from within the Fast Edit pages. Once the attachment icon has been selected, the System will open the policy’s Attachment tab in its present state as a new browser tab.

In addition to these changes requested, the attachments icon was also updated within the Signature Maintenance of the Fast Edit Production Reporting page to display the Attachments tab in the same manner as it will display with the changes noted above. For consistency purposes, the attachments icon, when selected, will launch within a new browser tab.