Release Notes 6.080.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.080.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


RMA updated the Pre-Acceptance Inspection Report (PAIR) for Florida (FL) Citrus Fruit in the December 21st publication of the 2018 Document and Supplemental Standards Handbook (DSSH). The updates are effective for policies for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years with crops that have a contract change date of November 30, 2017 or later. While researching the DSSH change, it was determined that the System did not previously have the FL Citrus Fruit PAIR:

The Dec 21 DSSH change to the FL Citrus Fruit PAIR was only a single word.
The new FL Citrus Fruit PAIR form was added to the MPCI policy Print tab and the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing) in alpha order. The title is "Pre-Acceptance Inspection Report - FL Citrus Fruit".
The form has 3 report styles (Blank, Pre-head for Agency Only, and Pre-head with Insured and Agency info).
The form has a QR code and can be used in the Batch Scanning functionality as a permanent form with the Attachment Type of "PAIR".
The version date was updated to "02-2018".
A FL Citrus Fruit PAIR form will print for each coverage selected to print.


RMA updated the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for Florida (FL) Citrus Fruit in the 2018 Document and Supplemental Standards Handbook (DSSH). So, the PAW for Florida Citrus was updated to meet the new form standards—this includes the addition of several fields.


Beginning with the 2018 RY, RMA has added a new procedure that allows growers to select to exclude acreage damaged by an unavoidable uninsured fire (UUF) and/or a third party. When a grower makes this election, the Acreage Report must be updated to indicate what acreage was damaged by an unavoidable uninsured fire (UUF) and/or a third party.

NOTE: This requirement is waived for 2017 UUF/Third Party Damage acreage. RMA has added a new Acreage Type of "K – Unavoidable Uninsured Fire or Third Party Damage" to the Acreage Type ICE Table (ICE D00142) to account for reporting of UUF/Third Party Damage acreage. TFS #75004 in Release 6.040 added a description to the new Acreage Type of "K" that displays on the detail line, detail line drawer, and CLU grid.

With this ticket, the following changes were made:

The version date was updated to "02-2018".
The alpha code of the Acreage Type or Uninsured Reason will print in the Acreage Type field if one has been entered.
The Acreage Type legend was added in the footer on the last Statement Page.


WFRP: The 2018 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Handbook added a new form for WFRP. The new Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Expected Value and Yield Documentation Worksheet form was added to the MPCI policy Print tab and the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing) for the 2018+ RYs. This form has a QR code, can be used in the Batch Scanning functionality as a permanent form with an Attachment Type of "WFRP Exp Value & Yld Wksht", has 3 report styles (Blank, Pre-head for Agency Only, and Pre-head with Insured and Agency info), and an updated version of "01-2018".


eSign: The 848 High Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement Application has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign Wizard. For this form, the eSign wizard will:

1. Accept optional user input for:
The Remarks section
2. Obtain Grower/Authorized signature
3. Obtain Agent signature
4. Populate the Signature Dates


eSign: The NPCS New Producer Certification Statement has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign Wizard. For this form, the eSign wizard will:

1. Accept optional user input for:
The Remarks section
2. Obtain Grower/Authorized signature
3. Obtain Agent signature
4. Populate the Signature Dates




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Policy: A request was made to force the user to select the Agent Name on the Add New Policy page if there is more than one agent licensed and appointed in the policy state for that agency. Previously, the System defaulted to the first agent in the dropdown, which could easily be overlooked by the processor.

This request involves adding a "--Select--" option to the top of the dropdown list as the default option if there is more than one name pulled into the list. If there is only one agent, the System defaults that agent name. The ticket also required the addition of a new validation at Save, Save & Add, and Save & Exit to be returned if the user fails to select an agent name.

NOTE: TFS #84701 has been set up to address an issue with inactive agents showing in the Agent dropdown. That ticket will be handled in a later release.


Malt Barley: RMA issued PM-17-038 around changes to the Malt Barley Endorsement (ME option) for the 2018+ RYs. One of the changes made to the policy and handbook was to clarify that the weighted average price for ME is to be determined using planted and insurable acres only. In addition, any non-contracted acres should be determined as total insurable planted acres minus contracted acres.

While the System is correctly not including prevented plant (PP) acres, it was including uninsurable (UI) acres in the Malt Barley Worksheet, Malt Barley Price Worksheet, weighted average price calculation, and non-contracted acres calculation. This ticket updated the following for Malt Barley:

1. The Malt Yield Worksheet section of the Malt Barley Worksheet was updated to only list the insurable reported acres.
a. Previously, the System included both Insurable and Uninsurable acres in the Reported Acres column. Going forward, this column should only populate with the Insurable Reported Acres.
b. The column heading was updated to now read "Reported Insurable Acres" rather than "Reported Acres".
2. The Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet was updated to populate based on values from each of the contracts entered where Crop Type is "Malting (Winter)", "Malting (Spring)", or "All". Previously, the System was not displaying the contracts if the Crop Type was "All".
3. The calculation logic was updated for the Non-Contract Acres field in the Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet section.
a. Previously, the calculation logic for the Non-Contract Acres was using the Total Reported Acres.
b. Due to the change in Requirement #1 above, the Non-Contract Acres Total calculation was updated to be Total Insurable Reported Acres minus Total Contract Acres.


RMA issued PM-17-038 around changes to the Malt Barley Endorsement (ME option) for the 2018+ RYs. One of the changes called out is that if an insured has contracts for both organic and conventional Malting Barley, all projected price calculations as well as contract and non-contract acreage calculations must be completed separately with organic acreage using organic contracts and conventional acreage using the conventional contracts.

This ticket updated the Malt Barley Worksheet, Malt Barley Price Worksheet, weighted average price calculation, and non-contracted acres calculation to consider organic and conventional detail lines separately if both organic and conventional contracts exist. Users must select the appropriate practice when adding the Malt contract for the System to function correctly.

1. The Malt Barley Worksheet was split to now have a section for Organic Acreage and a section for Non-Organic Acreage.
a. Each section—Non-Organic Acreage and Organic Acreage—will each have their own Malt Yield Worksheet grid and Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet grid.
b. The calculations are the same with the exception of the Non-Organic Acreage only populating for the top section and the Organic Acreage only populating for the bottom section.
c. Non-Organic Acreage:
i. The top Malt Yield Worksheet grid and Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet grid will now have red, bold font in the middle of the banner reading "Non-Organic Acreage".
ii. Only acreage with the following practices will be pulled into the Malt Yield Worksheet (Non-Organic Acreage) grid, and
iii. Only contracts specifying one of the following practices will be pulled into the Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet (Non-Organic Acreage) grid:
002 - Irrigated
003 - Non-Irrigated
004 - Continuous
005 - Summerfallow
d. Organic Acreage:
i. The bottom Malt Yield Worksheet grid and Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet grid will now have red, bold font in the middle of the banner reading "Organic Acreage".
ii. Only acreage with the following practices will be pulled into the Malt Yield Worksheet (Organic Acreage) grid, and
iii. Only contracts specifying one of the following practices will be pulled into the Malt Endorsement Price Worksheet (Organic Acreage) grid:
702 - Organic (Certified) Irr
712 - Organic (Transitional) Irr
713 - Organic (Certified) Non-Irr
714 - Organic (Transitional) Non-Irr
715 - Continuous Cropping (OC)
716 - Continuous Cropping (OT)
717 - Summerfallow (OC)
718 - Summerfallow (OT)


PHTS: An issue was reported where PHTS import logic was importing detail lines to the Margin Protection coverage when there was an MPCI Plan of 090, 01, 02, or 03 for the same State/County/Crop. PHTS import logic has been changed to correctly link premium lines (P11) imported to policy coverages.


Yield Cup: In the 6.075 release with TFS #82114, the APH logic was updated to account for RMA's conversion of the Yield Cup procedures to the new Yield Cup "YC" option in 2018 for crops with an 11/30 or later Filing Date and for all crops in 2019. As part of these Yield Cup changes, the Master Yield (MY) and Personal T-Yield (PTY) calculations were impacted. For Master Yields, the new Yield Cup procedures state that the YC option and applicable procedures apply to the MY summary unit only, if applicable, and not the underlying non-summary units. For Personal T-Yields (PTY) the new Yield Cup procedures state that the "YC" option does not apply to the summary PTY unit but can apply to any non-summary units, regardless of if a PTY applies in the current or previous years.

With this ticket, the MY and PTY functionality was updated to account for Yield Cup. The System will allow the Yield Cup option to be applied to MY summary units only. In addition, the System will allow Yield Cup to be applied to PTY non-summary units only. The auto-created MY logic was updated to determine and apply a prior year yield if an MY existed in the prior year for the same Crop/Type/Practice/T-Yield Map Area. If an MY exists in the prior year, the System will set the prior year yield on the current MY to the approved yield from the prior year MY.

NOTE: TFS #84524 will update auto-created MY Summary units to allow prior year yield to be keyed by the user and add the YC opt out flag.


Yield Cup: During internal testing of the new YC (Yield Cup option) functionality, a bug with the APH calculation was identified. When the Yield Cup was equal to the TA average, the System was applying the Yield Cup and YC option instead of the TA average. The Yield Cup should only apply when it is greater than the TA average; if the two values are equal, and that is the highest yield, then the TA average applies.

The APH calculation has been updated to use the TA average as the approved yield when the TA average and Yield Cup values are the highest yields calculated and the TA average is equal to the Yield Cup value.


Yield Cup: During internal testing of the new YC (Yield Cup option) functionality, a bug with the APH calculation was identified. The System was not consistently applying the Yield Cup, if it was applicable and was the highest yield on the policy, when TA also existed on the APH.

The APH calculation has been updated to use the Yield Cup if it is the highest yield available and the grower has not opted out of using the Yield Cup.


Yield Cup: During internal testing of the new YC (Yield Cup option) functionality, a bug with the Yield Limitation flag was identified. When a Cup was initially applied to the APH and the user then updated the APH so that the Yield Cup no longer applied, the System was retaining the Yield Limitation code of "16". This bug has been resolved. This System will no longer retain the Yield Limitation code of "16" if the Yield Cup no longer applies.


Private Products


The default Crop Year for Private Product policies, reports, etc. has been updated from 2017 to 2018. This change applies to adding new Private Product policies, reports, etc.