Release Notes 12.040.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 12.040.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
On the MPCI Print menus, the titles for the Perennial Combo and DO / TDO Combo Forms have been updated so "Production Report" is part of the Perennial Combo Form title but not the DO / TDO Combo Form title. |
142789 |
Perennial Combo Form: The Perennial Combo Form has been updated to only print the Native Sod Statement on the form for states where it's applicable/required (Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota). This statement will, however, always print on blank or pre-headed report styles for the form, as it's unknown at time of printing what the Policy State for the policy is. |
130403 |
This ticket added the Direct Marketing Statement to the WFRP Farm Op Report, which is required on Acreage Reports by the 2023 DSSH. Also, the form was updated with the 2023 WFRP Handbook updates (the removal of Expenses-related information). Since the form was already being updated, the header for the 2nd page and beyond was also updated to be consistent with other MPCI forms using this new base form standard where the Insured and Agency info is in top-left corner instead of the AIP logo, and the Policy Number and Crop Year are in the top-right corner instead of the AIP Contact Info. Also, the form now uses "Policy Year" instead of "Crop Year". |
139390 |
This ticket implemented the 2023 ARPI Provisions. |
141350 |
This ticket implemented the 2023 Hawaii (HI) Tropical Fruit Crop Provisions. |
140749 |
This ticket implemented the 2023 RY SPOIs for Grapes with APH (90) in CA. |
142351 |
This ticket implemented the 2024 Actual Revenue History (ARH) Citrus Crop Provisions. |
140758 |
This ticket implemented the 2024 Florida (FL) Citrus Fruit with APH (90) Plan Crop Provisions. |
140746 |
This ticket implemented the 2024 Macadamia Nuts Crop Provisions. |
138878 |
This ticket updated the Native Sod Statement to only print for the states where it is applicable (Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota); previously, it printed for every state. This ticket also added the Direct Marketing Statement from the 2023 DSSH. |
138283 |
This ticket updated the WFRP Combo Form with the 2023 WFRP Handbook and DSSH updates. |
141266 |
WFRP: These changes updated the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) that prints for the WFRP format with the following 2023 WFRP Handbook updates:
141270 |
WFRP: This ticket implemented a new WFRP Yield and Revenue Report that came from the 2023 WFRP Handbook. This form will only display in the Print Menus for 2023 and displays as "Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Yield and Revenue Report". |
142042 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
141400 |
Layers: This ticket established a base Unit Division by Grid Option (UDGO) layer within Mapping. When in the Reference Layers section, "UDGO" is between Section and Rainfall. The Wall Map and Current Map will show this layer; the Map Book, MBAR, and Field Listing will display this layer in the future. |
136126 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detail Line: A bug was reported where the Process Zero AR functionality was not working correctly for crops/counties with dual Acreage Reporting Dates. Internal research traced the issue to an incorrect Acreage Reporting Date, Final Planting Date, and Planting Season stored on the detail line. When populating these values in the database, the System was failing to take into account the Winter Option (WO), which has different Acreage Reporting Date, Final Planting Date, and Planting Season values than the same type without WO elected. This has been corrected. |
142805 |
Perennials: In TFS 141031, logic was implemented for the 2023+ RYs for Valdosta RO exceptions for High Variability testing calculations for Blueberries in Florida and Georgia to exclude the 2022 CY yield. It was determined that with this logic, a suspension would be beneficial so the Underwriter can review the APH in order to determine and confirm that the APH fell within RMA's terms for the exception. With this ticket, the System was updated to trigger a suspension upon Mark Complete if:
The Suspension Message reads: "Valdosta RO Exceptions may apply to approved APH yield; UW review required: {0} - {1}". The View and Maintain Coverage pages were also updated to display a new checkbox, Valdosta RO Exceptions, to give users the ability to clear the suspension so it no longer triggers when the APH has been reviewed and verified. The following logic applies:
NOTE: The suspension can be cleared under the Approvals Tab of the Dashboard by selecting Cleared Status for the applicable policy number. However, in this scenario, the System will continue to re-suspend after each subsequent Mark Complete unless the Valdosta RO Exceptions checkbox on the Coverage has been selected. |
142319 |
Perennials: In TFS 141074, the Springfield RO Underwriting Guidelines implemented a change for Apples (Varietal Group A (Fresh)(114 Type) and Grapes in Michigan for the 2023 RY. The 2021 CY yield will be excluded from the High Variability calculations when a database has triggered an adjustment for high variability per the Alternate Bearing and Downward Trending guidelines. It was determined that with this logic, a suspension would be beneficial so the Underwriter can review the APH in order to determine and confirm that the APH fell within RMA's terms for the exception. With this ticket, the System was updated to trigger a suspension upon Mark Complete if:
The View and Maintain Coverage pages were also updated to display a new checkbox, Springfield RO Exceptions, to give users the ability to clear the suspension so it no longer triggers when the APH has been reviewed and verified. The following logic applies:
NOTE: The suspension can be cleared under the Approvals Tab of the Dashboard by selecting Cleared Status for the applicable policy number. However, in this scenario, the System will continue to re-suspend after each subsequent Mark Complete unless the Springfield RO Exceptions checkbox on the Coverage has been selected. |
142321 |
Pomegranates: RMA has released a new crop pilot program for Pomegranates (0467).
The System has been updated to implement the above changes on the Add MPCI Policy, Add MPCI Coverage, Maintain Coverage, and Add MPCI Quote pages to support the new pilot crop, Pomegranates. |
140938 |
Prevented Planting: An AIP reported an issue where, when PP acres were rolled from one detail line to another detail line that had a New Breaking or Native Sod written agreement on it, the newly-created child line for the rolled PP acres would not go to a “Complete” Processing Status until CLU information was entered. Once the CLU information was entered and the line went to "Complete", upon Mark Complete, a suspension was triggered for the CLU information. With this ticket, the Land ID/CLU/Acreage Type requirement was removed from the detail line "Complete" Processing Status when PP acres have been rolled and a new child line has been created. The second piece of this ticket updated the suspension logic to exclude any PP detail lines where the acres have been rolled. |
140687 |
PRF: The Grid ID link on the Maintain Detail Line page for PRF (0088) policies was updated to open the following URL: |
142715 |
Suspensions: An issue was reported by an AIP where the "CLUs with the same acreage type are required to be selected for all detail lines with the same FSN/Tract/Field #" suspension was repeatedly being triggered. Upon review, it was found that the suspension was actually being triggered due to the Acreage Type code missing on the associated child line. To prevent this suspension from being triggered incorrectly going forward, the Acreage Type suspension was updated to exclude the check on associated child lines. |
140814 |
WFRP: Beginning in the 2023 RY, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has introduced changes to the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) (0076) program. In the 2022 RY, RMA introduced the Micro Farm Pilot (9110) to coincide with the WFRP (0076) program. So, for the WFRP Plan of Insurance (76), there are two commodity codes ("0076" and "9110"). The 2023+ RY changes to the WFRP (0076) commodity include: 1) Maximum Insurable Revenue is increasing from $8.5 million to $17 million and 2) Expense Reporting will be eliminated. The Expense Reporting elimination for WFRP (0076) now mirrors what RMA introduced last year for Micro Farm. Now, both commodity codes under the WFRP (76) Plan of Insurance will not require Expense Reporting. This ticket will specifically address the Income/Expense tab for WFRP (0076). For WFRP (0076), the Income/Expenses tab allows users to enter Tax History, including Allowable Revenue & Allowable Expenses for the Grower’s Farming Operation. The Income/Expenses tab calculates and displays various Revenue and Expense values that are used by the P19 PASS Transmission record. The Approved Revenue and other Tax History values are then used to determine the premium calculations of the System. For WFRP (0076), the System will update the Income/Expenses tab to just the Income tab because WFRP (0076) now also does not require Expense data to be reported. Therefore, there will be several fields removed from the WFRP (0076) Income & Expenses tab. There will be no new or additional fields for WFRP's new Income tab compared to 2022 RY and previous years' WFRP's Income & Expense tab. This new Income tab will, for all intents and purposes, be a stripped-down version of the Income & Expenses tab. The majority of the Income tab will, in fact, be the exact same fields and calculations as the WFRP's (0076) Maintain Income & Expenses page and similar to what the System has already implemented with Micro Farm (9110).
141250 |
Detail Line: A request was received to add a flag to the detail line to indicate when a Precision Ag record exists. At this time, this will be a UI/database flag only. This ticket added a PrecisionAg Records Exist dropdown to the detail line page. The dropdown will have options for "P - Planting Record", "Y- Yield Records", and "B- Both Planting & Yield". This change will apply to Plans 01, 02, 03, and 90 only. |
142818 |
PRF/API: Some concerns with the workflow required to cancel PRF/Apiculture coverages were reported. By design, the System does not allow a user to cancel a coverage if one or more detail lines have acres/premium attached. The intention behind this design was to prevent users from canceling a coverage that had already been processed for the year. In order to cancel a coverage with acres/premium attached, the user must first manually delete all detail lines. However, for PRF/Apiculture, acres roll from one RY to the next, so users were having to manually delete all lines individually anytime they needed to cancel a PRF/Apiculture policy. With this ticket, a Select All checkbox has been added to the column header of the Detail Lines grid (of the Detail Lines policy tab) for PRF/Apiculture policies. When selected, the System will select all detail lines, and the user can then click Delete to delete all detail lines. Users will then receive a popup asking them to confirm they want to delete detail lines in an effort to avoid unintentional deletes. Please note that all existing validations around deleting detail lines will still apply. Users will not be able to delete any detail lines if they are an agency user and the lockout has passed or if claims and/or paid commissions exist on the detail line. |
143149 |
Fast Edit PR: During internal testing, a bug was identified where the Approved Yield was not being calculated when a user elected to use an assigned yield through the Fast Edit PR page for some crops. A developer debugged and found that the issue was a result of Category B and C crops on the same Fast Edit page. Originally, the logic would start with whichever coverage was opened in Fast Edit PR and save/calculate that category of crop. Then, the System would go to the other category of crop and save/calculate, but this time, it would wipe out the previously-calculated category code of crops. With this ticket, a fix has been implemented to go through each category of crops—B and C—and save each of them. Then, after everything has been saved, the System will calculate. This fix affects PTY Recalc and the Zero Acre Recalc flags as well because the change touches a lot of the calculation logic. |
141890 |