Release Notes 9.050.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.050.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
QL & APH Database Form / Acreage Report: Beginning in the 2021+ RYs, the RMA introduced a new program called Quality Loss Exclusion Option (QL) that will allow an insured to replace actual yields based on post-quality production amount in their APH database(s) with actual yields based on pre-quality production amount. This replacement only applies when a notice of loss was timely filed, regardless of whether an indemnity payment occurred, and when the crop had quality-adjusted production. With this ticket, two new columns now display when the QL is elected on the coverage. When the coverage has elected the QL Option, the 2 units to a page format is to print for all of the units for the coverage. The basic unit format will include "Pre-Quality Total Prod." and "Pre-Quality Actual Yld." QLO columns and print the data that has been entered. Additionally, some other smaller layout tweaks were made. |
120545 |
AR: With this ticket, the Acreage Report (AR) has been updated in several ways, including:
109705 |
SOI: The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) format used for Apiculture (API) and Pasture, Rangeland Forage (PRF) has been updated in the following ways for all years:
NOTE: When fields are tied to the same FSA Farm / Tract in the Manage Land page, the fields will print together with the linked FSA Farm / Tract (e.g., "243 / 289 / 2, 9"). If fields are linked separately to an FSA Farm / Tract, each FSA Farm / Tract / Field will print separately (e.g., "243 / 289 / 2" and then "243 / 289 / 9"). |
111352 |
AR by CLU: With this ticket, the Acreage Report (AR) by CLU has been updated in the following ways:
118248 |
Provisions: This ticket updated the 2021 Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Data Provisions that the RMA updated on Sept 30, 2020. |
121335 |
SOI & SOI/PR: With this ticket, California (CA) Citrus Trees have been added into the Tree Plan 40 rules for the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report (PR). The SOI and SOI / PR have been updated in the following ways for all years (the System determines when CA Citrus Trees can be added to a policy):
120853 |
Provisions: The ARPI Provisions for the 2020 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs) have been implemented in the System. |
121042 |
Provisions: The Risk Management Agency (RMA) updated the Basic Crop Provisions for 2020 and succeeding years for crops with CCD on or after 6/30/19 and 2021 and succeeding years for crops with CCD prior 6/30/19. |
121060 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
120929 |
An enhancement request was received asking to add a new Livestock Policy Management Dashboard (Livestock > Policy Management Dashboard) to the System to allow users to view, sort, and filter all of their Livestock policies. This page also provides users with enhanced navigation through their Livestock policies to view, add, and print forms for the respective policies. TFS #118882 added the new Livestock Policy Management Dashboard for the DRP Plan. With this ticket, the LRP Plan has been added to the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard. |
119528 |
MBAR: Users reported that when printing an MBAR with custom labels turned on, the imagery was not printing. This has been corrected. |
116625 |
MBAR: Users requested that custom labels be suppressed from the overall page completely and to not include labels for fields not included on subsequent pages. This has been implemented. |
116742 |
MBAR: When imported planting records exist and the Planting layer is turned on, the layer in now included the printed MBAR (on top of grower field layer). |
121061 |
PRF Wizard: During testing, it was found that if a user was in Mapping/PRF Wizard and later deleted a unit group from the server-side System, an error was generated when trying to get back into the PRF Wizard in Mapping. This has been corrected. |
121205 |
Batch Roll: The current default for users with the rights to roll fields is to roll "All Agencies" in the Batch Roll Fields page. However, it was too easy to accidentally create a job that runs for the entire book of business. This ticket updated the default to blank and for users to have to choose an agency selection before the roll proceeds. |
120963 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
Perennials: Previously, within the APH, there were 2 different links that open System-calculated results: the Yield Variability link and also the Weighted Average T-yield link. Clicking these links opened as a page on the existing policy tab. Neither page allows the user to make any changes—they're just available so the user can see the calculations that the System performed. With this ticket, the System was updated so that when either of these links are clicked, their pages open as modals (popups). This allows the user to see the information in the modal as well as the information on the APH page at the same time (side by side, on the same monitor) so they can compare the values with the calculations if needed. |
120028 |
Shareholders: An enhancement request was made to add an ascending/descending sort feature to the shareholder name in the Shareholder popup; however, this resulted in a need to upgrade the grid to a Kendo-formatted grid. This change was primarily an architecture change in nature. All of the existing shareholder logic was then laid into the new Kendo format, which is consistent with other grids located throughout the System. NOTE: Users are required to save any changes to share percentages BEFORE using the ascending/descending sort features on the name field. |
117472 |
WFRP: An issue was reported where WFRP policy had premium applied but the policy was never successfully submitted to RMA as an App Sign Date did not exist. The System logic was updated so that when a WFRP coverage is "Marked Complete" if there is no App Sign Date, the coverage will stay at an "Incomplete" status. |
120914 |
Perennials: RMA is implementing a new Florida Citrus Actual Production History (APH) policy beginning in the 2022 Crop Year (2021 RY). The new APH program will be very similar to the CA Citrus Fruit APH program. The following commodities will be insurable under the new Florida Citrus APH plan: Oranges (0227), Grapefruit (0201), Tangelos (0203), Mandarins/Tangerines (0309), Tangors (1302), and Lemons (0202). With TFS #117718, the Coverage changes needed for the new Florida Citrus Actual Production History (APH) policy were implemented in the System, so the System now allows users to select different coverage levels by each insured crop (Citrus Fruit group) or by Type. The System also allows different Price Election %s to be selected by Type. NOTE: If CAT coverage is elected, the CAT level of coverage and price election will be applicable to all insured acreage of the insured crop (Citrus Fruit group) in the county. To allow the different coverage levels and/or Price Election %s to be applied, the existing warning message upon save of the Add New Policy, Add New Coverage, and Maintain Coverage pages was removed. Additionally, the corresponding mark complete suspension logic was removed. The System was also updated to account for the new Fruit Groups that have been added to the ADMs for Plan Code 90 in Florida. The calculation of the admin fees due was also added. A separate admin fee is due for each insured crop (Citrus Fruit group). At the time TFS #117718 went out in the 9.045 release, the ADMs had not yet been updated for the Fruit Groups but have since been released/updated; so with this ticket, the Fruit Groups have been tested and are displaying correctly after the Crop Type on the View Coverage page and separate admin fees are being charged correctly for each insured crop (citrus fruit group). |
121370 |
Perennials: While testing TFS #120483, the following issues were found and resolved with this ticket:
The System was updated to account for all the adjustments needed for the PAW for California Citrus Trees (age calculation, stages, and PAW Status). |
121379 |
HIP: When procedures for HIP were originally released, the RMA had clarified that HIP did not apply to revisions on Nursery policies but did apply to the PEAK endorsement. However, following that clarification, Nursery policies with the PEAK endorsement and HIP elected were receiving PASS errors. RMA was asked for clarification once again, and they now state that HIP does not apply to revisions nor to the PEAK endorsement for Nursery. Given this clarification from the RMA, the System has been updated to no longer create HIP child lines for any Nursery detail line designated with the PEAK endorsement. |
121567 |
Perennials: During UAT of TFS #108135, it was reported that the System was incorrectly charging an admin fee for each type—rather than by each crop—for CA Citrus Trees crops. For example, if there are three Orange Tree coverages with the types of Navel, Late Season, and Early/Midseason, the System should only charge one admin fee for Orange Trees and NOT for each type. Admin Fee logic was updated within the System to only apply the admin fees on a crop basis rather than a type basis for all CA Citrus Trees crops. |
121596 |
Perennials: RMA is implementing a new Florida Citrus Actual Production History (APH) policy beginning in the 2022 Crop Year (2021 RY). The new APH program will be very similar to the CA Citrus Fruit APH program. The following commodities will be insurable under the new Florida Citrus APH plan: Oranges (0227), Grapefruit (0201), Tangelos (0203), Mandarins/Tangerines (0309), Tangors (1302), and Lemons (0202). With this ticket, the Coverage changes needed for the new Florida Citrus Actual Production History (APH) policy have been implemented in the System. The System will now allow users to select different coverage levels by each insured crop (Citrus Fruit group) or by Type. The System will also allow different Price Election %s to be selected by Type. NOTE: If CAT coverage is elected, the CAT level of coverage and price election will be applicable to all insured acreage of the insured crop (Citrus Fruit group) in the county. To allow the different coverage levels and/or Price Election %s to be applied, the existing warning message upon save of the Add New Policy, Add New Coverage, and Maintain Coverage pages has been removed. Additionally, the corresponding mark complete suspension logic has been removed. |
121488 |
WFRP: The Commodities tab for WFRP has been redesigned. The previous functionality required the user to navigate back and forth between the read only grid and the Add New Commodity or Maintain Commodity pages. This process was cumbersome, so for the 2021+ RYs, the Commodities tab was updated so the Commodities grid can be edited directly. The re-designed Commodities tab will allow the user to enter new commodities and maintain existing commodities directly on the Commodities tab. The last row in the grid will always be a blank line so the user can add a new commodity, similar to how the PAW and Underwriting Report grids function. For more information, see the updates video or check out the "Add a Commodity to a Whole Farm Policy" help topic. |
75476 |
PHTS: New functionality was added in the 9.045 release under TFS #119398 so the claim production roll process will now populate a Qualifies for QL flag along with Pre-Quality Production and Yield information if Pre-Quality Production is keyed on claim in the prior RY. This information will be used if/when the Quality Loss Option (QLO or QL) is applied to the coverage. With this ticket, the PHTS import process was updated to apply the same information if Pre-Quality Production values are found on P21 claim records from the ceding AIP for new transfer business. |
119394 |