VFR: As part of the 2018 Farm Bill, beginning in the 2019 Reinsurance Year (RY), RMA has issued procedures for Veteran Farmer Ranchers (VFRs). The VFR program is nearly identical to the Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) program, with a few differences. To qualify for VFR, a grower must be a veteran who served in active military, naval, or air services in the Armed Forces and was discharged or released under any condition other than dishonorable. In addition, the grower must meet one of the following criteria:
Has not operated a farm or ranch; |
Has operated a farm or ranch but not for more than five years; or |
The grower is a veteran who first obtained veteran status during the most recent five-year period. |
In order for a policy to qualify for VFR procedures, the grower and all SBIs (Substantial Beneficial Interests) must qualify as VFRs. If any SBI on the policy or the grower do not qualify for VFR, then the policy does not qualify for the use of VFR procedures. When a policy does qualify for VFR procedures, the following benefits apply:
An additional premium subsidy of 10% applies; |
The use of another person's history if the VFR was previously involved in the decision making or physical activities of a farm or ranch; and |
An increase in the percentage of the t-yield used for Yield Adjustment (YA) in the APH from 60% to 80% of the t-yield. |
For the 2019 RY only, in order to qualify for VFR benefits, in addition to the requirements listed above, the VFR application must be completed no later than June 1, 2019 or the Acreage Reporting Date (ARD), whichever is later. In addition, for the 2019 RY only, VFR is only applicable to crops with a Sales Closing Date (SCD) after December 20, 2018. For subsequent RYs, in addition to meeting the requirements called out above, in order to qualify for VFR benefits, the VFR application must be completed by the SCD. VFR benefits will not apply to any coverages with a SCD prior to the sign date on the VFR application.
With this ticket, to account for the new VFR program, the existing BFR functionality was updated to include VFR. This included a number of label updates as well as updates to the BFR/VFR Application page and Grower for Policy page. The Grower for Policy page has been cleaned up—the BFR/VFR Certification information and Conservation Compliance information have been moved to their own collapsible banners. This ticket handled the display changes only; all other changes will be addressed with separate TFS ticket. The following updates have been made:
The Tools menu option for "BFR Certification" was updated to "BFR & VFR Certification". |
NOTE: To see the BFR & VFR Certification option in the Tools menu, the user must have the "BFR Certification Entry" System Permission.
The BFR Certification Landing page label was updated to "Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) & Veteran Farmer Rancher (VFR) Certification". |
The Add New and Maintain BFR Application pages were updated to account for VFR. |
All labels were updated to include VFR in addition to BFR. |
Validation messages were updated to reference VFR in addition to BFR. |
A new Application Type field was added to allow users to identify a BFR or VFR application. The selected values will transmit as "B" or "V" in the Producer Certification Indicator Code field on the P75 Record. |
NOTE: Transmission functionality will be implemented in the 8.010 release.
The System will require the user to make a selection on this page. As part of this ticket, a script was run to populate these values as BFR for all existing applications. If the Application Type is "VFR", the System will not display the Exclusion Details section of the page. |
A new VFR Qualification Type field was added. This field will only display when the Application Type is "VFR". Users will select one of the following options: |
H – Producer qualifies on years of history |
D – Producer qualifies on date of discharge |
The System will require the user to make a selection. The selected values will transmit as "H" or "D" in the Producer Certification Qualification Code field on the P75 Record. If the VFR Qualification Type is "D – Producer qualifies on date of discharge", the System will not display the Production Details section.
A Date of Discharge field was added. This field will only display if the VFR Qualification Type is "D – Producer qualifies on date of discharge". The System will require the user to enter a date. A future date will not be allowed. |
The Grower for Policy page was cleaned up by creating new sections for BFR/VFR and Conservation Compliance. The System will display a new banner for Beginning & Veteran Farmer Rancher Information on the Grower for Policy page. This banner will display as collapsed unless the BFR/VFR checkbox is selected. All BFR/VFR fields have been moved to this new section including: |
First Time Farmer dropdown |
The BFR functionality on the Grower for Policy page was updated to include VFR. |
A new Application Type field was added. In this field, users will choose either BFR or VFR. The System will require the user to make a selection in this field if the BFR/VFR checkbox is selected. Agency users will have the ability to edit this checkbox until the AIP Approval Date is keyed. As part of this ticket, a script was run to populate this field with BFR for all existing policies where the BFR checkbox is selected. This field will be used to determine the application Program Indicator Code on the P10 Record and the application Waived Admin Fee Code on the P14 record. |
NOTE: Transmission functionality will be implemented in the 8.010 release.
The BFR Suspension Messages were updated to include VFR. |
At mark complete, if the BFR/VFR checkbox is selected, but an AIP Approval Date does not exist, the System will trigger a suspension.This message previously referenced BFR only but has been updated to reference both BFR and VFR. |
At mark complete, if the BFR/VFR checkbox is selected and the years of eligibility equal zero, the System will trigger a suspension. This message previously referenced BFR only but has been updated to reference both BFR and VFR. |
NOTE: The only way to set years of eligibility to zero is to have a policy with one year of eligibility roll to the next RY.
The BFR message that displays on the Grower Wizard was updated to also reference VFR. |
When changing the Agency, Entity Type, or Tax ID number on the Grower for Policy page, the System displays the grower wizard. If the BFR/VFR checkbox is selected, a message displays on the last page of the Grower Wizard, notifying the user that the BFR status may require re-approval by the AIP. |
This message has been updated to reference both BFR and VFR. |
CAT: For the 2020 RY, the administrative fees for CAT coverage will increase from $300 to $655. None of the business rules regarding how CAT fees are applied (e.g., by crop type, varietal group) will change from what's currently established in the System, just the amount of the admin fee assessed will change. This ticket updated all 2020 RY code to replace $300 with $655.
VFR: As part of the 2018 Farm Bill, beginning in the 2019 Reinsurance Year (RY), RMA has issued procedures for Veteran Farmer Ranchers (VFRs). The VFR program is nearly identical to the Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) program, with a few differences.
NOTE: For more information on the VFR program and benefits and to see the display changes made to support VFR, see the release note for TFS #101656.
With this ticket, the necessary rating logic was updated, including waived admin fees and additional 10% premium subsidy, to account for VFR procedures. For 2019, the System will waive admin fees and apply the additional 10% premium subsidy if the Certification Date on the Grower for Policy page is on or before the later of June 1, 2019 or the ARD. In addition, the System will only apply these benefits if the SCD is after December 20, 2018. Also as part of this ticket, logic was implemented for the 2020+ RYs that will waive admin fees and apply the additional 10% premium subsidy if the Certification Date on the VFR application is on or before the SCD for the crop. In addition, the December 20th + SCD restriction will no longer apply in the 2020 RY.
Fast Edit: This is a spin-off of TFS #101645 in the 7.115 release where additional navigation enhancements were made to the System. Three new search options were made available with that release: Fast Edit AR, Fast Edit CLU, and Fast Edit PR. Users were also given the ability to navigate between policies for a particular grower and RY by clicking on the arrow to the right of the policy number in the Policy Header of the Fast Edit AR, Fast Edit CLU, and Fast Edit PR pages.
With this ticket, the System was updated to return a browser warning to the user if they attempt to navigate away from the Fast Edit AR, Fast Edit CLU, or Fast Edit PR pages if there are unsaved changes. The format of the warning varies based on the selected browser (e.g., Chrome, IE, Firefox) but fall within the warning messages that are standard for that browser platform.
Although agent users are familiar with the Fast Edit AR grid and the modified state that was implemented with the functionality a couple of years ago, this browser message offers up one additional warning for them to save changes before navigating to the next policy. It is expected that most users already understand that save is required as they navigate through the Fast Edit entry to the final Save & Exit on the Signature Maintenance page.
MCEU: During internal testing, a bug was identified with MCEU functionality. When MCEU applies, the System sums and stores the total acres value for each MCEU for use in the premium calculation. The bug found with this functionality is that the System was incorrectly including acres from System-generated child lines (e.g., SE or SCO). Since acres from these System-generated child lines are direct duplicates of the parent line acres, the child lines acres should not have been included when summing total acres in each MCEU.
With this ticket, the logic that sums and stores total acres within the MCEU was updated to exclude System-generated child lines. It's important to note that this does not include child lines created by manually duplicating a line in Fast Edit AR.
Hybrid Vegetable Seed: The Hybrid Vegetable Seed Insurance Program (0066) is pilot program developed to provide coverage to Hybrid Vegetable Seed producers under the Dollar Plan of Insurance (0055). This program will be available for the 2020 Crop Year for producers in Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, and Wasco Counties in Oregon and Yakima County in Washington.
Late Planting and Prevented Planting are coverages that will not apply to the HVS insurance program. Prevented Planting is not a selectable option on the detail line for Hybrid Vegetable seed so no additional changes will be needed. A Late Planting testing-only TFS# 104675 was set up to test this functionality after the Winter Final Planting Date (08/31/2019).
Also, an Administrative Fee is due for each insured crop type when insurance coverage is available for different crop types. At this time, there is only one applicable crop type, Hybrid Carrot Seed, so only one administrative fee is charged.
With this ticket we have made the following changes:
Different Price Elections can be elected for each applicable type
Written Agreements are not allowed for Hybrid Vegetable Seed
Basic Units are only allowed; Optional, Enterprise, and Whole Farm Units are not allowed
Ability to key a contract for Hybrid Vegetable Seed Policy
Calculation Updates for Premium were done in order to update the rating engine to calculate premium correctly |
Approved Yield calculation is "County Yield" |
Premium Acre Guarantee Quantity Calculation = Round (Approved Yield Price Election Amount - Minimum Payment Quantity, 0)