Release Notes 16.085.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 16.085.0.

System Updates



When an ePacket was manually updated in the eSign Dashboard the completed documents were incorrectly showing that the documents were attached to the policy by the user that performed the manual update.

Changes that were made:

On the policy's attachment screen, the 'attached by' for all downloaded DocuSign documents was updated to display the designated service bus User Account (such as Admin) that is set for the environment.




April 2024 CLU Layer.

Changes that were made:

RMA released a new CLU Layer for April 2024.

For Mapping Module Users:

  1. Open mapping for a policy or grower, and turn on the CLU Layer.

  2. Verify the layer displayed and the CLU can be selected or copied to the field layer.

  3. Verify the selected CLU date is 4/2024 on the Field Info Tab.

For Non-Mapping Module Users:

  1. On the Land ID screen, view and attach a planted CLU to the Land ID and save.

  2. When save process is completed, select the field hyperlink.

  3. Verify the CIMS CLU date is 4/2024 in the Edit CLU dialog.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Private Products


A new Agent Notification was added to alert Private Product agents when an official Schedule of Insurance (SOI) or Confirmation of Coverage (COC) is printed for their policy.

Notification details:

  • The notification was triggered when the SOI/COC is printed from the policy's print menu or printed from the Private Product Batch Printing screen (Location: Reports > Private Product Reporting > Batch).

  • The notification was sent to the agent on the policy by email or SMS text via agent subscription on the Notification Subscription Maintenance screen (Location: Tools > Notification Subscription Maintenance).

  • A note was added to the policy indicating that the agent has been notified of the official SOI/COC.