Release Notes 12.045.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 12.045.0.
System Updates
Policy Estimate: This ticket updates the Calculations page and Printout to correctly display the total values as Producer Totals, adding "Prod" to the labels so the values are clearly identified. |
143415 |
Forms & Reports
Special Provisions of Insurance (SPOIs) for 2023 have been implemented in the System for Cotton (0021) STAX-RP (35) in Briscoe (045) and Floyd (153) counties in TX (48). |
142404 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
143559 |
Users requested that, in the map book, the totals should include both Planted and CLU Acres. This has been implemented. |
142508 |
Users reported that, if the grower field associated with an RLU was deleted, the RLU no longer displayed in RLU Maintenance page. This has been corrected and the RLU will still display on the map. |
143141 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
Pomegranates: For the 2023+ RYs, the RMA has released a new pilot crop program for Pomegranates (0467). Pomegranates will be a Category C crop under the APH Plan (Plan 90) following lag year crop procedures. Insurance will be offered in select counties in the state of California according to the ADMs. In order to be insured, trees must have reached the sixth leaf year after being set out, unless otherwise noted in the Special Provisions. Basic Units, Optional Units, and Enterprise Units will be available unit divisions as specified in the Basic Provisions. Whole Farm Units will not be an allowable unit division for Pomegranates. Late Planting and Prevented Planting functionality will not be allowed on Pomegranates. With this ticket, the System has been updated to account for and support Detail Line and PAW functionality for the new pilot crop, Pomegranates. |
141530 |
Pomegranates: Trend Adjustment (TA), Yield Exclusion (YE), Post Quality Adjustment (QLO), and Written Agreements will not apply for Pomegranates. A quality exclusion election (QX), which must be elected by SCD, will be available to insureds who do not meet the eligibility requirements to qualify for quality adjustment under the definition of "historical fresh pack out percent" as contained in the Common Policy or for qualified insureds who elect to exclude quality adjustment coverage. This exclusion option does provide a premium discount when the exclusion option has been elected and the insured does not qualify for the quality adjustment. With this ticket, the System has been updated to account for and support APH functionality for the new pilot crop, Pomegranates. |
141531 |
Plan 90: A bug was identified where, when the grower was out of compliance and the subsidy removal was approved on a Plan 90 MPCI policy, the subsidy was not being removed from the SCO child lines (which are created automatically by the System when there is a properly-linked related MPCI coverage). The System has been updated for Plan 90 policies to fix this issue. Now, when the conservation compliance subsidy is removed, it is removed from the MPCI lines as well as all System-created child lines when a grower is "out of compliance" for the Conservation Compliance program. |
143390 |
Perennials: In the 12/1 PASS Status Report, RMA included an update for the calculation of leaf year for Pistachios. For the majority of Perennial crops, the leaf year is calculated as (Commodity Year - Set out/Grafting Year) +1 if the month of set out/grafting is before July. If the month of set out/grafting is July or later, a value of 1 is NOT added to the calculation. In prior years, the Pistachios handbook stated that when calculating the leaf year for Pistachios, the calculation is always (Commodity Year - Set out/Grafting Year) +1, regardless of set out/grafting month. TFS #132170 implemented this logic in 2021. Now, for 2023, the RMA has moved the Pistachio language from its own handbook into the CIH. As part of the this move, RMA has also updated the leaf year calculation for Pistachios to match other perennial crops. Given this, going forward, Pistachios will use the standard leaf year calculation that takes the month of set out/grafting into account. The updated leaf year calculation for Pistachios is:
143426 |