Release Notes 17.000.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 17.000.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


The 3 Year Zero Acres Report was updated to not include quotes or canceled coverages, and correctly display results for multiple coverages that are applied to the same crop.


The most recent provisions and Commodity Exchange Endorsement from RMA were implemented for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle, Dairy Cattle, and Swine for the 2025+ crop year. The Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) can be found on the Livestock Print tab within an individual LGM policy.

Changes that were made:

The LGM 2025 policy provisions and Commodity Exchange Endorsement were implemented for Cattle, Dairy Cattle, and Swine.


The most recent provisions and endorsements from RMA were implemented for Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) policy for Feeder Cattle and Swine for the 2025+ crop year. The Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI), with the print option to print provisions, can be found on the Livestock Print tab within an individual LRP policy.

Changes that were made:

The LRP 2025 provisions and policy endorsements were implemented for Feeder Cattle and Swine.


The most recent provisions and Commodity Exchange Endorsement (CEE) from RMA were implemented for the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policy for the 2025+ crop year. The Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI), with the print option to print provisions, can be found on the Livestock Print tab within an individual DRP policy.

Changes that were made:

The DRP 2025 policy provisions and Commodity Exchange Endorsement were implemented.




Annual Forage: The Add a New Quote for an Annual Forage Policy contains 12 growing seasons and the ability to insure less than 100% of insurable acres for the reinsurance years 2025 and beyond.

Changes that were made:

The Coverage Information, when creating an Annual Forage quote, was updated to contain the following fields that will allow the selection of Index intervals for a growing season.

  • Growing Season

  • Crop Options

  • Index Interval Grid

  • Coverage Level

  • Productivity Factor


Annual Forage: The Detail Lines Grid was updated to support 12 growing seasons.

Changes that were made:

The Detail Line Information dropdown was updated to display:

  • State – County – Crop Plan – Growing Season – Coverage Level – Productivity Factor

The Detail Line Grid was updated to display all intervals elected on the detail line information dropdown. Additional updates to the Detail Line Grid information include:

  • Included values for Unit Number, Grid ID, Index Interval, Percent of Value, Land ID/Place Name, Amt of Ins., Insured Acres, Share/Base Value, Tot Prem/Prod Prem, and Processing Status.

    • The Grid can sort by Grid ID, Share %, and Interval.

  • Removed Intended Use/Type field.

The Detail Line Information Banner was updated to display ARD Sign Dates and Total Acres.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.