Release Notes 12.005.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 12.005.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Livestock: RMA released updated 2023 Policy Endorsements (in June 2022) for Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Feeder Cattle and Swine for the 2023+ Crop Years.

Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The Livestock SOI is available to print from the Livestock policy Print tab in individual Livestock policies.


Livestock: RMA released updated provisions (in June 2022) for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle and Swine for the 2023+ Crop Years.

Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The Livestock SOI is available to print from the Livestock policy Print tab in individual Livestock policies.


Livestock: RMA released updated provisions for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) for the 2023+ Crop Years.

Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The Livestock SOI is available to print from the Livestock policy Print tab in individual Livestock policies.


Livestock: The Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurances (SOIs) have been updated in the following ways:

"(except for area plans of insurance)" was removed from the A&O Note, as it doesn't apply to Livestock. Additionally in this note, "Standard" was updated to "Livestock".
Only approved Detail Lines now print on the forms.
"Location" was added to the State and County labels.
The Approval Number label and field were removed, and the Effective Date field and label now use the entire space.
For the Dairy Cattle SOI only:
Auth Rep and POA were removed.
Signature Authorization(s) was added.
For the Swine SOI only, the SEW description was removed from the Legend.


Livestock: The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been updated in the following ways:

"(except for area plans of insurance)" was removed from the A&O Note, as it doesn't apply to Livestock. Additionally in this note, "Standard" was updated to "Livestock".
Only approved Detail Lines now print on the form.
The Detail Line sort order of the LRP SOI was updated to work correctly.


Livestock: With this ticket, the 2005 Livestock Swine Provision has been updated to only print for Swine (0815) for the 2005-2008 years.

Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The Livestock SOI is available to print from the Livestock policy Print tab in individual Livestock policies.


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 17. The following Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded from and implemented in the System:

Wheat (0011) – YP (01), AYP (04), MP (16) – 9/30 SCD
Canola (0015) – YP (01) – 9/30 SCD
Dry Peas (0067) – YP (01) – 3/15 SCD
Barley (0091) – YP (01), APH (90) – 10/31 SCD
Forage Production (0033) – AYP (04), APH (90) – 9/30 SCD
Corn (0041) – MP (16) – 9/30 SCD
Soybeans (0081) – MP (16) – 9/30 SCD
Onions (0013) – APH (90) – 8/31 SCD
Oats (0016) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD
Sugarcane (0038) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD
Cultivated Wild Rice (0055) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD
Mint (0074) – APH (90) – 3/15 SCD
Potatoes (0084) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD
Rye (0094) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD
Alfalfa Seed (0107) – APH (90) – 10/31 SCD




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




During internal testing of an LRP form, it was found that the sort order on the grid within the Detail Lines tab did not match previous requirements. With this ticket, the sort order of detail lines has been updated for both LRP and LGM on the Detail Lines tab as follows to maintain consistency with the forms:

1. Effective Date – numeric ascending
2. Type Name (Type Code) – alpha ascending
3. Practice Code – numeric ascending
4. Line # – numeric ascending


LRP: A request was made to update the naming convention for LRP commodity types to add the corresponding weight ranges to each name so that the end user could easily identify the commodity type without referencing other documentation or resources.

With this ticket, in addition to the commodity name (e.g., Steer Weight 1, which is pulled from ADMs), the corresponding range for the commodity type will be pulled from the daily file for LRP. Weight ranges are listed by hundred weight (cwt) (e.g., 1 - 5.99) but will be displayed in the UI as 100-599 lbs after the commodity name. This will be for all 2023+ LRP commodities: Fed Cattle (0802), Feeder Cattle (0801), and Swine (0815).

Livestock pages affected:
Livestock Policy Management Dashboard and export
Add New Detail Line
View Detail Line
Maintain Detail Line (read only after selected in Add New Detail Line page)
Transfer of Right (TOR)
Assignment of Indemnity (AOI)
On the Add New Detail Line page, in the Type dropdown, commodity names will display as follows:
Fed Cattle:
Steers & Heifers (1000-1600 lbs.)
Feeder Cattle:
Brahman Weight 1 (100-599 lbs.)
Brahman Weight 2 (600-1000 lbs.)
Dairy Weight 1 (100-599 lbs.)
Dairy Weight 2 (600-1000 lbs.)
Heifers Weight 1 (100-599 lbs.)
Heifers Weight 2 (600-1000 lbs.)
Steers Weight 1 (100-599 lbs.)
Steers Weight 2 (600-1000 lbs.)
Unborn Brahman (100-599 lbs.)
Unborn Dairy (100-599 lbs.)
Unborn Steers & Heifers (100-599 lbs.)
No Type Specified (140-260 lbs.)
Unborn Swine (140-260 lbs.)
On all other pages listed above, the commodities will display in the following way in the Type column: "Type Name (xxx-xxxx lbs.) - (Type Code)". For example, "Heifers Weight 1 (100-599 lbs.) - (811)".

NOTE: The following other pages/areas are affected by this change but will be handled by other product areas in future tickets: Reports (LRP SCE, Livestock Register), Policy Balance, Claims, Print Tab, Estimator (Quick LRP Estimate), Forms (LRP SOI, LRP SCE), and Notifications.


While testing 11.095 Livestock tickets, a user set up a new LGM coverage and upon processing the Mark Complete, received the following error due to an LRP Swine coverage on a different policy for the same State/County: Duplicate Coverage: CA (06) - Stanislaus (099) - Swine (0815) - LRP (81).

With this ticket, this suspension has been removed to allow Livestock policies to be created for the same RY/State/County/Commodity as long as the policies are insuring the commodities under different plans. This change will be for the 2023+ RYs.




This ticket added the Precision Ag indicators for the Land ID (server side) and Fast Edit Planting panels. Now, in the Land ID and Fast Edit Planting popups, a "P" displays next to the field number of the precision planted field, and hover displays Precision Ag in the message.


This ticket corrected some hover labels for invalid CLUs.

1. Planting Dialogue - When an invalid CLU is identified, it displays a hover message: "CLU is Invalid, please refresh CLU data".
2. Fast Edit Planting/Sync to AR - When an invalid CLU is identified, it displays a hover message: "CLU is Invalid, please refresh CLU data".
3. PRF Wizard - When an invalid CLU is identified, the field displays in red and a hover message displays: "CLU is invalid, please refresh CLU Data".




Unit Structure: Beginning with the 2023 RY, RMA is implementing a new Unit Division by Grid Option (UDGO) to establish OUs on Category B crops in Georgia, Maine, and Texas where land has not been surveyed using the US Public Land Survey System (Rectangular Survey System).

TFS #121586 implemented the basic structure and requirements for UDGO in the System.
TFS #138634 implemented the rating for UDGO so when a new UG Written Agreement is applied to premium lines that qualify for OUs, the System will determine Unit Discount and Subsidy factors in ADM look ups (as applicable) if the UG Option Code is applied to a detail line.
TFS #138585 added a new suspension that disallows UD and UG written agreements on the same coverage or on separate active coverages on the same policy in the same county. An existing suspension will also be modified for UG Written Agreements.
If the UG Option is applied to at least one active coverage, an Internal Unit Division Option (UDO) written agreement will not be allowed for any coverage on the policy in the same county. Other written agreement types (XC, TP, etc.) may be allowed when the UG option code applies. The UD and UG written agreement types are not allowed on the SAME coverage either. This new validation will be a suspension on the UG WA coverage at Mark Complete. The suspension will trigger if:
An Acreage Report Sign Date exists, and
A UD Written Agreement exists on at least one coverage and a UG written agreement has been elected on the same coverage or on an other coverage on the same policy in the same county.
The suspension, "Suspension_WaFinalStateCheck", has been modified to exclude the UG WA Type and will be triggered under these conditions:
WA Status does NOT equal Final,
AR Sign Dates exist,
WA Type does NOT equal 99 (Internal) or UD (Internal Unit Division), and
RY = 2020+
The suspension will no longer trigger on UG WA Type.

138634, 138585, 121586