Release Notes 6.075.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.075.0.

System Updates



Policy Estimates: This ticket added copy down arrows to the following fields on the Detail Lines page of the Policy Estimator: Type, Practice, Acres, Share, Buy-Up Price, Volatility, Rate Yield, App'd Yeld, Adjusted Yield, TA Adjusted, YE Adjusted, YE + TA Adjusted, and YC Adjusted. When a user clicks the copy down arrow on a given field, the value for that field on the first row of the coverage will be copied to all remaining rows within the coverage.


Forms & Reports


The WFRP Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been updated with a label update that came from the 2018 WFRP Handbook as well as with a request to print the Commodity Description. These updates are applicable to all years:

1. The revision date was updated to "01-2018" in the footer.
2. The "Insurance Year" label was updated to "Policy Year" in the headers.
3. When a Commodity has a Commodity Description, the Commodity Description will print with the Commodity Name in the Commodity Detail section. To format this, a space will be added behind the Commodity Name followed by a forward slash; the Commodity Description will then print under the Commodity Name. The forward slash should not print if there is no Commodity Description for the Commodity.


Previously, the Spouse's TIN was not printing unmasked when users selected the Unmask TIN print option. The MPCI Dec Page was updated to unmask the Spouse's TIN when users have selected the Unmask TIN print option. This change applies to all Crop Years.

NOTE: The "Display Unmasked Tax IDs" print option is not available on the MPCI Dec Page for all AIPs per their request.


RMA updated the Irrigated Practice Guidelines in the December 21st publication of the 2018 Document and Supplemental Standards Handbook (DSSH). The updates are effective for policies with a contract change date for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years for crops with a contract change date of November 30, 2017 or later. The Irrigated Practice Guidelines can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page and for 2017+ as a stand-alone form. The Irrigated Practice Guidelines for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years were updated in the following ways:

The current version of the Irrigated Practice Guidelines will print for the 2017 Crop Year. Prior to 2017, the version that prints will be based on the version the AIPs provided to MCT that printed with the Policy Declaration Page "Provision Options" functionality.

NOTE: Notes on the Irrigated Practice Guidelines functionality: (1) The Irrigated Practice Guidelines can be printed with the "Print Official Dec Page for this Policy" print option but will not attach with the "Auto Attach" print option; (2) The Irrigated Practice Guidelines has no QR code on the form; and (3) The Irrigated Practice Guidelines have their own page numbering and will not be included with the Dec Page or other forms.

A print option was added to the stand-alone Irrigated Practice Guidelines that will display for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years to give the users the ability to print the 2017 version.


Production Report: Beginning in 2018, for crops with a contract change date of 11/30 or later and in 2019 for all crops, RMA is converting the Yield Cup procedures to a new "YC" option code. The grower has the ability to opt out of using the Yield Cup on an APH. This ticket implemented "Yield Cup Opt Out?" functionality on the Production Report so the grower can indicate on the form that they are opting out of using the Yield Cup on this APH, which will then be keyed into the System by the agent.

This new checkbox, Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out?, will display to the right of Unit field. The Production Report will only display the Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out? checkbox and the border separating the YC Opt Out and Unit if the "YC" option is elected on the coverage.

When the Production Report is being printed in a blank or a pre-headed report style, the Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out? checkbox will not display. When the Production Report is being printed in a pre-filled report style, if the Yield Cup Opt Out? checkbox has been selected for a unit's APH database, then the Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out? checkbox is selected on the Production Report for the applicable unit.

NOTE: The version date was not updated since the Production Report version date was updated with TFS #83060 in the 6.070 Release, which was also a January 2018 release.


Production Reporting Worksheet: Beginning in 2018, for crops with a contract change date of 11/30 or later and in 2019 for all crops, RMA is converting the Yield Cup procedures to a new "YC" option code. The grower has the ability to opt out of using the Yield Cup on an APH. This ticket implemented :"Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out?" functionality on the Production Reporting Worksheet so the grower can indicate on the form that they are opting out of using the Yield Cup on this APH, which will then be keyed into the System by the agent. Along with this change, some other clean up was done:

A new field, "Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out?", was added to the right of the Unit / Insurability field in the column header. The Production Reporting Worksheet will only display the Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out? checkbox and a forward slash separating the Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out? and Unit / Insurability if the "YC" option is elected on the coverage. For individual units, this field displays as a YC Opt Out? checkbox.
When the Production Reporting Worksheet is being printed in a blank or a pre-headed report style, the YC Opt Out? checkbox will not display.
When the Production Reporting Worksheet is being printed in a pre-filled report style, if Yield Cup Opt Out? has been selected for a unit's database, then the YC Opt Out? checkbox will be selected on the Production Reporting Worksheet for the applicable unit.
The Other column label was updated to have four asterisks instead of three.
The Approved Yield field was added back for all report styles. This data will populate if the data has been calculated for the year and the Production Reporting Worksheet is printing pre-filled.

These updates are for all years since the System will determine when YC can be elected on the coverage and the YC Opt Out? field will only display when YC has been elected on the coverage.

NOTE: The version date will not be updated since the Production Reporting Worksheet version date was updated with TFS #83532 in the 6.070 Release, which was also a January 2018 release. TFS #84217 will update the Production Reporting Worksheet for when the Crop Summary continues on page 2 so that the Crop Summary's headers will print on page 2. Right now the Crop Summary's headers are not printing.


Beginning in 2018, for crops with a contract change date of 11/30 or later and in 2019 for all crops, RMA is converting the Yield Cup procedures to a new "YC" option code. The grower has the ability to opt out of using the Yield Cup on an APH. This ticket implemented "Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out?" functionality on the APH Database Form so the grower can indicate on the form that they are opting out of using the Yield Cup on this APH, which will then be keyed into the System by the agent.

The form will only display YC - Opt Out? if the "YC" option is elected on the coverage.
If Yield Cup Opt Out has been selected for a unit's database, then "YC - Opt Out? - Y" prints with spaces separating the unit number and "YC - Opt Out?" for the applicable unit.
If the Yield Cup Opt Out has not been selected for a unit's database, then "YC - Opt Out? - N" prints with spaces separating the unit number and "YC - Opt Out?" for the applicable unit.
The Statement Page prints if the grower has elected to Opt Out of YC and/or YE for at least one unit for the policy. The YC Note Statement should be included if YC was opted out. The YE Note Statement should be included if YE has been opted out.
The version date was updated to "01-2018".


APH Database / Acreage Report: Beginning in 2018, for crops with a contract change date of 11/30 or later and in 2019 for all crops, RMA is converting the Yield Cup procedures to a new "YC" option code. The grower has the ability to opt out of using the Yield Cup on an APH. This ticket is implemented "Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out?" functionality on the APH Database / Acreage Report so the grower can indicate on the form that they are opting out of using the Yield Cup on this APH, which will then be keyed into the System by the agent.

The form will only display YC Opt Out if the "YC" option is elected on the coverage.
If Yield Cup Opt Out has been selected for a unit's database, then "YC - Opt Out? - Y" prints with spaces separating the unit number and "YC - Opt Out?" for the applicable unit.
If Yield Cup Opt Out has not been selected for a unit's database, then "YC - Opt Out? - N" prints with spaces separating the unit number and "YC - Opt Out?" for the applicable unit.
The YC Note Statement should be included on the Statement Pages if YC was opted out. The YE Note Statement should be included on the Statement Pages if YE has been opted out.
The version date was updated to "01-2018".

NOTE: TFS #84219 will update the APH Database / Acreage Report for when the Crop Summary continues on page 2 so that the sub-header will print on page 2. Right now the sub-header is not printing.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




The 2018 Watts provisions in PDF format were loaded in the System as provided by the AIP.




RMA has modified the P11-8 premium calculations for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093), Plan 55, for the 2018 RY. The calculation logic for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) has been updated to account for the recent changes outlined in the draft version of the P11-8. These changes affect Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) but not the other crops under Plan 55.


Contracts: For the 2018+ RYs, RMA has made some changes to the Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed premium calculation. The rating will now incorporate the Total Contract Value as well as the Minimum Payment Quantity from the Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed Contract. Both values will be a dollar amount rounded to the whole dollar.

The System previously had a Minimum Payment Quantity field that displayed on the Contract pages for Plan 55 crops; however, it was a bushel/acre value that rounded to the tenth. In addition, the System did not have a field for Contract Value. The Contract pages were updated to allow users to input a whole dollar value for Minimum Payment Quantity and enter a Contract Value to be used in the rating of Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed.

The following updates have been made to the Contract pages for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed:

A "Contract Value" field was added.
A message was added next to the Contract Value field to explain what value should be keyed in the new field.
The Minimum Payment field for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed was updated to require a whole dollar value.
The message that displays next to the Minimum Payment field for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed was updated to state a whole dollar value is required.

NOTE: This ticket is for the user interface changes only. Rating changes will be implemented with TFS #79921.


With this ticket, APH calculations were updated to accommodate changes made to Yield Cup procedures by RMA. All changes apply to 2018 crops with an 11/30 or later filing date and to all crops in 2019. For crops with a filing date prior to 11/30, old Yield Cup procedures will apply. These changes to calculations and logic apply to the legacy APH page, the APH Drawer, and the Fast Edit PR APH calculations.

The APH calculation changes include:

The existing logic that automatically applied the Yield Cup and Surcharge Applied flag were removed.
New logic was added to account for the new Yield Cup option procedures. Upon save, the System will determine if Yield Cup applies. The Yield Cup applies if the YC option is elected on the coverage, there is at least one actual or assigned yield in the APH database, and the calculated yield (using any other methods including with or without YA, TA, or YE and/or the Yield Floor) is less than 90% of the prior year yield. If the Yield Cup is equal to the Yield Floor, then Yield Cup does not apply. If the Yield Cup is equal to the yield calculated using YA, TA, or YE, then the Yield Cup does not apply.
If the System determines Yield Cup applies, then the YC option code is available in the Option Code dropdowns in the APH and on the detail line, the Approved Yield is set to 90% of the prior year yield, the Yield Limitation Flag (YLF) is set, the Adjusted Yield is calculated, and the Rate Yield is set to equal to the Average Yield.
The new YC option can be applied even if the APH utilizes YE, YA, or TA. On save of the APH, if the System determines that YC applies, the System will apply the Yield Cup regardless of whether YE, TA, or YA have been applied to the APH. The YA and YE option codes will not be applied to the APH, but YE and TA adjustments can still be utilized in the APH. If the calculated Yield Cup is equal to the yield calculated with YE, TA, or YA, then the Yield Cup does not apply—instead, the yield is calculated using YE, TA, or YA.
The new YC option can be applied even if the prior year utilized a Yield Floor. On save of the APH, if the System determines that YC applies, the System will apply the Yield Cup regardless of whether a Yield Floor was applied to the APH in the prior year RY.
Logic was added to prevent the System from applying the Yield Floor if the YC option is applied. The System will still determine the "higher of" yield where the Yield Cup only applies if the cupped yield is greater than or equal to the Yield Floor.
Functionality was added to allow the user to designate that the grower has opted out of using the Yield Cup on an APH. A Yield Cup Opt Out checkbox displays below the Prior Year PP Acres field on the legacy APH page and in the APH Drawer. This checkbox will only display if YC was elected on the coverage.


The TA/YE Recalc utility logic was updated with TFS #82114 for crops with an 11/30 CCD+. This MCT-initiated utility calculates database values for the Average Yield and Rate Yield for APHs that do NOT have an Approved Yield greater than zero (0). For quoting purposes, the System calculates preliminary values for the following: Standard Procedure Approved Yield (Approved Yield without TA/YE/YC but with a Yield Floor), Adjusted Yield (non-TA/YE/YC Adjusted Yield), Approved TA Yield, Approved YE Yield, Approved TA + YE Yield, and Approved YC Yield. This utility is typically run immediately following the roll of policies to the new RY and is handled as a standard post-roll process. This utility has been part of the post-roll process for several years. Because the YC calculation was pending, this utility was delayed from being run post roll—with plans to run the standard utility following the 6.075 release to production.

The database values calculated are then displayed in the TA/YE Comparison grid located at the bottom of the APH. This release added a field for the YC calculation to the grid.

This utility will ONLY update the preliminary database values for APHs that have NOT been updated yet for the 2018 RY. If the Approved Yield is equal to zero (0) and year 10 in the APH has acres greater than zero (0) and no production, the utility will apply the database preliminary calculations for use in quoting. At the time the APH is updated with production for year 10 in the APH, the preliminary values are replaced with final values following the user invoking full APH calculations.

NOTE: The only change to this recalc utility was adding the YC calculation to values already being set. For coverages and detail lines/APHs that have the YC option applied, the utility will now take YC into consideration when setting the DB values.


APH: TFS #82114 updated APH logic for crops with an 11/30+ Filing Date to account for the YC option procedures. As part of the scope of these changes, the CC/SF rules also required updating. When APHs exist for both a CC and SF practice in a state/county AND have separate T-Yields by practice, the System will apply the "higher of" logic for calculation of the SF Approved Yield as allowed by RMA procedure. This functionality has existed in the System for several years. The new YC option procedures state that the YC option must be first applied to both the CC and SF databases, if applicable, prior to determining the "higher of" yield to use for the SF APH. This latest change is similar to the procedure for CC/SF when YE is applicable (YE is applied before determining the higher of yield), which has also been present in the System for several years.


APH: With TFS #82114, also in the 6.075 release, APH logic was updated to account for RMA's conversion of the Yield Cup procedures to the new Yield Cup "YC" option in 2018 for crops with an 11/30 or later Filing Date and for all crops in 2019. See TFS #82114 in this release for more information regarding the Yield Cup changes for 2018 and 2019.

As part of these Yield Cup changes, the Simple Average T-Yield (SAT-Yield) calculations have been impacted. The SAT-Yield is calculated as the average of all yields for APH databases for the same Crop/Practice/Type/T-Yield Map Area (TMA). For APH databases that are not utilizing a Trend Adjusted (TA option) Yield and do not have a year for which a yield has been excluded (YE option), the Approved Yield is used in this calculation. For APHs with a Trend Adjusted Yield and/or a year that has been excluded, the Adjusted Yield is used in the calculation.

The new procedures for the Yield Cup (YC) option state the Simple Average calculation should treat YC the same as YE and TA and use the Adjusted Yield in the Simple Average calculation rather than the Approved Yield if the YC option is applied to the APH.

With this ticket, the Simple Average T-Yield calculations were updated to mirror TA and YE by using the Adjusted Yield rather than the Approved Yield if the YC option is applied to the APH.