Release Notes 8.040.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.040.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


RMA has introduced Point of Reference with the 2020 Rainfall and Vegetation Index Handbook as an acreage reporting requirement to report Latitude and Longitude with Acreage Reporting. This ticket is for printing the Point of Reference data on the API / PRF Combo Form. The API / PRF Combo Form has been updated in the following way for all years: the Point of Reference field will be blank (i.e., will be a user-filled field) unless the form is being printed with a pre-filled report style; when printed with this report style, the Latitude and Longitude for the Grid ID will print if one has been entered.


It was reported to MCT that the Production Report was printing zero values in the year where the production needs to be reported when the form was printed with the "Pre-print for next year" print option selected. The Production Report was updated to not print zero values in the year where production needs to be reported when the form is being printed with the "Pre-print for next year" print option selected.

NOTE: When the Production Report is printed with PP acres, the form is printing zeros. MCT is working on this piece in the 8.045 release with TFS #97264.


RMA made some additional updates to the BFR Application in the 2020 DSSH for WFRP, and some of the changes were additional updates to what RMA announced in March 2019 with Bulletin MGR-19-004 for WFRP. The BFR Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The revision date was updated to "10-2010".
In the Additional Information section, the "Eligible Number of Crop Years..." sentence now needs to include WFRP. The sentence will now be: "Eligible Number of Crop Years the BFR applicant qualifies to receive BFR benefits ___________ (_____ for WFRP) , this number includes the crop year of BFR Application."
The "As provided by me..." paragraph above the Signature section has been updated so the last sentence now reads: "I understand that any inaccurate certification will result in recalculation of my yield guarantees, administrative fee, premiums and any applicable loss payments."


WFRP: In 2017, in the 6.035 release with TFS #67311, functionality was implemented to allow users to key an Estimated MPCI Liability value. AIPs requested this functionality due to the timing difference between reporting commodities on a WFRP policy and reporting acreage on the underlying MPCI policy. The way this functionality previously worked is if a value existed in the Estimated MPCI Liability field on the Income/Expense Record and a value did not exist in the standard MPCI Liability field, the System would use the Estimated MPCI Liability value in the calculation of premium and liability on the WFRP policy. In addition, when premium and liability was calculated using the Estimated MPCI Liability value, the EstimatedMPCILiabilityFlag in the database was set to "true". This flag allowed forms functionality to determine which field to pull MPCI Liability from (MPCI Liability or Estimated MPCI Liability) as well as to print an indicator notifying the grower that premium and liability values were calculated using Estimated MPCI Liability.

Following the implementation of this functionality, AIPs began receiving P19-72846 errors. These errors were traced back to the use of the Estimated MPCI Liability in the premium calculations. Since the Estimated MPCI Liability does not transmit to RMA, PASS calculates premium without an MPCI Liability value; however, the System was calculating premium using the Estimated MPCI Liability, causing the System and PASS to determine different premium amounts.

Given all this, AIPs requested the Estimated MPCI Liability functionality be redesigned to prevent P19 errors for premium. To account for this, with this ticket, separate database fields were be added to allow the System to calculate and store WFRP premium calculated using Estimated MPCI Liability separately from WFRP premium without the Estimated MPCI Liability as needed for transmission on the P19 Record.

With this ticket, the following changes have been made for the 2020+ RYs:

1. Two new database fields were added to the AgrIncomeExpense Table to store estimated WFRP premium and liability: EstimatedTotalPremium and EstimatedProducerPremium.
2. The premium calculation logic was updated to separately store premium calculated with the Estimated MPCI Liability from premium calculated without Estimated MPCI Liability. If an Estimated MPCI Liability value exists and a value does not exist in the standard MPCI Liability field, the System will:
Calculate premium using the Estimated MPCI Liability value and store the values in the new estimated database fields in #1 above.
These premium values will display on the Income & Expense page with "Estimate" next to them and a message stating the values were calculated using the Estimated MPCI Liability.

NOTE: Forms functionality was updated with TFS #107880 to print the estimated values with an indicator that the values are estimated.

Calculate premium without the Estimated MPCI Liability and store the values in the standard premium fields. These are the values that will transmit on the P19 Record.
Once a value is entered in the standard MPCI Liability field, on save of the Income & Expense Record, the System will re-calculate premium using the actual MPCI Liability rather than the estimated value. The "Estimate" label and message about premium being calculated with Estimated MPCI Liability will no longer display.
If a value exists in the standard MPCI Liability field, the System will calculate premium using the MPCI Liability value, regardless of whether an Estimated MPCI Liability value exists. These values will display on the Income & Expense Record, print on forms, and transmit on the P19 Record.
If values do not exist in either the Standard MPCI Liability field or the Estimated MPCI Liability field, the System will calculate premium without an MPCI Liability value. These values will display on the Income & Expense Record, print on forms, and transmit on the P19 Record.


2020 API Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA in August. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

API (1191) - Plan RI (13) - Year 2020
In multiple states and counties


2020 Avocados, Almonds, and Peaches Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on 8/8/2019. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

Avocados (0019) - Plan APH (90) - Year 2020
FL (12) - 1 county - 11/30/2019 SCD
Almonds (0028) - Plan APH (90) - Year 2020
CA (06) - 16 counties - 12/31/2019 SCD
Peaches (0034) - Plan APH (90) - Year 2020
AL (01) - 7 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
AR (05) - 15 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
CO (08) - 3 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
CT (09) - 7 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
GA (13) - 18 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
IL (17) - 4 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
KY (21) - 2 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
LA (22) - 5 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MD (24) - 6 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MA (25) - 11 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MI (26) - 9 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MS (28) - 12 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MO (29) - 3 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NH (33) - 4 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NJ (34) - 10 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NY (36) - 6 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NC (37) - 19 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
OK (40) - 4 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
PA (42) - 32 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
RI (44) - 3 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
SC (45) - 14 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
TN (47) - 10 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
TX (48) - 21 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
VT (50) - 1 county - 11/20/2019 SCD
VA (51) - 17 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
WV (54) - 5 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option.


2020 Blueberries Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on 8/8/2019. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

Blueberries (0012) - Plan APH (90) - Year 2020
AL (01) - 1 county - 11/20/2019 SCD
CA (06) - 7 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
FL (12) - 14 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
GA (13) - 15 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
ME (23) - 8 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MI (26) - 5 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MS (28) - 8 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NJ (34) - 4 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NC (37) - 6 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
OR (41) - 8 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
SC (45) - 1 county - 11/20/2019 SCD
WA (53) - 13 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option.


2020 Cherries Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on 8/23/2019. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

Cherries (0057) - Plan ARH (47) - Year 2020
ID (16) - 5 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MI (26) - 16 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
MT (30) - 2 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
NY (36) - 4 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
OR (41) - 9 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
UT (49) - 2 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
WA (53) - 11 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD
WI (55) - 1 county - 11/20/2019 SCD

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option.


2020 Grapes Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on 9/13/2019. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

Grapes (0053) - Plan APH (90) - Year 2020
TX (48) - 8 counties - 11/20/2019 SCD

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option.


2020 Mac Trees Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on 8/8/2019. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

Macadamia Trees (0024) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020
HI (15) - 4 counties - 11/30/2019 SCD

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option.


2020 WFRP Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA in August. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

WFRP (0076) - Plan WFRP (76) - Year 2020
Late Fiscal Year SCD 11/20/2019
Calendar Year & Early Fiscal Year SCD 2/28/2020
In multiple states and counties


2020 PRF Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA in August. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded with

PRF (0088) - Plan RI (13) - Year 2020
In multiple states and counties

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




With the 8.035 release, the System was updated to collapse the Shareholder, Land ID, and Planted Field banner bars at the initial load of the Maintain APH page. All functionality still continued to exist when the banners were expanded and users were still able to navigate to the Shareholder, Land ID, and/or Planted Field pages from the APH but the data associated with these banners was not rendered on the initial load of the page. With this ticket, the same logic was implemented on the Maintain Detail Line page. The System was updated with this ticket to have the same functionality as the Maintain APH page at load of the Maintain Detail Line page. The banners will display collapsed at load of the page, allowing the Maintain Detail Line page to load much quicker and work more efficiently for System users.


Perennials: Changes are being implemented due to updates in the 2020 RY Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH). If one of the actual yields in the most recent three Crop Years is eligible for exclusion in the actuarial documents, the Yield Variance and Alternate Bearing Tests are not applicable; however, the Downward Trending test is. Prior to the 2020 RY, none of the tests were applicable. Page 262 of the 2020 RY CIH outlines that Yield Variance testing in 1862D is not applicable and the APH is not reduced for Alternate Bearing; however, Downward Trending Tests are applicable.

The scope of this ticket implemented the Downward Trending Test if one of the actual yields in the most recent three Crop Years in the APH Database is eligible for YE exclusion in the actuarial documents (this means that a year is identified in the actuarial documents as qualifying for the YE exclusion and does not require selection of the YE option by the grower). The Yield Variance Test or Alternate Bearing A & B tests are not applicable; however, the Downward Trending Test is applicable and will result in yield adjustment as outlined in the CIH or RMA RO Underwriting Guidelines if determined appropriate.