Release Notes 17.090.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 17.090.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


This ticket was to update the APH Database Form to support Shellfish.

Changes that were made:

1. Fixed for all database formats: Legal Description label had 2 asterisks not 3 to match the Legend.
2. Crop Summary: Total # of Seed Placed in Containers = Total Acres Planted = Updated label of the column to “Total # of Seed Placed in Containers” OR if there were other coverages than Shellfish, the Shellfish label was added after the forward slash. Printed the total acres planted OR # of Seed Placed in Containers for the crop.
3. Detail Lines:
a. No QLO checkbox, YA checkbox, YC checkbox, PreQuality columns were needed for Shellfish.
b. Growing Interval - Added label and data to print where QLO Opt Out was located.
c. Year – Updated label of the column to “Crop/Harvest Year”.
d. Seed Year - A column was added to the right of Year. Printed the Seed Purchased Year data.
e. # of Seed Placed in Containers – Updated the Acres label “# of Seed Placed in Containers” for Shellfish. Printed # of Seed Planted data.
f. Seed Size - Added a column to the right of # of Seed Placed in Containers. Printed the Seed Size data.
g. Total Dollar Sales - Updated label of the column to “Total Dollar Sales”. Printed Total Dollar Sales data.
h. Total Sold Production - Added a column to the right of Total Production. For 2025, no data printed in this column; we mapped data to the column once the data was being saved in the database in a future year.
i. Harvested - Updated label of the column to “Harvested”. Printed Harvested data.
j. Harvested Total - Updated Yield Total label to “Harvested Total”.
k. Harvested Average Yield - Updated label to “Harvested Avg. Yield” and connected the data field to the Harvested Average Yield data.
l. Prel. Yield - marked as “N/A” did not apply to Shellfish.
m. Capped Yield – Updated the T-Yield label to “Capped Yield”. Printed the Capped Yield data.
n. Expected Yield – Updated the Adj. Yield label to “Capped Yield”. Printing the Expected Yield data.
o. Current Year Adjusted Mean Survival Rate – Updated the # of Trees or Vines label to “Current Year Adjusted Mean Survival Rate”. Printed the Adjusted Mean Survival Rate data.
p. Legal Description – Updated the label to “Growing Location Identification (Lease, parcel, latitude, longitude)”. Printed the latitude and longitude data.
q. FSA Farm/Tract/Field # - Remove for Shellfish, did not apply.


Forage Underwriting/Acreage Report was being updated with some base form standards.

Changes that were made:

Changes were for all years.

1. Page 1 Insured Info label was updated from "Insured's Name, Mailing and/or Street Address and Other Contact Information" to "Insured's Name, Street and / or Mailing Address and Other Contact Information", switched "Street" and "Mailing".
2. Shading with the "Underwriting and Acreage Information" label was removed, also the right and left borders. This label printed on page 1, it was removed from printing on pages 2+ when the detail lines continued to print.
3. Statement labels were left justified.
4. The Privacy Act label was combined to one line from two lines. "Collection of Information and Data (Privacy Act) Statement - Agents, Loss Adjusters and Policyholders" instead of "Collection of Information and Data (Privacy Act) Statement Agents, Loss Adjusters and Policyholders".
5. The borders around the Remarks field were removed.
6. Version date was updated to "01-2025".
7. "(Admin St / Cty)" label to the "FSA Farm / Tract / Field #" label, the full label will read "FSA Farm / Tract (Admin St / Cty) / Field #:" was added.
8. If a pre-filled report style was selected -> Printed the Admin State and County data if data was available, Admin State Abbreviation and Admin County Long Name. If it was not available, by passing that data item not leaving any extra spaces or dashes. Format example if Admin State and County data was not available - 9999 / 15 / 1. Format example if Admin State and County data was available 9999 / 15 (WI / Longstand) / 1.
9. The fields were not printing on the form, form functionality was updated so they are available, if they are available.


This ticket was to fix a red Telerik error that was happening on the main format of the Schedule of Insurance (SOI), it was reported to MCT the error was happening on the acres field.

There were 8 different formats of the SOI, #4 was updated.

1. API / PRF
2. Annual Forage
3. Nursery (FG&C & NVS) - uses main SOI, does use some different labels.
4. Fruit & Trees - uses main SOI, does use some different labels.
6. all other MPCI crops
7. SOI as an Acreage Report - may not be turned on for all AIPs per their request.
8. SOI / Production Report - may not be turned on for all AIPs per their request.

Changes that were made:

Updated for all years.

The error that was happening in the Acres field was corrected.


MCT received a request to the add the "Exclude Blank PAW(s) for Coverage(s) without Detail Lines" that was currently available on the Perennial Combo Form to also be a Print Option on the WFRP Combo Form.

Changes that were made:

1. A new Print Option to “Exclude Blank PAW(s) for Coverage(s) without Detail Lines” was added to the WFRP Combo Form on the MPCI Print tab and in Batch Printing. Print Option was listed in alpha ascending order with the other WFRP Combo Print Options.
2. The Print Option was available for the Pre-filled report style ONLY.
3. Default was the Print Option that was not selected.
4. If the Print Option was selected, then not printing the Producer’s Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) pages for coverages/commodities that did not have detail lines entered in the system.


This ticket was to update the Perennial Combo Form to have the FIP child line print on the PAW page(s). Currently for FIP it was duplicating line the parent line on the PAW page for FIP.

Changes that were made:

Updated for all years.

Perennial Combo Form was no longer duplicating parent line when FIP was elected on the PAW page(s).


This ticket comprises of 2025 DSSH updates that RMA published on Feb 6, 2025 to the Non-Discrimination Statement (NDS) verbiage. The Non-Discrimination Statement was table driven all forms that display the statement on the form pull from the same location.

No revision dates were updated with this ticket, each individual form was to be touched to update the revision date.

This ticket also updated the RMA Statement hyperlink at the bottom of the system screens where the NDS was displayed also.

Changes that were made:

Applicable for all crop years.

This verbiage in the NDS was a hyperlink > How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint


in the RMA Statement hyperlink at the bottom of the system screens, if a user clicked on the the verbiage it took that user to the site to the correct page. The NDS verbiage on forms did not bring the user to the site page if the verbiage was selected.

New verbiage...

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email:

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.




An issue was reported where information was missing from the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line screens for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle. As part of the 2025+ RYs regulatory changes from RMA, LGM was updated in the System to include new user-input Target fields. With these new input fields, additional ADM values were missed to display that used in premium calculations.

With these new ADM values being added to the LGM Cattle screens in the system, they were also going to be added with this ticket to the LGM Schedule of Insurance (SOI) form to be consistent.

Since this form was touched, MCT did also implement a few base form standards as well.

Changes that were made:

Updates for the 2025+ format:

1. Page 1 Insured Info label was updated from "Insured's Name, Mailing and/or Street Address and Other Contact Information" to "Insured's Name, Street and/or Mailing Address and Other Contact Information", switched "Street" and "Mailing", for all formats.
2. Version date was updated to "02-2025".
3. The Deductible per Head data was updated to include a "$" for the 2025 and 2024 formats.
4. The "Expected Gross Margin per Head" label and column was removed.
5. Three new Expected fields were added to the table, each Type of Operation table was on its own page now instead of 2 tables per page. When the form was printed pre-filled, only the table applicable to the Type of Operation on the coverage printed. These data values came from the ADMs and were used in premium calculations.
Expected Live Cattle Price
Expected Feeder Cattle Price
Expected Corn Price




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Private Products


Updated Grower Names on Reports to be in a consistent Name Format.

Changes that were made:

Grower names on Private Product Policy and Audit Reports were updated to be in a consistent Grower format of "Last Name, First Name" for results. This allowed for uniform viewing/sorting options by last name throughout reports.

Reports that were updated with this ticket were for Private Products were the Policy Register, Agency Premium Report, Coverages Report, Placeholder Line Report, Premium Change Report, Proof of Loss Statement Report, Outstanding Balance Report.