Release Notes 11.060.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.060.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PACE: The Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) program, which is available beginning with the 2022+ RYs, will provide supplemental coverage for a producer that is prevented from post / split applying nitrogen in the 2-3 week V3-V10 corn growth stages due to wet weather and field conditions. PACE Plan codes (26, 27, and 28) will be available according to the ADMs for non-irrigated Grain Corn with a sales closing date of March 15 in select counties in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Ohio. This ticket implemented support for PACE in the CLU Acreage Reporting functionality. Since the CLU Acreage Report was being updated, additional updates for form standards were done as well. NOTE: Corn for Grain was not previously called out in any of the background information from the RMA that indicated PACE was only available for Non Irrigated Grain Corn. However, in PACE Training slides from 01-19-2022, this information was called out, and in the 2022 RY Insurance Offer Table, PACE is only available for Non Irrigated Grain Corn. |
126558 |
Northern Potatoes: Northern Potato Endorsements must be elected on or before SCD. Percentage Factors (PFs) are determined by marketing records at the time of harvest prior to the Potatoes being placed in storage. This ticket was in response to an enhancement request made by an AIP. The request called for the addition of grade fields labeled “% of #1’s” and a subsequent simple average calculation display of “Average % of #1’s” on Northern Potato APHs and Northern Potato Master Yield Summary Units. With this ticket, the APH Database Form was updated in the ways listed below. Additional form changes to the Production Report and APH Database will be handled with other TFS tickets.
NOTE: TFS #131677 will add Northern Potato updates to the Production Report. |
131678 |
PACE: This ticket implemented the Acreage Reporting functionality for PACE. Since the CLU Acreage Report was being updated with this ticket, additional updates for form standards were done as well. |
133340 |
The Nursery Catalog Checklist has been updated based on changes found in the 2023 Nursery Handbook. The following updates were made to the Nursery Catalog Checklist for all years:
133629 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from the RMA on Jan 21. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been implemented in the System. |
134309 |
PAW: With this ticket, the 2022+ RYs Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) has been updated for changes found in the 2023 FCIC – 20300U Pecan Tree Crop Insurance Standards Handbook. The following updates have been made to the indicated formats of the PAW:
133461 |
Policy Dec: This ticket updated the Policy Declaration page to provide more information on the Option Line to display what was selected for Enterprise Units: Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice (EC) and Enterprise Unit Separated by Type (ET). These codes will be displayed to clarify which was selected on the coverage. |
135121 |
A "Sorry..." error was occurring when printing forms without Print Options and / or Report Styles. The System was updated so the following forms are no longer receiving the error:
135329 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
133189 |
DRP: An issue was reported where an AIP user was not able to go back to a DRP detail line with an effective date during Thanksgiving week of the previous calendar year (same RY) and update the signature dates. The Effective Date was 11/24/2021 (last market day of Thanksgiving week). The user was trying to use a signature date of 11/27/2021, which is still within the processing window due to the Federal Holiday logic. When saving the DRP detail line with the updated signature date, the user was getting an error for the signature date being outside the date range of 11/24/2021 and 11/25/2021. This issue was debugged, and it was found that the System logic was only checking against the RMA Federal Holiday ICE table for the current year and the next year. The signature date validations were working when the detail line was originally keyed because the System was looking at the correct year and not having to go back. With this ticket, the logic to get RMA holidays has been updated to pass in the year of the effective date in question. So, now the logic will get RMA Holidays for 2021 (year part of 11/24/2021) and 2022 regardless of when the existing premium line is being saved. This change affects lockout and signature date validation logic for DRP and LRP. |
134602 |
With CLU processing now including prior CLU information (old Farm/Tract, CLU ID, Acres, etc), this ticket updated the Field Info popup (enabled by clicking in the Info icon in the mapping tool bar) and Grower Field Info to pull the prior CLU info from the new database table. |
132574 |
This ticket enables a Yield Summary report to print from Mapping when precision yield information has been imported for a policy. This report, Yield Summary, is available from the Print Options when enabled for the user. |
133454 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northern Potatoes: The MPCI processing platform did not previously account for grade fields on Northern Potatoes. This ticket was in response to an enhancement request made by an AIP. The request called for the addition of grade fields labeled “% of #1’s” and a subsequent simple average calculation display of “Average % of #1’s” to Northern Potato APHs and Northern Potato Master Yield Summary Units. These fields were added to the user interface on existing Northern Potato APHs and Northern Potato Master Yield Summary Units with corresponding database fields to store the data for the 2022+ RYs.
NOTE: The "Recalc MY" functionality under the Additional Functions dropdown is designed to invoke verbiage on MY Summary Units and Non-Summary Unit for "Needs Recalc" only when the Approved Yield is different from MY to Non-MY Summary Units. There is a scenario where, when Grade Fields for Northern Potatoes are added or changed to a Non-Summary Unit, the Approved Yield does not change on the Non-Summary unit, so the verbiage is not invoked. The user will still need to "Recalc MY" in this scenario to get the MY Summary Unit Grade Fields to recalculate. When in doubt, use Recalc MY. This functionality now has the Grade Fields as part of its logic for looping through, summing, and then calculating an average.
NOTE: The keying and calculation of these values will be limited to the Legacy APH pages at this time and will not be introduced to Fast Edit AR’s APH drawer or Fast Edit PR’s grid. Also, the newly-introduced “MY / PTY Batch Quote” functionality will not include Northern Potato “% of #1’s” data at this time. The following TFS tickets will add the data introduced within this ticket to the applicable forms: 1) TFS 131677 - Forms: Update the Production Report for Northern Potatoes to add the Potato % of #1 Column; and 2) TFS 131678 - Forms: Update the APHDatabase for Northern Potatoes to a % of #1 Column. |
131676 |
Northern Potatoes: Northern Potato Endorsements must be elected on or before SCD. Percentage Factors (PFs) are determined by marketing records at the time of harvest prior to the Potatoes being placed in storage. This ticket was in response to an enhancement request made by an AIP. With this ticket, the Production Report was updated for to add the % of #1's and Average % of #1’s fields to Northern Potato APHs and Northern Potato Master Yield Summary Units. Additional form changes to the Production Report and APH Database will be handled with other TFS tickets. |
131677 |
PRH: An issue was reported by an AIP where a user was receiving an Elmah error when keying Revenue History on a 2021 RY PRH policy. Research by a developer at that time determined that the error was being caused by a 9-figure value within the Adjusted Total Revenue database field within the System. According to the M13 and the design of this field, this field was limited to 8-figures. After determining that 2021 RY Revenue values were in fact being keyed correctly, a closer look at the calculation for Adjusted Revenue revealed that the System was incorrectly calculating Adjusted Revenue when there was only 1 buyer type for the Revenue History. According to the M13, Adjusted Total Revenue and Adjusted Annual Revenue calculations skip unless an Elected % of Sales is modified by 5% or more AND there is more than one buyer type. With this ticket, logic has been added to update PRH coverages to not calculate Adjusted Revenue values if more than 1 buyer type isn't entered. Changes are for the 2022+ RYs. |
134184 |
Micro Farm: The WFRP (0076) Final Farm Operation Report is modeled after the Fast Edit Production Reporting page. Users can key Production, Revenue, and Final Reporting Signature Dates for all commodities using a single process. The “Final FOR” button is located on the Commodities tab of current WFRP (0076) policies. For 2022 RY+, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) is introducing Micro Farm (9110) under the WFRP (76) plan umbrella. Micro Farm is designed to provide small farming operations (100K Approved Revenue limit for new insureds and 125k for carryover insureds) coverage without some of the burdensome reporting requirements that WFRP (0076) requires. For TFS #133102, the Commodities tab for Micro Farm was implemented. It was thought at that time that P26 records, and subsequently the Final Farm Operation Report, were not required for Micro Farm due to some language stating so in PASS Release Notes. However, clarification was received from the 2/10/2022 PASS Status Report that P26 records for Micro Farm are indeed required and the previous release notes were a mistake. Therefore, this ticket added the “Final FOR” for Micro Farm (9110) 2022 RY+ policies. |
134787 |
Perennials: During internal testing of TFS #126931, an issue was found where a "Sorry..." error was being triggered with the following scenarios:
With this ticket, PAW logic was updated so "Sorry..." errors will no longer be received by the user within the PAW page when newly-added plots or existing plots are deleted from the PAW grid. |
134960 |
PACE: Beginning in the 2022 RY, for Non Irrigated Grain Corn with an 03/15 Sales Closing Date, the Post - Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) will be available according to the actuarial documents for certain States/Counties. From a System perspective, PACE functions similarly to current SCO functionality.
NOTE: If acres are keyed through the Land ID popup through the Fast Edit AR page, upon save and exit from the Land ID popup, an additional save will be needed in order for the Exclude PACE checkbox to appear within the page for selection.
NOTE: Since PACE coverage is based on a post application window (in the ADMs) by Plant Date, it's important for users to create separate premium lines by the Date Planting Completed date on the PACE Acreage Reporting form. |
135074 |
HR-ACE: We received a report of an invalid suspension for HR-ACE coverage having different Crop Options than the Base coverage. Our research has determined that the reason for this suspension triggering incorrectly is due to the significant change the RMA instituted for the 2022 RY where Enterprise Units are now Crop Options instead of Unit Structures. All Enterprise Unit adjustments were made for this change. Also, with PACE being a new Crop Option, it was added to the scope of exclusion logic for this HR-ACE Suspension. |
PACE: During testing of TFS #133172, it was determined that PACE was being allowed for selection on a coverage where HB was an elected crop option. PACE is not allowed on High Risk acres so this logic was updated to not allow for PACE to be selected along with the HB option on the coverage. |
135136 |
GRAFTED APPLES: An issue was reported where the correct t-yield was not being calculated from the setout date for the factoring calculation. With TFS #131065, the System was updated to change how the APH looks up and reads the applicable t-yields from the ADMs. It was found that the Grafted Apples code logic was missed from the factoring of that new code. With this ticket, the System has been updated to include Grafted Apples in the APH lookups and reads for the t-yields from the ADMs. |
135095 |
PACE: In TFS #133173, the rating and admin fee logic was implemented for PACE child lines. RMA updated the current premium calculations for the PACE child lines liability in the 02-10-2022 commented section of the M13 PASS Calculation Exhibit P11_17 for Plans 26, 27, and 28 to now round the liability to a Whole number instead of 2 places from the decimal. The System was updated in order to implement the updated rating logic to now round the PACE child line liability to a whole number. |
135097 |
APH: Some 2022 RY APH databases were found internally that had duplicate crop years applied to them. For example, 2 years of 2018 or 2019, etc. It was initially assumed that the roll was causing this to happen for some reason. After review, it was determined that the duplicate crop years were being applied after saving a coverage that had changes which would cause the APHs to be recalculated. For example, changing the insurance plan and/or adding/removing option codes, etc. The bug that caused this was introduced in the 11.030 release with the following ticket: "TFS 131791 - Performance Optimization: Refactor Save of an APH within the save of a Coverage - Post 11.000 performance optimization". The bug that caused the duplicate crop years has been corrected. A final list of records that will need to be fixed manually will be provided to AIPs after this fix goes into production with the 11.060 Release. NOTE: This bug impacted all RYs, but the clean up effort is focused on 2022 since it's not a common practice to make coverage changes this time of year for prior RYs. AIPs were asked to clean these up in 2022 to avoid the duplicate scenario from rolling to the 2023 RY. As a safety measure, we will continue to monitor this situation for a while after the 11.060 release is deployed to make sure this issue doesn't occur again. Also, most of the records that have been identified to date had a zero year (Yield Type = Z) in the APH Database for at least one of the 2 duplicated years. P15A records are typically not transmitted for years with a "Z" yield type, so most of these were not causing PASS errors. However, it was confirmed that some of the duplicates were causing errors after being transmitted to the RMA. AIPs have been fixing them as they pop up. |
135135 |