Release Notes 6.100.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.100.0.

System Updates



The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




MBAR: A new Detail Level option has been added for the Map Based Acreage Report (MBAR) called "Partial Pre-fill with Unit/Shareholder". This option was added for users that roll their Fields AND Planting information from the prior Reinsurance Year. When the Partial Pre-fill option is used for printing the MBAR, the System will pre-fill the Unit and Shareholder information from the prior year's planting information on the form.

In addition, a couple minor changes have been made to the Print popup. Aerial Imagery is now a checkbox instead of a Detail Level print selection. The Print planted date and Acres checkbox was also removed as those are no longer used with the current version of the MBAR.




Many of the existing validations from the legacy Add New APH page were put in place as part of the original Add New APH Drawer ticket. However, during internal testing of the Add New APH Drawer, it was identified that a few validations that existed on the legacy Add New APH page were missing from the Add New APH Drawer. With this ticket, the following validations were added to the Add New APH Drawer:

1. "Duplicate Years must be removed from history.": This validation will trigger at preliminary save of the Add New APH Drawer when a year is listed in the Production History Grid more than once.
2. "Short rate and/or UUF/Third Party Damage cannot be reported in the same crop year as planted acres.": This validation will trigger at preliminary save of the Add New APH Drawer when the same year exists in both the Production History Grid and the Misc. Grid.
3. "Year is a required field in Short rate and/or UUF/Third Party Damage history when acreage and/or yield type is entered.": This validation will trigger at preliminary save of the Add New APH Drawer when the acres and/or a yield type have been entered in the Misc. Grid and a year was not keyed.