Release Notes 16.025.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 16.025.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


This ticket finished up items that were found testing the Production Report Ticket #151544 in the 16.005 Release.

Changes that were made:

QLO Opt Out - when the form is printed blank or pre-headed the QLO Opt Out option now prints on the Skip Row formats.
Duplex Print - when the form is printed blank or pre-headed with Duplex Print o2 databases with the main format and 2 of Skip Row now print.
Pre-Quality Total Production – only print a value if it is not zero or null, this is consistent with Transmissions.
An ampersand issue was fixed when an ampersand is in the Shareholder's name.
The correct format was rectified to print for Northern Potatoes.


Production Reporting Worksheet Ticket #151543 items were found while testing in the 16.005 SYPR Release and were finished.

Changes that were made:

Share – the Share data was moved to the right a bit. When there were long unit numbers the Share was getting lost being close to the unit number.
Pre-Quality Total Production – zero was printing, only printing a value if it is not zero or null, this will be consistent with Transmissions.
Row Width – this was not printing on the form, it is now printing again under the Planting Patten and above the Skip Row Factor.
The ampersand issue was fixed when an ampersand is in the Shareholder's name.
The fields in the UI detail lines are blank for the Production Reporting fields. That is not correct; Growers are required by the policy to report production for UI acres.
Yield and Total Production for uninsurable acres, zeros print in those fields if they have been entered.
The APH Yld Desc and Record Type also print what has been entered for those uninsurable acres.
Pre-Quality Actual Yield - this field is always blank since there is not a field to enter the data on the Fast Edit PR.
Pre-Quality Total Production for 2023+ was only printing a value if it is not zero or null, this was consistent with Transmissions.


This ticket finished up items that were found testing the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report Tickets #142729 and #151190 in the 16.005 Release.

Changes that were made:

Pre-Quality Actual Yield – Ensured the Pre-Quality Total Production prints in the correct field and in the Pre-Quality Annual Yield field.
The width of the Premium Summary Total Acres column was increased so that "INS = " fits on one line when acres are in the thousands.
UI detail lines currently contains "NA" in the Production Reporting fields. That is not correct; Growers are required by the policy to report production for UI acres.
Yield and Total Production for uninsurable acres, zeros print in those fields if they have been entered.
The APH Yld Desc and Record Type also print what has been entered for those uninsurable acres.
Pre-Quality Actual Yield and Pre-Quality Total Production only prints the data in those fields if they are greater than zero.
Pre-Quality Total Production – only print a value if it is not zero or null, this is consistent with Transmissions.


2024 DSSH Agreement to Combine Optional Units updates.

Changes that were made:

The version date was updated to "11-2023".
The Last Page Footer functionality was added to the form. " See Last Page of the Agreement to Combine Optional Units for Required Statements" displays on Page 1.
The label for CIS/UW was updated when an AIP has elected not to use CIS/UW functionality, then the label is to be "For Company Use Only.".
"Authorized" after "AIP" was added in the Signature Section labels.
"A" in front of "This is a continuous agreement." was removed to match the DSSH. "B" was updated to "A" and so forth for the remaining alpha items.
The previous C and D verbiage were switched so the D verbiage printed first to be in sync with the DSSH.
A space was added before and after the forward slashes for more readability in the previous G and H sections.
"APH" was removed from "approved APH yield" in the previous G2 section.


This ticket is to update the WFRP Combo Form to prepare for the next year.

Changes that were made:

On the Combo Form, logic was added to the form to only print the Native Sod Statement for the states it is required. On a blank or pre-headed with Agency Only, the Statement prints since we do not know what Policy State the policy will have.
EXP VALUE AND YIELD SOURCE DOC PAGE IN COMBO FORM AND STAND ALONE FORM - Years Excluded field was added, which is user filled.
EXP VALUE AND YIELD SOURCE DOC PAGE IN COMBO FORM AND STAND ALONE FORM - Five lines are in the Combined Direct Marketing Commodity or Micro Farm Information table.
APP PAGES - A new field titled "Exclude Other Coverage" was added to page 1. This field is only marked when pre-filling the form and this new field on the MPCICoverage table has been indicated.
APP PAGES - in Policy Transfer Section, added at the end "q Yes - Exclude FCIC reinsured policies from becoming primary insurance?" Checkbox is user filled.
REV & EXP PAGES - "Other commodity income not reported elsewhere" was added in 8 or 43 Line number at the end. This item is user filled.
All pages were updated with some formatting to be consistent with the base form standards.
The Organic Producer Certification Statement verbiage was updated, and the word "system" was added in front of "plan" to the statement.
Current Statement: I certify that I have an organic plan, or organic certificate in place or that I have provided a written request for an updated plan or certificate to the certifying agent for all acreage reported as certified organic or transitional organic.
Updated Statement: I certify that I have an organic system plan, or organic certificate in place or that I have provided a written request for an updated plan or certificate to the certifying agent for all acreage reported as certified organic or transitional organic.
Revision date was updated to "11-2023".


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Oct 5. Special Provisions for 2024 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for Controlled Environment.


WFRP: Even though the 2023 WFRP Handbook only requires the Applicant / Insured's Name to be in the header of the WFRP Yield and Revenue Report , it was requested that the form contain Applicant / Insured information in the page 1 header to be consistent with other forms. With this ticket, the page 1 header now displays the "Applicant / Insured's Name" label to "Applicant / Insured's Name, Mailing and / or Street Address and Other Contact information".


MUVP: RMA requires a Monthly Unit Value Plan (MUVP) for each basic unit and is included with each Nursery Value Report (NVR) the insured submits. MCT has received some requests for enhancements to the MUVP form. With this ticket, the MUVP has been updated in the following ways:

The version date of the form was updated to "04-2021".
The following Plant Categories names were added in alpha order to the 10 Plant Category fields: Annual / Plants grown for 1 year or less, Broadleaf Evergreen Trees / Shrubs, Coniferous Trees / Shrubs, Cycads, Deciduous Trees / Shrubs, Foliage Plants, Herbaceous Biennial / Perennial, Liners, Palms, and Vines.
SCD print option was added to the MPCI Print menus.
The print option will default to unselected.
The print option will be available for all report styles.
The title of this print option will be "Select the SCD for this form: (selection recommended)".
The print option will have two checkboxes—Spring SCD and Fall SCD—and only one can be selected at a time. If a user selects one then selects the other, the first checkbox will be unselected.
The months labels listed in the Maximum Expected Value table were updated to be based on the selected SCD print option.
If the Fall SCD print option is selected, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September will print with each month in a separate column.
If the Spring SCD print option is selected, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May will print with each month in a separate column.
If the Fall SCD or Spring SCD print options are NOT selected, the month labels will print blank for each column.


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Sept 29. Special Provisions for 202 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for Controlled Environment, Shellfish and Weaned Calf.


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Sept 29. Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for Controlled Environment.


The 2024 Controlled Environment Crop Provisions were implemented.




UI display of PHTS details on the View/Maintain Coverage was updated for 2024+ RY.

Changes that were made:

The System was updated on the View and Maintain Coverage screens to include the display of the 'PHTS/New Producer Request' and 'PHTS Import Date fields within the UI of these screens.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Beginning in the 2024 Crop Year, a new pilot program for Controlled Environment (CE) (Commodity Code = 1020) has been made available to Nursery producers. The Controlled Environment program was developed to provide insurance to technology-based producers who sell plants at wholesale prices to retailers who then resell the plants to end users (with exceptions). CE will insure growers against damage due only to disease and require plants to be destroyed if a claim is made. While this pilot is very similar to Nursery Value Select (NVS), there are key differences that require existing NVS functionality to be updated or removed and other functionality to be added to support the new program. The first SCD is for 2024 and is 12/1/2023.

For CE, the Crop Practice is the Plant Production Practice (A00480), and for this first year of the program, can be soil (irrigated); hydroculture (irrigated); or all other growing media (irrigated). Then, the Crop Type is the Plant Category (A00540).

Changes that were made:

This ticket added Controlled Environment support for the detail lines pages, signature maintenance, and premium calculations (rating).


The functionality to include the Transmission records for Controlled Environment (CE) was added.

Changes that were made:

Transmission: Controlled Environment (CE) 1020 commodity Code Pilot Program and P13 record.


For lag year Perennials, it was found that Fast Edit PR was requiring that detail lines have an updated PAW for the RY in order to calculate an Approved Yield. When the SYPR mode of the Fast Edit PR was implemented, the ability to update the PAW for the detail lines on a coverage was removed from the Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance modal; this has resulted in a user needing to first update all of the PAWs on a coverage outside of Fast Edit PR before using Fast Edit PR in order for the approved yield to calculate for detail lines once production is entered through Fast Edit PR.

Changes that were made:

On the Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance modal:

The Update PAW and Mark Complete columns and checkboxes have been re-enabled on the modal for 2023+ RYs. These columns/checkboxes will only display on the modal if at least one Lag Year Perennial coverage using the standard mode of Fast Edit PR is displayed on the modal. If only SYPR mode coverages display on the modal, these columns/checkboxes will not display.
For lag year Perennial coverages that use the standard mode of Fast Edit PR, the Update PAW and Mark Complete checkboxes will be available to select. Selecting the Update PAW checkbox will open the PAW Required Questions sub-grid for the associated coverage where the user can answer PAW questions to update the PAW once Save & Exit is successful on the modal.
For coverages that use the SYPR mode of Fast Edit PR (when at least one lag year Perennial coverage is also displayed on the modal), the Update PAW and Mark Complete checkboxes will NOT be available to select—they are greyed out.
The Agent Sign Date field in the Apply to All area of the modal has been updated to allow a user to key a date value again. However, if a date is keyed in this field and the Apply to All button is clicked, the System will only apply the date keyed in the Agent Sign Date field to lag year Perennial crops (if any were loaded into Fast Edit PR).
If a coverage was loaded into Fast Edit PR under SYPR mode, the AR Date fields that display for each of those coverages will continue to be greyed out/non-editable.
If a Lag Year coverage was loaded into Fast Edit PR under the standard mode, the AR Date fields that display for each of those coverages will continue to be editable.
The logic added with TFS 151841 was updated. If on the legacy PAW screen or Fast Edit PAW and the approved yield is not greater than zero, before bypassing calculating the approved yield, the System will first check if a record type exists in the APH for the year. If a record type exists, the System will calculate the approved yield on save of the legacy PAW/Fast Edit PAW.


The GetCashLeaseQuote API was created and used to create a quote in the eHarvest application and return the quoted values to the external requestor.




The RMA released a new CLU Layer - August 2023; this has been implemented in the System and is visible when the CLU Layer is turned on in Mapping.