Release Notes 11.070.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.070.0.

System Updates



Policy Estimates: When using No Grower and/or Prospect Grower, the full list of available coverage levels was not being listed when MP and MP-HPO were available Plan Codes. This has been corrected.


Forms & Reports


LGM SOI: The LGM Dairy Cattle SOI has been updated to print the Target Marketing Signature Date instead of the App Signature Date for all years.


Batch Printing: Batch printing functionality creates multiple PDF documents by design. When a user triggers a batch printing job, the System scoops up the first 300 policies in the first PDF and then spins off subsequent PDF documents for the next 300 policies, the next 300 policies after that, etc. The larger the batch print scope is, the more PDF files that are created. A report was received of an agent having a batch print job of APH databases stop working after several hours of processing. In review, it was found that the first 300 policies contained almost 4500 pages because of the form being printed and the number of coverages and detail lines on the policies. With some forms, like the APH database, that print 2 APHs per page, the number of pages included with the batch print jobs will increase.

The scope of this change impacted the Schedule of Insurance (SOI), SOI / Production Report, Acreage Report, and the CLU Acreage Report. Rather than build individual PDF batches with 300 policies, with this ticket, the System will now reduce the number of policies scooped up to 100 at a time, adding some efficiency to batch printing and allowing the batch jobs to finish earlier; however, it will also create more PDF documents at the end of the batch process.


The APH Database / Acreage Reporting Form has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The Crop Summary was updated to provide more information on what was selected for Enterprise Units (EC, EI, and ET).
Enterprise Unit Separated by Type, ET, is available on Wheat, Dry Beans, Dry Peas, and Sunflowers. When "ET" has been selected for the coverage, in the Crop Summary's Option field, the Type selected will print behind "ET".
Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice, EC, is available on Soybeans and Grain Sorghum. When "EC" has been selected for the coverage, in the Crop Summary's Option field, the Cropping Practice selected will print behind "EC".
Enterprise Unit Separated by Irrigation Practice, EI, is currently available in 2022 for Barley (0091), Canola (0015), Dry Peas (0067), Grass Seed (0102), and Wheat (0011) for Plans YP (01), RP (02), and RPHPE (03). When "EI" has been selected for the coverage, in the Crop Summary's Option field, the Irrigation Practice selected will print behind "EI".
The Crop Summary was updated to not include the Acres for manually created child lines; child lines are not printing on the form which is correct (e.g., LP child lines).
The Report Description name for this form for the batches in Batch Print / Print Queue has been updated so the form title is in the Report Description name.


The MPCI Policy Declaration Page has been updated in the following ways:

The Option field was updated to now grow when applicable to show all information.
The rule for ET (Enterprise Unit Separated by Type—available on Wheat, Dry Beans, Dry Peas, and Sunflowers) has been updated to no longer print the Type code with the abbreviation and to replace the brackets with parentheses.
When "ET" has been selected for the coverage, in the Option field, the Types selected alpha abbreviations will print behind "ET" in parentheses. If there is more than one Type selected, each type will have a comma and a space after it except for the last Type. For example: "ET (S, W, DS)".

NOTE: This update for ET has also been implemented on the following forms: Acreage Report, APH Database Form, and CLU Acreage Report.


PACE: The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report (PR) (may not be available for all AIPs) and the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) have been updated in the following ways for all years (the System determines when PACE, EC, EI, and ET are applicable):

The Crop Summary was updated for PACE with the below changes:
If the underlying coverage has elected PACE, a PACE line will print under the underlying coverage.
Crop and Type / Practice data will match the underlying coverage.
Plan data will be the applicable PACE Plan.
Coverage Level data will be the applicable PACE Coverage Level.
The % of Price, Acreage Reporting Date, Total Acres, and Coverage Status fields will be blank. The underlying coverage will not include the PACE Detail Line acres.
The Options field will print as "PACE" for the PACE line, and "PACE" will not print in the underlying coverage line.
The Date Issued field will print "Nitrogen Pre-Application" and the applicable percentage.
The Final Plant Date field will print "Nitrogen Post-Application" and the applicable percentage.
The Detail Line was updated for PACE with the below changes:
If the underlying coverage has elected PACE, a PACE line will print under the underlying coverage.
Crop and Type / Practice data will match the underlying coverage.
Plan data will be the applicable PACE Plan.
The Approved APH Yield, Rate Yield, Map Area, Rate Class, Acres, Plant Date, Guar per Acre, Total Production Guarantee, and Price will be the PACE child line data.
The Options field will print "PACE" for the PACE line, and "PACE" will not print in the underlying coverage line.
The Total Revenue Guarantee field will print the Loss Factor data and "Loss Factor".
If PACE has been excluded from the unit, in the Options field for that unit, "PACE Excluded" will print. If there are other options for the unit, they will print after "PACE Excluded".
The Premium Summary was updated for PACE with the below changes:
If the underlying coverage has elected PACE, a PACE line will print under the underlying coverage.
Crop and Type / Practice data will match the underlying coverage.
Plan data will be the applicable PACE Plan.
The Acres field will be blank. The underlying coverage should not include the PACE Detail Line acres.
The Liability, Gross Premium, Subsidy Amount, Insured's Premium, and Total Due for the PACE Line will be the PACE data for the coverage.

NOTE: Ticket #133173 / 135075 implemented a separate $30 admin fee when at least one PACE child premium line exists.

The A&O and Admin Fee fields will print "###" since those values are included with the base coverage.
The Options field will print "PACE" for the PACE line, and "PACE" will not print in the underlying coverage line.
The Crop Summary Option field was updated for ET, EI, and EC.
Enterprise Unit Separated by Type (ET): When "ET" has been selected for the coverage, in the Option field, the Types selected alpha abbreviations will print behind "ET" in parentheses. If there is more than one Type selected, each type will have a comma and a space after it except for the last Type. For example: "ET (S, W, DS)".
Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice (EC): When "EC" has been selected for the coverage, in the Option field, the Cropping Practice selected will print behind "EC" in parentheses. For example: "EC (Both)".
Enterprise Unit Separated by Irrigation Practice (EI): When "EI" has been selected for the coverage, in the Option field, the Irrigation Practice selected will print behind "EI" in parentheses. For example: "EI (Both)".
For the SOI / PR format only:
The checkbox, "New Producer verbiage...", and "List Crop(s):" have been removed as the New Producer is already indicated in the Crop Summary.
On the Statement / Signature page, the New Producer statement was added after the Certification Statement.

129096, 133339



The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


The 2023 RY is now available in the System.




APH: A bug was introduced in the 11.063 release that resulted in yield years being duplicated in the APH in certain scenarios. When an APH recalculation was triggered from any source outside of save of the actual APH page (e.g., re-save of a coverage, recalculating of APHs from the Additional Functions dropdown, etc.), the System was setting a field in the database to null. This field was added to the database in 11.063 to support percent of number ones for Potatoes. It was found that the logic for this field was not properly accounting for null values, resulting in the System creating a zero production/acre yield year for a year that already existed in the APH.

With this ticket, APH logic has been updated to account for null vales in this database field. The System will no longer create duplicate yield years in the APH.


Fast Edit AR: The initial implementation of Fast Edit AR functionality did not include Plan 55 crops. This ticket extended Fast Edit AR functionality to Plan 55 Crops for the 2022+ RYs, which includes Acreage Reporting, Validations, Detail Line Drawer, and Signature Maintenance. Plan 55 Crops include Hybrid Corn Seed (0062), Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334), Hybrid Sorghum Seed (0050), Hybrid Seed Rice (0080), Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (093), and Hybrid Vegetable Seed (0066).

A user must have access to Fast Edit AR functionality for one or more of the Plan 55 crops to see the Fast Edit AR button in the View MPCI Detail Lines banner of the Detail Lines tab for a coverage. The System will save and validate values that were manually keyed/changed within the Fast Edit AR grid or Detail Line Drawer. For each detail line that passes the validation edits with no hard errors, the System will run the applicable calculations for premium and liability. If validation edits are triggered, the System will display the appropriate validation messages. The System will allow the user to save with errors; however, flags will be applied to any detail lines reflecting an error validation edit. Also, if specified on the Signature Maintenance page for a selected coverage(s), the System will apply Acreage Report Signature Dates, calculate premium and liability, apply the applicable non-premium acreage codes to zero AR lines, and mark the coverage(s) complete.


HIP/ECO: RMA clarified in the 03/03/2022 PASS Status Report that a change was being implemented for PASS for the 2021+ RYs when SCO + SE exists and the Price Election Percent on the SCO endorsement is < 1.000. After this change was made by RMA for SCO, STAX, and HIP, PASS was not matching the calculations in the RMA Cost Estimator, and policies were unexpectedly being rejected. Further clarification from RMA came with the 03/24/2022 PASS Status Report that they had applied the calculation in error to STAX P11s. That change was going to be reversed for STAX but would remain for all other plans of insurance (YP (01), SCO (31, 32, 33), HIP (37)) and any other plans that allow the SE endorsement to attach that are NOT STAX (35, 36). RMA corrected the STAX Errors in production on 03/23/2022.

At this time, it has been found that HIP and ECO policies are also being impacted by RMA's calculation correction for the endorsement's SE premium line. This is applicable when premium is calculated for SE under the endorsement P11 when the coverage percentage is < 1. This ticket fixed correct premium errors on HIP and ECO P11 records when the Endorsement Coverage Percentage is less than 100%.


Land IDs: During internal testing, an existing issue was found with the Plant Date field within the Land ID popup. When a date was keyed with invalid characters, rather than throwing an error, the System removed the date and set the acres to prevented planting. Previously, validations did not exist within the System to notify the user that they needed to key a valid Plant Date / Pattern within the Land ID popup. The System has been updated to notify a user with a hard edit error of "Invalid Plant Date" if an invalid plant date has been keyed within the Land ID popup.


Lockouts: System logic was added in TFS #54399 and 119000 for the Production Reporting Date (PRD) Lockout Logic as it relates to Added Land/New Crop P/T. An exception was put into place for this logic as APHs for these procedures would be added during Acreage Reporting and well after the PRD Lockout. The exception allowed for a new APH to be created by an agency user after the PRD Lockout date but ONLY if the following criteria existed:

1. The current date is prior to the ARD lockout date.
2. The override on the APH is set to "Added Land - Simple Average", "Added Land – Variable T-Yield", or "New Crop P/T".
3. The user is creating a new APH rather than an existing APH
a. With an Approved Yield = 0.00 (indicating the Approved APH yield has not yet been calculated for the current RY), and
b. The APH did not roll from the prior year.

It was found that one additional scenario was unaccounted for: the ability to add a new Detail Line and APH with only variable t-yields or New Producer t-yields at the Acreage Reporting Date. This would allow for agents to save a new APH where no actual yields or New Producer t-yields exist if it's after the PRD lockout but before the ARD lockout.

System logic has been updated for the criteria that allows an agency user to create a new APH where no actual yields or New Producer t-yields exist if it's after the PRD lockout date BUT ONLY if the following criteria exists:

1. The current date is prior to the ARD lockout date.
2. The user is creating a new Detail Line and APH rather than using an existing one.
a. The new APH database will consist of either:
i. Four years of Variable T-yields OR
ii. Four Years of New Producer T-yields.

NOTE: If MY/PTY coverages apply for the added land APH, once the added land APH is saved with T-yields, users will need to perform either the "Recalculate MY" or "Recalculate PTY" function from the Additional Functions dropdown in order to complete processing for PTY/MY Summary Units.


PCCP: The Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) is a program established by the USDA to help producers maintain their cover crop systems amid a financially challenging time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. PCCP is part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative, through which USDA is establishing programs and efforts to bring financial assistance to farmers, ranchers, and producers who felt the impact of COVID-19 market disruptions. PCCP provides premium support to eligible producers who insured their spring crop with most insurance policies and planted a qualifying cover crop during the 2021 Crop Year. The premium support is up to $5 per acre, but no more than the full premium owed (

This program was implemented in the System for only the 2021 RY; however, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) is extending this program’s benefits to the 2022 RY as well. For an updated listing of what cover crops qualify, see FSA Handbook 2-CP. The program functions the same as PCCP for 2021 but with the following changes for the 2022 RY:

Cover crops planted after June 15, 2021 and cultivated over the summer for fall-planted insured crops now trigger the benefit.
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection is now eligible for PCCP benefits in addition to any benefit applied to underlying policies.
States that maintain their own cover crop program now include a supplemental, dollar-for-dollar Federal match in addition to any base PCCP eligibility. Therefore, a producer in a participating state may receive up to $5/acre in base PCCP, an amount per acre established by the state, and an additional amount of PCCP equal to the amount established by the state. (Product Management Bulletin: PM-22-014).

Therefore, this ticket will specifically address the changes for the 2022 RY listed in PM-22-014 (see bullets below). All other 2021 RY PCCP functionality will continue to be utilized as outlined with TFS #127718.

The System was updated to recognize that the 2022 RY is now a valid year for PCCP.
Existing functionality was updated to now include the 2022 RY with the import and subsidy summing calculations for PCCP.
Functionality was implemented for WFRP (76) to import the PCCP Additional Subsidy value.

NOTE: Premium calculations will be updated with TFS #127718.


PRH: One PRH policy in the 2022 RY was receiving a P15-5857 error, and it was determined that it was due to a Yield Floor that was applied to the database. Standard CAT B APH functionality applies to PRH Plans 21, 22, and 23; however, there is an exception when it comes to Yield Floors. According to the PRH Handbook (Paragraph 32.A.(5)(c)), Yield Floors are not allowed for APHs under the PRH Plan. With this ticket, APH logic has been adjusted and will no longer apply Yield Floors to APHs covered under a PRH Plan (21, 22, or 23).


PRH: The following error codes were being triggered for 2022 PRH Policies:

P35-142894 - AIP Average Yield per Acre must equal Average Yield per Acre
P35-143057 - AIP Average Revenue per Acre must equal Average Revenue per Acre
P35-143059 - AIP Adjusted Average Revenue must equal Average Revenue per Acre

It was determined that the System was not rounding the following fields correctly in the Production & Revenue Summary Information grid located at the bottom of a Buyer Type record: Annual Yield, Annual Revenue, Average Yield, Average Revenue, Adjusted Total Revenue, and Adjusted Annual Revenue.

The values were being rounded to a whole number, but according to a clarification that was obtained from the RMA, each of these values should be rounded to 2 decimal places instead. This included any Variable T-Yield and/or T-Revenue Values that were used in the DB. For example, if you have 2 years of actual yields and a T-Yield of 48,677.00, the 90% Variable T-Yield would be 43,809.30 instead of 43,809.00 to match the same value on the APH side.

The System has been updated to round all Annual Yield, Annual Revenue, Average Yield, Average Revenue, Adjusted Total Revenue, and Adjusted Annual Revenue values to 2 decimal places in the Production & Revenue Summary Information grid.


To optimize System performance, the Nursery Value Select (NVS) and Nursery Field Grown and Container (FG&C) detail lines and child lines have been updated to open in a Detail Line modal instead of the legacy Detail Line page.


Private Products


Fast Edit: The Acres field on the Fast Edit Crop Hail page has been updated to display two decimal places so it matches the Acres field/value on the legacy page (Details grid on the Policy tab of the policy).


With this ticket, the Policies tab of Private Product policies has been updated to not load any content until a user selects the tab to optimize System performance. After selecting the Policies tab, users may now see a small delay in the content loading on the tab; however, this change will allow for a quicker loading of the Policy tab of Private Product policies.