Release Notes 17.010.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 17.010.0.

System Updates



This ticket implemented the updated 2025 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Policy Endorsements for Feeder Cattle and Swine also updated for 2025 Policy Provisions for LRP. The changes were applicable for the 2025 crop year and forward. Included are the latest LRP Policy Provision published by RMA on May 24, 2024.

Provisions printed with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The Livestock SOI was available to print from the Livestock Print tab in an individual Livestock policy.

Changes that were made:

The 2025 LRP Policy Endorsements were implemented for Feeder Cattle and Swine as well as the May 24, 2024 LRP Policy Provisions.


RMA released updated provisions for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle, Dairy Cattle and Swine, the changes were applicable for the 2025 crop year and forward.

Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The Livestock SOI was available to print from the Livestock Print tab in an individual Livestock policy.

Changes that were made:

Ticket #202128 implemented the updated 2025 LGM Provisions for Cattle, Dairy Cattle and Swine, and included Policy and Commodity Exchange Endorsements, but we were unable to test the changes without LGM 2025 rates. This ticket was to final test the changes.


LGM Calculation/Rating Updates for 2025+ RYs.

Changes that were made:

For the 2025+ RYs, LGM has been updated in the following ways:

The new XML schema file for the Livestock Gross Margin table has been implemented in the System based on the XML schema supplied by RMA to help support 2025+ LGM ADM imports.
New columns were also added to LGM tables to help support 2025+ LGM ADM imports.
Premium calculation change for LGM for 2025 were also implemented.
RMA's changes can be found in the M13 on RMA's site - 2025 RY, P16_1 for Plan 82 and P16.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Private Products


eSign: Decommission Hudson DocuSign Electronic Signature Consent Form.

Changes that were made:

With this ticket, the Electronic Consent form was decommissioned and is longer included in the DocuSign envelopes created from the system. The requirements that Agents and Growers have a signed consent form on file prior to using eSign were removed. Additionally, the eSignature Enabled flag on the Agency record is no longer required and all Agencies are now eligible to use the eSignature process.