Release Notes 11.095.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.095.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LRP: The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:
128761 |
Underwriting Report: An issue was found during internal testing where a user was not able to add a new Land ID on the Manage Land ID page of the Underwriting Report and an elmah error was being received. After further review of the issue, it was determined that when a user tried to delete a Land ID and Land ID was associated within the Underwriting Report, when the user navigated to the Detail Line Land ID popup and attempted to delete the same Land ID, the user received a message saying "One or more Land IDs could not be deleted." This did not give a user any indication on why they couldn't delete the Land ID, only that they were not able to. A fix was implemented within the System to allow for a user to add a new Land ID within the Underwriting Report. Also, a clearer message will be received by the user when trying to delete a Land ID if the Land ID is associated within the Underwriting Report. Now, if the Land ID is associated within the Underwriting Report, upon selection of the trash icon (delete) within the Land ID popup, a warning message will be received of "This Land ID is tied to a line within the Underwriting Report. If you select to continue, the Land ID will be removed from the Underwriting Report, as well as the Detail Line." |
134737 |
Livestock: This ticket implemented a new format for the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) that is a condensed version that is less pages and makes it easier to view all endorsements over a period of time. These changes are applicable for all reinsurance years (RY). |
136063 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 1. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been implemented in the System. |
137277 |
Livestock: This ticket implemented the updated 2023 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Policy Provisions and Endorsements for Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, and Swine. The changes are applicable for the 2023 crop year and forward. Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The Livestock SOI is available to print from the Livestock Print tab in an individual Livestock policy. |
137279 |
Livestock: The RMA released updated provisions for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM); these changes are applicable for the 2023 crop year and forward. Provisions print with the Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The Livestock SOI is available to print from the Livestock Print tab in an individual Livestock policy. |
137280 |
LGM: The 2023 RY LGM Target Marketing Reports have been updated in the following ways for all years:
136679 |
LGM: For the 2023+ RYs, as part of the LRP and LGM migration to the PASS Transmission system, the following Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) form data has been updated on the Livestock policy Print tab for LRP/LGM policies for all years:
IMPORTANT NOTE: The top of the Print tab shows the coverages on the policy. This list should look shorter for 2023+ since Practice and Type moved to the Detail Line and no longer display in the Coverages and Coverages Selected To Print lists for 2023+. |
During the 2022 Livestock roll testing, it was found that the "BFR/VFR Application" did not roll from RY 2022 to RY 2023 on Livestock policies. The "BFR/VFR Application" has been added to the Attachment Type dropdown on the Attachments tab for Livestock Policies. This will be a permanent attachment and will roll year to year, beginning with RY 2023. |
137696 |
LRP & LGM: The below forms for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) and Livestock Revenue Protection (LRP) now pull the Type and Practice data from the Detail Line for 2023+ instead of the Coverage. For 2022 and prior, Type and Practice are still pulled from the Coverage.
NOTE: When printing the LGM App for 2023+, Type and Practice will not be indicated on the LGM App when pre-filled since that data is now on the Detail Line.
NOTE: When printing the LGM App for 2023+, Type and Practice will not be indicated on the LGM App when pre-filled since that data is now on the Detail Line.
NOTE: TFS #138271 (Release 11.098) will be updating the LGM Application to have the State Code in the Policy # pull from the Policy State. During testing, it was found that the System is currently looking at the Entity State for that data. Since Entity State is no longer applicable for 2023+, the State Code is not printing for 2023 in the Policy #. Rolled policies are working. Newly created policies are not. Additionally, TFS #138387 (Release 11.098) will be updating the LRP SOI to have the State Code in the Policy # print in the pages 2+ headers. |
138009 |
LRP: For the 2023+ RYs, as part of the LRP and LGM migration to the PASS Transmission system, on the Livestock policy Print tab for LRP/LGM policies, Livestock Revenue Protection (LRP) policy data that is displayed on the tab will now be pulled from the Detail Line instead of the Coverage. IMPORTANT NOTE: The top of the Print tab shows the coverages on the policy. This list should look shorter for 2023+ since Practice and Type moved to the Detail Line and no longer display in the Coverages and Coverages Selected To Print lists for 2023+. NOTE: TFS #137693 will be making these changes to the LGM/LRP Print tab for LGM. This also impacts the Livestock AOI and AOI Confirmation; these will be updated with TFS #138020. |
138010 |
LGM: A new format for the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) form was implemented for the 2023+ RYs with TFS #135046. With this ticket, this new format has been tested from end to end. NOTE: 2023 data will be coming from a different data location, so TFS #138009 will link that data to the LRP SOI for 2023+ in the 11.095 Release. |
138038 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
137646 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
LGM: It was reported that LGM Dairy Cattle premium lines were receiving eDas errors due to the Gross Margin Guarantee not matching what RMA was expecting. This turned out to be a rounding issue. The rounding for LGM Dairy Cattle for both 2022 & 2023, per M13 Exhibit 140-1, has been updated to use 9(08).9999, and P16_1 states to round to 4 decimals. |
137968 |
LRP & LGM: During internal testing of TFS #133881 (LRP) and #134905 (LGM) Policy and Coverage tickets, several issues were reported that required a cleanup ticket. With this ticket, the following updates have been made to the Maintain Coverage page:
137955 |
During 2022 regression testing of Livestock in the 11.090 branch, the following issues were found and resolved with this ticket:
138088 |
LRP & LGM: This ticket addressed some cleanup needed for issues found during internal testing of 2023 LRP and LGM detail line updates. With this ticket, the signature date formatting when keying LGM detail lines has been updated to use the auto-formatting in place across the System. For example, if a user keys a date without the "/"s and tabs out, the System will now automatically format the date keyed to XX/XX/XXXX. Additionally, a "Sorry..." error that was being triggered when using the Save & Print button on 2023 LRP and LGM detail lines has been resolved. |
138115 |
LRP: Users were receiving duplicate coverages when trying to add a new LRP policy or when trying to add new coverages on to existing LRP policies. It was found that in some random scenarios, the same LRP type was sent multiple times when creating a new policy/coverage. The System has been updated to ensure only one coverage will be created for one type. |
138195 |
With this ticket, the current premium calculations for all three Livestock plans (DRP, LRP, and LGM) have been reviewed, and minor adjustments have been made to the code as needed in order to match RMA's calculations within the M13. |
138112 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
Forage Production: This enhancement was requested from an AIP for a suspension on Plan 90 (APH) Forage Production policies. When a user entered a forage production underwriting report on a Plan 90 (APH) Forage Production policy and the plant date is within the year of establishment, there was no way for the user to know that a review must be completed on the policy. Verification that the acreage handled under the year of establishment has been keyed as Uninsurable and, depending on the plant date, an inspection may need to be opened. This suspension would help the user identify and review as needed according to policy requirements. With this ticket, the System has been updated to trigger, upon Mark Complete, a new suspension for the 2023+ RY for Forage Production (Plan 90) policies. Upon Mark Complete the suspension "Year of Establishment Verification Required for Unit XXXX-XXXX. Underwriter Review Required." will trigger when the following criteria exist:
In addition, a suspension verification checkbox named "Year of Establishment Verified" has been added to the View and Maintain Coverage pages for the Forage Production suspension. This checkbox will only be visible to users with the "Suspension Verification" System Function applied to their role. Also, the checkbox will only display once the suspension has been triggered in the policy. If this checkbox is selected, the suspension will no longer trigger on subsequent mark completes. |
135120 |
Nursery: During internal testing, an issue was found where existing PIVR dates were not being saved to newly created detail lines or PEAK detail lines. On the new line, the System showed that the PIVR dates were going to be applied; however, upon save, the dates were missing and the detail line/PEAK line remained at incomplete for missing dates. This affected Nursery FG&C (0073) as well as Nursery Value Select (1010). The System has been updated to now correctly save existing PIVR Dates to newly created detail/PEAK detail lines. |
137759 |
Strawberries: During internal testing of another ticket, it was found that when adding a new 2023 policy/coverage for CA Strawberries after the 4/30 CCD but before the 7/1 SCD, the user was receiving a popup warning "Signature Date not in current RY." The user could select "Yes" in the popup to continue through but any changes made to the coverage would again trigger the warning. Previously, with TFS #6487, the warning was bypassed for SCDs on or before 8/15 - 1; however, CA Strawberries has two SCDs - 7/1 and 9/30. The System logic was hitting the 9/30 SCD thereby triggering the warning for signature. This affected CA Strawberries, CA Potatoes (7/1 and 12/15), and Forage Seeding - All States (SCDs dependent on location but = 1 early and 1 late - see actuarials for exact dates). With this ticket, the System will use the earliest 2023 SCD to validate signature date, which will prevent the warning from displaying unnecessarily displaying. |
128065 |
TFS #122239 and TFS #124954 changes were implemented in the 9.085 and 9.090 releases and converted most of the standard premium lines to a Detail Line popup. All Plans and Crops were impacted except plans 04, 05, 06, 16, 17, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 90, 50 and also the following crops: Peanuts, Annual Forage, Mac Trees, and Nursery. This ticket will now convert Annual Forage (0332), Plan 13, in the 11.095 release from the standard MPCI premium line to a stand-alone popup. |
125544 |
Nursery: The claims team found that there was an issue with the Basic Unit Value field when the P22 record was being rejected by RMA. The error stated that the Basic Unit Value (BUV) was incorrect. The BUV is pulled from the policy side and transmitted on the P22. It was found that the System was doubling the BUV when a HIP premium line was present, but since HIP adds no inventory, it should not be included in the Basic Unit Value. This affected both Nursery FG&C (0073) and NVS (1010). According to the M13, Basic Unit Value = Original Inventory Amount (on the UI this is the Inventory Value). The System has been updated to exclude HIP from the Basic Unit Value calculation. |
137822 |