Release Notes 11.015.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.015.0.


System Updates



This ticket updated Quick Estimates with changes needed for ECO Plan selection, which was introduced by the RMA for the 2022 RY.


This ticket updated the logic for the Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor on the Create/Maintain Quick WFRP Estimate pages for the 2022+ RYs due to RMA changes allowing for an Adjustment Factor greater than 0.35 in certain situations.


Forms & Reports


PR: The Production Reporting Worksheet was updated so that, when printed with a Blank or Pre-Headed report style, the 2nd page will now fill with blank detail lines for the grower and/or agent to use. The form was previously only printing with one blank detail line on this page. Additionally, insurable and uninsurable checkboxes now print under the Acres field. These changes are for all Crop Years.


Annual Forage: RMA updated the Native Sod Statement in the DSSH released on Nov 26 2019; this ticket updated the Native Sod Statement on Annual Forage Acreage Report.


SPOIs: Dry Peas YP (01) SPOIs for ID and WA were updated and made available from RMA on June 25th. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented.


SPOIs: 9/30 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on August 12th. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented.


SPOIs: 8/31 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on August 12th. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented.


WFRP: This ticket added the "Commodities are grown in multiple state(s) / county(ies)" checkbox to the Farm Operation Report to help underwriters know when a WFRP Policy had multiple state / county scenario. Also, this ticket also added the Organic Producer Statement to the form per the 2022 DSSH and made some format updates to standardize the form.


For all Crop Years, the APH Database Form, APH Database / Acreage Reporting Form, and Production Report / Acreage Report were updated to only print EI, EC, and ET once in the Crop Summary; they were previously printing twice. Additionally, for the APH Database Form only, it was found that the sort order was incorrect; the sort order for this form has been updated to be the same as what's used on the APH / Acreage Reporting Form.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




RLUs: Users requested that the RLU ID display in the PRF Wizard for the selected field if an RLU exists for that field. Now, in the PRF Wizard, when a Unit Group is selected, if an RLU is available, it will display. Until an RLU is accepted by RMA, an RLU ID doesn't exist, so the field will still be listed but the Field column will remain blank until an RLU ID exists


RLUs: Users needed to be able to delete a submitted RLU. Now, users can delete an RLU from Tools > RLU Maintenance by selecting the checkbox that corresponds with the RLU (in a "Submitted" status) and clicking the trash icon.


Objects on the RLU layer are now selectable when the RLU layer is active layer. This will allow users to copy the grower field layer from RLU.


High Risk: In certain cases, the high risk layer was not displaying correctly if there were too many options when viewing the crops not on grower's policies. This has been corrected.




Perennials: RMA has implemented a change for the 2022+ RYs for Pistachios (0470) that will incorporate a continuous Variability Adjustment Factor (VAF) that changes the alternate bearing calculation. In addition, RMA has established a floor and ceiling for the Variability Index (VI), issuing them as part of ICE D00141. Finally, RMA has clarified that the calculated Approved APH yield cannot be greater than the highest actual yield or lower than the lowest actual yield in the APH database. The System was updated to incorporate all of these 2022 RY regulatory changes.


Claim Status: An enhancement request was received to change the MPCI Claim Status Marker icon from a hover popup to a popover (icon must be clicked) and update the information displayed to more closely mirror what currently exists on Crop Hail. This icon displays on the following pages: View MPCI Policy, View/Maintain Detail Line, Maintain APH, and View Policies for Grower. The MPCI Claim Status Marker icon has been updated as requested on the listed pages. Available information on the popover is as follows: Claim #, Claim Status, Notice of Loss Date, Cause of Loss, Claim Amount, and Adjuster.