Release Notes 7.050.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.050.0.

System Updates



VIP Estimator: The VIP Estimator has been updated so that once a quote is purchased, a new button to print an application will appear on the quote UI.


Forms & Reports


RMA has added another paragraph to the Terms and Conditions Section in the 2019 DSSH. The STAX Application has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years to support the 2019 DSSH change and clean up other issues on the form:

The tilde (~) has been added back behind the STAX page title.
The "(if applicable)" portion of the label has been moved to be under the "Companion Policy Plan" part of the label.
The second line of "* If yes..." has been moved to the first line with the rest of the statement.
A new paragraph was added to the Terms and Conditions Section. This new paragraph is now the second paragraph.
The "~ Supplement Page Revision Date" sentence was turned back on with "11-2018" as the Revision Date.


The Designated County wasn't displaying correctly on the Policy Declaration Page. This has been corrected.


A Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE) form for the new Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Livestock product has been created and implemented in the System. The DRP QCE is a System-generated form that is compliant with the DRP Handbook and DSSH. The new form will prints for every County / Effective Date / Crop / Plan / Declared Share. In the DRP Print menu, the form will display with a title of "Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Quarterly Coverage Endorsement". The DRP QCE will also have a print option titled "Include Extra QCE Page"; this page will print blank when selected with a blank report style, and it will print pre-headed when selected with the pre-head and pre-fill report styles.


A new Policy Balance Report has been implemented for users. This report can be run from the Policy Balance tab of either MPCI or Private Product policies by clicking the Print Policy Balance Report button in the top-right corner of the page. When a user clicks the Print Policy Balance Report button, a PDF will begin downloading to the user's browser for them to open to view or save. This report will show both MPCI and Private Product policy details for a grower, if they have both types of policies.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Layers: Since the Vegetative Index plan is no longer offered by RMA, the layer has been removed from the Layer panel.


POI: An enhancement has been made to Mapping so that, when adding a POI from the search bar, when approving/adding the POI, the System will display the POI Information popup and allow the user to select the type of POI to add.


Planted CLUs: Users reported that Planted CLUs were not being displayed in the Mapping window on the map view in the Manage Land ID page. This has been fixed. Also, the Mapping window has been converted to Razor.




Perennials: An issue was reported where the System was applying the YA and YC option codes to the APH when High Variability existed. The option codes were being applied in the APH, and therefore, getting used in the premium calculation, which caused incorrect premium. Per the Crop Insurance Handbook, YA/YC are not allowed when High Variability applies. A fix was implemented where the System will no longer apply YA and YC option codes to the APH when the APH Override equals High Variability.

NOTE: A spinoff, TFS# 96587—APH Yield Type Descriptor of 'AY' is displaying inconsistently in APH, was created to address an additional issue found.


Policy: It was reported that the Agency email was displaying under the Agent email within the information icon popup on the View MPCI Policy page. A fix has been done to pull the agent email information from the correct location for display in the popup. The Agent email will now correctly display instead of the Agency email information.


Quote: When a quote is created within the processing System, the user is allowed to create a detail line after entering coverage related information. A bug was found that impacted the user being able to select a Practice field on the detail line section at the bottom of the Add New Quote page. This has been resolved.


Quote: A bug was identified in the Add New Quote area of the System that resulted in the Agent field selection being "dropped" if an entry error caused a hard validation at save. When the validation was thrown, the user was required to re-enter the agent name previously processed. This ticket ensures that the data element is retained, regardless of whether a hard error is returned.


Detail Line: An issue was reported where a warning message of "Changes may not be Saved" was being received when exiting out of the Maintain Detail Line page and no changes had been made. This was found to be an issue when a Sub County Code (Map Area) was populated—if a field was removed then the warning message would not appear. An update was made to no longer mark the Map Area field as modified when the System is obtaining all available Map Areas for selection. This error message will no longer be received with this scenario.


Signature Dates: An issue was found where the System was creating phantom lines and applying the current dates as the AR Sign Date before the user had applied acres and assigned their own AR Sign Dates. System logic has been updated on phantom lines to only apply a sign date if an Acreage Sign Date has been keyed by the user.


Fast Edit AR: The Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance pages were designed to prevent a user from entering the same date as the original/revised date. What was thought to be a bug in this logic was identified earlier in 2018 so this spin off ticket was set up. During the research, it was determined the gap that was thought to be a bug was related to a user in an earlier time zone adding a revised date from the user's time zone where the original date was entered. For example, if a user in the Central Time Zone entered a date of 11/4/18, a user in the Mountain Time Zone could enter a date of 11/4/18 and the System would allow it—the time zone difference skipped the validation regarding the actual dates being the same. Although this wouldn't be a particularly common problem for most AIPs, the System was updated to prevent this issue in future scenarios.


Apiculture: A bug was identified internally around carry-over Apiculture policies. When no changes were made to the detail line from 2018 to 2019, the user was required to click the Divide by Intervals button in order for the amount of insurance to populate on the detail line at save. The System was incorrectly requiring the state of the page to be "modified" for the calculation to persist. This was not working as designed, so a change was implemented to correct the calculation. A user is no longer required to select anything on the detail line page before saving if no changes are needed for the line.


Perennials: In the 7.045 release with TFS #91911, necessary coverage changes were implemented to account for the move of Macadamia Trees from Plan 50 to Plan 40. During internal testing, a few of outstanding issues were identified.

The first was that the Practice dropdown did not have a way to de-select a Practice once the page had been saved.
The second issue was that the System was still allowing Written Agreements to be created on Macadamia Trees.
The last issue was that the amount of protection calculation was not taking price election into account.

With this ticket, a --- Select--- option was added to the Practice dropdown to allow users to de-select the Practice if one was selected in error. In addition, the Written Agreement logic was updated to no longer allow Written Agreements on Macadamia Trees. Finally, the amount of protection calculation was updated to account for the Price Election %.

NOTE: AIPs will need to ensure any Written Agreements are removed. Any previously issued Written Agreements including a Plan 50 plan code will cause the System not to calculate premium since Macadamia Trees are now Plan 40 for 2019+ RYs and, per the Macadamia Tree Handbook, Written Agreements are not applicable.


PRF: In the 7.045 release, some changes were implemented to PRF validation and suspension logic to account for 2019 Coverage Levels/Productivity Factors by Organic Practice. During testing of these changes, two bugs were identified:

The first was with a suspension that is designed to trigger when reported acres for all detail lines with the same Grid ID exceed insurable acres for the Grid ID. During QA testing, it was found that this suspension was triggering in scenarios when it should not.
The second bug identified was with a warning message on the detail lines that displays when insurable acres are reduced on a detail line to a value less than the insured acres on another detail line for the same Grid ID. This warning message notifies the user that the insurable acres will be reduced on all detail lines for the Grid ID. During testing it was found that the warning message was not triggering when it should have been.

With this ticket, the suspension logic was updated so that the insurable acres suspension will only trigger when reported acres actually exceed insurable acres. In addition, the warning message regarding insurable acres was corrected so that it displays when insurable acres are reduced on a detail line to a value less than the insured/reported acres on other detail lines for the same Grid ID.


Added County: Added County coverages are created when a grower's policy has a Primary County designation and a new county is reported at the Acreage Reporting Date. To launch the Added County page, the user must open the coverage that carries the Primary County designation and click Add County in the upper right corner of the page banner. This launches a landing page where the user can key in the added county (and state, if applicable) as well as the agent/insured sign dates of the acreage report. At save, the System creates an "Added County" coverage that mirrors the coverage and all other data elements as the Primary County coverage.

A bug was identified on this page when a user edited the Added County after it had been created. Upon opening the page, the System returned an incorrect validation that forced a user to select OK or Cancel. The validation message indicated that the System saw a Primary County designation on multiple coverages. This validation was incorrect and should not have fired on the Added County coverage. The message forced the user to make a selection. If OK was selected, the Primary County designation was dropped on the coverage that should have been designed as a Primary County. If Cancel was selected, the System dropped the Added County designation and the Late Processed Reason (read only) of the subsequent county and then the coverage went into error at RMA for LRR reductions. The correction will suppress the incorrect validation from triggering, allowing the Added County coverage to work as designed.