Claim Records were not loading in the SYPR mode of Fast Edit PR if the Policy Production Records existed before the Claim was paid. With this ticket, an update was made to the code that loads records from the ProductionReported table into the SYPR mode of Fast Edit PR was updated to always use Claim records if they exist (only if the claim was not zeroed out) regardless of whether the claim was keyed before or after Policy Production was keyed manually (within the SYPR grid).
A new flag for Direct Marketing/Non-Disinterested 3rd Party was added to MPCI and WFRP coverages.
RMA has released a new crop Pilot Program for Kiwifruit (0463) for the 2024+ RYs. Kiwifruit will be a Category C crop under the APH Plan (Plan 90) following lag year crop procedures. Insurance will be offered in select counties in the state of California according to the ADMs. This ticket implemented support for Kiwifruit coverages.
Separate Coverage Levels by Type and different Price Elections by Type will be allowed with Kiwifruit. |
When CAT level of coverage is elected, the CAT level of coverage is applicable to all insured Kiwifruit acreage in the county. |
Yield Adjustment (YA), Yield Cup (YC), and Hail and Fire Exclusion (HF) crop options are allowed for Kiwifruit. |
Basic, Optional, and Enterprise unit structures are allowed for Kiwifruit. |
Written Agreements and Whole Farm Units are not available for Kiwifruit. |
The default MPCI year was updated from 2023 to 2024.
On the Fast Edit Coverage page if “Apple Trees” is selected as the Commodity and “TDO (40)” is selected as the Crop Plan for a coverage row, the Crop Type field has been updated so that if a user selects a Coverage Level of "CAT (50%)" for the coverage row, the Crop Type field and any selection made in it are removed from the UI.
Beginning in the 2024 RY, RMA has released a new Pilot Program for Grapevine Crop Insurance. To support Grapevine (0270) under Tree Based Dollar Amount of Insurance Plan (Plan 40), the System is being updated. The program is modeled after other tree based dollar crop programs like Florida Fruit Trees and Apple Trees. Grapevine coverage will be available for producers in select counties in California, Idaho, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. Updates to coverage functionality to support Grapevines were handled with this ticket.
Coverage functionality has been updated in the following ways for the 2024+ RYs for Grapevine (0270) to:
Allow separate coverage records by type for Grapevine. |
Allow different price election % selections from the standard 100% election. |
Add the Freeze Protection Option to the Crop Options. |
Remove the ability to elect Whole Farm Units as a unit division. |
Enable warning that Written Agreements are not allowed on Grapevine (when the Written Agreement checkbox is selected). |
Enable Duplicate Coverage warning. The validation should look at the State/County/Crop/Plan/Type to determine if duplicates exist. |
With TFS 151191, the Direct Marketing/Vertically Integrated PAW question was split into two separate questions on the legacy and Fast Edit PAW. TFS 94374 previously implemented a suspension for the Direct Marketing/VIP PAW question for the 2019 RY. Now that this PAW question is two separate questions an update to the suspension was needed. With this ticket:
If a user selected "Yes" for the "Is any of your production directed marked or supported with records form a non-disinterested 3rd party? (If yes, a Marketing Certification form is required.)" PAW question, a new suspension, "DM PAW question requires further review and a current PAIR may be required: crop (code) – unit number", will be triggered. |
If a user selected "Yes" for the "Is any of your production vertically integrated? (If yes, a Marketing Certification form is required.)" PAW question, a new suspension, "VIP PAW question requires further review and a current PAIR may be required: crop (code) – unit number", will be triggered. |
A Fast Edit PAW page has been developed to support the entering of PAW data for all supported crops/plans for the 2024+ RYs for a policy from one location in the System. This functionality allows users to select an applicable coverage, add to/edit Block Details for all units on that coverage, validate the information entered, save this information to the applicable detail lines, apply sign dates to the PAW and AR for selected coverages, update and answer PAW questions for selected coverages, and run mark complete for the selected coverages.
Fast Edit PAW is accessed like many of the other detail-line level Fast Edit pages—from the Detail Lines tab of the policy. If an MPCI policy has at least one coverage in 2024+ for a supported crop (see "Fast Edit PAW Phase 1 Supported Crops" below for a list of supported crops), the Fast Edit PAW button will display in the dropdown when the vertical three-dot button is clicked near the top-right of the page in the Detail Lines tab.
The Fast Edit PAW page looks and functions similarly to Fast Edit AR and PR with some exceptions.
On the Fast Edit PAW page, users can toggle between supported coverages using the new Coverages dropdown near the top of the page in the title banner. |
NOTE: If blocks are modified in the Unit Block Details sections for a Coverage and unsaved, selecting a different coverage from the Coverage dropdown will prompt the user that there are unsaved changes that will be removed if they continue.
Below the header and title bar, a collapsible/expandable section displays for each unit on the selected coverage. These sections contain all the block details currently existing for the unit in a grid. In these sections: |
The user can edit existing blocks in the Block Details grid. Editing blocks includes editing the data for the block as well as "removing" or deleting the block. If existing values that impact the Density and % Stand calculations are updated for a block, those will recalculate once a user tabs out of the edited field. |
Add new blocks to the Block Details grid. |
View and delete (if needed) "removed" blocks near the bottom of the Block Details grid. |
Validate the values keyed for a unit. |
Open the Manage Land IDs modal to add or edit CLU acres. |
View Total Acres (including a popup with a breakdown of Insurable Acres, Uninsurable Acres, Excluded Acres, and Removed Acres) and Total Plants for the unit. |
Flag the unit to apply total insurable acres from the Unit Block Details grid on the Fast Edit PAW to the reported acres for the unit on successful save of the Fast Edit PAW page. |
View hard stop errors and/or warnings for blocks in the Block Details grid that trigger them. |
Users have the option to Save, Save & Continue, and Cancel on the Fast Edit PAW page. |
Save triggers the system to verify that all modified blocks in the Unit Block Details sections are valid (i.e., checks if they have any hard stop errors or warnings). |
Save & Continue triggers the System to verify that all modified blocks in the Unit Block Details section are valid (i.e., checks if they have any hard stop errors or warnings). |
If hard stop errors exist, the user must address them in the applicable Unit Block Details sections before clicking Save & Continue again. |
If only warnings exist, the user will be allowed to continue on to the Signature Maintenance popup. PAW details will be saved to the units. |
If no warnings or hard stop errors exist, the user will be taken to the Signature Maintenance popup. PAW details will be saved to the units. |
Once done keying PAW details for a coverage (or multiple coverages) and all details are valid (or only warnings/errors exist), the user can click Save & Continue to open the Signature Maintenance Popup. |
The Signature Maintenance popup allows users to select/deselect coverages, key and apply sign dates for the insured (applies to PAW and AR) and agent (applies only to AR) for selected coverages, update and answer PAW questions for selected coverages, and run mark complete for the selected coverages. Dates keyed and PAW questions answered on this popup will only saved/be applied to coverages that are selected on the popup at the time Save & Exit is clicked. |
Fast Edit PAW Phase 1 Supported Crops:
Plan 90 - Almonds, Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Coffee, Cranberries, Figs, Fresh Apricots, Fresh Freestone Peaches, Fresh Nectarines, Grapefruit, Grapes, Lemons, Macadamia Nuts, Mandarins and Tangerines, Olives, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Pears, Pistachios, Plums, Pomegranates, Processing Apricots, Processing Cling Peaches, Processing Freestone Peaches, Prunes, Table Grapes, Tangelos, Tangors, and Walnuts. |
Plan 47 - Cherries and Oranges. |
Plan 50 - Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mandarins and Tangerines, Oranges, Raisins, Tangelos, and Tangors. |