Release Notes 6.000.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.000.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Unprocessed Reports: By default, the Export to Excel button will now be hidden for the Unprocessed Reports until the Display Results button is selected. These reports are accessed from Reports > MPCI Reporting > Unprocessed Reports.


Dec Page: The MPCI Declaration Page was updated to match base form standards and to remove the Spouse, Assignment of Indemnity, and Power of Attorney fields. These updates are applicable for all Crop Years.


SOI / Production Report: A stand-alone STAX coverage is required to report production. Previously, STAX RP (35) and STAX RP-HPE (36) coverage information printed on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report Crop Summary and Premium Summary sections but no detail lines were printing; STAX detail lines should have been printing on the SOI. This ticket updated the SOI / Production Report to print the stand-alone STAX coverage detail lines. Also, the note to users that displays on the Print page was updated to more specifically state that the companion policies for STAX RP and STAX RP-HPE will not print on the SOI / Production Report.

Previous verbiage for user note: "Detail Lines will not print for Nursery (FG&C) (0073) or for plans RI (13), VI (14), AD (43) and WFRP (76)."
New verbiage for user note: "Detail Lines will not print for Nursery (FG&C) (0073) or for plans RI (13), VI (14), STAX RP companion policy (35), STAX RP-HPE companion policy (36), AD (43) and WFRP (76)."


Currently, the Acres and Plant Date fields do not print for a unit when the Acreage Reporting (AR) for the current year has not been processed; however, Liability and Premium were printing with a "+" after them, which indicated they're estimated values. Now, if AR for the current year has not been processed for the coverage, the System will not print the Liability and Premium for a unit’s detail line. In the Premium Summary, if AR for the current year has not been processed for the coverage, the System will not print Liability, Gross Premium, Subsidy Amount, A & O, Insured’s Premium, and Amount Due. The Admin Fee will also still print a $0.00. These changes apply to all coverages and all Crop Years.




The Online Help Site was updated for recent changes made to Whole Farm Revenue Protection functionality within the System.




2018 Roll: The 6/30 CCD crops are typically rolled in early July to the next RY. For crops that have a single CCD but a dual ARD, MCT was prevented from rolling detail lines and APHs for these crops until after the 7/15 ARD was processed. In state/counties where the next RY's SCD is 8/31 or 9/30, this delay to allow processing to be completed often resulted in compressed processing time for renewals. A change was implemented to allow the roll to occur by Type in dual ARD areas:

Wheat: WA, ID, OR, but also MT, CO, IA, NE, NV, SD, UT, WI, and WY
Barley: CO, KS, NV, NY, OR, and PA
Canola: ID, OR, and WA

With this change, when MCT rolls the crops in early July, only fall detail lines for impacted 8/31 and 9/30 SCDs will roll. When processing is complete, the AIP is responsible for notifying MCT that the spring lines can be rolled, joined with the initially rolled policy by the DB OID values.

NOTE: Roll logic has been modified for WA, ID, and OR. Only fall lines that reflect the WO option will roll with fall line types. Fall detail lines without the WO option fall under a 7/15 ARD, regardless of the 011 or 012 Type code on the detail line. For all other states/crops, detail lines and APHs will roll based on the fall Type code on the detail line. MCT will roll the coverage + fall lines initially and then a secondary roll will pick up the spring crop lines and add to the rolled policy in the new RY.


Claims: Several updates have been made to the View MPCI Claims page (on the Claims tab of MPCI policies). These updates include:

The buttons in the top-right corner of the Claims for Policy grid have been consolidated into a single Actions dropdown in the top-right corner of the grid.
A sub-grid has been added for each claim in the Claims for Policy grid. When this sub-grid is expanded, users will see expandable/collapsible banners for Notice Information, Attachments, Agent Notes, and Claim Tracking History.
The Attachments, Agent Notes, and Claim Tracking History grids that previously displayed below the Claims for Policy section on the View MPCI Claims page will now only display in the sub-grids for individual claims in the Claims for Policy grid.


APH: The Short Rate collapsible banner from the Legacy Maintain APH page has been updated and implemented within the APH Drawer. Various changes were made to the Short Rate collapsible banner from within the Legacy Add New, View, and Maintain APH pages. These updates and the Short Rate reporting functionality were also added to the APH Drawer.


Annual Forage: RMA has announced some changes to the Annual Forage policy for the 2018+ Reinsurance Years (RYs). The policy is being updated to include four growing seasons rather than the previous two, one Sales Closing Date (SCD) rather than the previous two, and four Acreage Reporting Dates (ARD) rather than the previous two. To account for these changes, a number of System changes are required. First, the System roll logic required some special logic for the 2017 to 2018 RY roll only. This logic will roll the growing season and interval (Practice) codes based on the new growing season and interval structure. These changes were implemented in the 5.120 release with TFS #70613.

In addition to updating the roll logic, the 2018 policy changes for Annual Forage also required changes to the coverage functionality as well as the validation logic. This ticket will address the changes needed to the coverage functionality. TFS #70760 and #70761 will address the changes and additions required to validation logic.

With this ticket, the Coverage page for Annual Forage were updated to account for the 2018 RY policy changes. These changes include:

The New App After 1st SCD radio button was removed from the Coverage page for Annual Forage.
The "Planting Season" label on the Coverage page was updated for Annual Forage to display as "Growing Season" to match policy language.
The Growing Season (previously "Planting Season") field was updated from a read-only value determined by the System to an editable dropdown that requires the user to make a selection. This dropdown will be populated with the following options determined by the Insurance Offer and Cropping Practice ADM tables:
Growing Season 1 (071) – Planting Dates Jun 16th – Oct 15th
Growing Season 2 (072) – Planting Dates Oct 16th – Jan 15th
Growing Season 3 (073) – Planting Dates Jan 16th – Apr 15th
Growing Season 4 (074) – Planting Dates Apr 16th – Jul 15th
The Growing Season (previously "Planting Season") field was added to the Add New Coverage and Add New Policy pages.
The Index Intervals (Practice) available for selection were restricted to only those applicable to the selected growing season.


Annual Forage: RMA has announced some changes to the Annual Forage policy for the 2018+ Reinsurance Years (RYs). The policy is being updated to include four growing seasons rather than the previous two, one Sales Closing Date (SCD) rather than the previous two, and four Acreage Reporting Dates (ARD) rather than the previous two. In addition, due to the new growing seasons, many practice codes (intervals) have changed.

To account for the change from two growing seasons to four, the existing validations around Annual Forage were updated, including warnings and errors on the coverage as well as mark complete suspensions. In addition, a new suspension that requires all coverages to be CAT or all coverages to be buy-up was added. The changes are as follows:

A new mark complete suspension was added to require coverages on the policy to be either all CAT or all buy-up. A combination of CAT and buy-up are not allowed.
The existing mark complete suspension requiring the Percent of Value to total 100% for each growing season was updated to account for four growing seasons. This suspension will trigger when the total percent of value for all coverages in the growing season does not equal 100%.
The existing mark complete suspension requiring only one Productivity Factor for each coverage in a growing season was updated to account for four growing seasons. This suspension will trigger when more than one productivity factor has been selected for all coverages in a growing season.
The existing mark complete suspension requiring the same coverage level for all coverages on the policy was updated to allow different coverage levels by growing season. This suspension will trigger when more than one coverage level has been selected for all coverages in a growing season.
The existing warning validation that displays on save of the coverage requiring the same coverage level for all coverages in a growing season was updated to account for four growing seasons. This warning will display on save of the coverage when more than one coverage level has been selected for all coverages in a growing season.
The existing hard error that triggers on save of the coverage when intervals applicable only to CAT coverage are selected with a buy-up coverage level was updated to account for four growing seasons and also to reference the new CAT practice codes. This error displays on save of the coverage when the coverage level selected is buy-up but one of the CAT intervals (Sep-Mar, Dec-Jun, Mar-Sep or Jun-Nov) has been selected.
The existing hard error validation that triggers when the selected coverage level is CAT but the selected interval is not applicable to the CAT coverage level was updated to account for four growing seasons and also to reference the new CAT practice codes. This error displays on save of the coverage when CAT is the selected coverage level but an interval other than a CAT interval (Sep-Mar, Dec-Jun, Mar-Sep or Jun-Nov) has been selected.