eSign: When multiple forms are selected for eSign, there may be multiple questions listed on the Optional and Required data tabs in the wizard. At times, it can be difficult for the user to understand the question without knowing the context of the question and which form the question is related to. To address this, the Optional and Required Data tabs in the eSign wizard have been updated to:
Include a form name header in bold in a font one size larger and underlined. All the questions for that form will appear grouped under this header. |
Include a section header in bold. The sections defined will vary by form as needed. |
eSign: The Revenue Report for Pecans (RevRpt) form has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign wizard. This form will print pre-filled when eSign is selected. For this form, the eSign wizard will:
Accept optional user input for: |
Obtain Grower/Authorized signature |
NOTE: An Agent signature is not required for this form.
Populate the Signature Date |
The WFRP Farm Operation Report has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:
Agency DBA was added in the headers. |
"Insurance Year" was changed to "Policy Year" in headers. |
The revision date was changed to 12-2017. |
The POA label and field were removed. |
The Authorized Rep label and field were removed. |
Signature Authorization label and data were added where POA and Authorized Rep were previously. |
The Spouse field's right border was updated to line up with the Applicant / Insured info's right border. |
Other Insurance was moved to print under the "Integrated / Post-Production…" question. |
The Tax Year Filed label and checkboxes were moved to be under County. |
Fiscal Year Begin Date, Fiscal End Date, and Coverage Level were moved to print to the right of the Spouse field. |
When the form is printed in a pre-filled Report Style, if applicable, the associated MPCI policies tied to the WFRP coverage will now print in the "Other Insurance" field. Coverages that are tied to the same associated MPCI Policy / State / County will be combined and separated with a space dash space ( - ). If the coverage has a Mandatory Type, it will print behind the Crop in parentheses; if there are multiple Mandatory Types associated with the same Crop, they will be listed behind the same Crop and separated by a comma and then a space. If there are multiple different policies, they will be separated with a comma and then a space after the last Crop. Format: AIP code - Policy Number - State abbreviation - County name - Crop One (Mandatory Types if applicable) - Crop Two. |
The "Narrative…" field was extended to go across the whole page. |
The "Expanded Operation…" question field was extended to go across the whole page. |
The "Integrated / Post-Production…" question was extended to go across the whole page. |
The Legend was moved to be in the footer. |
The WFRP Combo Form has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:
The "Other Insurance" field was removed from the Farm Op Report in the WFRP Combo since it was a duplicate of the "Other Insurance" field on the Application page. |
The "Other Insurance" field was moved on the Application page to be under the coverage fields. |
The associated MPCI policies tied to the WFRP coverage will now print in the "Other Insurance" field. Coverages that are tied to the same associated MPCI Policy / State / County will be combined and separated with a space dash space ( - ). If the coverage has a Mandatory Type, it will print behind the Crop in parentheses; if there are multiple Mandatory Types associated with the same Crop, they will be listed behind the same Crop and separated by a comma and then a space. If there are multiple different policies, they will be separated with a comma and then a space after the last Crop. |
Format: AIP code - Policy Number - State abbreviation - County name - Crop One (Mandatory Types if applicable) - Crop Two |
Example: XY - 0736545 - WA - Okanogan – Apples (PROCS, VGA FRSH, VGB FRSH, VGC FRSH) – Peaches, XX - 123456, WA - Okanogan - Pears |
The revision date was changed to 12-2017. |
The WFRP Combo Form has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years to be in sync with the 2018 DSSH and 2018 WFRP Handbook:
Agency DBA was added to the header and sub-header on all pages. |
"Reinsurance Year" was updated to "Policy Year" in headers. |
Signature Authorization was added to the page 1 header. |
The Authorized Rep label and field were removed. |
The POA label and field were removed. |
The Spouse labels and field were removed; this data prints in the SBI section. |
Type of Policy was updated to be consistent with other MPCI Applications. |
The form revision date was changed to 12-2017. |
Part (b) of the "I understand..." verbiage (that prints above Conditions of Acceptance) was updated. |
Previous verbiage: "I understand that: (a) my approved revenue and approved expenses for the five years in the whole-farm history period and my expected revenue for the current year may be adjusted as required under the terms of the WFRP policy, and that such adjustments may affect the amount of insured revenue and any indemnity; (b) no insurance will be provided unless this application and all required forms are completed and filed on or before the SCD for the insurance year in which I am requesting WFRP coverage; and (c) although insurance under this application is continuous from year to year, policy terms, premium rates, and the amount of revenue insured may change from year to year." |
Updated part (b) verbiage: "no insurance will be provided unless this application and all required forms are completed and filed on or before the SCD for the policy year in which I am requesting WFRP coverage; and". |
The space between the "W" and the "F" was removed from "WFRP" in the "I understand…" Conditions of Acceptance verbiage. |
The verbiage in the paragraph below Conditions of Acceptable was updated. |
Previous verbiage: "Unless rejected or the sales closing date has passed at the time you signed this application, insurance shall be in effect for the crop(s) and crop years specified and shall continue for each succeeding crop year, unless otherwise specified in the policy, until cancelled, terminated or voided." |
Updated verbiage: "Unless rejected or the Sales Closing Date (SCD) has passed at the time you signed this application, insurance will be in effect for the policy year specified and will continue for each succeeding policy year, unless otherwise specified in the policy, until cancelled, terminated or voided." |
"Policy" was added before "Cancellation Information". |
The Cancellation verbiage was updated. |
Previous verbiage: "I hereby request cancellation of my WFRP insurance policy shown on this cancellation. I understand that if this form is not executed on or before the cancellation date listed, the cancellation of my WFRP insurance will not become effective until the following insurance year." |
Updated verbiage: "I hereby request cancellation of my WFRP insurance policy shown on this cancellation. I understand that if this form is not executed on or before the cancellation date listed, the cancellation of my WFRP insurance will not become effective until the following policy year." |
Missing language was added in the Transfer section label that is on other applications: "To be completed only if...". |
In the Transfer section, "(Ceding AIP Name and Policy Number)" was added behind the line in the first sentence. |
In the Transfer section, the separate Ceding AIP Name and Policy Number line that was to the left of Year of policy cancelled and transferred was removed; it was a duplicate to the line in the verbiage above it. |
The Transfer verbiage was updated. |
Current verbiage: "I hereby request cancellation of my WFRP insurance policy with (Ceding AIP Name and Policy Number) for the (Insurance year of policy cancelled and transferred) because I have applied for insurance with another AIP, I understand that if this form is not executed on or before the established cancellation date, the cancellation of my WFRP insurance will not become effective until the Following insurance year." |
Updated verbiage: "I hereby request cancellation of my WFRP insurance policy with (Ceding Approved Insurance Provider Name) for the (Policy year of policy cancelled and transferred) because I have applied for insurance with another Approved Insurance Provider. I understand that if this form is not executed on or before the established cancellation date, the cancellation of my WFRP insurance will not become effective until the following policy year." |
The Transfer Line label was updated. |
Previous label: Insurance year of policy cancelled and transferred. |
Updated label: Policy year of policy cancelled and transferred. |
Transfer "By submission…" verbiage was updated. |
Previous verbiage: "By submission of this form, we agree to provide WFRP insurance to this applicant for the insurance year specified above unless this form is not executed on or before the established cancellation date, in which case WFRP insurance will be provided for the following insurance year." |
Updated verbiage: "By submission of this form, we agree to provide WFRP insurance to this applicant for the policy year specified above unless this form is not executed on or before the established cancellation date, in which case WFRP insurance will be provided for the following policy year." |
The Inventory Report "First Day of the Tax Year" label was changed to "First day of the Insurance period". |
The Inventory Report "Last Day of the Tax Year" label was changed to "Last day of the Insurance period". |
The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable "Total Accounts Payable / Prepaid Expense Adjustments to Claim" label was changed to "Total Accounts Payable / Prepaid Expense Adjustments to Claim (Total Accounts Payable Adjustments to Claim + Total Prepaid Expenses Adjustment)". |
The Market and Nursery Inventory Report "Beginning Inventory: First Day of the Tax Year" label was changed to "Beginning Inventory First Day of the Insurance Period". |
The Cost of Basis column in the Beginning Inventory section in the Market and Nursery Inventory Report was removed. |
The Net Dollar Value column in the Beginning Inventory section in the Market and Nursery Inventory Report was removed. |
An Average Value column was added in the Beginning Inventory section in the Market and Nursery Inventory Report following the Average Weight column. |
The "Total Beginning Value Less Cost or Other Basis" label was changed to "Total Beginning Value" in the Beginning Inventory section in the Market and Nursery Inventory Report. Total is under Total Dollar Value column. |
The Market and Nursery Inventory Report "Ending Inventory: Last Day of the Tax Year" label was changed to "Ending Inventory Last Day of the Insurance Period". |
An Average Value column was added in the Ending Inventory section in the Market and Nursery Inventory Report following the Average Weight column. |
The Market and Nursery Inventory Report "Total Ending Value Less Cost or Other Basis" label was changed to "Total Ending Value" in the Ending Inventory section. Total will be under the Net Dollar Value column. |
The "Adjustment: Total Ending Value Less Cost or Other Basis - Total Beginning Value Less Cost or Other Basis = Inventory Adjustment. If (+) add as income to count, if (-) subtract from income to count." label was changed to "Inventory Adjustment = Total Ending Value - Total Beginning Value (Enter result, (+) or (-), in the Market Animal and Nursery Adjustment item on the Claim for Indemnity Form.)". |
The Schedule F Part II "Accounts Payable Adjustment" label was changed to "Accounts Payable/Prepaid Expense Adjustment". |
Anti-Rebating Certification |
The "I certify, for the insurance year indicated, …" at the beginning of the applicant/insured and agent statements was changed to "I certify, for the policy year indicated, …". |
An odd line break at the end of the applicant/insured and agent substantive anti-rebating statements was fixed. |
The "limited to, criminal and civil penalties and administrative sanctions in accordance with section 515(h) of the / Act (7 U.S.C. §1515(h)) and all other applicable federal statutes." applicant/insured verbiage was changed to "limited to, criminal and civil penalties and administrative sanctions in accordance with section 515(h) of the Act (7 U.S.C. §1515(h)) and all other applicable federal statutes.". |
The "accordance with section 515(h) of the Act (7 USC §1515(h)) and all other / applicable federal statutes." agent verbiage was changed to "accordance with section 515(h) of the Act (7 USC §1515(h)) and all other applicable federal statutes.". |
In the 2018 WFRP Handbook, RMA has added Prepaid Expenses to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable page. The WFRP Combo Form has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:
The section title was updated to include Prepaid Expenses. The "Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Report Section" was changed to "Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Prepaid Expense Report Section". |
A Prepaid Expense section was added at the bottom of the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable page; the Prepaid Expense section includes columns for "Beginning Prepaid Expenses Balance", "Ending Prepaid Expenses Balance", and "Balance (Beginning - Ending)" as well as totals for "Total Prepaid Expenses Adjustment" and "Total Account Payable / Prepaid Expense Adjustments to Claim". |
The "Insurance Year" label was updated to "Policy Year" in the header. |
The revision date was changed to 12-2017. |
The "Total Accounts Payable Adjustments (+) or (-) to Claim (Dollars)" label was changed to "Total Accounts Payable Adjustments to Claim". |
The "Total Accounts Receivable Adjustments (+) or (-) to Claim (Dollars)" label was changed to "Total Accounts Receivable Adjustments to Claim". |