Release Notes 17.035.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 17.035.0.

System Updates



The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Forms & Reports


MCT was notified that the Rate Map Area was not printing on the Production Report, Production Reporting Worksheet and Schedule of Insurance (SOI)/Production Report. MCT was not able to re-create the data not printing on the Production Report, but was able to re-create on the Production Reporting Worksheet and SOI / Production Report.

Changes that were made:

Changes are for all years.

The Production Reporting Worksheet and SOI/Production Report were updated to print the Rate Map Area when applicable.

Additional Production Reporting Worksheet updates:

The format of the Page 1 Header was changed to have Crop Year, Policy Number and State to be stacked now that the Added Land / New Crop / Practice / Type / TMA was moved to the Detail Line.
The revision date was updated to "09-2024".


MCT was notified that the Net Production data on the Production Report was not printing when it was available for SYPR units.

Changes that were made:

Changes for all years.

The Net Production data prints for SYPR units on the Production Report when applicable.


This ticket was to update the Schedule of Insurance (SOI)/Production Report sort order when there were child lines so it was in sync with the system.

Changes that were made:

Applicable to all years.

The child line sort order was updated to by in sync with the Detail Line display on the screens:

1. Parent Line
2. Related Line
3. Child Line
4. Related Child Line


This ticket was to update the Schedule of Insurance (SOI)/Production Report to improve the display of the Gross Production label for those coverage with Skip Row.

Changes that were made:

Applicable to all years.

The revision date was updated to "09-2024".

"Gross Production" that currently prints under the Total Production data was updated to "Gross".


MCT found a scenario that needed some TLC on the Production Report, where the current year production reported data was not printing.

Changes that were made:

Changes for all years.

The Production Report was updated so that all data was printing correctly.


This ticket was to update the Schedule of Insurance (SOI)/Production Report to print "NA" in the Production fields when the line was for PP acres since PP acres were excluded from reporting Production.

Changes that were made:

Applicable to all years.

The form was updated when PP lines were printing, to print "NA" in the Yield, PreQA Yield, APH Yield Desc, Record Type, Total Production and PreQA Production fields. The I/UI checkboxes would not print.


Private Products


Contact emails were added for Crop Hail and Private Products.

Changes that were made:

The new Contact Email icon was updated to include the following new emails:

Crop Hail -

Private Products -