Release Notes 9.114.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.114.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
Batch Printing: MCT received a request to add a top level indicator to PDFs on each page 1 of forms that will allow users to split each form inside a batch print job by Policy # and Form Name. This will give users the ability to separate a batch print job into individual forms so they can be stored or attached individually. With this ticket, for all Crop Years, the MPCI Batch Print menu was updated to add an indicator on page 1 of each form so the forms can be split to individual forms from a batch print job. For this, users will need Adobe Pro or Nitro Pro to have the ability to split the batch print job into individual PDFs. NOTE: A spin-off ticket #127073 has been set up to continue work on the Dec Page, SOI, and SOI / Production Report (PR). Currently, if the "Print Official..." print option is selected, the PDF does not have the page 1 top level indicator on it. Also, the SOI and SOI / PR Batch PDF does not have the page 1 top level indicator on it when the "User Message" print option functionality is used. |
124435 |
On the NVS Nursery Value Report (NVR), it was found that the Total Selected Value (SV) field was not including all lines. With this ticket, the logic for the Total SV field was updated so all lines are now included in the Total. Additionally, logic was added to print the SV value for the unit when there is an AR Sign Date; currently, when there is no AR Sign Date, "$0" prints. |
126864 |
This ticket was created to make some performance optimization and refactoring changes to improve batch print times when the CLU Acreage Report (AR) is batch printing. With this ticket, the query that is used to pull the data to the form has been refactored to reduce the number of calls to the database. This refactoring has resulted in significant reductions in print times. The CLU AR form is the only form that has been refactored under the scope of this ticket. |
127515 |
With this ticket, the Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR), Schedule of Insurance (SOI), and SOI / Production Report forms have been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years (the System determines when ECO is available to be selected):
126210 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
127020 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||
Prior to the 2021 RY, LRP was Cash with Application, so there was no billing that needed to be handled by AIPs. In the 2021 RY, RMA changed the structure of LRP so that the billing dates would be at the end of the endorsements. To handle this, they added new Practices for LRP that correspond with the Month that the endorsements ended to assist with billing dates. The new Practices have created the need for a larger number of coverages on a policy. In order to establish all of these coverages, agents are having to re-key the same data on multiple coverages over and over. This ticket was set up to improve the workflow for users when creating LRP coverages. Since LRP and LGM share the same Add Coverage page, the changes below have also be made for LGM for all Reinsurance Years. With this ticket, when the Add Commodity/Type/Practice button is selected on an LRP or LGM policy, the Add Coverage page will now have some defaulted values to reduce the number of clicks needed by the user. The fields called out below will be defaulted as follows so that other than reviewing the defaulted values and making changes if needed, the only entries that will be required by the user will be the selection of the Type and Practice. The System will query the existing, active coverages on the policy and default these fields to what was used on the most recently added coverage; however, users will still be able to change the defaulted selections prior to save as needed.
NOTE: For LGM, these dates are populated via JavaScript once a practice is selected and/or changed; this will not be changed with this ticket. NOTE: With these changes, it is important to carefully review the defaulted selections prior to saving the coverages to ensure that they have the correct coverage details entered. |
125555 |
The Year picklist within the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard (Livestock > Policy Management Dashboard) has been updated to include the 2022 RY as an option. The Year picklist will not default to the 2022 RY at this time. |
126853 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
This ticket contains various enhancements as requested by users for the Fast Edit Planting panel (select multiple fields > click Plant):
123138 |
This ticket updated the Batch CLU tool to store previous CLU values (CLU ID, Farm Number, Tract, Field, and CLU Date) when new a CLU Date exists. |
126213 |
Users requested the ability to indicate, on Sync, to process remaining lines as zero acre (similarly to how Fast Edit AR allows a user to indicate they are completed with processing the AR). This has been done. |
126724 |
When deleting a Precision Ag planting record from the Planting panel, the page was not refreshing to remove the planting from the user interface. This has been corrected. |
126442 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PTYs & Master Yields: In TFS #124094 and #123544, Master Yield and PTY functionality was updated to start displaying "PTY/MY: Needs Recalc" in red text under the Summary Unit and non-summary unit detail line number if changes were made to a non-summary unit. It was found that the "PTY/MY: Needs Recalc" message was displaying on PTY and MY NLF units. For consistency, the System should not display the "PTY/MY: Needs Recalc" message on applicable NLF units. With this ticket, the System was updated to no longer display the "PTY/MY: Needs Recalc" message on NLF units. |
126207 |
PRH: This ticket implemented a detail line status functionality for the PRH plan. A PRH detail line will not be considered complete until the following exist:
NOTE: If the detail line has 0 acres, the System will not require an Approved Yield, Land ID, or Personal Projected Price; however, AR Sign Dates will still be required. |
119659 |
HIP: TFS #116562 and #118644 both implemented the HIP Intended Acres and HIP Greatest Acres in Previous 4 Years fields on the MPCI Coverage pages. HIP Intended Acres is designed to be used for new HIP coverages in the HIP Acre Limitation Logic (TFS #119335 in the 9.110 Release) if the value is less than the planted acres at the time of a hurricane. HIP Greatest Acres in Previous 4 Years is designed to, if keyed, act as a substitute for the highest number of acres planted in any one of the immediate past four Crop Years. During internal testing, it was discovered that not all Plan 50 commodities were included in the exception listing of commodities that were initially identified with TFS #116562. The following commodity codes for Plan (50) were identified as needing the implementation of the HIP Intended Acres field on the Add New MPCI Policy and Add New MPCI Coverage pages:
Also, the following commodity codes for Plan 50 were identified as needing the HIP Intended Acres and HIP Greatest Acres in Previous 4 Years fields on the Maintain Coverage and View Coverage pages:
If HIP is elected when adding a New Policy or Coverage, only the "HIP Coverage Percentage" and "HIP Intended Acres" HIP-related UI fields will persist. |
126443 |
PRH: As part of the PRH policy, if a grower changes the % of elected sales by at least 5% on the ARD, an Adjusted Revenue procedure applies. This procedure calculates Adjusted Total Revenue and Adjusted Annual Revenue for each year in the Production & Revenue History Summary database and uses those values to determine an Adjusted Personal Projected Price. That price is then compared to the Personal Projected Price and the Projected Price in the ADMs. The lesser of all will become the Approved Projected Price. With this ticket, functionality to support the Adjusted Revenue procedure has been implemented. This functionality will work as follows:
125998 |