A request was received to print Plan on the detail lines on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report. The SOI and SOI / Production Report have been updated in the following ways:
The revision date was updated to "08-2019". |
Plan will now print for each detail line. |
Plan will now print with each coverage in the Premium Summary. |
It was found that PP acres were printing on Production Reporting forms when they should not have been. Along with an update to fix this issue, the Production Reporting Worksheet has also been updated the incorporate the new base format that's currently applied to the Schedule of Insurance form. The following changes to the Production Reporting Worksheet have been made for all Crop Years:
Updates to the Page 1 Header: |
If the form is printed with a "Pre-Headed with Insured and Agency / Agent Info" or "Pre-Filled" report style (Level of Detail) and there is no Spouse for the Grower, then "NONE" will print in the Spouse's Name. |
If the form is printed with a "Pre-Headed with Insured and Agency / Agent Info" or "Pre-Filled" report style (Level of Detail) and there is no Assignment of Indemnity (AOI) entered for the policy, then "NONE" will print in the AOI field. |
Updates to the Page 2 Header: |
The AIP logo and AIP Contact info no longer print. |
On the left of the form title, the Insured's and Agency's names will print. |
On the right of the form title, the Crop Year and Policy # will print. |
Updates to the Crop Summary: |
The shading and borders around the Crop Summary title were removed. |
The right and left borders on the coverage lines were removed. |
The Type and Practice abbreviations now print instead of the long names. |
County and Crop were separated and are now in their own fields. |
Type and Practice were separated and are now in their own fields. |
The "Unit Number / Insurability / Yield Cup (YC) Opt Out?" label was updated to "Unit". |
The "YC Opt Out?" checkbox will now print under the unit data. |
The Production Reporting Worksheet will only display the "YC Opt Out" checkbox if the "YC" option is elected on the coverage. |
When the Production Reporting Worksheet is printed with a blank or a pre-headed report style, the "YC Opt Out" checkbox will not display. |
When the Production Reporting Worksheet is printed with a pre-filled report style, if the Yield Cup Opt Out was selected for a unit's database, then the "YC Opt Out" checkbox will be selected on the Production Reporting Worksheet for the applicable unit. |
Farm Name, FSA Farm / Tract / Field #, and Legal Description will now print under the detail line, similar to the Schedule of Insurance (SOI). The asterisks in the Legal Description label will be two instead of three. |
The print format of Share and Other Person(s) Sharing in Crop was updated. |
The Processor Name & Number fields were updated to be after the Share and Other Person(s) Sharing in Crop field; also, the print format was updated. |
The Yield and Approved Yield fields were updated to be after the Processor Name & Number and Other fields; also, the print format was updated. The asterisks in the Other label will be three instead of four. |
The T-Yield Map Area / Area Class field was updated to be after the Yield and Approved Yield. |
The Acres field was updated to be after the T-Yield Map Area / Area Class field. The Insurability checkboxes will now print under the Acres data. |
The Record Type field was updated to be after the Acres field. |
The asterisks in the Record Type label will be four instead of three. |
The unit's applicable Record Type alpha code will now print when a Record Type has been selected for the most current year in the unit's database. If a Record Type has not been selected, the field will be blank with a line for the user to fill in the amount. |
When the form is being printed with a blank or a pre-headed report style, NO line will print for the user to fill in the amount. |
The Total Production field was updated to be after the Record Type field. |
This field will print blank with a line for the user to fill in the amount WHEN the unit's last year of Production History does NOT equal the current year - 1 (or current year - 2 for lag year crops). |
WHEN the Production Reporting form is printed with the pre-filled report style AND the "Pre-print for next year" print option has been selected, THEN the System will check the APH Staging table for the unit to print the Total Production. IF the APH Staging table information for the unit has a claim record designation, a bold "C" will print to the right of the Yield field. IF the unit does not have any APH Staging table information, a blank with a line will print for the user to fill in the amount. |
When the form is printed with a blank or a pre-headed report style, NO line will print for the user to fill in the amount. |
The following data items will now display in a larger, bold font: Crop, Unit, Acres, and Total Production. |
Some borders were removed. |
The Comments field will now only print if there are comments that have been flagged to print. No Comments fields will print when the blank and pre-headed report styles are being used. |
The Legend will now only print on the last page under the Signature Section. |
The Other Characteristics field will now print in the footer on all pages except the Statement and Signature pages. |
IF the form is being printed with a pre-filled report style OR IF the "Pre-print for next year" print option has been selected AND the acres having production reported on the detail line are PP, THEN the detail line will not print on the form regardless of if the detail line is a parent or a child (System- or user-generated). IF the parent line has PP acres AND the child line has insurable acres, THEN the child line will print on the form. |
The form version date was updated to "08-2019". |
The land logic to also include RLU that is used by 98% of the forms that print land was updated in the 8.005 release with TFS #103972. With this ticket, the land logic that the Production Report / Acreage Report uses was updated to include RLU land. This update has been made for all Crop Years.
RMA released revised Margin Protection Crop Provisions for the 2020+ Crop Years (CYs). Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. The revised Margin Protection Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2020 Crop Year for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat were implemented.
NOTE: TFS #105410 will implement the revised Rice Margin Protection Crop Provisions.