Release Notes 7.000.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.000.0.
System Updates
This ticket added Use Last Years/Use This Years buttons on the Policy Estimate Detail Lines page of a policy estimate. One set of buttons will appear below the column header for each of the following columns: Acres/Share, Price/Volatility, and Yield (displayed beneath Rate/App'd Yield). The user can click the back button ( |
79026 |
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Special Provisions update was made available from RMA on 4/20/2018 with updates for Annual Forage (0332) with RI (13) plan. The file was downloaded and implemented in the System. |
88559 |
An issue was found where the Production Report was only printing the "MASTER UNIT" indicator for automatically-created Master Yield units (Code = MA); it was not printing the indicator for manually-created Master Yield units (Code = MM). This issue has been resolved. The "MASTER UNIT" indicator will now print for both automatically- and manually-created Master Yield units. |
90008 |
A Special Provisions update was made available from RMA on 4/11/2018 with updates for the below plans/crops. SPOI PDFs are dated 3/27/2018. The file was downloaded and implemented in the System.
88168 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
90311 |
myHudson Agent Portal Dashboard: A new Reinsurance Year filter has been added to the myHudson Agent Portal Dashboard. Every report panel except for the Commissions and Premium History panels have been updated to show one RY at a time only. This includes the report panel charts that used to rotate between reinsurance years. From this point forward, users will need to change the RY filter selection in order to see data for different reinsurance years. The Premium History and Commission report panels will continue to show all RY data as a summary type of view—those panels should not change when different reinsurance years are selected from the filter. |
88610 |
An enhancement has been made to the Fast Plant panel to allow a user to indicate if a field is Prevented Plant (PP) and if the plant date falls within the Late Planting period. When this occurs, the panel will show the determined percent reduction. NOTE: This ticket will allow the PP/LP changes to be saved in mapping, but the data will not sync to the AR. That functionality is being added in the 7.005 release with TFS #69417. |
85209 |
An enhancement has been made to the Plant panel to allow a user to indicate if the field is Prevented Plant (PP) and if the plant date falls within the Late Planting period. When this occurs, the panel will show the determined percent reduction. NOTE: This ticket will allow the PP/LP changes to be saved in mapping, but the data will not sync to the Acreage Report. That functionality is being added in the 7.005 release with TFS #69417. |
63848 |
Attachments: Current System functionality for attaching documents to a policy includes batch scanning. Using the Attachments tab, users were only able to attach one document/file at a time. In an effort to provide a workflow improvement, this functionality was updated to allow users to attach multiple files at one time from the Attachments tab of a policy. This can be done by clicking Add Attachments on the Attachments tab of the policy, and then when the Select file(s) to attach popup opens, clicking Browse. Then, in the Open popup, selecting multiple files by pressing CTRL on your keyboard while selecting files with your mouse. Or, you can drag and drop files into the Select file(s) to attach popup. This new functionality will allow up to 10 files to be attached at one time. However, the total combined size of all files included in a single upload cannot exceed 50 MB. The grid within the attachments popup has been updated to allow users to assign Attachment Types and descriptions to all files selected. |
59358 |
Margin Protection: During internal testing of the new auto-creation of Margin Protection (MP) detail lines, an issue was found as it relates to Enterprise Units, both EU and EP. Per the Margin Protection white paper, MP detail lines must have the same unit structure as the base coverage detail lines. Given this, the auto-create MP detail lines functionality was designed to use the unit structure from the base coverage detail lines that existed at the time the MP detail lines were created. However, validation for EU/EP occurs at mark complete, which can result in the unit structure changing on the base coverage detail lines after the MP detail lines have already been created. Furthermore, there are overrides available to AIP users on the coverage that allow the AIP to override the System’s EU/EP determination which, again, can result in a change in the unit structure on the base coverage detail lines after the MP detail lines have already been created. Given all this, users needed a way to update the unit structure on the MP detail lines following their creation and after the base coverage unit structure has changed. To accomplish this, a process was added to the mark complete functionality. This process will occur after MP detail lines have been created and after EU/EP validation logic has been applied to the base coverage detail lines. Then, the unit structure on the base coverage detail lines will be compared to the unit structure on the MP detail lines. If the unit structure does not match, then the System will update the unit structure on the MP detail lines to match the base coverage detail line unit structure. This will account for scenarios where the System changes the base coverage unit structure during mark complete, as well as when a user applies an override that changes the unit structure. Users will simply need to ensure mark complete is processed following application of any overrides. In addition, logic was added that will mark the MP coverage complete when the user selects to mark the base coverage complete on the Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance page. NOTE: During internal testing, a small bug with the application of the AR sign dates to the Margin Protection detail lines was identified. If the Margin Protection and base coverages are on separate policies, the System correctly creates the MP detail lines but does not apply the sign dates. A TFS ticket will be set up to address this issue. In the meantime, as a workaround, users can manually apply signature dates to the Margin Protection detail lines on the Signature Maintenance page. |
89378 |
Private Products
Margin Protection: A request was made to include Margin Protection as an eligible MPCI plan to link with eZ-Hail and Crop Hail private product policies beginning in 2018. This has been implemented. |
89954 |