Release Notes 6.085.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.085.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
MPowerD: The previous provision document contained a cover page and should not have. The AIP provided a new document to replace the provision, which was added to the 6.085 release, so the manually-placed PDF in 6.080 was not replaced. |
85446 |
The default year was updated to 2018 on both the Private Product Premium Liability Report and the Private Products Recap Report. |
85041 |
eSign: A new dashboard, the eSignature Dashboard (Tools > eSign Dashboard), has been added to the System to allow users to view the status of ePackets. Additionally, a new option, "Remote", has been added to the eSign Options section on the Print forms page (on the Print tab for MPCI policies) so that users can select a policyholder signee(s) to send an ePacket to so that the selected forms can be remotely signed. These additions to the System will allow for policyholder signees and agents to remotely sign eSign-supported forms (i.e., where both parties are signing electronically but not in the presences of each other). |
82560 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
83338 |
A 2018 Special Provisions update was made available by RMA on 1/16/2018 and 1/19/2018 and has been implemented in the System. |
84412 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
EU by Practice: Beginning in 2018 for crops with a Filing Date of 11/30/2017 or later and for all crops in 2019, RMA is allowing growers to elect the EP unit structure on a single irrigation practice and elect a BU/OU unit structure on the another irrigation practice. For example, the grower can select EP on their irrigated land and OU on the non-irrigated land. To accommodate this change, the System was updated to allow for the selection of a practice on the coverage, EU/EP validation logic was revised, EU/EP override functionality was updated, and mark complete suspensions were updated. For more information, see RMA's White Paper on Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice. |
82141 |
Margin Protection: The APH requirements for stand-alone Margin Protection policies were removed beginning with the 2017 RY. Prior to 2017, a standard APH with APH calculations was required for Margin Protection. TFS #77784 was implemented to hide the link for the APH on stand-alone policies since the APH was no longer applicable to the rating. The scope of this ticket was to restore the APH-like records for stand-alone Margin Protection policies. This APH-like structure should be established for Plan 16 and Plan 17 Margin Protection. Since there are no ADMs that support an APH (e.g., no tyield, etc.), the APH-like record needs to merely store reported production and acres and annual yield. Standard APH logic will not be applicable. The APH structure was modeled from ARPI APH-like records that may be maintained for record keeping only. |
83407 |
Master Yields: With TFS #82980 in the 6.080 release, the Master Yield (MY) logic was updated for the new 2018 Yield Cup procedures. During internal testing of this ticket, two issues were found:
As part of the changes in the 6.080 release, logic was added to have the System determine the Prior Year Yield for auto-created MY Summary Units. However, this logic only worked if the policy existed in the System in the prior year. In the scenario of a transfer-in policy, the user needed the ability to set the Prior Year Yield in order for a Yield Cup to apply. In addition, the user needed the ability to set the Yield Cup Opt Out checkbox should the grower elect not to apply the Yield Cup to the MY Summary Unit even though it is the highest calculated yield. With this ticket, the Yield Cup Opt Out checkbox was added to the MY Summary Unit page for both auto-created and manually-created MY Summary Units. Once the MY Summary Unit is created, the Yield Cup Opt Out checkbox will only display on the Summary Unit and will no longer display on the non-Summary Units. In addition, the page was updated to allow users to edit the Prior Year Yield and Yield Cup Opt Out checkbox on auto-created MY Summary Units. |
84524 |
Cup: The CIH states that cups are not applicable if the T-Yield decreases by 10% or more from one Reinsurance Year to the next. The APH calculation logic has been in place for several years to prevent use of the cup in the calculation of the Approved APH Yield when a T-Yield change occurs and a T-Yield is part of the calculation of the Approved APH Yield. The cup is applicable if there are 4 years' yields in the APH and change T-Yield is NOT used to calculate the approved APH yield. In 2018 testing, however, it was determined the Prior Year Yield wasn't populated as expected during the roll, resulting in the APH logic in place not triggering the comparison between 2017 and 2018 RY T-Yields during the calculation process. Rather than address as a roll update, the code was refactored to make a comparison during the calculation that will determine whether a 10% or greater change has occurred, reading from the ADM and populating the DB field, APHPriorYearTyield. With the deployment of this change, it will be necessary for a user to re-save the APH to trigger the logic and code changes implemented with this ticket. A query will be run to identify all 2018 RY APHs that have an Approved APH Yield greater than 0 that fall into a State/County/Crop where a T-Yield change of 10% or more occurred. AIPs will receive this listing so they can complete the manual re-save/underwriting review to ensure a cup wasn't applied incorrectly prior to February 2018. |
84426 |
New Producer: By design, the New Producer checkbox and PHTS selections have been available fields to edit for agency users beyond the standard lockout on the coverage page. Although these specific fields are designed to be outside of the coverage lock-out window, it was reported recently that agent users were unable to select the New Producer status when applicable. This ticket corrected the bug that took this access away. This field is controlled by the production/acreage offset window established by the AIP. Once an agent user passes the production/acreage processing window for a crop, this access will no longer be available. For example, agents are typically beyond the lockout for production/acreage for fall crops so selection of New Producer for a fall crop should not be available. |
85313 |
An issue was found during internal testing of TFS #85365 where the Change Spring Coverage popup didn't have a date picker or date formatting (so the date had to be keyed correctly or the System wouldn't save it to the coverage). There were no messages presented to the user stating they had keyed the date incorrectly at save. To correct this issue, a date picker was added and the System now automatically formats the date similar to what is on other date fields within the System. |
85456 |
Primary County: During internal testing on a separate issue with "Is Primary County", it was found that after selecting the "Is Primary County" designation, if the user got an error such as "Duplicate coverage already exists" or "Please select a Crop Plan" or others, the "Is Primary County" selection changed back to "Select". If the user didn't notice it, they saved the coverage and the "Is Primary County" designation didn't get saved. The logic was updated to retain the "Is Primary County" designation when errors are thrown. |
85359 |