Release Notes 5.110.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 5.110.0.


Fast Edit AR Changes

Fast Edit Crop Hail & Named Peril

System Updates

Forms & Reports


The following changes have been introduced to the Unprocessed CLU Report (Reports > MPCI Reporting > Unprocessed Reports > CLU):

By default, uninsured lines will be excluded from the results.
A new filter, "Include Detail Lines Missing AR Sign Date", has been added to the report. By default, the report will exclude lines missing an AR sign date unless the filter is applied.


A request was made to allow Dollar Plan crops (Plan Codes 40, 50, or 55) to print on the APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form when the policy is printing for Plans YP (01), RP (02), RPHPE (03), or APH (90). Agents like to use this form for both APH and acreage reporting, but if a Dollar Plan crop is on the policy, the AR information was not printing on the form and users were concerned that those crop coverages would be missed.

Previously, only coverages with Plans YP (01), RP (02), RPHPE (03), or APH (90) printed on the APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form. This has been updated. Now, when the APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form is printed for a coverage with Plans YP (01), RP (02), RPHPE (03), or APH (90) and the policy has a coverage(s) with Plans TDO (40), DO (50), or YDO (55), that coverage will be included on the form in the following areas:

Crop Summary – Prints the County, Crop, Plan, Type / Practice (if applicable), Level, % of Price Election, Options, and Total Acres Planted per the current form rules.
APH Database section – Prints the County, Crop, Plan, Unit / Structure, Type, Practice, and Share. The APH History grid and Production Reporting data will remain blank. Dollar Plans do not report production history.
Acreage Report section – Prints all applicable information for the coverage per the current form rules.


Shareholder has been added to the Unprocessed CLU Excel export (Reports > MPCI Reporting > Unprocessed Reports > CLU > Export to Excel). If more than one shareholder is associated with the premium line, the first shareholder name will be pulled into the report, followed by an asterisk (*), to indicate more than one shareholder is associated with the premium line (i.e., Joe Shareholder*).


A new "Include All Planted Lines" filter has been added to the Unprocessed CLU Report (Reports > MPCI Reporting > Unprocessed Reports > CLU) to display all lines with planted acres. By default, the report only includes lines outside of CLU tolerance.


The Unprocessed CLU Report (Reports > MPCI Reporting > Unprocessed Reports > CLU) will no longer populate a result set in the user interface. All reports will be processed on the service bus. The button on the report has been updated from "Display Results" to "Export to Excel".


An AIP reported that the 2015 Revenue and Expenses and Totals that display on the page are not printing pre-filled on the Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Combination Form (WFRP Combo Form) if an Insured Sign Date was not entered. In addition, the Whole-Farm Historic Average was not printing pre-filled on the WFRP Farm Operation Report in this scenario. This was not an issue when printing the WFRP Claim Packet. The AIP requested that these fields print pre-filled prior to entering signature dates so agents can send to the Insured to review. This has been completed.


myHudson: As part of the load balance solution, this ticket created API functions for each of the Data Warehouse Report panels so that the data can more quickly be pulled from the main eHarvest application.




Perennials: The RMA has announced a new pilot program for Pecan Trees. Much of the existing Plan 40 functionality applies to Pecan Trees with some new functionality required specifically for Pecan Trees. With this ticket, functionality to allow for processing of Pecan Tree coverages, detail lines, PAW, and premium was implemented.

The existing Plan 40 Coverage functionality was updated to account for Pecan Trees. When the "OX" or "CV" option is elected, a Restoration Method field displays to allow the user to add/remove the types the option is applicable to.
The existing Plan 40 Detail Line and Rating functionality was updated to account for Pecan Trees. If the "CV" or "OX" option is elected on the coverage, users can indicate that the CTV price was determined by grower records and they can manually key a price to be used in place of the ADM price in the premium calculation. In the Insurable Count grid, Stages I-V are shown and the applicable Range Class is based on the Restoration Method on the coverage and the range selected. The Range Class Code will be used in the premium calculation to find the applicable price.
The existing Plan 40 PAW functionality was updated to account for Pecan Trees, too. PAW questions and Stages I-V are shown.


Detail Lines: Previously, when keying acres in the CLU Grid, users were required to key a Plant Date on each line. AIPs requested the ability to enter a Plant Date and select to apply that date to all selected CLU fields.

With this ticket, a date picker and Apply to Selected button was added to the CLU grid. When the user enters a Plant Date in the date picker and clicks the Apply to Selected button, the Plant Date will be applied to all selected CLU fields.


APH: It was found that the Trend Adjustment was not being applied to "DA" and "PA" Yields within an APH database. Per the 2016 Trend-Adjustment Actual Production History Standards Handbook, Yield Types of "DA" and "PA" will be considered Actual Yields for the purposes of determining both a Qualifying Database and an Eligible Yield. The System has been updated to consider Yield Types of "DA" and "PA" as actual yields when determining if a database qualifies for Trend Adjustment and when determining if the Yield(s) within an APH database are eligible for Trend Adjustment. If the Yield Type of "DA" or "PA" exists in a qualifying APH database, the TA will apply to the associated Annual Yield.


RMA: The RMA implemented a new P11-101322 edit around Winter Option (WO) where, if the Plant Date is after the extended final planting date, then WO must not be sent on the P11 record or else this new error will be received. With this ticket, the detail line logic was updated to remove the WO option if the Plant Date is after the extended final planting date and apply late planting procedures. Once WO is removed, the System will use the extended final planting date applicable to winter types without WO to determine if late planting procedures apply. In addition, if WO has been removed from the detail line and the Plant Date is changed to a date on or prior to the extended final planting date, the System will reapply WO.


Private Products


The Fast Edit page (when enabled for the given product and year) is available for users via a Fast Edit button, which displays above the detail lines grid on the policy. This button will be enabled for non-linked Crop Hail and Named Peril products only at this time. The button will take you to a new page that allows users to enter detail line information more efficiently.

NOTE: TFS #69464 was created for the Tabbing Sequence Default Position preference, and TFS #64469 was created for Revert Changes/"Undo changes" issues and adding back the green check mark.