SYPR: Beginning with the 2023 Reinsurance Year (RY), RMA will require production to be reported in the same RY in which acres are reported for all crops under Plans 01, 02, 03, 47, and 90 with the exception of lag year crops or crops with a 2-year module which will both continue to be supported in the Standard Production Reporting Mode for 2023 or until RMA converts them over to the new procedure. Here is a list of the excluded crops:
AZ (04) and CA (06) Citrus (0201 Grapefruit, 0202 Lemons, 0203 Tangelos, 0227 Oranges, 0309 Mandarins/Tangerines) |
CA (06) and FL (12) Avocados (0019 – Plan 90) |
Cigar Wrapper Tobacco (0236) |
TX (48) Citrus (0201 Grapefruit, 0227 Oranges) |
This ticket updated the Production Report to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR) plus updates for other requested items on the Production Report.
The Pre-print print option was removed. |
"P = Precision Ag record exist" was added to the legend. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, if a planted CLU exists with a PrecisionAg Indicator, a "P" will print behind the applicable field with a space separating the field data and the "P". Format example: 2A P. |
SYPR – The form was updated to support capturing production for 2022, 2023, and 2024 reported acres for coverages that were flagged Same Year Production Reporting. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, a Shareholder is linked to the unit, AND the Shareholder is indicated as Landlord / Tenant, "LLT" will print behind the Shareholder's Name with a space before it. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, a Shareholder is linked to the unit, AND the Shareholder is indicated as Transfer of Right to Indemnity, "TOC" will print behind the Shareholder's Name with a space before it. |
Multiple updates were made to the Record Type Legend. |
SYPR: This ticket updated the Production Reporting Worksheet to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR) and add other requested items on the Production Reporting Worksheet. The following changes are for all years unless specified otherwise:
The Pre-print print option was removed. |
"P = Precision Ag record exist" was added to the legend. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, if a planted CLU exists with a PrecisionAg Indicator, a "P" will print behind the applicable field with a space separating the field data and the "P". Format example: 2A P. |
SYPR – The form was updated to support capturing production for 2022, 2023, and 2024 reported acres for coverages that were flagged Same Year Production Reporting. The form will now print a 2023 row for the unit under the 2022 line and above the land section, if applicable, followed by any available production data in the fields from the Fast Edit PR. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, a Shareholder is linked to the unit, AND the Shareholder is indicated as Landlord / Tenant, "LLT" will print behind the Shareholder's Name with a space before it. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, a Shareholder is linked to the unit, AND the Shareholder is indicated as Transfer of Right to Indemnity, "TOC" will print behind the Shareholder's Name with a space before it. |
Multiple updates were made to the Record Type Legend. |
SYPR: This ticket updated the Actual Revenue History (ARH) to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR) and add other requested items on the ARH form. The following changes are for all years unless specified otherwise:
The Preliminary Yield and Revenue fields were added under the Prior fields. |
SYPR – The form was updated to support capturing production for 2022, 2023, and 2024 reported acres for coverages that were flagged Same Year Production Reporting for ARH Cherries. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, a Shareholder is linked to the unit, AND the Shareholder is indicated as Landlord / Tenant, "LLT" will print behind the Shareholder's Name with a space before it. |
When the form is printed pre-filled, a Shareholder is linked to the unit, AND the Shareholder is indicated as Transfer of Right to Indemnity, "TOC" will print behind the Shareholder's Name with a space before it. |
Livestock: For 2024+, this ticket turned the current Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR) form into a generic Livestock TOR form that can support all Livestock plans per the 2024 Livestock Handbooks and M13 updates. With this ticket, for 2024+ only, the following updates have been made:
The Attachment Type list was updated to add "Livestock TOR" in alpha order with the other Attachment Type names. |
"LRP TOR" was removed from the Attachment Type name list. |
The name of the form on the LRP policy Print tab was changed from "Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR)" to "Livestock Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR)". Report styles are the same with blank and pre-headed (pre-headed being the default) being available. No print options are available. This form is not available from in the Batch Printing menu. |
The title of the form was changed from "Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR)" to "Livestock Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR)". |
The "Effective Date of Transfer" label and field were moved below the "Nature of Transfer" field. This is a user-filled field and will print blank. |
In the "Check one of the boxes" section, in the second checkbox option, "shown" as added after "address" in the second sentence. Additionally, "the" was added after "for" in the same sentence. |
In the Crop Information table: |
The "Effective Date of Transfer" label was changed to "Effective Date". This column is user filled and will print blank. |
The "End Date" label and column were removed. |
The "Commodity" label was changed to "Crop / Commodity(s)". This column is user filled and will print blank. |
The "Plan" label and column were added. This column is user filled and will print blank. |
The "Endorsement Number" label was changed to "Endorsement #". |
"% of Insured's" was removed from the Share Transferred label. |
The "# of Head Transferred (LRP ONLY)" label and column were added. This column is user filled and will print blank. |
The "Total Premium on Practice^ Transferred" label and column were added. This column is user filled and will print blank. |
In the "Premium on Type Transferred" label, "Type" was changed to "Practice^": "Premium on Practice^ Transferred". |
In the "Premium on Retained Type" label, "Type" was changed to "Practice^": "Premium on Retained Practice^". |
Below the Crop Information table, Yes and No checkboxes with "Is the entire insured livestock commodity and the entire insured share on the listed type and practice being transferred?" were added. The checkboxes are user filled and will print blank. |
In the Terms and Conditions section: |
Item "A" changed to "1". |
Item "(1)" changed to "a". Also, "and practice" was added after "type". |
Item "(2)" changed to "b". |
Item "(3)" was removed. |
Item "B" changed to "2". |
Item "C" changed to "3". |
Item "D" changed to "4". Also, in the first sentence, "acreage" was changed to "Livestock commodity"; and this sentence was added as a second sentence, "The premium for the practice (For DRP: type and practice) is listed above." |
The following Legend was added to all pages except the Statement Page: "Legend: ^For Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) - Premium is based on Type and Practice". |
The form # was changed from "787 LRP" to "935_787 LVK". |
In the "See Last Page..." text, "Lifestock Risk Protection" was changed to "Livestock". Note that the spelling of "Lifestock" was updated to "Livestock" for all years of the form. |
The "I understand..." verbiage above the Certification Statement was updated: |
To remove "and due process letters" after "billing statements" in the first sentence. |
To add the following sentence as a second sentence: "Due process / Ineligibility notification letters will be issued to both the Transferee and Transferor." |
Livestock: For 2024+, with this ticket, the current Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR) form has been disabled, and a generic Livestock TOR form (implemented with TFS 147234) has been enabled in the System which will support all Livestock plans per the 2024 Livestock Handbooks and M13 updates. Additional changes made with this ticket include:
A generic Livestock TOR Attachment Type was added to the attachment types list. |
For 2024+, "DRP TOR" was removed from the Attachment Type name list. |
The generic Livestock TOR form: |
Is available to print from the DRP policy Print tab and displays with a title of "Livestock Transfer of Rights to an Indemnity (TOR)" on the tab. |
Is available to print in the following report styles: blank and pre-headed with pre-headed being the default. |
Has no print options available. |
Is not available to print from the Batch Printing menu. |
Livestock: For 2024+, with this ticket, the current Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR) form has been disabled, and a generic Livestock TOR form (implemented with TFS 147234) has been enabled in the System which will support all Livestock plans per the 2024 Livestock Handbooks and M13 updates. Additional changes made with this ticket include:
A generic Livestock TOR Attachment Type was added to the attachment types list. |
For 2024+, "LGM TOR" was removed from the attachment types list. |
The generic Livestock TOR form: |
Is available to print from the LGM policy Print tab and displays with a title of "Livestock Transfer of Rights to an Indemnity (TOR)" on the tab. |
Is available to print in the following report styles: blank and pre-headed with pre-headed being the default. |
Has no print options available. |
Is not available to print from the Batch Printing menu. |
Livestock: RMA has updated Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) for 2024 so that an assignment(s) of indemnity now applies to all liability remaining on the Livestock covered by the policy at the time the assignment is accepted by the AIP and any additional liability added for the Crop Year. For 2024, this means that the Livestock Assignment of Indemnity (AOI) Confirmation form applies for the entire policy. Changes were made with TFS 147261 in the 15.065 release for this, but additional items were found during testing once ADMs were released. With this ticket, the Livestock AOI form has been updated in the following ways:
When the form is printed with a pre-filled report style AND the policy is 2024+ LGM: |
Only one line for each Creditor will print. |
THEN, for the Commodity field, "All for policy" will print. |
THEN, for the Effective Date field, "All for policy" will print. |
THEN, for the Endorsement / Line # field, "N/A" will print. |
THEN, the Practice and Type fields will print blank. |
Livestock: The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been updated in the following ways for all years (unless otherwise specified):
The revision date was changed to "08-2023". |
For 2024+, the "Endorsement #" field and label were added to the beginning of the Detail Line table. Format example: 1. When the form is printed pre-filled, the Endorsement # linked to the Detail Line will print in this field. |
If a Transfer of Right to Indemnity is linked to a Detail Line, "TOC Effective Date: " followed by the TOR Effective Date all in parentheses will print after the transferee name. Format example: George Simpson (TOC Effective: 11/30/2022). |
Livestock: The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been updated in the following ways for all years:
The version date was changed to "09-2023". |
The Premium / Liability verbiage was removed. |
If there is the Transfer of Right to Indemnity linked to the Detail Line, "TOC Effective Date: " followed by the TOR Effective Date all in parentheses will now print after the transferee name. Format example: George Simpson (TOC Effective: 11/30/2022). |
A QR Code was added to the form. |
11/30 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 28. The Special Provisions for 2023 Sweet Potatoes (0156) with APH (90) in Kansas (20) have been downloaded and implemented in the System.
2024 Grass Seed Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System.
CEPP Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2024 CY have been implemented in the System.
All three plans of insurance of the Production Revenue History (PRH) Pilot Program—Yield Protection (PRH-Y (Plan 21)), Revenue Protection (PRH-R (Plan 23)), and Revenue Protection Plus (PRH-P (Plan 22))—require both production and revenue reports. The production report is used to establish the APH database and the approved yield per acre. The revenue report is used to establish the revenue history. The same number of Crop Years from both the APH database and revenue history must be used to calculate the approved projected price used in establishing the protection guarantee per acre.
This ticket updated the form with 2024 PRH Handbook updates and cleaned up items for all years.
The Revenue descriptor was updated with changes to Yield Types and Descriptors. |
When the form is blank and pre-headed, 3 blank databases print for each Revenue and Production section instead of only 2. |
The Record Type Legend was updated with several items. |
RMA released Camelina Crop Provisions for the 2024 and succeeding CYs. The Camelina Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2024 CY have been implemented in the System.
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 27. The Special Provisions for 2023 Grass Seed (0102) – APH (90) – 9/30 SCD, 6/30 CCD – MN, ND have been downloaded and implemented in the System.
The 2024 Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Wind Index Endorsement has been implemented in the System.
The updated Basic Crop Provisions that will be effective for 2024 and succeeding years for crops with a CCD on or after 6/30/23 and 2025 and succeeding years for crops with a CCD prior to 6/30/23 have been implemented in the System.
This ticket implemented the 2024 ARPI Provisions.
Margin Protection (MP) Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2024+ Crop Years for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat have been implemented in the System.