Release Notes 7.080.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.080.0.

System Updates



Policy Estimate: On the Policy Estimate Detail Lines page of a policy estimate, any changes made to the High Risk designation were not setting the line as modified, so the change was not being carried through to the printout. This issue has been resolved.


Policy Estimate: With this ticket, additional calculations were provided on policy estimates for Liability/Acre, Premium/Acre, Guarantee (if applicable), and Guarantee/Acre (if applicable) when MPCI is quoted with a Private Product.


Policy Estimate: With this ticket, new fields have been added for the Policy Estimate form, allowing users to choose which Calculations UI tabs will be displayed on the corresponding printout. Now, when a user selects "Print Forms" from the Additional Functions dropdown on the Policy Estimates Calculations page for a policy estimate and then selects Policy Estimate on the Print Forms popup, two new multi-select fields will display—Level of Detail and Policy Type. The Level of Detail dropdown will allow for selection of Totals (or Irrigated Totals/Non-Irrigated Totals) and Unit Information. By default, all options will be selected. The Policy Type dropdown will allow for selection of MPCI and any Hail/Private Products that are available on the estimate. By default, all options will be selected.


Quick Estimate: Users were receiving a "Sorry..." error on Quick WFRP Estimates when the Expanded Revenue Values were $0. These values are NOT required, do not impact premium, and are provided for reference only; it is up to the user whether or not to use them. This issue has been resolved.


Forms & Reports


A request was received to allow the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE) to be printed with the blank and pre-headed report styles without the policy having any detail lines. This form has been updated so that when the user prints it with the blank or pre-headed report styles, the form will now print without the policy having detail lines or without any Effective Dates selected for the form.


With this ticket, a Policy Declaration Page (Dec Page) has been added for the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Livestock product. This form will be available to print from the Print tab of DRP policies (will not be available on LGM or LRP policies). The following are attributes of the new Policy Declaration Page form for DRP policies:

Form Title on Print Tab: Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Policy Declaration Page
Report Styles: No report styles will be available to select; the form will only print pre-filled.
Print Options: Auto Attach
This option will default as not selected.
When this print option is selected, a copy automatically loads to the Attachments tab of the DRP policy for the applicable year.
The following message displays in red italics under this print option: "Warning: This document will be automatically attached to the grower's Electronic File."
This print option only works if the Dec Page is being printed by itself. If other forms are printing with the Dec Page, the Auto Attach will not work. This is the current functionality for the DRP SOI.
Attachment Type: DRP Declaration Page
This attachment type was added to the Attachment Type dropdown that displays when a user clicks the Add Attachment button on the Attachments tab of the policy.
When the Auto Attach print option is selected on the Print tab for the Dec Page for DRP policies, this attachment type will automatically populate.
The Dec Page prints at the coverage level.


The 2019 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Handbook has added Commodity Code and Rate Code to the WFRP Farm Operation (Farm Op) Report. This ticket updated the same labels on the WFRP Schedule of Insurance (SOI). Commodity Code already printed on the WFRP SOI, but Rate Code needed to be added. The Yield label was also updated to be in sync with the Yield label on the Farm Op Report. These changes were made for all years on the WFRP SOI:

The revision date was updated to "01-2019".
The "Commodity" label in the Commodity Detail section was updated to "Commodity (Code) (Rate Code)".
The Commodity data printing in the Commodity field was updated to include Rate Code—formatted as "Commodity Long Name (Commodity Code) (Rate Code)".
The "Yield" label in the Commodity Detail section was updated to "Expected Yield / Average Weight".

NOTE: Some of the commodities do not have a WFRP Commodity Code; those will print like this: ( ).


With the 2019 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH), RMA added "P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" as a Record Type option. The following updates have been made to the Production Report for all years:

The version date was updated to 02-2019.
"P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" was added to the Record Type Legend.


With the 2019 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH), RMA added "P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" as a Record Type option. The following updates have been made to the Production Reporting Worksheet for all years:

The version date was updated to 02-2019.
"P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" was added to the Record Type Legend.


With the 2019 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH), RMA removed Prevented Planting +10% (PT) and added "P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" as a Record Type option. The following updates have been made to the Production Report / Acreage Report for all years:

NOTE: Not all AIPs have this form turned on in the System.

The version date was updated to 02-2019.
The unit's applicable Record Type alpha code will print when a Record Type has been selected for the most current year in the unit's database. If a Record Type has not been selected, the field will be blank.
"P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" was added to the Record Type Legend.
The Record Type Legend was moved to be under the Signature section and Acreage Type listing.
The Acreage Type listing was updated to be the alpha code listing.
The unit's applicable Acreage Type alpha code will print when an Acreage Type has been selected. If an Acreage Type has not been selected, the field will be blank.
PT was removed from the Legend.
The Legend format for non-Statement pages was updated.
The order of the following statements was updated:
The RMA Privacy and Non-Discrimination Statements have been moved to where the Anti-Rebating Statements were previously located on the second-to-last page of the form under the FSA Farm / Tract / Field # Statement.
The AIP Privacy Statement was moved to be at the top of the last Statement page.
The Anti-Rebating Statements will now print under the AIP Privacy Statement on the last Statement page.
The Certification Statement will now print under the Anti-Rebating Statements.


With the 2019 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH), RMA removed Prevented Planting +10% (PT) and added "P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" as a Record Type option. This ticket also corrected the current alpha codes for the last three Record Types on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report. The following updates have been made to the SOI / Production Report:

The version date was updated to 02-2019.
PT was removed from the non-statement page(s) Legend.
In the Record Type Legend, the following updates were made:
"P - Unharvested with Harvest incomplete (ARPI only)" was added.
The second "J" was changed to "N".
The second "K" was changed to "O".
The second "L" was changed to "Z".




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LGM: The 1/31 PASS Status Report announced a change to rounding in the premium calculation for LGM Dairy that will be effective with the February SCD on 2/22/19. This RMA change required minimal adjustment to rating logic but did result in some rounding being invoked according to the PASS Status Report/M13 Exhibit. RMA will implement the rating changes on 2/6/19 in production.




PHTS: When PHTS data contained coverages by practice for stand-alone MP or stand-alone STAX policies and the current year policy had stand-alone MP or stand-alone STAX coverages by practice, the detail line records weren't being applied to the correct practice (i.e., IRR detail lines to the IRR practice and NI detail lines to the NI practice). Some adjustment of the code was needed to ensure that the PHTS records reflecting multiple coverages for these plan codes correctly imported to the current year policy with multiple coverages.

If there is a single coverage for a stand-alone MP or stand-alone STAX PHTS record and there is a single coverage created for the stand-alone MP or stand-alone STAX policy in the current RY, the PHTS data detail lines will import correctly to the single coverage. If the MP or STAX coverage is a related coverage and has an associated MPCI coverage, no detail lines will import from PHTS by design. The System will auto-create MP or STAX detail lines on a related coverage once acres are added to the MPCI premium lines.

The scope of this ticket's changes was only around PHTS records that are coming in as coverages by practice for stand-alone MP and stand-alone STAX when the current RY policy has coverages by practice for stand-alone MP and stand-alone STAX.


Fast Edit PR: The Fast Edit PR grid is designed to automatically calculate the Annual Yield when the user enters and tabs through Total Production and Acreage values. It was reported the grid was incorrectly displaying the yield with the YA option applied rather than the true Average Yield of "total production divided by acres". This has been corrected. Although the YA yield may be applied in the calculation of the approved APH yield at save of the grid + signature maintenance, the UI in the grid will now display the actual average based on the production and acres.


Margin Protection: "Sorry..." errors were received while users began updating Margin Protection (MP) policies that pointed back to a rating change made in October for the 2019 RY. Errors were returned while users updated production for stand-alone Margin Protection policies in the 2018 RY Fast Edit PR grid as well as when users updated the related links between MPCI and MP coverages in the 2019 RY. Both instances of "Sorry..." errors pointed back to a change made in the Plan Code 16 and 17 rate calculator in preparation for the 2019 RY.


PHTS: The PHTS file (P81) now includes the producer quantity within the P15 record. This is equivalent to the total production for the 10 year base period. The scope of this ticket will import YR 1-10 Producer Quantity (P81 record - fields 108-117). The import of this production should never override any claim information from the P21 record within the P81 record.