Release Notes 11.085.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.085.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||
With this ticket, the APH Database Forms have been updated to provide more information when a unit has Skip Row and QLO. A few base updates to the APH Database Forms were also done. For all years, the following updates were made to the forms indicated for all years:
135567 |
2023 RY SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 7. The Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
136598 |
APH Database Form: With this ticket, the APH Database Form has been updated to provide more information when the High Variability Adjustment applies to a unit. For all years, if the APH Override = High Variability (Override Code = 50) within the APH database, "High Var Adj" will now print in the Approved Yield Indicator field of the APH Database Form. |
136600 |
PIVR: An issue was reported where canceled coverages were printing on the Plant Inventory Value Report (PIVR). For all Crop Years, the PIVR has been updated to only print active coverages. |
137032 |
2023 RY SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 26. The Annual Forage RI Plan Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
137060 |
2023 RY SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 15. The Forage Seeding DO Plan Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
136739 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
136785 |
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Regulatory changes have been made for the LRP policy for the 2023+ RYs. Weight ranges and maximum number of head insured per endorsement and per year have been increased as called out below. With this ticket, the Add New Detail Line page for LRP has been updated to account for the updated Target Weight (CWT) values and the increased maximum number of insured validations as called out below. As a reminder, the maximum number of head validations are warnings only, so users can continue past the warnings if needed (TFS #134053). FED CATTLE
130001 |
This ticket added a flag to the Plant panel to track fields that are added land. To do this, select a single field in Mapping, click Plant, and in the Plant panel that opens, select the Added Land checkbox. This can also be done when multiple fields are selected for planting. |
135751 |
RMA released a new CLU Layer-April 2022; this has been implemented in the System. |
137381 |
MBAR: Users requested the addition of the reference number on the MBAR and addition of agency template option for labels in the policy Print tab. This has been done. |
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ACRSI: Users requested the ability to import records from ACRSI in the Fast Edit CLU. This has been implemented. To do this, open the policy that has ACRSI data you want to sync from; go to the Detail Line tab, click on the ellipsis, and select Fast Edit CLU; click the option to Import from ACRSI; and on selecting import, the System will update fields with data from ACRSI and auto-match it to the correct policy, coverage, and premium line if enough information is present to determine that those values. |
136125 |
Coverages: TFS #134703 added two new fields—Prior Year Premium and Estimated Current Year Premium—to the database that will initially be used by an Agent or CIS to populate values for agencies that provide an M13 file for import to process transferring books of business. With this ticket, these two new fields have been added to the Maintain and View Coverage pages for all 2022+ MPCI (all crops/plans) and WFRP policies. Livestock is NOT included at this time. These fields are open to Agent or AIP users without any coverage lockout restrictions or permissions for use. Input value is a dollar ($) amount from 0.00 to a max of 99,999,999.
132907 |
Fast Edit AR: An issue was found where, when a user was adding a new APH without actual yields via the APH Drawer of Fast Edit AR, a "Sorry..." error was received upon save. A System fix was implemented so that users will no longer receive a "Sorry..." error upon save when adding a new APH without actual yields via the APH Drawer of the Fast Edit AR page. |
136597 |
Fast Edit AR: During internal testing, a display issue was found with the Manage Unit Structure and Validate buttons on the Fast Edit AR page. The System has been updated to fix the display issue with these buttons on the Fast Edit AR page. |
137041 |
Flue-Cured Tobacco: For the 2022 RY+, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has implemented a new mechanism for the calculation of the Weighted Average Price (WAP) for Flue-Cured Tobacco (0229). The Contract Price can be substituted for the Maximum Over Established Price for Organic Producers under the Contract Pricing Addendum (CPA). The New Weighted Average Price Calculation if "CP" is on at least one Coverage and Practice, "Organic-Certified" (723) or "Organic-Transitional" (724): (Contract Price * Contract %) + (Established Price * Non-Contract %) = WAP (Round to 4 decimals). NOTE: This calculation can only handle situations were 1 unique Contract Price is present for the Type/Organic Practice. If more than 1 unique Contract Price exists, the System will not calculate the WAP and instead use the Established Price. In this scenario, AIPs are expected to utilize the "WAP Override" field in the Maintain Contract page to calculate the WAP manually. |
136736 |
PRH: For PRH Strawberries, the Price Election Amount for CAT is determined by multiplying the Approved PPP by the CAT Price Election Percent of 55% and then rounding to 4 decimal places. The rounding of this price was not always being applied correctly and resulted in P11-7188 PASS errors for a handful of policies in 2022 because the incorrect prices were throwing off our Liability calculations. The CAT Price Election Amount rounding was adjusted to properly round to 4 decimal places for PRH Plans 21, 22, and 23. NOTE: 2022 PRH Premium Lines receiving P11-7188 PASS errors will need to be recalculated to apply the correct price after the 11.085 release. |
137054 |
Perennials: An issue was reported where an Approved Yield was being removed if the Maintain APH page or DY Written Agreement were resaved. This was happening after a user keyed an APH Override for an Approved RO Determined Yield on the Maintain APH page resulting in the Approved yield calculating correctly upon initial save. The System was updated so that now, when a user keys an APH Override for an Approved RO Determined Yield, the values keyed will remain in the database and no longer be removed upon a resave of the Maintain Coverage or DY Written Agreement records pages. |
137304 |