Release Notes 10.035

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 10.035.0.


NOTE: This video was updated with the 11.010.0 release. The version here is the updated one.

System Updates



Policy Estimates: With this ticket, Policy Estimates have been updated with several changes to Enterprise Units that have been introduced by RMA. The Estimator previously accounted for Enterprise Units (EU) and Enterprise Units by Practice (EP). RMA has since provided additional types of Enterprise Units: by Irrigation Practice (EI replaces EP), by Cropping Practice (EC), and by Type (ET). These (EI/EP and EC) will now be considered "Options" (see TFS #115488). The Estimator will continue to display these on the Unit button bar, but several changes were made to accommodate this.

NOTE: EC is only currently available on Soybeans and Grain Sorghum. ET is only currently available on Wheat, Dry Beans, and Dry Peas. EI is available on many crops based on ADM availability. For now, it is possible that EI would be available in the same scenario as EC and ET. However, EC and ET will not currently be available in the same scenario.


Forms & Reports


MPCI Commission Report: An issue was found where Grower Name and Commission % were not being included on the Export versions of the MPCI Agency Commission Report (Reports > MPCI Reporting > MPCI Agency Commission Report). This issue has been resolved.


Batch Printing: For consistency across the System, the "Processing Season" field label on the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing) has been updated to "Reporting Season" to match how the same label displays on the Print tab of MPCI policies (implemented with TFS #126900).


SPOIs: Dry Peas YP SPOIs for ID and WA were updated and made available from RMA on June 25. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


SPOIs: Alfalfa Seed APH SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on June 16. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented in the System.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Each RY, the System's default year is updated to reflect the current Reinsurance Year. This affects the internal processing pages (e.g., Add New Policy, Add New Coverage) in addition to pages like the Internal Transfer Wizard RY dropdown. This ticket changed the default year from 2021 to 2022 in advance of the 9/30 SCD.




Suspensions: The following tickets implemented a new tool on the Utilities tab of Livestock policies to allow users to establish Transfer of Rights to Indemnities on Livestock policies: TFS #119044-DRP, TFS #122046-LRP, and TFS #122045-LGM. With this ticket, a new Mark Complete suspension for Livestock policies has been added to the System to trigger if a TOR SBI has been added but no AIP Approval Date has been entered for the TOR SBI. This suspension will apply to all three Livestock plans for the 2021+ RYs.

NOTE: The AIP Approval Date is keyed on the SBI page once the TOR Entity Type has been elected. In order to get the option to add a TOR in the Utilities tab of livestock policies, there must be at least one approved premium line and an SBI TOR with an Approval Date. If either of these two conditions is not met, the link on the Utilities tab will not display."




Users reported that when using the Sync to AR feature to update Planted CLU data from mapping, RLU IDs were not getting updated if one existed in mapping. This has been fixed.


Users requested that when importing fields from a file (Tools > Import Fields) that they be allowed to select the ZIP file instead of the 4 individual/separate files. This has been made possible.


The Mapping module has been updated to use OpenLayers Version 6.6.1.




Coverage: A new Fast Edit Coverage page was added to the System for easier policy entry and updating. See the video at the top of this page for more details.


Print tab: Previously, when a user entered the individual policy Print tab, ALL crops are defaulted to print, with the ability to add or remove crops as needed. In addition, ALL forms are listed alphabetically, with the ability to print multiple forms under the Select Forms to Print grid. This made printing a struggle for the user as they had to scroll through all forms to find the appropriate form(s) they wished to print. With this ticket, users can now filter the forms by the applicable Processing Season. The System will default to display all forms upon initial entry of the page but user will be able to choose different processing seasons as desired.


Enterprise Units: Beginning in the 2022 Reinsurance Year (RY), the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has introduced a new variation of enterprise units. Enterprise Units by Type (ET) will be available on Wheat (0011), Dry Beans (0047) and Dry Peas (0067) commodities in counties where the Actuarials allow. Enterprise Units by Type will allow growers to elect Enterprise Units on one type or multiple different types before the applicable commodity’s Sales Closing Date (SCD). While Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice (EI) (Irrigated & Non-Irrigated) and Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC) (FAC & NFAC) are more narrowly focused with 3 different choices a piece (either Practice or Both elected) – Enterprise Units by Type counties will have several potential elections, especially for Dry Beans and Dry Peas.

This ticket implemented new Suspensions, Information Messages, and a Coverage messages to support Enterprise Units by Type (ET). Suspensions and Information Messages can be found within the Processing Status hyperlink on the View MPCI policy page. The following were implemented:


1. When ET is elected on more than one type on the coverage and the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines at least one of the elected types does NOT qualify for ET, but the coverage as a whole qualifies for EU the following Suspension will trigger:
“System validation indicates coverage does not qualify for ET as elected on the coverage, but does for EU. ET has been removed and EU has been applied. Coverage may qualify for ET on one or more types with BU/OU on the other type(s). Underwriter review required.”
2. When ET is elected on more than one type on the coverage and the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines at least one of the elected types does NOT qualify for ET —AND— the coverage as a whole does NOT qualify for EU the following Suspension will trigger:
“System validation indicates coverage does not qualify for ET as elected on the coverage or EU unit structure. ET has been removed and BU/OU applied. Coverage may qualify for ET on one or more types with BU/OU on the other type(s). Underwriter review required.”
3. When ET is elected on a single type on the coverage and the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines that type does not qualify for ET the following Suspension will trigger:
“System validation indicates coverage does not qualify for ET as elected on the coverage. ET has been removed and BU/OU applied. Underwriter review required.”
4. When ET is elected on a single type or multiple types on the coverage and the Mark Complete EU Validation logic determines that the county is partially surveyed, the following Suspension will trigger:
“The coverage state and county are in a partially surveyed area. Underwriter review required to validate Enterprise Unit (EU, EI, EC, or ET) qualification for the current year.”

Informational Messages:

1. When ET is elected on the coverage and when ET is elected on one or more types , if the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines the coverage qualified for ET for all types elected on the coverage, the following Information Message was implemented:
“ET unit structure was applied to all detail lines reflecting a type where ET was elected.”
2. When ET is elected on the coverage and when ET is elected on more than one type, if the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines at least one type did NOT qualify for ET, but the coverage as a whole DID qualify for EU, the following Information Message was implemented:
“Coverage does not qualify for ET as elected on the coverage, but does qualify for EU. EU unit structure was applied to all detail lines.”
3. When ET is elected on the coverage and when ET is elected on more than one type, if the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines at least one type did NOT qualify for ET, and the coverage as a whole did NOT qualify for EU, the following Information Message was implemented:
“Coverage does not qualify for ET as elected on the coverage or EU unit structure. ET unit structure was removed from all detail lines.”
4. When ET is elected on the coverage on a single type only, if the Mark Complete EU Validation Logic determines that type did NOT qualify for ET, the following Information Message was implemented:
“Coverage does not qualify for ET as elected on the coverage. ET unit structure was removed from all detail lines.”

Coverage UI Message:

1. Upon Mark Complete, the EU Validation Logic will determine if ET does not qualify for at least one type for the current year. Implement the following coverage UI message next to the Unit Option Code on the Maintain & View Coverage screens:
“(Note: Does not qualify for ET on at least one selected Type for the current year)”