Release Notes 6.025.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.025.0.
System Updates
The Online Help Site has been updated with changes and additions for the updated Margin Protection functionality. |
77290 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PRF: The Percent of Value on PRF detail lines has been updated within the roll code to roll to the new RY at the AIP's request. |
58027 |
PRF: Per the PRF handbook, intervals must be calculated by percent. Previously, PRF detail lines included options to calculate intervals by percent or acres. With this ticket, the option to calculate intervals by acres was removed. In addition, the Acres column was removed from the intervals grid on the Maintain Detail Line page for PRF detail lines as well as from the grid on the Detail Lines tab. |
61575 |
Perennials Roll: Enhancements have been made to the roll of Perennial Category C (Plans 47 and 90) and Category D (Plans 40, 41, and 50) crops for the 2018+ RYs. An AIP Preference, "Perennial CLU/RLU Roll", has been added to the Roll Over Preference table. If selected, any CLU/RLU (Planted Fields) Land ID records that exist for the current RY will roll for the subsequent RY. If the AIP Preference, "Perennial CLU/RLU Roll", is selected, the System will roll CLU/RLU records for Perennial crops. Fields to roll will include: CLU ID, RLU Flag (database table only, will not display in the UI), RLU ID, CLU/RLU Acres, Reported Acres, and Plant Date. |
38106 |
Coverage: AIPs have been receiving applications for fall coverages for growers that previously had spring-only policies. Previously, when a fall application was received, users had to either add the fall coverage to a new policy/policy number or roll the spring policy prior to ADMs being released, which caused many issues on the policy. Given this, AIPs requested the ability to add a new fall coverage to the same policy number as an existing spring-only policy that has not yet rolled to the current Reinsurance Year (RY) without being required to roll the spring coverages early. With this ticket, functionality was added to allow users to select a prior-year spring policy/policy number that has not yet rolled to the current RY on which to create a new fall coverage. To do this, users will select to add a new policy for the grower as if they are creating a brand new policy. Then, on the Add New Policy page, once the State/County/Crop have been entered, the System will run a check for prior-year policies for the grower that have not rolled in the same state as the state selected on the Add New Policy page. If one or more policies are found, a dropdown will display from which the user can select the applicable policy. The user will also have the option to create a brand new policy under a new policy number. On save of the Add New Policy page, if a prior-year policy is selected, the System will roll the policy (without the spring coverages) to the new RY and attach the newly-created fall coverage to the policy rather than create a new policy. Once spring ADMs are available, the spring coverages will roll and attach to the policy. Additional Information:
74278 |
APH: Performance optimization opportunities were identified when Added Land is applied to a Master Yield crop. For the spring 2017 processing season, the Fast Edit AR grid supported the addition of Added Land lines within the grid but the user was still required to navigate to the legacy detail line to create an APH. If a Master Yield had been applied to the coverage, the creation of the new APH caused the System to launch all calculations and validations required when the Master Yield was initially created. When an APH is created at acreage reporting for Added Land, it isn't necessary for the System to perform all of the calculations that it was—an Added Land APH would come in without any history and would just be required to be assigned the approved Master Yield as the Approved Yield. The optimization change made eliminated all of the back-end calculation allowing the APH to be created and saved much quicker than previously. |
75066 |
Perennials: Updates have been made to the existing PAW for the 2018+ RYs for Plans 41, 47, 50, and 90 Perennials based on the changes published in the 2018 CIH and DSSH. There will be two versions of the PAW: a base/standard PAW that will be applicable to Category C (Plans 47 and 90) and Category D (Plan 41) Pecan Perennials and a Category D (Plan 50) Florida Citrus PAW. Small differences for the base/standard PAW will be specified for each applicable crop. Also for the 2018+ RYs, an enhancement has been made to the PAW for Category C and D Perennials (Plans 41, 47, 50, and 90) and to Category D Perennial Trees (Plans 40 & 50) to allow access to the Land ID popup via the PAW for CLU/RLU reporting. |
71713 |
Land IDs: For the 2018+ RYs, these enhancements were made to the Land ID popup for Perennial Crops, including Category C (Plans 90 and 47) and Category D (Plan 41):
75565 |