Release Notes 17.085.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 17.085.0.

System Updates



An issue was reported on the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Quick Estimate page for Cattle. As part of the 2025+ RYs regulatory changes from RMA, LGM was updated in the System to include new user-input fields for Target Live Cattle Weight (Cwt/Head), Target Feeder Cattle Weight (Cwt/Head), and Target Corn Weight (Bu/Head). With these new input fields, the Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing grids were updated to include additional values from the ADMs that were used in premium calculations.

With DO #209728, for the 2025+ RYs, the Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing grids in the Target Marketing Information section of the Create Quick LGM Estimate page when Cattle is selected as the Commodity, two new rows with read-only values were added—“Expected Live Cattle Price” and “Expected Feeder Cattle Price”—and the “Expected Gross Margin($)” label was updated to “Expected Corn Price”. These changes were also made to the Quick LGM Estimate form printout for 2025+ LGM Cattle Quick Estimates.

During internal testing of DO #209728, an issue was found where when both Types (Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing) were selected, upon Calculate, the values in the Premium Information LGM section of the estimate were not calculating correctly for both of the Types. Only one was calculating correctly. It was determined this was being caused by the new Target Live Cattle Weight (Cwt/Head), Target Feeder Cattle Weight (Cwt/Head), and Target Corn Weight (Bu/Head) user-input fields that were added for the 2025+ RYs. Because only one set of these fields exist but Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing have different defaults and ranges, only one set of weight values was being used in the calculations, causing one of the Types to have incorrect calculations due to incorrect weight values.

Changes that were made:

With this ticket, for the 2025+ RYs, the LGM Cattle Quick Estimate is being updated to move the Target Live Cattle Weight (Cwt/Head), Target Feeder Cattle Weight (Cwt/Head), Target Corn Weight (Bu/Head), and Deductible ($/Head) fields from the Estimate Information section of the Create Quick LGM Estimate page to directly above each of the Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing grids in the Target Marketing Information section of the page. This will allow for separate weight values and deductibles to display/be keyed for each different type (Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing) so that the estimate will calculate using the correct values when both types are selected for the estimate. The Total Expected Gross Margin row at the bottom of each type grid will only take into consideration the weight values associated with that specific grid (e.g., the weight fields above the Calf Finishing Target Marketings grid will be used in calculations for the Total Expected Gross Margin row of the Calf Finishing Target Marketings grid).

NOTE: This ticket also updated the field label of the bottom row of each type grid from “Expected Gross Margin” to “Total Expected Gross Margin”.

Now, instead of the target weight fields pre-filling with default values once a Type is selected in the Estimate Information section, these fields will display and pre-fill once the Target Marketings grids display for the type(s) selected. These values can be manually changed by the user for each type grid as required.

NOTE: 2025+ LGM Cattle Quick Estimates that existed before 17.085 and had both types selected/estimated may need to be opened, reviewed/updated, and re-saved post production. This is because the target weight values were only valid for one of the types at the time it was saved, so one of the types may need new target weight values keyed.

NOTE: Similar functionality will be implemented on the LGM Swine Quick Estimate with DO #212643, ensuring that when multiple types are selected together, a deductible field displays with/for each of the type grids so separate values can be keyed if desired. Additionally, with DO #212808, the LGM Dairy Cattle Quick Estimate is being updated to move the Deductible field into the Target Marketings Information section of the page to be consistent with LGM Cattle and Swine. The LGM Quick Estimate form/printout updates for the changes made with all three LGM types will be handled with DO #212809.


When making changes to the LGM Quick Estimate for Cattle with DO #209728, a need for separate target weight fields and deductible fields for each type (Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing) was determined. The work for adding these fields, updating calculations in the target marketing grids, and updating create detail line functionality on the Create Quick LGM Estimate page was being completed and implemented with DO #211834. Because LGM Swine had multiple types as well, the LGM Quick Estimate also needed to be updated for LGM Swine.

Changes that were made:

With this ticket, for the 2025+ RYs, the LGM Swine Quick Estimate was being updated to move the Deductible ($/Head) field from the Estimate Information section of the Create Quick LGM Estimate page to a new shaded area below each type header (Farrow to Finish, Finishing, Sew Pig Finishing) but above the target marketings grid for each type in the Target Marketing Information section of the page. This allowed for separate deductibles to display/be keyed for each different type so that different deductibles were entered for each type, if desired.

NOTE: Similar functionality was implemented on the LGM Cattle Quick Estimate with DO #211834, ensuring that when multiple types were selected together, a deductible field as well as target weight fields displayed with/for each of the type grid so separate values could be keyed if desired. Additionally, with DO #212808, the LGM Dairy Cattle Quick Estimate was being updated to move the Deductible field into the Target Marketings Information section of the page to be consistent with LGM Cattle and Swine. The LGM Quick Estimate form/printout updates for the changes made with all three LGM types were handled with DO #212809.


When making changes to the LGM Quick Estimate for Cattle with DO #209728, a need for separate target weight fields and deductible fields for each type (Calf Finishing and Yearling Finishing) was determined. The work for adding these fields, updating calculations in the target marketing grids, and updating create detail line functionality on the Create Quick LGM Estimate page is being completed and implemented with DO #211834. Because of these changes, an update needs to be made to LGM Dairy Cattle Quick Estimates so that the placement of the Deductible field is consistent across Cattle, Swine, and Dairy Cattle.

Changes that were made:

With this ticket, for the 2025+ RYs, the LGM Dairy Cattle Quick Estimate was updated to move the Deductible ($/CWT) field from the Estimate Information section of the Create Quick LGM Estimate page to a new shaded area below the Target Marketings header but above the target marketings grid in the Target Marketing Information section of the page. Additionally, the Tons of Corn (per CWT) and Tons of Soybeans (per CWT) fields were moved to this new shaded area. This was to make this area consistent across all the LGM commodities.

NOTE: This ticket also updated the field label of the bottom row of each type grid from “Expected Gross Margin” to “Total Expected Gross Margin”.

NOTE: Similar functionality was implemented on the LGM Cattle and Swine Quick Estimates with DO #211834 and DO #212643, ensuring that when multiple types were selected together, a deductible field as well as target weight fields (Cattle only) displayed with/for each of the type grid so separate values could be keyed if desired. The LGM Quick Estimate form/printout updated for the changes made with all three LGM types would be handled with DO #212809.


Updates were made to the LGM Quick Estimate UI in the System to add separate target weight fields for Cattle types, add separate deductible fields for Swine and Cattle types, and move the deductible field from the header to the Target Marketings Information section for Dairy Cattle. Because of these changes, the LGM Quick Estimate form/printout needed to be updated to reflect changes made.

NOTE: Changes made to the LGM Quick Estimate UI were implemented with DO #211834 (Cattle), DO #212643 (Swine), and DO #212808 (Dairy Cattle).

Changes that were made:

With this ticket, the LGM Quick Estimate form was updated in the following ways:

When the Commodity was Cattle:

In the Estimate Information section:

The Deductible, Target Live Cattle Weight, Target Feeder Cattle Weight, and Target Corn Weight fields were removed.
Estimate Name was moved below Practice (where Deductible previously displayed).

In the Target Marketing Information section:

To the right of each type header (i.e., in the shaded row with “Calf Finishing” or “Yearling Finishing”), the following fields will display: Deductible ($/Head), Target Live Cattle Weight, Target Feeder Cattle Weight, and Target Corn Weight.
Month columns that didn't have any target marketings keyed did not display any values for the rows in that column. They are now blank.

When the Commodity was Swine:

In the Estimate Information section:

The Deductible field was removed.
Estimate Name was moved below Practice (where Deductible previously displayed).

In the Target Marketing Information section:

To the right of each type header (i.e., in the shaded row with “Farrow to Finish”, “Finishing”, or “Sew Pig Finishing”), the Deductible ($/Head) field displayed.
Month columns that don’t have any target marketings keyed did not display any values for the rows in that column. They are now blank.

When the Commodity is Dairy Cattle:

In the Estimate Information section:

The Deductible field was removed.
Estimate Name was moved below Practice (where Deductible previously displayed).

In the Target Marketing Information section:

To the right of the type header (i.e., in the shaded row with “No Type Specified”), the Deductible ($/CWT) field displayed.
Month columns that don’t have any target marketings/hundred weight of milk keyed did not display any values for the rows in that column. They are now blank.

NOTE: Changes made to the LGM Quick Estimate UI were implemented with DO #211834 (Cattle), DO #212643 (Swine), and DO #212808 (Dairy Cattle).


Forms & Reports


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Dry Peas Revenue Endorsement Provisions. Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Dry Peas Revenue Endorsement Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Sunflower Seed Crop Provisions. Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Sunflower Seed Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Course Grains Crop Provisions. Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Course Grains Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Processing Beans Crop Provisions. Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Processing Beans Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Processing Pumpkin Crop Provisions. Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Processing Pumpkin Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Sesame Provisions.

Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Sesame Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Processing Sweet Corn Provisions. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Processing Sweet Corn Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


RMA released the 2025 and succeeding years Dry Beans Provisions.

Provisions printed with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Dry Bean Crop Provision was implemented that was effective for the 2025 crop year.


This ticket was to implement some updates to the Apiculture (API) and Pasture, Rangeland Forage (PRF) format of the Schedule of Insurance (SOI), it was reported to MCT the LLT was not printing on that format.

There were 8 different formats of the SOI, #1 was updated.

1. API / PRF
2. Annual Forage
3. Nursery (FG&C & NVS)
4. Fruit & Trees
6. all other MPCI crops
7. SOI as an Acreage Report: may not have been turned on for all AIPs per their request.
8. SOI/Production Report: may not have been turned on for all AIPs per their request.

Changes that were made:

Updated for the API / PRF SOI format.

1. LLT info was updated to display on the units when applicable.

Also updated...

2. Version date was updated to "02-2025".
3. Page 1 Insured Info label changed from "Insured's Name, Mailing and/or Street Address and Other Contact Information" to "Insured's Name, Street and/or Mailing Address and Other Contact Information", "Street" and "Mailing" were switched.


This ticket was to implement the form on the new platform plus a few base form standards.

Changes that were made:

Applicable for all crop years and Print menus.

1. Page 1 Insured Info label was updated from "Applicant's Name, Mailing and/or Street Address and Other Contact Information" to "Applicant's Name, Street and/or Mailing Address and Other Contact Information"; "Street" and "Mailing" were switched.
2. Statement labels were left justified.
3. The Privacy Act label was combined to one line from two lines. "Collection of Information and Data (Privacy Act) Statement - Agents, Loss Adjusters and Policyholders" instead of "Collection of Information and Data (Privacy Act) Statement Agents, Loss Adjusters and Policyholders".
4. Version date was updated to "01-2025".
5. The form was converted to the new form platform.


The Shellfish Pilot Crop Insurance Program was an APH PC (plan 91) Plan of Insurance. These updates to the Policy Declaration Page were to support Shellfish.

Changes that were made:

1. If the policy had only a Shellfish coverage on it, then the ARD label was "Commodity Reporting Date". If the policy had Shellfish and non-Shellfish coverages then the label was "Acreage / Commodity Reporting Date".
2. The Commodity Reporting Date was pulled from the ADM when the coverage was Shellfish to print in the ARD field.


This ticket was to update the Perennial Combo Form to not display the system generated FIP child line on the PR/AR page(s), this was found during 17.075.1 Hotfix Release.

Changes that were made:

Updated for all years.

The system generated FIP child lines were not displaying on the PR/AR page(s).


This ticket is to update the Perennial Combo Form's Share in the ARH format to improve user experience.

Changes that were made:

Updated for all years.

1. Share was added into the AR Section in the ARH/AR format.
2. Revision date was updated to "02-2025".


MCT received a request to include the Approved Yield on the Summary Units when it was printing for the linked non-Summary Units.

Changes that were made:

Updated for all years.

Printed the Approved Yield for the Summary Units (0000-0000) for Master Yield (MY) and PTY, if it was printing for the non-Summary Units linked to it.




An issue was reported where information was missing from the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line screens for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle. As part of the 2025+ RYs regulatory changes from RMA, LGM was updated in the System to include new user-input Target fields. With these new input fields, additional ADM values were missed to display that used in premium calculations.

With these new ADM values being added to the LGM Cattle screens in the system, they were also added with this ticket to the LGM Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) form to be consistent.

Since this form is being touched, MCT implemented a few base form standards as well.

Changes that were made:

Updated for the 2025+ format:

1. Page 1 Insured Info label was updated from "Insured's Name, Mailing and/or Street Address and Other Contact Information" to "Insured's Name, Street and/or Mailing Address and Other Contact Information", switched "Street" and "Mailing", for all formats.
2. Version date to "02-2025" was updated.
3. Statement labels were left justified.
4. The Privacy Act label was combined to one line from two lines. "Collection of Information and Data (Privacy Act) Statement - Agents, Loss Adjusters and Policyholders" instead of "Collection of Information and Data (Privacy Act) Statement Agents, Loss Adjusters and Policyholders".
5. The Expected Gross Margin per Head columns was removed.
6. The Deductible per Head data was updated to include a "$", the 2024 format was also updated.
7. Three new Expected fields were added to the table, each Type of Operation table was on its own page instead of two tables per page. When the form was printing pre-filled, only the table applicable to the Type of Operation on the coverage would print. These data values came from the ADMs and were used in premium calculations.

When the form was printing blank and pre-headed, print on page 1 the yearling finishing table and page 2 will have the calf finishing table.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.