Release Notes 15.055.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.055.0.


System Updates

Forms & Reports


NVR: An issue was reported on the Nursery Value Report (NVR) where all elected Plant Types for a Practice were not continuing on page 2 before another Practice printed. The form logic has been updated to finish printing the elected Plant Types for the first Practice on page 2 when applicable before printing other Practice data.


RI: This ticket implemented the 2024 Rainfall Index (RI) Common Policy for PRF (008), API (1191), and Annual Forage (0332). Additionally, the updated 2024 Provisions for Annual Forage were implemented.


Annual Forage: The Annual Forage Application has been updated in the following ways to support 2024 changes from the RMA:

The duplex print option was added to the form.
For the 2024 CY, when the form is printed with the pre-filled report style, it will print pre-headed.
Conditions of Acceptance Section - Verbiage under the Yes / No questions was updated to display in 2 paragraphs. The 2nd paragraph starts with "We will notify you..."
The Growing Seasons have been increased from 4 to 12. The Dual Use Option still only applies to Growing Season 1.
"Annual Forage (0332)" will print in the Crop field for all Growing Seasons and all report styles.
"RI (13)" will print in the Plan field for all Growing Seasons and all report styles.
For the Legend on pages printed for Growing Seasons 9-12, the following has been added: " ^^^ The maximum percent of value allowed in any one index interval is 40% except for Growing Season 09, in TX, OK, NM and Growing Seasons 10, 11, 12 for TX, OK, NM, KS & NE which is 50%."
The Print Extra App Page print option was updated to print 3 additional pages with the 12 Growing Seasons.
The amount of SBIs that print on page 1 before an extra SBI page is printed with the remaining SBIs after page 1 is filled has been increased. Previously, only 3 SBIs printed before the extra SBI page was triggered.
Additional minor formatting changes were made to the form to bring it up to base form standards.


MPCI Policy Dec Page: The MPCI policy Print tab and Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing) have been updated so that any print options that were selected when the MPCI Policy Declaration Page was selected to print remain selected even if the user deselects the MPCI Policy Declaration Page and re-selects it.


Livestock: This ticket implemented the updated 2024 Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Provisions for Cattle, Dairy Cattle, and Swine as well as the Policy and Commodity Exchange Endorsements. The changes are applicable for the 2024+ CYs.


Livestock: This ticket implemented the updated 2024 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Policy Endorsements for Fed Cattle and also updated the 2024 Policy Provisions for LRP. The changes are applicable for the 2024+ CYs.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: For the 2024+ RYs, the Add and View Detail Line pages for LRP have been updated to allow users to enter multiple detail lines for a specific Effective Date within a single grid. This new functionality closely follows the current DRP detail line functionality. The main change with the Add and View pages is the order in which the fields appear on the page. Previously, users had to select the Type and Practice before choosing an Effective Date, but now the Effective Date is the first selection users make. Once a user has successfully keyed all data for a row and has selected the Endorsement Length, a new sub-grid will display showing the available offerings for the selections made within the row for that specific detail line. The user will then be able to choose a single offering for the detail line within the sub-grid. Following this, the user can add additional detail lines for the selected Effective Date using the blank row at the bottom of the grid. After a successful save of the page, the System will create a detail line for each row within the Specific Coverage Endorsement Details section of the Add Detail Line page or update existing detail lines if changes were made and saved on the View Detail Line page.

The Detail Lines tab for LRP has also been updated to change the wording on the Add button to read "Add Effective Date". Users can click this button to add detail lines for an Effective Date that does not currently have any associated detail lines. If the user wants to add a new detail line to an Effective Date that already has an associated detail line, they can click the Line # link for that line in the grid on the Detail Lines tab to open the View Detail Line page for that Effective Date and add the new detail line using the blank row at the bottom of the Specific Coverage Endorsement Details grid.

NOTE: Existing lockout logic applies to the Add Detail Line and View Detail Line pages for LRP.




Reported by users, when a planting object crossed multiple CLUs, the System was no longer splitting the planting by the underlying CLUs. This issue has been resolved.


Users requested updates to the Sync to AR logic from Mapping to allow a sync for premium lines that are not yet directly related to a claim.




Annual Forage: For the 2024 and succeeding Reinsurance Years, RMA has updated the Annual Forage policy. These following revisions are applicable for the 2024 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs):

Modified the number of growing seasons in a CY to 12;
Revised the acreage reporting dates and planting dates for new growing seasons;
Expanded the "50% rule" to all counties in Kansas and Nebraska to allow a producer to have coverage in one of the last growing seasons and also be able to have coverage in one of the first growing seasons of the next CY;
Allowed producers to insure less than 100% of insurable acres;
Revised the Dual Use Option availability for new growing seasons; and
Incorporated FAD-301 into the Rainfall Index Basic Provisions.

To accommodate the scope of these changes, the System's user interface updates are being rolled out in phases, with the initial focus being on the adding/maintaining of policies and coverages followed by detail line support and then other functionality in the 2025 Reinsurance Year.

Rolled Coverages & Coverage Restrictions

A big change being introduced in the System to support these updates is that Annual Forage policies must be on their own policy now. The System will no longer allow AF and non-AF crops to be on the same policy. If an Annual Forage policy was on a 2023 policy with non-Annual Forage crops, that policy was rolled intact, but the Annual Forage policy must be canceled and re-keyed on its own policy. Also, any Annual Forage coverages that existed in the prior year (2023) on an Annual Forage-only policy have been rolled with Growing Season 1 only as it's expected that new applications will need to be obtained and existing coverages adjusted to factor in the new growing seasons and index intervals. Other growing seasons will need to be re-keyed as new coverages on the policy.

Coverage Functionality

This ticket introduces the initial coverage changes, focusing on the Maintain Coverage page, which is accessed from the Coverages tab of an existing policy. To help users more easily key Annual Forage coverage, all index intervals for a growing season are now keyed from within the growing season's coverage record. The fields on this page are available for editing if prior to the user’s lockout date. The Growing Season the user entered the coverage from displays as read-only and the user can make Coverage Level and Productivity Factor updates as well as elect the Dual Use option (if in Growing Seasons 1-4).

In the Index Interval grid, all available intervals for the selected State/County/Crop/Growing Season are displayed, including both buy-up and CAT intervals. To select an interval, select the corresponding checkbox, key the percent of value the insured wants to assign to the interval, and then choose either "New" or a transfer status from the Coverage Status dropdown down. Make 2-3 index interval selections to satisfy insurance requirements (remember, interval months cannot overlap) or if choosing CAT, the 1 available CAT interval. Make additional Annual Forage coverage selections and click save. Validations will trigger and inform you of any issues with your coverage selections.

To cancel a selected interval prior to lockout, open the Maintain Coverage page. In the Coverage Status for the interval you are canceling, choose a "Canceled" status. Redistribute intervals if needed (i.e., select a checkbox, key a percent of value, and choose "new" or "transfer in") to meet the minimum of 2 index intervals on a growing season (only 1 is offered on CAT). Click save to save changes and trigger the validations. The checkbox is removed from the canceled interval (currently, the percent of value is not cleared—this will be addressed in TFS #148755).

Reinstate a canceled coverage by selecting the canceled coverage's checkbox and choosing "Reinstate" from the Coverage Status dropdown. Redistribute intervals as need to have no more than 3. Click save. The canceled interval is active again.

NOTE: Users will no longer see the View Coverage page as the ability to edit fields within the Maintain Coverage page is restricted by lockout dates.


Annual Forage: This ticket introduced the initial coverage changes, focusing on the Add New Coverage page, which is accessed from the Coverages tab of an existing policy by clicking the Add New Coverage button. To help users more easily key Annual Forage coverage, all index intervals for a growing season are now keyed from within the growing season's coverage record. The fields on this page are available for editing if prior to the user's lockout date. The user must first select a County for the coverage, and then from the dropdown below the coverage information, which Growing Season the insured is adding to the coverage. The user can make Coverage Level and Productivity Factor updates as well as elect the Dual Use option (if in Growing Seasons 1-4).

In the Index Interval grid, all available intervals for the selected State/County/Crop/Growing Season are displayed, including both buy-up and CAT intervals. To select an interval, select the corresponding checkbox, key the percent of value the insured wants to assign to the interval, and then choose either "New" or a transfer status from the Coverage Status dropdown down. Make 2-3 index interval selections to satisfy insurance requirements (remember, interval months cannot overlap) or if choosing CAT, the 1 available CAT interval. Make additional Annual Forage coverage selections and click save. Validations will trigger and inform you of any issues with your coverage selections.

To cancel a selected interval prior to lockout, open the Maintain Coverage page. In the Coverage Status for the interval you are canceling, choose a "Canceled" status. Redistribute intervals if needed (i.e., select a checkbox, key a percent of value, and choose "new" or "transfer in") to meet the minimum of 2 index intervals on a growing season (only 1 is offered on CAT). Click save to save changes and trigger the validations. The checkbox is removed from the canceled interval (currently, the percent of value is not cleared—this will be addressed in TFS #148755).

Reinstate a canceled coverage by selecting the canceled coverage's checkbox and choosing "Reinstate" from the Coverage Status dropdown. Redistribute intervals as need to have no more than 3. Click save. The canceled interval is active again.

NOTE: Users will no longer see the View Coverage page as the ability to edit fields within the Maintain Coverage page is restricted by lockout dates.


Land ID: During testing of TFS 145011 for the Land ID popup, it was determined that the Companion Policy functionality did not exist within the Land ID popup and was read only by design. A user could click on the companion link to trigger the dropdown, but no further popup would display with Companion policy information (as exists in other areas of the System) where a user was able to break the companion link if needed. With this ticket, the Companion link has been removed from the Unit number navigation dropdown and now displays as an active link outside of the dropdown to allow users to break the Companion policy link if needed.


Land ID: During testing of TFS 146933, it was determined that the validation green/red icon next to the Sec/Twp/Rng field to identify if the legal that had been keyed for the State/County was valid or not was not accurately validating if there was no FSN/Tract but there was a Sec/Twp/Rng. A System fix has been implemented to update the validation of the legal when there is only a Sec/Twp/Rng and no FSN/Tract keyed.


Land ID: The Land ID popup has been updated so that when a valid FSN and Tract has been keyed and the Section/Township/Range field has only one available option, the System will default the Section/Township/Range dropdown with that option selected. In addition, when a user starts keying a string for the FSN and Tract, the System will filter the Section/Township/Range dropdown to only display options applicable to the FSN and Tract keyed.