Release Notes 6.020.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.020.0.

Special Note: Users who access the System via the Mozilla Firefox browser may see a display-only issue where the tab for the System appears as if it's trying to connect/load the page ("Connecting..." with a blue spinner display on the tab) even though the page is loaded and actions are able to be taken in the System. This is a display-only issue and does not affect System performance.


You can get ahead on production reporting for next year by keying spring production into the System before the Reinsurance Year rolls and the 11/30 ADMS are available using Fast Edit PR. To learn more, watch a video here:"Current Year Production Reporting ".

System Updates



The MPCI Agency Commission Report (Reporting > MPCI Reporting > MPCI Agency Commission Report) has been updated with formatting changes.


The summary has been removed from the first page of the MPCI Agency Commission Report (Reports > MPCI Reporting > MPCI Agency Commission Report). A new Summary is now reflected on the last page of the report.




A request was received to add the option to pre-print the Rainfall & Vegetation Index Application / Cancel / Transfer / Acreage Reporting Form for the next year; this was added.


Triticale: Triticale is a new crop policy available for 2018. The grower may elect to use a Contract Price if the CP option is elected on the coverage. A Contract record may only be entered for Triticale if the CP option exists on the coverage. If the CP option is not elected on the coverage and:

Triticale is the only coverage on the policy, then the "Add Contract" link will NOT display on the Utilities tab.
At least one other coverage exists on the policy that does allow a Contract record, then the "Add Contract" link will display on the Utilities tab; however, Triticale will not be listed as a valid selection in the Coverage Select List of the Add New Contract page.

The Add New and Maintain Contract pages have been updated with the following enhancements if the Coverage elected is "Triticale (0158)":

Only the Contract Type of "Production" or "Production and Acres" will be allowed.
The "Contracted Value" label will display as "Contracted Bushels".


Starting with the 2018 Crop Year, the Triticale Coverage will be available in select counties in CA, ID, KS, OK, OR, TX, and WA. This product is similar to other individual yield-based coverages available under Plan 90 (APH). A producer may choose to insure the crop at a percentage of the RMA established price election or, if they have a contract, the price stated in the contract. If multiple contracts are submitted for the same coverage (RY/Grower/State/County/Crop/Type) or if a single Crop Type includes both contracted and non-contracted acreage, a Weighted Average Price will be calculated and applied as the Contract Price for all premium line records of the same Crop Type.

Enhancements have been made to add a Weighted Average Price Worksheet and Contract Price Option functionality to the detail line. The Weighted Average Price Worksheet will generate a Weighted Average Price when the CP option has been elected on the coverage and at least one Contract record exists on the coverage. This is the value that will be used as the Contract Price on the detail line when the CP option is selected.

Triticale WAP Worksheet:

1. The Triticale WAP Worksheet will only exist if the CP option is elected on the coverage, one or more contract records exist on the coverage, and one or more detail lines exist with the CP option applied for the same Crop Type that exists on the Contract record.
2. The Triticale WAP Worksheet will be calculated by the System and can be accessed in a view-only format by the user via the "View WAP Worksheet" link on the View/Maintain Detail Line pages.
3. The Triticale WAP Worksheet will display the calculations of the Weighted Average Price for each Unique Crop Type that exists for all contracts on the coverage.
If a coverage includes one contract record with Crop Type of "Spring" and one Contract record with Crop Type of "Winter", the System will create two Triticale WAP worksheets: one for Winter Type WAP and one for Spring Type WAP.
If a coverage includes two Contract records with Crop Type of "Winter", the System will create one Triticale WAP Worksheet for Winter Type; all Spring Type detail lines will use the Published Projected Price from the ADM.
If a coverage includes a Contract record with Crop Type of "ALL", the System will create one Triticale WAP Worksheet for All Types; all detail lines with Reported Acres > 0.0 will use this Weighted Average Price.

NOTE: If a producer submits multiple contracts and one or more specifies Type and one or more does not specify Type, the user must determine the production applicable to each Type and enter the contract information accordingly.

4. Bushel Guarantee Worksheet – Fields will populate based on values from each of the Triticale detail lines for the coverage with Insurable Reported Acres greater than "0.0" of the same Crop Type with the CP option as that selected on the Contract record(s).
5. Weighted Average Price Worksheet – Fields will populate based on values from each of the contracts entered with the same Crop Type Contract Grid.

NOTE: The WAP will be recalculated each time the Insurable Reported Acre value changes on a detail line for the same Crop Type selected on the contract(s).

Contract Price Option functionality:

If "CP" is elected on the coverage and one or more contracts exist for the same Crop Type selected on the Contract record, "CP" (Contract Price) will be available for selection in the Detail Line Options dropdown. PP and Late Plant acreage are allowed if CP exists on the detail line.
Add New/Maintain Detail Line pages – If "CP" exists in the Detail Line Options field, the "Price" field will be defaulted, in read-only format, as the Weighted Avg. Price from the Triticale Weighted Average Price Worksheet, and a "View WAP Worksheet" link will display to the right of the Price.
The Price field label will be updated to "Weighted Avg. Price" upon save.
Selection of the "View WAP Worksheet" link will navigate to the Weighted Average Price Worksheet page.

NOTE: The value displayed as the Price will be saved to the Contract Price field in the database. Additionally, If the Price Election % is less than 100%, the Price displayed will be (Weighted Avg. Price x Price Election %).

Fast Edit AR page – If "CP" exists in the Detail Line Options field, the Price field will be defaulted, in read-only format, as the Weighted Avg. Price from the Triticale Weighted Average Price Worksheet. Contract Prices will not be available for selection in the Contract Info dropdown.


RMA: The RMA implemented changes in the P81 (PHTS file); as such, PHTS logic was updated.