Release Notes 15.025.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.025.0.


System Updates



A new dropdown field, Agent, has been added to the criteria options section of the Private Products Outstanding Balance Report (Reports > Private Product Reporting > Private Products Outstanding Balance Report). This dropdown will only show applicable agents based on the agencies/agents associated with a user's profile as well as other selections made in the criteria options section of the report.


Forms & Reports


PIVR: The Plant Inventory Value Report (PIVR) has been updated in the following ways for all CYs:

Logic was added to only print the Native Sod Statement for the states it is required in (Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota). For the blank and pre-headed with agency only report styles, the Statement will print as it's not known what Policy State the policy will have.
When long names are in the Signature Section, they will fit/wrap correctly, no longer printing on top of any borders.


The Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR) Application has been updated to include a new print option, "Display Unmasked Tax IDs", on the MPCI policy Print tab and the Batch Printing menu. Additionally, it has been ensured that the "Display Unmasked Tax IDs" print option displays for the Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) Application for all AIPs to be consistent. Finally, for the BFR Application only, the print menu title has been updated to include "(BFR)" to be consistent with the print menu title of the VFR Application.


DBRE: An issue was reported where the Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement (DBRE) was printing for Dry Bean coverages with an APH plan (90) when it should only be printing for Dry Bean coverages with plans YP (01), RP, (02), or RP-HPE (03). This issue has been resolved.


Potatoes: An issue was reported that the Northern Potatoes Basic Provisions were not printing for Potato coverages and should have been. This issue has been resolved.


On the Production Reporting Worksheet and Production Report / Acreage Report, it was reported that when an Insured's name had an ampersand (&) in it, the page 2+ header was not handling the ampersand correctly in the Insured's Name field. With this ticket, the page 2+ header of the Production Reporting Worksheet and the Production Report / Acreage Report forms has been updated to handle an ampersand in the Insured's Name properly.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


An issue was reported where the refresh icon was missing from the grids on the Attachments, Notes, and Transaction Log tabs of Livestock and MPCI policies. This issue has been resolved.




DRP: An issue was identified where agents were not able to create new DRP detail lines over the weekend. Agents should be able to process DRP premium lines until 9 am CST on Sunday for lines with a Friday effective date. It was determined that a change recently made with TFS #143185 in the 15.005 release in mid-January inadvertently introduced the bug. With this ticket, the DRP lockout logic has been corrected so agents will be able to process premium during the weekend as expected.




A new FSA Recon Option has been added to the Field Listing Report (Print > Field Listing Report). This list will show current FSA Details for the Grower Fields and the underlying CLU and will indicate if the Grower Fields CLU_ID is still valid.


This ticket added filters to the RLU Maintenance page (Tools > RLU Maintenance) to allow users to search by RLU ID or status and then export the listing.


The Reinsurance Year in the map window was no longer displaying in Chrome; this has been corrected.


A new POI Tool (Tools > POI Tool) has been implemented which consolidates POI tools into a single location. As such, the previous tools needed to be removed; Tools > Add POI, Delete POI, and Edit/Move POI have been removed.




A new, improved Land ID popup has been implemented to provide users with better navigation, workflow, and performance. When you launch the Land ID popup from any of the usual places, you’ll notice the following differences in its appearance and functionality:

The coverage details and grid headers now remain visible when the scroll bar is present and you move down the popup to view the unit’s land IDs.
The current total unit and CLU acres are shown at the top of the popup. As CLU Acres are added, the CLU Acres sum at the top of the popup updates.
A single set of save/cancel buttons has replaced the two sets used previously.
You can now navigate between units from within this popup by using the coverage dropdown or by clicking the Back and Next buttons which will allow you to sequentially navigate between units. It’s important to note that changes made to a unit must be saved before moving to another unit.
A helpful new feature is the ability to filter land IDs by FSN, Tract, Section/Township/Range, Validation Status Message, or Place Name/Other Land ID. Key, or when appropriate, select the desired criteria in one of these new search fields, and the available matches will display.
You can still add a new land ID within this popup, but the Add feature has moved to the bottom of the popup. When the add button is clicked, a new blank line appears where you can key land ID details.
When entering the Sec/Township/Range value, you can still manually key a section/township/range when adding a land ID, but the system now also populates the dropdown with any STRs that are associated with the FSN and/or tract provided. To make the most of the space available, the High Risk and Unrated Code fields have been stacked and will automatically refresh upon save of the popup.
The validate column has been removed. The validation status is now shown to the right of the Section, Township, Range dropdown. The System will automatically validate the Farm, Tract and Section/Township/Range fields when the page is first loaded or a user tabs through the Section/Township/Range field. The validation status is then displayed as valid or invalid.
Additionally, adding CLUs and RLUs is now a seamless experience that occurs within the row they correlate with. Click the CLU or RLU hyperlink to open an inline row for adding these details.
As before, you can set the Primary land ID when multiple detail lines exist. If a primary is not set by the user, the System will default it to the 1st record in the database.
For Apiculture and PRF coverages, a Select POR button displays at the top of the popup so you can add a point of reference for the land ID. Clicking this button opens a map so you can either drop a pin as a point of reference or plug in latitude and longitude coordinates. You will have to save any PORs you add to this map. Also, with Apiculture and PRF coverages, a Map column displays to the far right so you can visually view the planted fields.
As for deleting land IDs or breaking companion links, you can still delete land IDs from a unit using the trash icon. However, companion policies can no longer be unlinked from within this popup. But, when a link exists, the link icon displays in the coverage details banner so you’re aware a link exists, and it can be broken from the detail line, APH, or Shareholder pages of the policy.


Written Agreements: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA is taking part in a project to help increase domestic food production due to potential global food shortages related to worldly matters. The USDA is expanding the options to double crop acreage in areas that don't usually offer this coverage. These changes would allow for the "Following a Crop (FAC)" practice in areas where the FAC practice is not normally an allowable practice per the ADMs on Grain Sorghum and Soybeans crops.

Producers will be able to obtain a "BL - Blanket Offer" Written Agreement to insure the FAC practice by a standardized Written Agreement offer by RMA. A producer will not have to go through the full underwriting process in order to insure their FAC crop practice by submitting the request with an Actuarial Change Request Form through their agent and AIP.

The Blanket Agreements will be available in Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas. Blanket Written Agreement Numbers will be available per State/County/Crop, and a producer can obtain the BL Offer by submitting their Actuarial Change Form for Grain Sorghum and Soybeans to their agent by the Sales Closing Date (SCD). RMA has released the Blanket Offer Written Agreement Numbers through the RO Bulletins for the applicable areas (e.g., OKC, Springfield, and Topeka). These Written Agreements numbers will be pulled into an internal table that will be queried by the System in order to obtain the applicable BL Written Agreement for the State/County/Crop that will be populated in the Written Agreement Number field within the Maintain Written Agreement page.

With this ticket, the System has been updated to implement the support needed in order to process Written Agreements with the Request Type of "BL - Blanket Offer" within the Add New and Maintain Written Agreement pages when the Request Process = "AC - Actuarial Change".


Perennials: An issue was reported for Pomegranates and the guarantee calculation. RMA has elected to repurpose the yield conversion factor on the P11 record for the transmission of the historical pack out percentage. At this time, there is nothing that indicates the factor applies to the reduction of the production guarantee. As a result, the Plan 90 premium calculations needed to be updated to exclude Pomegranates (0467) from the calculation that would normally be performed for Yield Conversion Factors. With this ticket, the System has been updated for Plan Code 90 Premium Calculation to not use the yield conversion factor for Pomegranates (0467) within the premium calculations.