Release Notes 16.050.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 16.050.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Hemp Crop Provisions were released by RMA for 2024 and succeeding years. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

Hemp Crop Provision was implemented and effective for the 2024 crop year.


RMA released an updated Sugar Beets provisions for the 2024 and succeeding crop years (CY). Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form was selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page was available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.

Changes that were made:

The Sugar Beets Crop Provisions were updated and will be effective for the 2024 crop year.


This ticket fixed the Production Reporting Worksheet fail issues when the form was printed in Batch Print.

Changes that were made:

Changes for all years.

The Production Reporting Worksheet was updated to not fail when the form is printed in Batch Print and there are coverages on the policy that do not report production or production has not been added to the coverage yet.




The PAW formats were updated to be in sync with handbooks and some items found were cleaned up.

Changes that were made:

FL Tree no longer prints PAW questions, they were not required for this PAW format.
The Hawaii Tropical Fruit (HTF) PAW format had the identical data items on it as the main PAW format, it just listed them in a different way. HTF was moved to the main PAW format so there is one less PAW format to support.
The version date was updated to "02-2024" when printed for HTF.
Grapevine PAW added the “s” in question #1 at the end of "bog" that was added by the 2024 DSSH.

Remarks field:

CA Tree PAW - The Remarks were moved to print after PAW questions and connected to the questions.
Grapevine PAW - The Remarks field were connected to the PAW questions to be consistent with the main PAW.
The version date was updated for the CA Tree and Grapevine PAW formats to "02-2024".
Sort Order – PAW sort order did not match the rest of the pages on the DO/TDO and Perennial Combo forms. The PAW sort order was updated to match the pages.

Changes apply for 2023+ CY for Pecan Tree PAW format:

Stage III description was updated from "> 15.01" to "> 15.00".
The revision date was updated to "02-2024" for Pecan Tree PAW format.


RMA introduced a new shellfish pilot program for the 2024 RY. The pilot program includes select counties in AL, CA, FL, ME, MD, MA, MS, NY, NC, RI, SC, and VA. A new plan code has been implemented for this pilot. Plan 91 - APH-PC has been established. Oyster Crop code = 0115.

Changes that were made:

Shellfish Land ID requirements were different from other 'standard' Plan 90 crops. A conditional modal grid was compiled when the Land ID modal was launched. Rather that a FSN/Tract/Legal Description format, the Shellfish program requires submission of a Land Identifier (Lease/ Parcel/Permit/License #) as well as the latitude and longitude associated with the container containing the oysters. The latitude and longitude values must be formatted as DDDXMMddd where 'DDD' equaled the degrees, 'X' equaled the Direction, 'MM' equaled the Minutes and 'ddd' equaled the decimal minute rounded to 3 positions. Consult the M13 manual for additional rules regarding the formatting of these values.
The Other Land ID (Lease/Parcel/Permit/License #) was also a required value when the reported Land Type Code = A Aquaculture (ICE D00061). This field allowed alpha numeric entries and was limited to a DB field length = 18 in accordance with RMA's M13 format.
All other functionality within the conditional Land ID modal will function consistently with the standard Land ID modal features.
The transmission changed to implement P27 record changes is covered under TFS 154999 and were to be addressed in a separate release. The creation and successful transmission of the P27 record for Shellfish should be considered out of scope of this ticket's changes. Printed forms for mapped Land ID data were also covered in separate tickets and releases and were also outside of the scope of these changes for UAT testing considerations.


SYPR: "Correct Original Sign Date" Checkbox & Logic was added to Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance for SYPR Mode.

Changes that were made:

With this ticket, the Correct Original Sign Date checkbox (currently available on the legacy Signature Maintenance page) and logic for the checkbox were added to the Fast Edit PR SYPR Signature Maintenance popup so that users can correct original sign dates when those dates precede the previously-entered values from within the popup.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Private Products


An additional optional filter was added to Policy Register Policy Form.

Changes that were made:

On the Private Product Policy Register report, the user had an additional optional filter for Policy Form to select from. This allowed the user to select a product type, and then narrow down their selection of that product type to the policy form(s) written for the product.


Policy Register - Policy form code long name was added in the Policy Forms multi-select drop down and other updates were made.

Changes that were made:

Form names list showed the long name in the drop down list.
Forms list was refreshed and only shows forms for the products selected.
The "show results" in the grid showed just the policies for only the form(s) selected (unless more than one policy form code was listed on the policy, in this case displayed all form codes on the policy).
If you clicked on a policy number in the grid results it was not going to a new TAB. Instead it would bring the policy up on top of your policy register filters. An update was done so that if the user selected the hyperlink on a policy number in the grid, it brought up policy on a new tab and left your policy register results in tack.
When you selected to Export to Excel or Print, a new TAB will open and keep the policy register in tack.
A column was added in the grid to indicate if there was a claim on the policy. It shows a blue icon.
Availability was added in the grid to expand information for policy by detail line entry.
The state select list always showed all states even when there were no rates loaded. This was updated to only show states for the crop year that were loaded.


If you did not select a state, all policy form codes displayed in the drop down list.

There was reorganization to some of the columns that display in the grid.

Final column was updated to display "true" for standalone hail policies.


Policy Register: Enhancement Excluded Cancelled Crop Lines.

Changes that were made:

Enhancement excluded Cancelled Crop(s) when running the policy register.