Release Notes 11.040.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.040.0.
System Updates
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
This ticket modified the existing "copy" functionality on the Detail Lines UI of the Policy Estimate to apply only to selected detail lines. Previously, the copy functionality would apply to all detail lines, regardless of selection. If the user would like to have a value applied to all detail lines, it is best to use the "Select All" checkbox at the far left of the grid. |
132189 |
This ticket updated the Policy Estimate's PDF Printout when multiple practices/prices exist on a given Coverage in the following ways:
132203 |
The existing "copy" functionality on the Detail Lines UI of the Policy Estimate was updated to apply only to selected detail lines with TFS #132189. With this ticket, the warning message that displayed if the copy down arrow populated the associated field was removed. |
134023 |
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/30 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Nov 29. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
132712 |
8/31 and 11/30 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Nov 29. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
132655 |
PAW: For the Florida (FL) Tree Grove Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW), it was reported that the Stage # printing in the Stage-Block Number field was printing the Tree Stage line that the data was printing on instead of what was in the database for Tree Stage. While correcting this issue, a few other changes were included with this ticket. The changes to the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) will also apply to the PAW inside of the new Application / Acreage Report / PAW Combo Form. Apple Trees will also be added to the new Application / Acreage Report / PAW Combo Form. FL Tree PAW Format Updates:
HTT PAW Format Updates:
New DO and TDO Combo Form Updates:
FL Fruit PAW Format Updates:
126729 |
MY Comparison Worksheet: A request was received to enhance the Master Yield (MY) Comparison Worksheet to allow quoting with and without Master Yields for new or transferred policies. TFS #128596 is implementing the quoting enhancements to the MY functionality in the System. This ticket cleaned up a few related issues:
125897 |
The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) updated the Stacked Income Protection Plan Cotton Crop Provisions. The changes are applicable for the 2022 Crop Year and have been implemented in the System. |
132618 |
RMA released Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) Crop Provisions for the 2022+ Crop Years (CYs). The ARPI Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2022 CY have been implemented. |
132690 |
RMA released Cucumber Crop Provisions for the 2022+ Crop Years (CYs). The Cucumber Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2022 CY have been implemented. |
132665 |
The Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for Mac Trees has been updated in the following ways for all years:
132966 |
The PTY Comparison worksheet has been updated with the same enhancements that were implemented with the new MY Comparison Worksheet, creating consistency across the two worksheets to help users. These changes include:
124977 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
133185 |
Recent History: An enhancement request was made by an AIP to add the grower's name next to the RY/Policy Number in the Recent History Display for the System. The Recent History Display is a window that is located in the header of the System with the clock icon. The Recent History Display shows which type of policy (MPCI, Hail, etc.) as well as the RY-State-Policy Number in order of most recently-accessed first. There is also "favorite" and "delete" functionality within the window. Grower Name was added to the Recent History Display window for MPCI, Claims, and Crop Hail policies. The Grower Name will be located directly to the right of the policy number, with a display maximum of 25 characters for the Grower name. The size of the Recent History Display window was increased horizontally. |
126981 |
Grower Wizard: With this ticket, changes were implemented to now incorporate the Livestock Lockout logic in the Grower Wizard functionality that was introduced for the Prospective Grower and SBI logic in TFS #130895. Livestock Lockout logic was added to the Edit Grower page and Grower Wizard to prevent users that don't have the Grower Maintenance Admin permission from editing eligibility information if the policy is past lockout as well as from transferring any policies that are past lockout to a new grower if the Grower Wizard determined a new grower needs to be created. For Livestock, the logic finds any approved coverages on the policy, and if any of them has any approved premium lines, determines that it is past lockout for the purposes of the grower edit and Grower Wizard. |
132273 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
A new updated 2020 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module. |
133403 |
Layers: This ticket moved the parcel layer from the massive database layer to a vector/on demand layer. Functionally, turning on the layer will display the parcels in view, but if the layer is active, the user will be able to select a parcel to copy to the parcel database for display and storage for just those parcels needed for the AIP. To use the Parcel Vector Layer:
132572 |
PRF: Users reported that when a coverage was cancelled or a unit group was deleted from the server, the Mapping - PRF Wizard would freeze and not load properly. This has been corrected. |
132568 |
Plan 50: Over the last few months, the display of MPCI premium lines has been converted to a detail Line popup. Initially, this functionality was deployed to most of the standard premium line views (Plans 01, 02, 03, 90, etc.). This ticket circled back to implement this functionality on the remaining plan codes. With this ticket, the Detail Line popup has been implemented for Plan 50 crops with the exception of Nursery, Plans 04, 05, and 06. |
125539, 125540 |
Fast Edit Coverage: A display issue was found within the Fast Edit Coverage page that was causing confusion when the Save button was selected more than once before navigating away from the page. If Warnings or Errors were received upon the first save, the "Errors" view with the appropriate error/warning messages were displayed as expected. However, if the Save button was selected a 2nd time, the error/warning messages continued to display, but the page reverted to the standard view (i.e., "All") and a message indicating all coverages passed validation appeared. An adjustment to the Fast Edit Coverage "Save" process flow was necessary to prevent the page from reverting back to the standard (i.e., "All") view and displaying the conflicting message that all errors passed validation even if error/warning messages were displaying. The "modified" indicator will no longer be removed after clicking the Save button and remaining on the Fast Edit Coverage page. Instead, the modified indicator will be removed any time the page is refreshed. The existence of the "modified" indicator during the "Save" process will prevent the page from changing to the standard (i.e., "All") view when errors and/or warnings exist. |
132612 |
Fast Edit Coverage: An issue was found internally on the Fast Edit Coverage page where a user was unable to update a coverage from CAT to buy up and add ECO, as the ECO Area Loss Trigger dropdown was not populating values as expected. This has been corrected. |
132062 |
Perennials: An issue was reported where the System was triggering the Perennial policy APH Override = High Variability and shouldn't have been, as the policy did not qualify for High Variability due to an exception within the Davis RO UW Guidelines that excluded it from the downward trend adjustments. This, in return, incorrectly set the High Variability override on the APH and set the Yield Limitation flags incorrectly. The System was updated for the Davis RO Logic for High Variability to correctly apply the override and yield limitation flags as expected when the APH database does not qualify for High Variability. |
132756 |
PRF: An issue was reported where CLU records were duplicated on certain PRF policies. Troubleshooting efforts traced the issue back to selection of intervals on the detail line. When a user deselects all existing intervals and selects new intervals, the System deletes the existing lines and creates new ones. As part of this process, the land ID records get copied. However, the System was coping the land ID records more than once, resulting in duplicate CLU records. The logic that deletes and re-creates the detail lines when PRF intervals are changed has been updated to no longer duplicate CLU records. |
133248 |
The Unit Structure Transaction Code, which is now a required field in the 2022+ RYs if any form of Enterprise Units apply, was added to the Add New Policy, Add New Coverage, and Maintain Coverage pages for Margin Protection Coverages in the 11.010 Release with TFS #128996. It was determined that the field should have been added to the View Coverage page as well. With this ticket, the Unit Structure Transaction Code has been added as a read-only field to the View Coverage page for Margin Protection Coverage for the 2022+ RYs. |
131331 |
WFRP: This ticket addressed the coverage functionality for Micro Farm (9110), including adding a new policy, viewing the coverage, maintaining the coverage, and implementing the View WFRP Policy page when the Commodity Code is "9110". About Micro Farm: Beginning in the 2022 RY, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has introduced a new pilot program—Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Micro Farm (9110). Prior to the 2022 RY, WFRP was only an Insurance Plan (76). For the 2022+ RYs, the WFRP Plan (76) will now have two Commodity Codes: WFRP (0076) and Micro Farm (9110). The AgWorks System currently has a robust WFRP platform. This platform includes all the necessary processing and reporting requirements that the RMA PASS platform demands. Coverage information can be keyed through the Add New MPCI Policy page to create new WFRP coverages. Since WFRP coverages cannot be combined with any other plans of insurance or other commodities, these policies only have one coverage. Once coverage information is keyed and the new WFRP is stood up, the Commodities tab is then available to key qualifying commodity lines. The Commodities tab has Commodity Name, Commodity Description, Method of Establishment, Yield, Unit of Measure, Expected Value, Quantity, % Produced to Sell, Share, and Cost Basis User Interface fields to calculate the Expected Revenue for each Commodity. The Income/Expenses tab for WFRP (the Farm Operation Report (FOR)) is a page for users to key Estimated/MPCI Liability, Allowable Revenue, Allowable Expenses, Index Opt Out, Expanded Operations, to indicate whether a schedule F is on File, FOR Signature Dates, Prior Approved Revenue, and Agent of Record information. The Farm Operation Report takes into consideration coverage options such as RS, RX, and RC to calculate a host of fields such as Average Revenue, Total Expected Revenue, and the Approved Expenses/Revenue figures. Micro Farm (9110) will integrate into the current WFRP processing platform. When Micro Farm is elected on the Add New MPCI Policy page, the System will create a stand-alone Micro Farm policy and coverage. The current Add New MPCI Policy page logic will correctly pull "Micro Farm" into the "Crop Name" single-select drop-down according to the InsuranceOffer ADM table. |
133097 |